troilus and criseyde-第25部分
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With…outen word; alwey on him she thoughte。 700
Thise wommen; that thus wenden hir to plese;
Aboute nought gonne alle hir tales spende;
Swich vanitee ne can don hir non ese;
As she that; al this mene whyle。 brende
Of other passioun than that they wende; 705
So that she felte almost hir herte deye
For wo; and wery of that companye。
For which no lenger mighte she restreyne
Hir teres; so they gonnen up to welle;
That yaven signes of the bitter peyne 710
In whiche hir spirit was; and moste dwelle;
Remembring hir; fro heven unto which helle
She fallen was; sith she forgoth the sighte
Of Troilus; and sorowfully she sighte。
And thilke foles sittinge hir aboute 715
Wenden; that she wepte and syked sore
By…cause that she sholde out of that route
Departe; and never pleye with hem more。
And they that hadde y…knowen hir of yore
Seye hir so wepe; and thoughte it kindenesse; 720
And eche of hem wepte eek for hir destresse;
And bisily they gonnen hir conforten
Of thing; god wot; on which she litel thoughte;
And with hir tales wenden hir disporten;
And to be glad they often hir bisoughte。 725
But swich an ese ther…with they hir wroughte
Right as a man is esed for to fele;
For ache of heed; to clawen him on his hele!
But after al this nyce vanitee
They took hir leve; and hoom they wenten alle。 730
Criseyde; ful of sorweful pitee;
In…to hir chaumbre up wente out of the halle;
And on hir bed she gan for deed to falle;
In purpos never thennes for to ryse;
And thus she wroughte; as I shal yow devyse。 735
Hir ounded heer; that sonnish was of hewe;
She rente; and eek hir fingres longe and smale
She wrong ful ofte; and bad god on hir rewe;
And with the deeth to doon bote on hir bale。
Hir hewe; whylom bright; that tho was pale; 740
Bar witnes of hir wo and hir constreynte;
And thus she spak; sobbinge; in hir compleynte:
‘Alas!' quod she; ‘out of this regioun
I; woful wrecche and infortuned wight;
And born in corsed constellacioun; 745
Mot goon; and thus departen fro my knight;
Wo worth; allas! That ilke dayes light
On which I saw him first with eyen tweyne;
That causeth me; and I him; al this peyne!'
Therwith the teres from hir eyen two 750
Doun fille; as shour in Aperill ful swythe;
Hir whyte brest she bet; and for the wo
After the deeth she cryed a thousand sythe;
Sin he that wont hir wo was for to lythe;
She mot for…goon; for which disaventure 755
She held hir…self a forlost creature。
She seyde; ‘How shal he doon; and I also?
How sholde I live; if that I from him twinne?
O dere herte eek; that I love so;
Who shal that sorwe sleen that ye ben inne? 760
O Calkas; fader; thyn be al this sinne!
O moder myn; that cleped were Argyve;
Wo worth that day that thou me bere on lyve!
‘To what fyn sholde I live and sorwen thus?
How sholde a fish with…oute water dure? 765
What is Criseyde worth; from Troilus?
How sholde a plaunte or lyves creature
Live; with…oute his kinde noriture?
For which ful oft a by…word here I seye;
That 〃rotelees; mot grene sone deye。〃 770
‘I shal don thus; sin neither swerd ne darte
Dar I non handle; for the crueltee;
That ilke day that I from yow departe;
If sorwe of that nil not my bane be;
Than shal no mete or drinke come in me 775
Til I my soule out of my breste unshethe;
And thus my…selven wol I do to dethe。
‘And; Troilus; my clothes everichoon
Shul blake been; in tokeninge; herte swete;
That I am as out of this world agoon; 780
That wont was yow to setten in quiete;
And of myn ordre; ay til deeth me mete;
The observaunce ever; in your absence;
Shal sorwe been; compleynte; and abstinence。
‘Myn herte and eek the woful goost ther…inne 785
Biquethe I; with your spirit to compleyne
Eternally; for they shal never twinne。
For though in erthe y…twinned be we tweyne;
Yet in the feld of pitee; out of peyne;
That hight Elysos; shul we been y…fere; 790
As Orpheus and Erudice; his fere。
‘Thus; herte myn; for Antenor; allas!
I sone shal be chaunged; as I wene。
But how shul ye don in this sorwful cas;
How shal youre tendre herte this sustene? 795
But herte myn; for…yet this sorwe and tene;
And me also; for; soothly for to seye;
So ye wel fare; I recche not to deye。'
How mighte it ever y…red ben or y…songe;
The pleynte that she made in hir distresse? 800
I noot; but; as for me; my litel tonge;
If I discreven wolde hir hevinesse;
It sholde make hir sorwe seme lesse
Than that it was; and childishly deface
Hir heigh compleynte; and therfore I it pace。 805
Pandare; which that sent from Troilus
Was to Criseyde; as ye han herd devyse;
That for the beste it was accorded thus;
And he ful glad to doon him that servyse;
Un…to Criseyde; in a ful secree wyse; 810
Ther…as she lay in torment and in rage;
Com hir to telle al hoolly his message;
And fond that she hir…selven gan to trete
Ful pitously; for with hir salte teres
Hir brest; hir face; y…bathed was ful wete; 815
The mighty tresses of hir sonnish heres;
Unbroyden; hangen al aboute hir eres;
Which yaf him verray signal of martyre
Of deeth; which that hir herte gan desyre。
Whan she him saw; she gan for sorwe anoon 820
Hir tery face a…twixe hir armes hide;
For which this Pandare is so wo bi…goon;
That in the hous he mighte unnethe abyde;
As he that pitee felte on every syde。
For if Criseyde hadde erst compleyned sore; 825
Tho gan she pleyne a thousand tymes more。
And in hir aspre pleynte than she seyde;
‘Pandare first of Ioyes mo than two
Was cause causinge un…to me; Criseyde;
That now transmuwed been in cruel wo。 830
Wher shal I seye to yow 〃wel come〃 or no;
That alderfirst me broughte in…to servyse
Of love; allas! That endeth in swich wyse?
‘Endeth than love in wo? Ye; or men lyeth!
And alle worldly blisse; as thinketh me。 835
The ende of blisse ay sorwe it occupyeth;
And who…so troweth not that it so be;
Lat him upon me; woful wrecche; y…see;
That my…self hate; and ay my birthe acorse;
Felinge alwey; fro wikke I go to worse。 840
‘Who…so me seeth; he seeth sorwe al at ones;
Peyne; torment; pleynte; wo; distresse。
Out of my woful body harm ther noon is;
As anguish; langour; cruel bitternesse;
A…noy; smert; drede; fury; and eek siknesse。 845
I trowe; y…wis; from hevene teres reyne;
For pitee of myn aspre and cruel peyne! '
‘And thou; my suster; ful of discomfort;'
Quod Pandarus; ‘what thenkestow to do?
Why ne hastow to thy…selven som resport; 850
Why woltow thus thy…selve; allas; for…do?
Leef al this werk and tak now hede to
That I shal seyn; and herkne; of good entente;
This; which by me thy Troilus thee sente。'
Torned hir tho Criseyde; a wo makinge 855
So greet that it a deeth was for to see:
‘Allas!' quod she; ‘what wordes may ye bringe?
What wol my dere herte seyn to me;
Which that I drede never…mo to see?
Wol he have pleynte or teres; er I wende? 860
I have y…nowe; if he ther…after sende!'
She was right swich to seen in hir visage
As is that wight that men on bere binde;
Hir face; lyk of Paradys the image;
Was al y…chaunged in another kinde。 865
The pleye; the laughtre men was wont to finde
On hir; and eek hir Ioyes everychone;
Ben fled; and thus lyth now Criseyde allone。
Aboute hir eyen two a purpre ring
Bi…trent; in sothfast tokninge of hir peyne; 870
That to biholde it was a dedly thing;
For which Pandare mighte not restreyne
The teres from his eyen for to reyne。
But nathelees; as he best mighte; he seyde
From Troilus thise wordes to Criseyde。 875
‘Lo; nece; I trowe ye han herd al how
The king; with othere lordes; for the beste;
Hath mad eschaunge of Antenor and yow;
That cause is of this sorwe and this unreste。
But how this cas doth Troilus moleste; 880
That may non erthely mannes tonge seye;
For verray wo his wit is al aweye。
‘For which we han so sorwed; he and I;
That in…to litel bothe it hadde us slawe;
But thurgh my conseil this day; fynally; 885
He somwhat is fro weping now with…drawe。
And semeth me that he desyreth fawe
With yow to been al night; for to devyse
Remede in this; if ther were any wyse。
‘This; short and pleyne; theffect of my message; 890
As ferforth as my wit can comprehende。
For ye; that been of torment in swich rage;
May to no long prologe as now entende;
And her…upon ye may answere him sende。
And; for the love of god; my nece dere; 895
So leef this wo er Troilus be here。'
‘Gret is my wo;' quod she; and sighte sore;
As she that feleth dedly sharp distresse;
‘But yet to me his sorwe is muchel more;
That love him bet than he him…self; I gesse。 900
Allas! For me hath he swich hevinesse?
Can he for me so pitously compleyne?
Y…wis; his sorwe doubleth al my peyne。
‘Grevous to me; god wot; is for to twinne;'
Quod she; ‘but yet it hardere is to me 905
To seen that sorwe which that he is inne;
For wel wot I; it wol my bane be;
And deye I wol in certayn;' tho quod she;
‘But bidde him come; er deeth; that thus me threteth;
Dryve out that goost which in myn herte beteth。' 910
Thise wordes seyd; she on hir armes two
Fil gruf; and gan to wepe pitously。
Quod Pandarus; ‘Allas! Why do ye so;
Syn wel ye woot the tyme is faste by;
That he shal come? Arys up hastely; 915
That he yow nat biwopen thus ne finde;
But ye wol have him wood out of his minde!
‘For wiste he that ye ferde in this manere;
He wolde him…selve slee; and if I wende
To han this fare; he sholde not come here 920
For al the good that Pryam may despende。
For to what fyn he wolde anoon pretende;
That knowe I wel; and for…thy yet I seye;
So leef this sorwe; or platly he wol deye。
‘And shapeth yow his sorwe for to abregge; 925
And nought encresse; leve nece swete;
Beth rather to him cause of flat than