八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the story of an african farm >


the story of an african farm-第52部分

小说: the story of an african farm 字数: 每页4000字

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of the houses; and the little street was silent and deserted。  Now and then

a gust of wind eddying round caught up the dried leaves; whirled them

hither and thither under the trees; and dropped them again into the gutter;

then all was quiet。  She lay looking out。

Presently the bell of the church began to toll; and up the village street

came a long procession。  They were carrying an old man to his last resting…

place。  She followed them with her eyes till they turned in among the trees

at the gate。

〃Who was that?〃 she asked。

〃An old man;〃 he answered; 〃a very old man; they say he was ninety…four;

but his name I do not know。〃

She mused a while; looking out with fixed eyes。

〃That is why the bell rang so cheerfully;〃 she said。  〃When the old die it

is well; they have had their time。  It is when the young die that the bells

weep drops of blood。〃

〃But the old love life?〃 he said; for it was sweet to hear her speak。

She raised herself on her elbow。

〃They love life; they do not want to die;〃 she answered; 〃but what of that?

They have had their time。  They knew that a man's life is three…score years

and ten; they should have made their plans accordingly!

〃But the young;〃 she said; 〃the young; cut down; cruelly; when they have

not seen; when they have not knownwhen they have not foundit is for

them that the bells weep blood。  I heard in the ringing it was an old man。 

When the old die  Listen to the bell! it is laughing'It is right; it is

right; he has had his time。'  They cannot ring so for the young。〃

She fell back exhausted; the hot light died from her eyes; and she lay

looking out into the street。  By and by stragglers from the funeral began

to come back and disappear here and there among the houses; then all was

quiet; and the night began to settle down upon the village street。 

Afterward; when the room was almost dark; so that they could not see each

other's faces; she said; 〃It will rain tonight;〃 and moved restlessly on

the pillows。  〃How terrible when the rain falls down on you。〃

He wondered what she meant; and they sat on in the still darkening room。 

She moved again。

〃Will you presently take my cloakand new grey cloak from behind the door…

…and go out with it。  You will find a little grave at the foot of the tall

gum…tree; the water drips off the long; pointed leaves; you must cover it

up with that。〃

She moved restlessly as though in pain。

Gregory assented; and there was silence again。  It was the first time she

had ever spoken of her child。

〃It was so small;〃 she said; 〃it lived such a little whileonly three

hours。  They laid it close by me; but I never saw it; I could feel it by

me。〃  She waited; 〃its feet were so cold; I took them in my hand to make

them warm; and my hand closed right over them they were so little。〃  There

was an uneven trembling in the voice。  〃It crept close to me; it wanted to

drink; it wanted to be warm。〃  She hardened herself〃I did not love it;

its father was not my prince; I did not care for it; but it was so little。〃 

She moved her hand。  〃They might have kissed it; one of them; before they

put it in。  It never did any one any harm in all its little life。  They

might have kissed it; one of them。〃

Gregory felt that some one was sobbing in the room。

Late on in the evening; when the shutter was closed and the lamp lighted;

and the rain…drops beat on the roof; he took the cloak from behind the door

and went away with it。  On his way back he called at the village post…

office and brought back a letter。  In the hall he stood reading the

address。  How could he fail to know whose hand had written it?  Had he not

long ago studied those characters on the torn fragments of paper in the old

parlour?  A burning pain was at Gregory's heart。  If now; now at the last;

one should come; should step in between!  He carried the letter into the

bedroom and gave it to her。  〃Bring me the lamp nearer;〃 she said。  When

she had read it she asked for her desk。

Then Gregory sat down in the lamp…light on the other side of the curtain;

and heard the pencil move on the paper。  When he looked round the curtain

she was lying on the pillow musing。  The open letter lay at her side; she

glanced at it with soft eyes。  The man with the languid eyelids must have

been strangely moved before his hand set down those words:

〃Let me come back to you!  My darling; let me put my hand round you; and

guard you from all the world。  As my wife they shall never touch you。  I

have learnt to love you more wisely; more tenderly; than of old; you shall

have perfect freedom。  Lyndall; grand little woman; for your own sake be my


〃Why did you send that money back to me?  You are cruel to me; it is not

rightly done。〃

She rolled the little red pencil softly between her fingers; and her face

grew very soft。  Yet:

〃It cannot be;〃 she wrote; 〃I thank you much for the love you have shown

me; but I cannot listen。  You will call me mad; foolishthe world would do

so; but I know what I need and the kind of path I must walk in。  I cannot

marry you。  I will always love you for the sake of what lay by me those

three hours; but there it ends。  I must know and see; I cannot be bound to

one whom I love as I love you。  I am not afraid of the worldI will fight

the world。  One dayperhaps it may be far offI shall find what I have

wanted all my life; something nobler; stronger than I; before which I can

kneel down。  You lose nothing by not having me now; I am a weak; selfish;

erring woman。  One day I shall find something to worship; and then I shall


〃Nurse;〃 she said; 〃take my desk away; I am suddenly so sleepy; I will

write more tomorrow。〃  She turned her face to the pillow; it was the sudden

drowsiness of great weakness。  She had dropped asleep in a moment; and

Gregory moved the desk softly; and then sat in the chair watching。  Hour

after hour passed; but he had no wish for rest; and sat on; hearing the

rain cease; and the still night settle down everywhere。  At a quarter…past

twelve he rose; and took a last look at the bed where she lay sleeping so

peacefully; then he turned to go to his couch。  Before he had reached the

door she had started up and was calling him back。

〃You are sure you have put it up?〃 she said; with a look of blank terror at

the window。  〃It will not fall open in the night; the shutteryou are


He comforted her。  Yes; it was tightly fastened。

〃Even if it is shut;〃 she said; in a whisper; 〃you cannot keep it out!  You

feel it coming in at four o'clock; creeping; creeping; up; up; deadly

cold!〃  She shuddered。

He thought she was wandering; and laid her little trembling body down among

the blankets。

〃I dreamed just now that it was not put up;〃 she said; looking into his

eyes; 〃and it crept right in and I was alone with it。〃

〃What do you fear?〃 he asked; tenderly。

〃The Grey Dawn;〃 she said; glancing round at the window。  〃I was never

afraid of anything; never; when I was a little child; but I have always

been afraid of that。  You will not let it come in to me?〃

〃No; no; I will stay with you;〃 he continued。

But she was growing calmer。  〃No; you must go to bed。  I only awoke with a

start; you must be tired。  I am childish; that is all;〃 but she shivered


He sat down beside her; after some time she said:  〃Will you not rub my


He knelt down at the foot of the bed and took the tiny foot in his hand; it

was swollen and unsightly now; but as he touched it he bent down and

covered it with kisses。

〃It makes it better when you kiss it; thank you。  What makes you all love

me so?〃  Then dreamily she muttered to herself:  〃Not utterly bad; not

quite badwhat makes them all love me so?〃

Kneeling there; rubbing softly; with his cheek pressed against the little

foot; Gregory dropped to sleep at last。  How long he knelt there he could

not tell; but when he started up awake she was not looking at him。  The

eyes were fixed on the far corner; gazing wide and intent; with an

unearthly light。

He looked round fearfully。  What did she see there?  God's angels come to

call her?  Something fearful?  He saw only the purple curtain with the

shadows that fell from it。  Softly he whispered; asking what she saw there。

And she said; in a voice strangely unlike her own:  〃I see the vision of a

poor; weak soul striving after good。  It was not cut short; and in the end

it learnt; through tears and much pain; that holiness is an infinite

compassion for others; that greatness is to take the common things of life

and walk truly among them; that〃She moved her white hand and laid it on

her forehead〃happiness is a great love and much serving。  It was not cut

short; and it loved what it had learntit lovedand〃

Was that all she saw in the corner?

Gregory told the landlady the next morning that she had been wandering all

night。  Yet; when he came in to give her her breakfast; she was sitting up

against the pillows; looking as he had not seen her look before。

〃Put it close to me;〃 she said; 〃and when I have had breakfast I am going

to dress。〃

She finished all he had brought her eagerly。

〃I am sitting up quite by myself;〃 she said。  〃Give me his meat;〃 and she

fed the dog herself; cutting his food small for him。  She moved to the side

of the bed。

〃Now bring the chair near and dress me。  It is being in this room so long;

and looking at that miserable little bit of sunshine that comes in through

the shutter; that is making me so ill。  Always that lion's paw!〃 she said;

with a look of disgust at it。  〃Come and dress me。〃  Gregory knelt on the

floor before her; and tried to draw on one stocking; but the little swollen

foot refused to be covered。

〃It is very funny that I should have grown so fat since I have been so

ill;〃 she said; peering down curiously。  〃Perha

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