八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > a03 >



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the fate of your child that you saw;… the future of your own child。〃
Then the mother screamed aloud with terror; 〃Which of them belongs
to my child? Tell me that。 Deliver the unhappy child。 Release it
from so much misery。 Rather take it away。 Take it to the kingdom of
God。 Forget my tears and my entreaties; forget all that I have said or

〃I do not understand you;〃 said Death。 〃Will you have your child
back? or shall I carry him away to a place that you do not know?〃
Then the mother wrung her hands; fell on her knees; and prayed
to God; 〃Grant not my prayers; when they are contrary to Thy will;
which at all times must be the best。 Oh; hear them not;〃 and her
head sank on her bosom。

Then Death carried away her child to the unknown land。



Written By Anderson


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