八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > more2-5 >



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      the most ancient; for there go always four to a mess。 If there is 

      a temple within that syphogranty; the priest and his wife sit with 

      the syphogrant above all the rest: next them there is a mixture of 

      old and young; who are so placed; that as the young are set near 

      others; so they are mixed with the more ancient; which they say 

      was appointed on this account; that the gravity of the old people; 

      and the reverence that is due to them; might restrain the younger 

      from all indecent words and gestures。 Dishes are not served up to 

      the whole table at first; but the best are first set before the 

      old; whose seats are distinguished from the young; and after them 

      all the rest are served alike。 The old men distribute to the 

      younger any curious meats that happen to be set before them; if 

      there is not such an abundance of them that the whole company may 

      be served alike。

      Thus old men are honored with a particular respect; yet all the 

      rest fare as well as they。 Both dinner and supper are begun with 

      some lecture of morality that is read to them; but it is so short; 

      that it is not tedious nor uneasy to them to hear it: from hence 

      the old men take occasion to entertain those about them with some 

      useful and pleasant enlargements; but they do not engross the 

      whole discourse so to themselves; during their meals; that the 

      younger may not put in for a share: on the contrary; they engage 

      them to talk; that so they may in that free way of conversation 

      find out the force of everyone's spirit and observe his temper。 

      They despatch their dinners quickly; but sit long at supper; 

      because they go to work after the one; and are to sleep after the 

      other; during which they think the stomach carries on the 

      concoction more vigorously。 They never sup without music; and 

      there is always fruit served up after meat; while they are at 

      table; some burn perfumes and sprinkle about fragrant ointments 

      and sweet waters: in short; they want nothing that may cheer up 

      their spirits: they give themselves a large allowance that way; 

      and indulge themselves in all such pleasures as are attended with 

      no inconvenience。 Thus do those that are in the towns live 

      together; but in the country; where they live at great distance; 

      everyone eats at home; and no family wants any necessary sort of 

      provision; for it is from them that provisions are sent unto those 

      that live in the towns。

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