八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > eugenie grandet(欧也妮·葛朗台) >


eugenie grandet(欧也妮·葛朗台)-第21部分

小说: eugenie grandet(欧也妮·葛朗台) 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Oh! nothing;〃 said Pere Grandet。
〃Besides; we shall go fast;〃 added the man; 〃your farmers have picked
out their best horses。〃
〃Very good。 You did not tell them where I was going?〃
〃I didn't know where。〃
〃Very good。 Is the carriage strong?〃
〃Strong? hear to that; now! Why; it can carry three thousand weight。
How much does that old keg weigh?〃
〃Goodness!〃 exclaimed Nanon。 〃I ought to know! There's pretty nigh
eighteen hundred〃
〃Will you hold your tongue; Nanon! You are to tell my wife I have gone
into the country。 I shall be back to dinner。 Drive fast; Cornoiller; I
must get to Angers before nine o'clock。〃
The carriage drove off。 Nanon bolted the great door; let loose the
dog; and went off to bed with a bruised shoulder; no one in the
neighborhood suspecting either the departure of Grandet or the object
of his journey。 The precautions of the old miser and his reticence
were never relaxed。 No one had ever seen a penny in that house; filled
as it was with gold。 Hearing in the morning; through the gossip of the
port; that exchange on gold had doubled in price in consequence of
certain military preparations undertaken at Nantes; and that
speculators had arrived at Angers to buy coin; the old wine…grower; by
the simple process of borrowing horses from his farmers; seized the
chance of selling his gold and of bringing back in the form of
treasury notes the sum he intended to put into the Funds; having
swelled it considerably by the exchange。

〃My father has gone;〃 thought Eugenie; who heard all that took place
from the head of the stairs。 Silence was restored in the house; and
the distant rumbling of the carriage; ceasing by degrees; no longer
echoed through the sleeping town。 At this moment Eugenie heard in her
heart; before the sound caught her ears; a cry which pierced the
partitions and came from her cousin's chamber。 A line of light; thin
as the blade of a sabre; shone through a chink in the door and fell
horizontally on the balusters of the rotten staircase。
〃He suffers!〃 she said; springing up the stairs。 A second moan brought
her to the landing near his room。 The door was ajar; she pushed it
open。 Charles was sleeping; his head hung over the side of the old
armchair; and his hand; from which the pen had fallen; nearly touched
the floor。 The oppressed breathing caused by the strained posture
suddenly frightened Eugenie; who entered the room hastily。
〃He must be very tired;〃 she said to herself; glancing at a dozen
letters lying sealed upon the table。 She read their addresses: 〃To
Messrs。 Farry; Breilmann; & Co。; carriage…makers〃; 〃To Monsieur
Buisson; tailor;〃 etc。
〃He has been settling all his affairs; so as to leave France at once;〃
she thought。 Her eyes fell upon two open letters。 The words; 〃My dear
Annette;〃 at the head of one of them; blinded her for a moment。 Her
heart beat fast; her feet were nailed to the floor。
〃His dear Annette! He loves! he is loved! No hope! What does he say to
These thoughts rushed through her head and heart。 She saw the words
everywhere; even on the bricks of the floor; in letters of fire。
〃Resign him already? No; no! I will not read the letter。 I ought to go
awayWhat if I do read it?〃
She looked at Charles; then she gently took his head and placed it
against the back of the chair; he let her do so; like a child which;
though asleep; knows its mother's touch and receives; without awaking;
her kisses and watchful care。 Like a mother Eugenie raised the
drooping hand; and like a mother she gently kissed the chestnut hair
〃Dear Annette!〃 a demon shrieked the words in her ear。
〃I am doing wrong; but I must read it; that letter;〃 she said。 She
turned away her head; for her noble sense of honor reproached her。 For
the first time in her life good and evil struggled together in her
heart。 Up to that moment she had never had to blush for any action。
Passion and curiosity triumphed。 As she read each sentence her heart
swelled more and more; and the keen glow which filled her being as she
did so; only made the joys of first love still more precious。
  My dear Annette;Nothing could ever have separated us but the
  great misfortune which has now overwhelmed me; and which no human
  foresight could have prevented。 My father has killed himself; his
  fortune and mine are irretrievably lost。 I am orphaned at an age
  when; through the nature of my education; I am still a child; and
  yet I must lift myself as a man out of the abyss into which I am
  plunged。 I have just spent half the night in facing my position。
  If I wish to leave France an honest man;and there is no doubt of
  that;I have not a hundred francs of my own with which to try my
  fate in the Indies or in America。 Yes; my poor Anna; I must seek
  my fortune in those deadly climates。 Under those skies; they tell
  me; I am sure to make it。 As for remaining in Paris; I cannot do
  so。 Neither my nature nor my face are made to bear the affronts;
  the neglect; the disdain shown to a ruined man; the son of a
  bankrupt! Good God! think of owing two millions! I should be
  killed in a duel the first week; therefore I shall not return
  there。 Your lovethe most tender and devoted love which ever
  ennobled the heart of mancannot draw me back。 Alas! my beloved;
  I have no money with which to go to you; to give and receive a
  last kiss from which I might derive some strength for my forlorn
〃Poor Charles! I did well to read the letter。 I have gold; I will give
it to him;〃 thought Eugenie。
She wiped her eyes; and went on reading。
  I have never thought of the miseries of poverty。 If I have the
  hundred louis required for the mere costs of the journey; I have
  not a sou for an outfit。 But no; I have not the hundred louis; not
  even one louis。 I don't know that anything will be left after I
  have paid my debts in Paris。 If I have nothing; I shall go quietly
  to Nantes and ship as a common sailor; and I will begin in the new
  world like other men who have started young without a sou and
  brought back the wealth of the Indies。 During this long day I have
  faced my future coolly。 It seems more horrible for me than for
  another; because I have been so petted by a mother who adored me;
  so indulged by the kindest of fathers; so blessed by meeting; on
  my entrance into life; with the love of an Anna! The flowers of
  life are all I have ever known。 Such happiness could not last。
  Nevertheless; my dear Annette; I feel more courage than a careless
  young man is supposed to feel;above all a young man used to the
  caressing ways of the dearest woman in all Paris; cradled in
  family joys; on whom all things smiled in his home; whose wishes
  were a law to his fatheroh; my father! Annette; he is dead!
  Well; I have thought over my position; and yours as well。 I have
  grown old in twenty…four hours。 Dear Anna; if in order to keep me
  with you in Paris you were to sacrifice your luxury; your dress;
  your opera…box; we should even then not have enough for the
  expenses of my extravagant ways of living。 Besides; I would never
  accept such sacrifices。 No; we must part now and forever
〃He gives her up! Blessed Virgin! What happiness!〃
Eugenie quivered with joy。 Charles made a movement; and a chill of
terror ran through her。 Fortunately; he did not wake; and she resumed
her reading。
  When shall I return? I do not know。 The climate of the West Indies
  ages a European; so they say; especially a European who works
  hard。 Let us think what may happen ten years hence。 In ten years
  your daughter will be eighteen; she will be your companion; your
  spy。 To you society will be cruel; and your daughter perhaps more
  cruel still。 We have seen cases of the harsh social judgment and
  ingratitude of daughters; let us take warning by them。 Keep in the
  depths of your soul; as I shall in mine; the memory of four years
  of happiness; and be faithful; if you can; to the memory of your
  poor friend。 I cannot exact such faithfulness; because; do you
  see; dear Annette; I must conform to the exigencies of my new
  life; I must take a commonplace view of them and do the best I
  can。 Therefore I must think of marriage; which becomes one of the
  necessities of my future existence; and I will admit to you that I
  have found; here in Saumur; in my uncle's house; a cousin whose
  face; manners; mind; and heart would please you; and who; besides;
  seems to me
〃He must have been very weary to have ceased writing to her;〃 thought
Eugenie; as she gazed at the letter which stopped abruptly in the
middle of the last sentence。
Already she defended him。 How was it possible that an innocent girl
should perceive the cold…heartedness evinced by this letter? To young
girls religiously brought up; whose minds are ignorant and pure; all
is love from the moment they set their feet within the enchanted
regions of that passion。 They walk there bathed in a celestial light
shed from their own souls; which reflects its rays upon their lover;
they color all with the flame of their own emotion and attribute to
him their highest thoughts。 A woman's errors come almost always from
her belief in good or her confidence in truth。 In Eugenie's simple
heart the words; 〃My dear Annette; my loved one;〃 echoed like the
sweetest language of love; they caressed her soul as; in childhood;
the divine notes of the /Venite adoremus/; repeated by the organ;
caressed her ear。 Moreover; the tears which still lingered on the
young man's lashes gave signs of that nobility of heart by which young
girls are rightly won。 How could she know that Charles; though he
loved his father and mourned him truly; was moved far more by paternal
goodness than by the goodness of his own heart? Monsieur and Madame
Guillaume Grandet; by gratifying every fancy of their son; and
lavishing upon him the pleasures of a large fortune; had kept him from
making the horrible calculations of which so many sons in Paris become
more or less guilty when; face to face with the enjoyments of the
world; they form desires and conceive schemes which they see with
bitterness must be put off or laid aside during the lifetime of their
parents。 The liberality of the father in th

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