troilus and criseyde-第34部分
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The morwe com; and goostly for to speke; 1030
This Diomede is come un…to Criseyde;
And shortly; lest that ye my tale breke;
So wel he for him…selve spak and seyde;
That alle hir sykes sore adoun he leyde。
And fynally; the sothe for to seyne; 1035
He refte hir of the grete of al hir peyne。
And after this the story telleth us;
That she him yaf the faire baye stede;
The which he ones wan of Troilus;
And eek a broche (and that was litel nede) 1040
That Troilus was; she yaf this Diomede。
And eek; the bet from sorwe him to releve;
She made him were a pencel of hir sleve。
I finde eek in stories elles…where;
Whan through the body hurt was Diomede 1045
Of Troilus; tho weep she many a tere;
Whan that she saugh his wyde woundes blede;
And that she took to kepen him good hede;
And for to hele him of his sorwes smerte。
Men seyn; I not; that she yaf him hir herte。 1050
But trewely; the story telleth us;
Ther made never womman more wo
Than she; whan that she falsed Troilus。
She seyde; ‘Allas! For now is clene a…go
My name of trouthe in love; for ever…mo! 1055
For I have falsed oon; the gentileste
That ever was; and oon the worthieste!
‘Allas; of me; un…to the worldes ende;
Shal neither been y…writen nor y…songe
No good word; for thise bokes wol me shende。 1060
O; rolled shal I been on many a tonge;
Through…out the world my belle shal be ronge;
And wommen most wol hate me of alle。
Allas; that swich a cas me sholde falle!
‘They wol seyn; in as muche as in me is; 1065
I have hem don dishonour; weylawey!
Al be I not the first that dide amis;
What helpeth that to do my blame awey?
But sin I see there is no bettre way;
And that to late is now for me to rewe; 1070
To Diomede algate I wol be trewe。
‘But Troilus; sin I no better may;
And sin that thus departen ye and I;
Yet preye I god; so yeve yow right good day
As for the gentileste; trewely; 1075
That ever I say; to serven feithfully;
And best can ay his lady honour kepe:'
And with that word she brast anon to wepe。
‘And certes yow ne haten shal I never;
And freendes love; that shal ye han of me; 1080
And my good word; al mighte I liven ever。
And; trewely; I wolde sory be
For to seen yow in adversitee。
And giltelees; I woot wel; I yow leve;
But al shal passe; and thus take I my leve。' 1085
But trewely; how longe it was bitwene;
That she for…sook him for this Diomede;
Ther is non auctor telleth it; I wene。
Take every man now to his bokes hede;
He shal no terme finden; out of drede。 1090
For though that he bigan to wowe hir sone;
Er he hir wan; yet was ther more to done。
Ne me ne list this sely womman chyde
Ferther than the story wol devyse。
Hir name; allas! Is publisshed so wyde; 1095
That for hir gilt it oughte y…noe suffyse。
And if I mighte excuse hir any wyse;
For she so sory was for hir untrouthe;
Y…wis; I wolde excuse hir yet for routhe。
This Troilus; as I biforn have told; 1100
Thus dryveth forth; as wel as he hath might。
But often was his herte hoot and cold;
And namely; that ilke nynthe night;
Which on the morwe she hadde him byhight
To come ayein: god wot; ful litel reste 1105
Hadde he that night; no…thing to slepe him leste。
The laurer…crouned Phebus; with his hete;
Gan; in his course ay upward as he wente;
To warmen of the est see the wawes wete;
And Nisus doughter song with fresh entente; 1110
Whan Troilus his Pandare after sente;
And on the walles of the toun they pleyde;
To loke if they can seen ought of Criseyde。
Til it was noon; they stoden for to see
Who that ther come; and every maner wight; 1115
That cam fro fer; they seyden it was she;
Til that they coude knowen him a…right。
Now was his herte dul; now was it light;
And thus by…iaped stonden for to stare
Aboute nought; this Troilus and Pandare。 1120
To Pandarus this Troilus tho seyde;
‘For ought I wot; bi…for noon; sikerly;
In…to this toun ne comth nought here Criseyde。
She hath y…now to done; hardily;
To winnen from hir fader; so trowe I; 1125
Hir olde fader wol yet make hir dyne
Er that she go; god yeve his herte pyne!'
Pandare answerde; ‘It may wel be; certeyn;
And for…thy lat us dyne; I thee biseche;
And after noon than maystw thou come ayeyn。' 1130
And hoom they go; with…oute more speche;
And comen ayein; but longe may they seche
Er that they finde that they after cape;
Fortune hem bothe thenketh for to Iape。
Quod Troilus; ‘I see wel now; that she 1135
Is taried with hir olde fader so;
That er she come; it wole neigh even be。
Com forth; I wol un…to the yate go。
Thise portours been unkonninge ever…mo;
And I wol doon hem holden up the yate 1140
As nought ne were; al…though she come late。'
The day goth faste; and after that comth eve;
And yet com nought to Troilus Criseyde。
He loketh forth by hegge; by tree; by greve;
And fer his heed over the wal he leyde。 1145
And at the laste he torned him; and seyde。
‘By god; I woot hir mening now; Pandare!
Al…most; y…wis; al newe was my care。
‘Now douteles; this lady can hir good;
I woot; she meneth ryden prively。 1150
I comende hir wysdom; by myn hood!
She wol not maken peple nycely
Gaure on hir; whan she comth; but softely
By nighte in…to the toun she thenketh ryde。
And; dere brother; thenk not longe to abyde。 1155
‘We han nought elles for to don; y…wis。
And Pandarus; now woltow trowen me?
Have here my trouthe; I see hir! Yond she is。
Heve up thyn eyen; man! Maystow not see?'
Pandare answerde; ‘Nay; so mote I thee! 1160
Al wrong; by god; what seystow; man; wher art?
That I see yond nis but a fare…cart。'
‘Allas; thou seist right sooth;' quod Troilus;
‘But; hardely; it is not al for nought
That in myn herte I now reioyse thus。 1165
It is ayein som good I have a thought。
Noot I not how; but sin that I was wrought;
Ne felte I swich a confort; dar I seye;
She comth to…night; my lyf; that dorste I leye!'
Pandare answerde; ‘It may be wel; y…nough'; 1170
And held with him of al that ever he seyde;
But in his herte he thoughte; and softe lough;
And to him…self ful sobrely he seyde:
‘From hasel…wode; ther Ioly Robin pleyde;
Shal come al that thou abydest here; 1175
Ye; fare…wel al the snow of ferne yere!'
The wardein of the yates gan to calle
The folk which that with…oute the yates were;
And bad hem dryven in hir bestes alle;
Or al the night they moste bleven there。 1180
And fer with…in the night; with many a tere;
This Troilus gan hoomward for to ryde;
For wel he seeth it helpeth nought tabyde。
But natheles; he gladded him in this;
He thoughte he misacounted hadde his day; 1185
And seyde; ‘I understonde have al a…mis。
For thilke night I last Criseyde say;
She seyde; 〃I shal ben here; if that I may;
Er that the mone; O dere herte swete!
The Lyon passe; out of this Ariete。〃 1190
‘For which she may yet holde al hir biheste。'
And on the morwe un…to the yate he wente;
And up and down; by west and eek by este;
Up…on the walles made he many a wente。
But al for nought; his hope alwey him blente; 1195
For which at night; in sorwe and sykes sore;
He wente him hoom; with…outen any more。
This hope al clene out of his herte fledde;
He nath wher…on now lenger for to honge;
But for the peyne him thoughte his herte bledde; 1200
So were his throwes sharpe and wonder stronge。
For when he saugh that she abood so longe;
He niste what he iuggen of it mighte;
Sin she hath broken that she him bihighte。
The thridde; ferthe; fifte; sixte day 1205
After tho dayes ten; of which I tolde;
Bitwixen hope and drede his herte lay;
Yet som…what trustinge on hir hestes olde。
But whan he saugh she nolde hir terme holde;
He can now seen non other remedye; 1210
But for to shape him sone for to dye。
Ther…with the wikked spirit; god us blesse;
Which that men clepeth wode Ialousye;
Gan in him crepe; in al this hevinesse;
For which; by…cause he wolde sone dye; 1215
He ne eet ne dronk; for his malencolye;
And eek from every companye he fledde;
This was the lyf that al the tyme he ledde。
He so defet was; that no maner man
Unneth mighte him knowe ther he wente; 1220
So was he lene; and ther…to pale and wan;
And feble; that he walketh by potente;
And with his ire he thus himselven shente。
But who…so axed him wher…of him smerte;
He seyde; his harm was al aboute his herte。 1225
Pryam ful ofte; and eek his moder dere;
His bretheren and his sustren gonne him freyne
Why he so sorwful was in al his chere;
And what thing was the cause of al his peyne?
But al for nought; he nolde his cause pleyne; 1230
But seyde; he felte a grevous maladye
A…boute his herte; and fayn he wolde dye。
So on a day he leyde him doun to slepe;
And so bifel that in his sleep him thoughte;
That in a forest faste he welk to wepe 1235
For love of hir that him these peynes wroughte;
And up and doun as he the forest soughte;
He mette he saugh a boor with tuskes grete;
That sleep ayein the brighte sonnes hete。
And by this boor; faste in his armes folde; 1240
Lay kissing ay his lady bright Criseyde:
For sorwe of which; whan he it gan biholde;
And for despyt; out of his slepe he breyde;
And loude he cryde on Pandarus; and seyde;
‘O Pandarus; now knowe I crop and rote! 1245
I nam but deed; ther nis non other bote!
‘My lady bright Criseyde hath me bitrayed;
In whom I trusted most of any wight;
She elles…where hath now hir herte apayed;
The blisful goddes; through hir grete might; 1250
Han in my dreem y…shewed it ful right。
Thus in my dreem Criseyde I have biholde'
And al this thing to Pandarus he tolde。
‘O my Criseyde; allas! What subtiltee。
What newe lust; what beautee; what science; 1255
What wratthe of iuste cause have ye to me?
What gilt of me; what fel ex