desperate remedies-第42部分
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concluded that the old man had risen softly; as was his wont; and
gone out into the fields to start the labourers。 But neither of the
outer doors was unfastened。 He entered the front room; and found it
empty。 Then animated by a new idea; he went round to the little
back parlour; in which the few wrecks saved from the fire were
deposited; and looked in at the door。 Here; near the window; the
shutters of which had been opened half way; he saw his father
leaning on the bureau; his elbows resting on the flap; his body
nearly doubled; his hands clasping his forehead。 Beside him were
ghostly…looking square folds of parchmentthe leases of the houses
His father looked up when Edward entered; and wearily spoke to the
young man as his face came into the faint light。
'Edward; why did you get up so early?'
'I was uneasy; and could not sleep。'
The farmer turned again to the leases on the bureau; and seemed to
become lost in reflection。 In a minute or two; without lifting his
eyes; he said
'This is more than we can bear; Tedmore than we can bear! Ted;
this will kill me。 Not the loss onlythe sense of my neglect about
the insurance and everything。 Borrow I never will。 'Tis all misery
now。 God help usall misery now!'
Edward did not answer; continuing to look fixedly at the dreary
daylight outside。
'Ted;' the farmer went on; 'this upset of be…en burnt out o' home
makes me very nervous and doubtful about everything。 There's this
troubles me besidesour liven here with your cousin; and fillen up
her house。 It must be very awkward for her。 But she says she
doesn't mind。 Have you said anything to her lately about when you
are going to marry her?'
'Nothing at all lately。'
'Well; perhaps you may as well; now we are so mixed in together。
You know; no time has ever been mentioned to her at all; first or
last; and I think it right that now; since she has waited so
patiently and so longyou are almost called upon to say you are
ready。 It would simplify matters very much; if you were to walk up
to church wi' her one of these mornings; get the thing done; and go
on liven here as we are。 If you don't I must get a house all the
sooner。 It would lighten my mind; too; about the two little
freeholds over the hillnot a morsel a…piece; divided as they were
between her mother and me; but a tidy bit tied together again。 Just
think about it; will ye; Ted?'
He stopped from exhaustion produced by the intense concentration of
his mind upon the weary subject; and looked anxiously at his son。
'Yes; I will;' said Edward。
'But I am going to see her of the Great House this morning;' the
farmer went on; his thoughts reverting to the old subject。 'I must
know the rights of the matter; the when and the where。 I don't like
seeing her; but I'd rather talk to her than the steward。 I wonder
what she'll say to me。'
The younger man knew exactly what she would say。 If his father
asked her what he was to do; and when; she would simply refer him to
Manston: her character was not that of a woman who shrank from a
proposition she had once laid down。 If his father were to say to
her that his son had at last resolved to marry his cousin within the
year; and had given her a promise to that effect; she would say;
'Mr。 Springrove; the houses are burnt: we'll let them go: trouble
no more about them。'
His mind was already made up。 He said calmly; 'Father; when you are
talking to Miss Aldclyffe; mention to her that I have asked Adelaide
if she is willing to marry me next Christmas。 She is interested in
my union with Adelaide; and the news will be welcome to her。'
'And yet she can be iron with reference to me and her property;' the
farmer murmured。 'Very well; Ted; I'll tell her。'
Of the many contradictory particulars constituting a woman's heart;
two had shown their vigorous contrast in Cytherea's bosom just at
this time。
It was a dark morning; the morning after old Mr。 Springrove's visit
to Miss Aldclyffe; which had terminated as Edward had intended。
Having risen an hour earlier than was usual with her; Cytherea sat
at the window of an elegant little sitting…room on the ground floor;
which had been appropriated to her by the kindness or whim of Miss
Aldclyffe; that she might not be driven into that lady's presence
against her will。 She leant with her face on her hand; looking out
into the gloomy grey air。 A yellow glimmer from the flapping flame
of the newly…lit fire fluttered on one side of her face and neck
like a butterfly about to settle there; contrasting warmly with the
other side of the same fair face; which received from the window the
faint cold morning light; so weak that her shadow from the fire had
a distinct outline on the window…shutter in spite of it。 There the
shadow danced like a demon; blue and grim。
The contradiction alluded to was that in spite of the decisive mood
which two months earlier in the year had caused her to write a
peremptory and final letter to Edward; she was now hoping for some
answer other than the only possible one a man who; as she held; did
not love her wildly; could send to such a communication。 For a
lover who did love wildly; she had left one little loophole in her
otherwise straightforward epistle。 Why she expected the letter on
some morning of this particular week was; that hearing of his return
to Carriford; she fondly assumed that he meant to ask for an
interview before he left。 Hence it was; too; that for the last few
days; she had not been able to keep in bed later than the time of
the postman's arrival。
The clock pointed to half…past seven。 She saw the postman emerge
from beneath the bare boughs of the park trees; come through the
wicket; dive through the shrubbery; reappear on the lawn; stalk
across it without reference to pathsas country postmen doand
come to the porch。 She heard him fling the bag down on the seat;
and turn away towards the village; without hindering himself for a
single pace。
Then the butler opened the door; took up the bag; brought it in; and
carried it up the staircase to place it on the slab by Miss
Aldclyffe's dressing…room door。 The whole proceeding had been
depicted by sounds。
She had a presentiment that her letter was in the bag at last。 She
thought then in diminishing pulsations of confidence; 'He asks to
see me! Perhaps he asks to see me: I hope he asks to see me。'
A quarter to eight: Miss Aldclyffe's bellrather earlier than
usual。 'She must have heard the post…bag brought;' said the maiden;
as; tired of the chilly prospect outside; she turned to the fire;
and drew imaginative pictures of her future therein。
A tap came to the door; and the lady's…maid entered。
'Miss Aldclyffe is awake;' she said; 'and she asked if you were
moving yet; miss。'
'I'll run up to her;' said Cytherea; and flitted off with the
utterance of the words。 'Very fortunate this;' she thought; 'I
shall see what is in the bag this morning all the sooner。'
She took it up from the side table; went into Miss Aldclyffe's
bedroom; pulled up the blinds; and looked round upon the lady in
bed; calculating the minutes that must elapse before she looked at
her letters。
'Well; darling; how are you? I am glad you have come in to see me;'
said Miss Aldclyffe。 'You can unlock the bag this morning; child;
if you like;' she continued; yawning factitiously。
'Strange!' Cytherea thought; 'it seems as if she knew there was
likely to be a letter for me。'
From her bed Miss Aldclyffe watched the girl's face as she
tremblingly opened the post…bag and found there an envelope
addressed to her in Edward's handwriting; one he had written the day
before; after the decision he had come to on an impartial; and on
that account torturing; survey of his own; his father's; his cousin
Adelaide's; and what he believed to be Cytherea's; position。
The haughty mistress's soul sickened remorsefully within her when
she saw suddenly appear upon the speaking countenance of the young
lady before her a wan desolate look of agony。
The master…sentences of Edward's letter were these: 'You speak
truly。 That we never meet again is the wisest and only proper
course。 That I regret the past as much as you do yourself; it is
hardly necessary for me to say。'
Week after week; month after month; the time had flown by。
Christmas had passed; dreary winter with dark evenings had given
place to more dreary winter with light evenings。 Thaws had ended in
rain; rain in wind; wind in dust。 Showery days had comethe period
of pink dawns and white sunsets; with the third week in April the
cuckoo had appeared; with the fourth; the nightingale。
Edward Springrove was in London; attending to the duties of his new
office; and it had become known throughout the neighbourhood of
Carriford that the engagement between himself and Miss Adelaide
Hinton would terminate in marriage at the end of the year。
The only occasion on which her lover of the idle delicious days at
Budmouth watering…place had been seen by Cytherea after the time of
the decisive correspondence; was once in church; when he sat in
front of her; and beside Miss Hinton。
The rencounter was quite an accident。 Springrove had come there in
the full belief that Cytherea was away from home with Miss
Aldclyffe; and he continued ignorant of her presence throughout the
It is at such moments as these; when a sensitive nature writhes
under the conception that its most cherished emotions have been
treated with contumely; that the sphere…descended Maid; Music;
friend of Pleasure at other times; becomes a positive enemy
racking; bewildering; unrelenting。 The congregation sang the first
Psalm and came to the verse
'Like some fair tree which; fed by streams;
With timely fruit doth bend;
He still shall flourish; and success
All his designs attend。'
Cytherea's lips did not move; nor did any sound escape her; but
could she help singing the words in the depths of her being;
although the man to whom she applied them sat at her rival's side?
Perhaps the moral compensation f