八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the house behind the cedars(雪松后的房子) >


the house behind the cedars(雪松后的房子)-第33部分

小说: the house behind the cedars(雪松后的房子) 字数: 每页4000字

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son had gone away on this trip to South Carolina; he had kept no secrets 

from her: his heart had been an open book; of which she knew every page; 

now; some painful story was inscribed therein which he meant she should 

not   read。   If   she   could   have   abdicated   her   empire   to   Blanche   Leary   or 

have    shared    it  with  her;  she  would    have   yielded    gracefully;   but  very 

palpably   some   other   influence   than   Blanche's   had   driven   joy   from   her 

son's countenance and lightness from his heart。 

       Miss Blanche Leary; whom Tryon found in the house upon his return; 

was a demure; pretty little blonde; with an amiable disposition; a talent for 

society; and a pronounced fondness for George Tryon。                 A poor girl; of an 

excellent family impoverished by the war; she was distantly related to Mrs。 

Tryon; had for a long time enjoyed that lady's favor; and was her choice 

for George's wife when he should be old enough to marry。                 A woman less 

interested than Miss Leary would have perceived that there was something 

wrong with Tryon。         Miss Leary had no doubt that there was a woman at 

the bottom of it;for about what else should youth worry but love? or if 

one's love affairs run smoothly; why should one worry about anything at 

all?   Miss Leary; in the nineteen years of her mundane existence; had not 

been without mild experiences of the heart; and had hovered for some time 

on    the  verge    of  disappointment       with   respect   to  Tryon    himself。     A 

sensitive pride would have driven more than one woman away at the sight 

of the man of her preference sighing like a furnace for some absent fair 

one。    But Mrs。 Tryon was so cordial; and insisted so strenuously upon her 

remaining;   that   Blanche's   love;   which   was   strong;   conquered   her   pride; 

which was no more than a reasonable young woman ought to have who 

sets success above mere sentiment。           She remained in the house and bided 


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                          THE HOUSE BEHIND THE CEDARS 

her opportunity。      If George practically ignored her for a time; she did not 

throw herself at all in his way。        She went on a visit to some girls in the 

neighborhood       and   remained    away    a  week;   hoping    that  she   might   be 

missed。     Tryon   expressed   no   regret   at   her   departure   and   no   particular 

satisfaction upon her return。        If the house was duller in her absence; he 

was but dimly conscious of the difference。            He was still fighting a battle 

in which a susceptible heart and a reasonable mind had locked horns in a 

well…nigh     hopeless    conflict。    Reason;     common…sense;       the   instinctive 

ready…made judgments of his training and environment; the deep…seated 

prejudices of race and caste;commanded him to dismiss Rena from his 

thoughts。     His stubborn heart simply would not let go。 


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                           THE HOUSE BEHIND THE CEDARS 


                             A GILDED OPPORTUNITY 

       Although the   whole   fabric   of   Rena's new   life   toppled   and   fell   with 

her lover's defection; her sympathies; broadened by culture and still more 

by her recent emotional experience; did not shrink; as would have been the 

case with a more selfish soul; to the mere limits of her personal sorrow; 

great as this seemed at the moment。             She had learned to love; and when 

the   love   of  one   man    failed  her;  she   turned   to  humanity;     as  a  stream 

obstructed      in  its  course   overflows     the   adjacent    country。    Her     early 

training had not directed her thoughts to the darker people with whose fate 

her own was bound up so closely; but rather away from them。                      She had 

been taught to despise them because they were not so white as she was; 

and had been slaves while she was free。              Her life in her brother's home; 

by   removing   her   from   immediate   contact   with   them;   had   given   her   a 

different   point   of   view;one   which   emphasized   their   shortcomings;   and 

thereby made vastly clearer to her the gulf that separated them from the 

new   world   in   which   she   lived;   so   that   when   misfortune   threw   her   back 

upon them; the reaction brought her nearer than before。                Where once she 

had   seemed   able   to   escape   from   them;   they   were   now;   it   appeared;   her 

inalienable   race。     Thus   doubly  equipped;   she   was   able   to   view   them   at 

once with the mental eye of an outsider and the sympathy of a sister: she 

could     see   their   faults;   and   judge    them    charitably;     she   knew     and 

appreciated   their     good   qualities。   With     her   quickened    intelligence    she 

could perceive how great was their need and how small their opportunity; 

and with this illumination came the desire to contribute to their help。               She 

had   not   the   breadth   or   culture   to   see   in   all   its   ramifications   the   great 

problem      which    still  puzzles   statesmen    and   philosophers;     but  she   was 

conscious of the wish; and of the power; in a small way; to do something 

for the advancement of those who had just set their feet upon the ladder of 


     This new…born desire to be of service to her rediscovered people was 

not long without an opportunity for expression。              Yet the Fates willed that 

her future should be but another link in a connected chain: she was to be 


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                            THE HOUSE BEHIND THE CEDARS 

as powerless to put aside her recent past as she had been to escape from 

the influence of her earlier life。        There are sordid souls that eat and drink 

and breed and die; and imagine they have lived。               But Rena's life since her 

great awakening had been that of the emotions; and her temperament made 

of it a continuous life。       Her successive states of consciousness were not 

detachable; but united to form a single if not an entirely harmonious whole。 

To her sensitive spirit to…day was born of yesterday; to…morrow would be 

but the offspring of to day。 

     One day; along toward noon; her mother received a visit from Mary B。 

Pettifoot; a second cousin; who lived on Back Street; only a short distance 

from the house behind the cedars。            Rena had gone out; so that the visitor 

found Mis' Molly alone。 

     〃I   heared   you   say;   Cousin   Molly;〃   said   Mary   B。   (no   one   ever   knew 

what the B。 in Mary's name stood for;it was a mere ornamental flourish); 

〃that Rena was talkin' 'bout teachin' school。             I've got a good chance fer 

her;   ef   she   keers   ter   take   it。 My   cousin   Jeff   Wain   'rived   in   town   this 

mo'nin'; f'm 'way down in Sampson County; ter git a teacher fer the nigger 

school in his deestric'。      I s'pose he mought 'a' got one f'm 'roun' Newbern; 

er Goldsboro; er some er them places eas'; but he 'lowed he'd like to visit 

some er his kin an' ole frien's; an' so kill two birds with one stone。〃 

     〃I   seed   a   strange   mulatter   man;   with   a   bay   hoss   an'   a   new   buggy; 

drivin' by here this mo'nin' early; from down to'ds the river;〃 rejoined Mis' 

Molly。     〃I wonder if that wuz him?〃 

     〃Did he have on a linen duster?〃 asked Mary B。 

     〃Yas; an' 'peared to be a very well sot up man;〃 replied Mis' Molly; 〃 

'bout thirty…five years old; I should reckon。〃 

     〃That wuz him;〃 assented Mary B。               〃He's got a fine hoss an' buggy; 

an' a gol' watch an' chain; an' a big plantation; an' lots er hosses an' mules 

an' cows an' hawgs。         He raise' fifty bales er cotton las' year; an' he's be'n 

ter the legislatur'。〃 

     〃   My    gracious!〃    exclaimed      Mis'   Molly;    struck   with   awe    at  this 

catalogue of the stranger's possessions he was evidently worth more than 

a great many 〃rich〃 white people;all white people in North Carolina in 

those days were either 〃rich〃 or 〃poor;〃 the distinction being one of caste 


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                            THE HOUSE BEHIND THE CEDARS 

rather than of wealth。        〃Is he married?〃 she inquired with interest? 

     〃No;single。       You   mought   'low   it   was   quare   that   he   should   n'   be 

married at his age; but he was crossed in love oncet;〃Mary B。 heaved a 

self…conscious   sigh;〃an'   has   stayed   single   ever   sence。        That   wuz   ten 

years ago; but as some husban's is long…lived; an' there ain' no mo' chance 

fer 'im now   than there wuz   then; I reckon some nice gal   mought stan' a 

good show er ketchin' 'im; ef she'd play her kyards right。〃 

     To   Mis'   Molly   this   was   news   of   considerable   importance。       She   had 

not thought a great deal of Rena's plan to teach; she considered it lowering 

for Rena; after having been white; to go among the negroes any more than 

was     unavoidable。      This    opportunity;     however;     meant    more    than   mere 

employment for her daughter。            She had felt Rena's disappointment keenly; 

from the practical point of view; and; blaming herself for it; held herself all 

the more bound to retrieve the misfortune in any possible way。                   If she had 

not been sick;  Rena   would not have dreamed   the   fateful dream  that had 

brought her   to   Patesville;   for the   connection between   the  vision   and   the 

reality was even closer in Mis' Molly's eyes than in Rena's。   

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