troilus and criseyde-第17部分
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Now help; and eek Diane; I thee biseke
That this viage be not to thee looth。
O fatal sustren; which; er any clooth
Me shapen was; my destene me sponne;
So helpeth to this werk that is bi…gonne!' 735
Quod Pandarus; ‘Thou wrecched mouses herte;
Art thou agast so that she wol thee byte?
Why; don this furred cloke up…on thy sherte;
And folowe me; for I wol have the wyte;
But byd; and lat me go bifore a lyte。' 740
And with that word he gan un…do a trappe;
And Troilus he broughte in by the lappe。
The sterne wind so loude gan to route
That no wight other noyse mighte here;
And they that layen at the dore with…oute; 745
Ful sykerly they slepten alle y…fere;
And Pandarus; with a ful sobre chere;
Goth to the dore anon with…outen lette;
Ther…as they laye; and softely it shette。
And as he com ayeinward prively; 750
His nece awook; and asked; ‘Who goth there?'
‘My dere nece;' quod he; ‘it am I;
Ne wondreth not; ne have of it no fere;'
And ner he com; and seyde hir in hir ere;
‘No word; for love of god I yow biseche; 755
Lat no wight ryse and heren of oure speche。'
‘What! Which wey be ye comen; benedicite?'
Quod she; ‘And how thus unwist of hem alle?'
‘Here at this secre trappe…dore;' quod he。
Quod tho Criseyde; ‘Lat me som wight calle。' 760
‘Ey! God forbede that it sholde falle;'
Quod Pandarus; ‘that ye swich foly wroughte!
They mighte deme thing they never er thoughte!
‘It is nought good a sleping hound to wake;
Ne yeve a wight a cause to devyne; 765
Your wommen slepen alle; I under…take;
So that; for hem; the hous men mighte myne;
And slepen wolen til the sonne shyne。
And whan my tale al brought is to an ende;
Unwist; right as I com; so wol I wende。 770
‘Now; nece myn; ye shul wel understonde;'
Quod he; ‘so as ye wommen demen alle;
That for to holde in love a man in honde;
And him hir 〃leef〃 and 〃dere herte〃 calle;
And maken him an howve above a calle; 775
I mene; as love an other in this whyle;
She doth hir…self a shame; and him a gyle。
‘Now wherby that I telle yow al this?
Ye woot your…self; as wel as any wight;
How that your love al fully graunted is 780
To Troilus; the worthieste knight;
Oon of this world; and ther…to trouthe plyght;
That; but it were on him along; ye nolde
Him never falsen; whyle ye liven sholde。
‘Now stant it thus; that sith I fro yow wente; 785
This Troilus; right platly for to seyn;
Is thurgh a goter; by a prive wente;
In…to my chaumbre come in al this reyn;
Unwist of every maner wight; certeyn;
Save of my…self; as wisly have I Ioye; 790
And by that feith I shal Pryam of Troye!
‘And he is come in swich peyne and distresse
That; but he be al fully wood by this;
He sodeynly mot falle in…to wodnesse;
But…if god helpe; and cause why this is; 795
He seyth him told is; of a freend of his;
How that ye sholde love oon that hatte Horaste;
For sorwe of which this night shalt been his laste。'
Criseyde; which that al this wonder herde;
Gan sodeynly aboute hir herte colde; 800
And with a syk she sorwfully answerde;
‘Allas! I wende; who…so tales tolde;
My dere herte wolde me not holde
So lightly fals! Allas! Conceytes wronge;
What harm they doon; for now live I to longe! 805
‘Horaste! Allas! And falsen Troilus?
I knowe him not; god helpe me so;' quod she;
‘Allas! What wikked spirit tolde him thus?
Now certes; eem; to…morwe; and I him see;
I shal ther…of as ful excusen me 810
As ever dide womman; if him lyke';
And with that word she gan ful sore syke。
‘O god!' quod she; ‘So worldly selinesse;
Which clerkes callen fals felicitee;
Y…medled is with many a bitternesse! 815
Ful anguisshous than is; god woot;' quod she;
‘Condicioun of veyn prosperitee;
For either Ioyes comen nought y…fere;
Or elles no wight hath hem alwey here。
‘O brotel wele of mannes Ioye unstable! 820
With what wight so thou be; or how thou pleye;
Either he woot that thou; Ioye; art muable;
Or woot it not; it moot ben oon of tweye;
Now if he woot it not; how may he seye
That he hath verray Ioye and selinesse; 825
That is of ignoraunce ay in derknesse?
‘Now if he woot that Ioye is transitorie;
As every Ioye of worldly thing mot flee;
Than every tyme he that hath in memorie;
The drede of lesing maketh him that he 830
May in no perfit selinesse be。
And if to lese his Ioye he set a myte;
Than semeth it that Ioye is worth ful lyte。
‘Wherfore I wol deffyne in this matere;
That trewely; for ought I can espye; 835
Ther is no verray wele in this world here。
But O; thou wikked serpent; Ialousye;
Thou misbeleved and envious folye;
Why hastow Troilus me mad untriste;
That never yet agilte him; that I wiste?' 840
Quod Pandarus; ‘Thus fallen is this cas。'
‘Why; uncle myn;' quod she; ‘who tolde him this?
Why doth my dere herte thus; allas?'
‘Ye woot; ye nece myn;' quod he; ‘what is;
I hope al shal be wel that is amis; 845
For ye may quenche al this; if that yow leste;
And doth right so; for I holde it the beste。'
‘So shal I do to…morwe; y…wis;' quod she;
‘And god to…forn; so that it shal suffyse。'
‘To…morwe? Allas; that were a fair!' quod he; 850
‘Nay; nay; it may not stonden in this wyse;
For; nece myn; thus wryten clerkes wyse;
That peril is with drecching in y…drawe;
Nay; swich abodes been nought worth an hawe。
‘Nece; al thing hath tyme; I dar avowe; 855
For whan a chaumber a…fyr is; or an halle;
Wel more nede is; it sodeynly rescowe
Than to dispute; and axe amonges alle
How is this candele in the straw y…falle?
A! Benedicite! For al among that fare 860
The harm is doon; and fare…wel feldefare!
‘And; nece myn; ne take it not a…greef;
If that ye suffre him al night in this wo;
God help me so; ye hadde him never leef;
That dar I seyn; now there is but we two; 865
But wel I woot; that ye wol not do so;
Ye been to wys to do so gret folye;
To putte his lyf al night in Iupertye。
‘Hadde I him never leef? By god; I wene
Ye hadde never thing so leef;' quod she。 870
‘Now by my thrift;' quod he; ‘that shal be sene;
For; sin ye make this ensample of me;
If I al night wolde him in sorwe see
For al the tresour in the toun of Troye;
I bidde god; I never mote have Ioye! 875
‘Now loke thanne; if ye; that been his love;
Shul putte al night his lyf in Iupartye
For thing of nought! Now; by that god above;
Nought only this delay comth of folye;
But of malyce; if that I shal nought lye。 880
What; platly; and ye suffre him in distresse;
Ye neither bountee doon ne gentilesse!'
Quod tho Criseyde; ‘Wole ye doon o thing;
And ye therwith shal stinte al his disese?
Have here; and bereth him this blewe ringe; 885
For ther is no…thing mighte him bettre plese;
Save I my…self; ne more his herte apese;
And sey my dere herte; that his sorwe
Is causeles; that shal be seen to…morwe。'
‘A ring?' quod he; ‘Ye; hasel…wodes shaken! 890
Ye nece myn; that ring moste han a stoon
That mighte dede men alyve maken;
And swich a ring trowe I that ye have noon。
Discrecioun out of your heed is goon;
That fele I now;' quod he; ‘and that is routhe; 895
O tyme y…lost; wel maystow cursen slouthe!
‘Wot ye not wel that noble and heigh corage
Ne sorweth not; ne stinteth eek for lyte?
But if a fool were in a Ialous rage;
I nolde setten at his sorwe a myte; 900
But feffe him with a fewe wordes whyte
Another day; whan that I mighte him finde;
But this thing stant al in another kinde。
‘This is so gentil and so tendre of herte;
That with his deeth he wol his sorwes wreke; 905
For trusteth wel; how sore that him smerte;
He wol to yow no Ialouse wordes speke。
And for…thy; nece; er that his herte breke;
So spek your…self to him of this matere;
For with o word ye may his herte stere。 910
‘Now have I told what peril he is inne;
And his coming unwist is to every wight;
Ne; pardee; harm may ther be noon; ne sinne;
I wol my…self be with yow al this night。
Ye knowe eek how it is your owne knight; 915
And that; by right; ye moste upon him triste;
And I al prest to fecche him whan yow liste。'
This accident so pitous was to here;
And eek so lyk a sooth; at pryme face;
And Troilus hir knight to hir so dere; 920
His prive coming; and the siker place;
That; though that she dide him as thanne a grace;
Considered alle thinges as they stode;
No wonder is; sin she dide al for gode。
Cryseyde answerde; ‘As wisly god at reste 925
My sowle bringe; as me is for him wo!
And eem; y…wis; fayn wolde I doon the beste;
If that I hadde grace to do so。
But whether that ye dwelle or for him go;
I am; til god me bettre minde sende; 930
At dulcarnon; right at my wittes ende。'
Quod Pandarus; ‘Ye; nece; wol ye here?
Dulcarnon called is 〃fleminge of wrecches〃;
It semeth hard; for wrecches wol not lere
For verray slouthe or othere wilful tecches; 935
This seyd by hem that be not worth two fecches。
But ye ben wys; and that we han on honde
Nis neither hard; ne skilful to withstonde。'
‘Thanne; eem;' quod she; ‘doth her…of as yow list;
But er he come; I wil up first aryse; 940
And; for the love of god; sin al my trist
Is on yow two; and ye ben bothe wyse;
So wircheth now in so discreet a wyse;
That I honour may have; and he plesaunce;
For I am here al in your governaunce。' 945
‘That is wel seyd;' quod he; ‘my nece dere'
Ther good thrift on that wyse gentil herte!
But liggeth stille; and taketh him right here;
It nedeth not no ferther for him sterte;
And ech of yow ese otheres sorwes smerte; 950
For love of god; and; Venus; I the herie;
For sone hope I we shulle ben alle merie。'
This Troilus ful sone on knees him sette
Ful sobrely; right be hir beddes heed;
And in his beste wyse his lady grette; 955
But lord; so she wex sodeynliche reed!
Ne; though men sholden