the chinese nightingale and other poems-第4部分
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They value not your rainbow dress:
Niagara; Niagara。
The shaggy meaning of her name
This Buffalo; this recreant town;
Sharps and lawyers prune and tame:
Few pioneers in Buffalo;
Except young lovers flushed and fleet
And winds hallooing down the street:
〃Niagara; Niagara。〃
The journalists are sick of ink:
Boy prodigals are lost in wine;
By night where white and red lights blink;
The eyes of Death; in Buffalo。
And only twenty miles away
Are starlit rocks and healing spray:
Niagara; Niagara。
Above the town a tiny bird;
A shining speck at sleepy dawn;
Forgets the ant…hill so absurd;
This self…important Buffalo。
Descending twenty miles away
He bathes his wings at break of day
Niagara; Niagara。
What marching men of Buffalo
Flood the streets in rash crusade?
Fools…to…free…the…world; they go;
Primeval hearts from Buffalo。
Red cataracts of France today
Awake; three thousand miles away
An echo of Niagara;
The cataract Niagara。
Mark Twain and Joan of Arc
When Yankee soldiers reach the barricade
Then Joan of Arc gives each the accolade。
For she is there in armor clad; today;
All the young poets of the wide world say。
Which of our freemen did she greet the first;
Seeing him come against the fires accurst?
Mark Twain; our Chief; with neither smile nor jest;
Leading to war our youngest and our best。
The Yankee to King Arthur's court returns。
The sacred flag of Joan above him burns。
For she has called his soul from out the tomb。
And where she stands; there he will stand till doom。
。 。 。 。 。
But I; I can but mourn; and mourn again
At bloodshed caused by angels; saints; and men。
The Bankrupt Peace Maker
I opened the ink…well and smoke filled the room。
The smoke formed the giant frog…cat of my doom。
His web feet left dreadful slime tracks on the floor。
He had hammer and nails that he laid by the door。
He sprawled on the table; claw…hands in my hair。
He looked through my heart to the mud that was there。
Like a black…mailer hating his victim he spoke:
〃When I see all your squirming I laugh till I choke
Singing of peace。 Railing at battle。
Soothing a handful with saccharine prattle。
All the millions of earth have voted for fight。
You are voting for talk; with hands lily white。〃
He leaped to the floor; then grew seven feet high;
Beautiful; terrible; scorn in his eye:
The Devil Eternal; Apollo grown old;
With beard of bright silver and garments of gold。
〃What will you do to end war for good?
Will you stand by the book…case; be nailed to the wood?〃
I stretched out my arms。 He drove the nails deep;
Silently; coolly。 The house was asleep;
I hung for three years; forbidden to die。
I seemed but a shadow the servants passed by。
At the end of the time with hot irons he returned。
〃The Quitter Sublime〃 on my bosom he burned。
As he seared me he hissed: 〃You are wearing away。
The good angels tell me you leave them today。
You want to come down from the nails in the door。
The victor must hang there three hundred years more。
If any prig…saint would outvote all mankind
He must use an immortally resolute mind。
Think what the saints of Benares endure;
Through infinite birthpangs their courage is sure。
Self…tortured; self…ruled; they build their powers high;
Until they are gods; overmaster the sky。〃
Then he pulled out the nails。 He shouted 〃Come in。〃
To heal me there stepped in a lady of sin。
Her hand was in mine。 We walked in the sun。
She said: 〃Now forget them; the Saxon and Hun。
You are dreary and aged and silly and weak。
Let us smell the sweet groves。 Let the summertime speak。〃
We walked to the river。 We swam there in state。
I was a serpent。 She was my mate。
I forgot in the marsh; as I tumbled about;
That trial in my room; where I did not hold out。
Since I was a serpent; my mate seemed to me
As a mermaiden seems to a fisher at sea;
Or a whisky soaked girl to a whisky soaked king。
I woke。 She had turned to a ravening thing
On the table a buzzard with leperous head。
She tore up my rhymes and my drawings。 She said:
〃I am your own cheap bankrupt soul。
Will you die for the nations; making them whole?
We joy in the swamp and here we are gay。
〃This; My Song; Is Made for Kerensky〃
(Being a Chant of the American Soap…Box and the Russian Revolution。)
O market square; O slattern place;
Is glory in your slack disgrace?
Plump quack doctors sell their pills;
Gentle grafters sell brass watches;
Silly anarchists yell their ills。
Shall we be as weird as these?
In the breezes nod and wheeze?
Heaven's mass is sung;
Tomorrow's mass is sung
In a spirit tongue
By wind and dust and birds;
The high mass of liberty;
While wave the banners red:
Sung round the soap…box;
A mass for soldiers dead。
When you leave your faction in the once…loved hall;
Like a true American tongue…lash them all;
Stand then on the corner under starry skies
And get you a gang of the worn and the wise。
The soldiers of the Lord may be squeaky when they rally;
The soldiers of the Lord are a queer little army;
But the soldiers of the Lord; before the year is through;
Will gather the whole nation; recruit all creation;
To smite the hosts abhorred; and all the heavens renew
Enforcing with the bayonet the thing the ages teach
Free speech!
Free speech!
Down with the Prussians; and all their works。
Down with the Turks。
Down with every army that fights against the soap…box;
The Pericles; Socrates; Diogenes soap…box;
The old Elijah; Jeremiah; John…the…Baptist soap…box;
The Rousseau; Mirabeau; Danton soap…box;
The Karl Marx; Henry George; Woodrow Wilson soap…box。
We will make the wide earth safe for the soap…box;
The everlasting foe of beastliness and tyranny;
Platform of liberty: Magna Charta liberty;
Andrew Jackson liberty; bleeding Kansas liberty;
New…born Russian liberty:
Battleship of thought;
The round world over;
Loved by the red…hearted;
Loved by the broken…hearted;
Fair young Amazon or proud tough rover;
Loved by the lion;
Loved by the lion;
Loved by the lion;
Feared by the fox。
The Russian Revolution is the world revolution。
Death at the bedstead of every Kaiser knocks。
The Hohenzollern army shall be felled like the ox。
The fatal hour is striking in all the doomsday clocks。
The while; by freedom's alchemy
Beauty is born。
Ring every sleigh…bell; ring every church bell;
Blow the clear trumpet; and listen for the answer:
The blast from the sky of the Gabriel horn。
Hail the Russian picture around the little box:
Troops in files;
Generals in uniform;
Mujiks in their smocks;
And holy maiden soldiers who have cut away their locks。
All the peoples and the nations in processions mad and great;
Are rolling through the Russian Soul as through a city gate:
As though it were a street of stars that paves the shadowy deep。
And mighty Tolstoi leads the van along the stairway steep。
But now the people shout:
〃Hail to Kerensky;
He hurled the tyrants out。〃
And this my song is made for Kerensky;
Prophet of the world…wide intolerable hope;
There on the soap…box; seasoned; dauntless;
There amid the Russian celestial kaleidoscope;
Flags of liberty; rags and battlesmoke。
Moscow and Chicago!
Come let us praise battling Kerensky;
Bravo! Bravo!
Comrade Kerensky the thunderstorm and rainbow!
Comrade Kerensky; Bravo; Bravo!
August; 1917。
Fourth Section
Tragedies; Comedies; and Dreams
Our Guardian Angels and Their Children
Where a river roars in rapids
And doves in maples fret;
Where peace has decked the pastures
Our guardian angels met。
Long they had sought each other
In God's mysterious name;
Had climbed the solemn chaos tides
Alone; with hope aflame:
Amid the demon deeps had wound
By many a fearful way。
As they beheld each other
Their shout made glad the day。
No need of purse delayed them;
No hand of friend or kin
Nor menace of the bell and book;
Nor fear of mortal sin。
You did not speak; my girl;
At this; our parting hour。
Long we held each other
And watched their deeds of power。
They made a curious Eden。
We saw that it was good。
We thought with them in unison。
We proudly understood
Their amaranth eternal;
Their roses strange and fair;
The asphodels they scattered
Upon the living air。
They built a house of clouds
With skilled immortal hands。
They entered through the silver doors。
Their wings were wedded brands。
I labored up the valley
To granite mountains free。
You hurried down the river
To Zidon by the sea。
But at their place of meeting
They keep a home and shrine。
Your angel twists a purple flax;
Then weaves a mantle fine。
My angel; her defender
Upstanding; spreads the light
On painted clouds of fancy
And mists that touch the height。
Their sturdy babes speak kindly
And fly and run with joy;
Shepherding the helpless lambs
A Grecian girl and boy。
These children visit Heaven
Each year and make of worth
All we planned and wrought in youth
And all our tears on earth。
From books our God has written
They sing of high desire。
They turn the leaves in gentleness。
Their wings are folded fire。
Epitaphs for Two Players
I。 Edwin Booth
An old actor at the Player's Club told me that Edwin Booth
first impersonated Hamlet when a barnstormer in California。
There were few theatres; but the hotels were pro