八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > 09-edward mills and george benton >


09-edward mills and george benton-第1部分

小说: 09-edward mills and george benton 字数: 每页4000字

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These two were distantly related to each otherseventh cousins;

or something of that sort。  While still babies they became orphans;

and were adopted by the Brants; a childless couple; who quickly

grew very fond of them。  The Brants were always saying:  〃Be pure;

honest; sober; industrious; and considerate of others; and success

in life is assured。〃  The children heard this repeated some thousands

of times before they understood it; they could repeat it themselves

long before they could say the Lord's Prayer; it was painted over

the nursery door; and was about the first thing they learned to read。 

It was destined to be the unswerving rule of Edward Mills's life。 

Sometimes the Brants changed the wording a little; and said: 

〃Be pure; honest; sober; industrious; considerate; and you will never

lack friends。〃

Baby Mills was a comfort to everybody about him。  When he wanted

candy and could not have it; he listened to reason; and contented

himself without it。  When Baby Benton wanted candy; he cried for it

until he got it。  Baby Mills took care of his toys; Baby Benton

always destroyed his in a very brief time; and then made himself

to insistently disagreeable that; in order to have peace in the house;

little Edward was persuaded to yield up his play…things to him。

When the children were a little older; Georgie became a heavy expense

in one respect:  he took no care of his clothes; consequently; he

shone frequently in new ones; with was not the case with Eddie。 

The boys grew apace。  Eddie was an increasing comfort; Georgie an

increasing solicitude。  It was always sufficient to say; in answer

to Eddie's petitions; 〃I would rather you would not do it〃

meaning swimming; skating; picnicking; berrying; circusing;

and all sorts of things which boys delight in。  But NO answer

was sufficient for Georgie; he had to be humored in his desires;

or he would carry them with a high hand。  Naturally; no boy got

more swimming skating; berrying; and so forth than he; no body

ever had a better time。  The good Brants did not allow the boys

to play out after nine in summer evenings; they were sent to bed

at that hour; Eddie honorably remained; but Georgie usually slipped

out of the window toward ten; and enjoyed himself until midnight。 

It seemed impossible to break Georgie of this bad habit; but the

Brants managed it at last by hiring him; with apples and marbles;

to stay in。  The good Brants gave all their time and attention

to vain endeavors to regulate Georgie; they said; with grateful

tears in their eyes; that Eddie needed no efforts of theirs;

he was so good; so considerate; and in all ways so perfect。

By and by the boys were big enough to work; so they were apprenticed

to a trade:  Edward went voluntarily; George was coaxed and bribed。 

Edward worked hard and faithfully; and ceased to be an expense to the

good Brants; they praised him; so did his master; but George ran away;

and it cost Mr。 Brant both money and trouble to hunt him up and get

him back。  By and by he ran away againmore money and more trouble。 

He ran away a third timeand stole a few things to carry with him。 

Trouble and expense for Mr。 Brant once more; and; besides; it was with

the greatest difficulty that he succeeded in persuading the master

to let the youth go unprosecuted for the theft。

Edward worked steadily along; and in time became a full partner

in his master's business。  George did not improve; he kept the loving

hearts of his aged benefactors full of trouble; and their hands full

of inventive activities to protect him from ruin。  Edward; as a boy;

had interested himself in Sunday…schools; debating societies;

penny missionary affairs; anti…tobacco organizations; anti…profanity

associations; and all such things; as a man; he was a quiet but

steady and reliable helper in the church; the temperance societies;

and in all movements looking to the aiding and uplifting of men。  This

excited no remark; attracted no attentionfor it was his 〃natural bent。〃

Finally; the old people died。  The will testified their loving

pride in Edward; and left their little property to George

because he 〃needed it〃; whereas; 〃owing to a bountiful Providence;〃

such was not the case with Edward。  The property was left to

George conditionally:  he must buy out Edward's partner with it;

else it must go to a benevolent organization called the Prisoner's

Friend Society。  The old people left a letter; in which they begged

their dear son Edward to take their place and watch over George;

and help and shield him as they had done。

Edward dutifully acquiesced; and George became his partner in

the business。  He was not a valuable partner:  he had been meddling

with drink before; he soon developed into a constant tippler now;

and his flesh and eyes showed the fact unpleasantly。  Edward had

been courting a sweet and kindly spirited girl for some time。 

They loved each other dearly; andBut about this period George began

to haunt her tearfully and imploringly; and at last she went crying

to Edward; and said her high and holy duty was plain before her

she must not let her own selfish desires interfere with it: 

she must marry 〃poor George〃 and 〃reform him。〃  It would break

her heart; she knew it would; and so on; but duty was duty。 

So she married George; and Edward's heart came very near breaking;

as well as her own。  However; Edward recovered; and married another girl

a very excellent one she was; too。

Children came to both families。  Mary did her honest best to reform

her husband; but the contract was too large。  George went on drinking;

and by and by he fell to misusing her and the little ones sadly。 

A great many good people strove with Georgethey were always at it;

in factbut he calmly took such efforts as his due and their duty;

and did not mend his ways。  He added a vice; presentlythat of

secret gambling。  He got deeply in debt; he borrowed money on the

firm's credit; as quietly as he could; and carried this system so far

and so successfully that one morning the sheriff took possession of

the establishment; and the two cousins found themselves penniless。

Times were hard; now; and they grew worse。  Edward moved his family

into a garret; and walked the streets day and night; seeking work。 

He begged for it; but in was really not to be had。  He was astonished

to see how soon his face became unwelcome; he was astonished

and hurt to see how quickly the ancient interest which people had

had in him faded out and disappeared。  Still; he MUST get work;

so he swallowed his chagrin; and toiled on in search of it。 

At last he got a job of carrying bricks up a ladder in a hod;

and was a grateful man in consequence; but after that NOBODY knew

him or cared anything about him。  He was not able to keep up

his dues in the various moral organizations to which he belonged;

and had to endure the sharp pain of seeing himself brought under

the disgrace of suspension。

But the faster Edward died out of public knowledge and interest;

the faster George rose in them。  He was found lying; ragged and drunk;

in the gutter one morning。  A member of the Ladies' Temperance Refuge

fished him out; took him in hand; got up a subscription for him;

kept him sober a whole week; then got a situation for him。 

An account of it was published。

General attention was thus drawn to the poor fellow; and a great

many people came forward and helped him toward reform with their

countenance and encouragement。  He did not drink a drop for two months;

and meantime was the pet of the good。  Then he fellin the gutter;

and there was general sorrow and lamentation。  But the noble

sisterhood rescued him again。  They cleaned him up; they fed him;

they listened to the mournful music of his repentances; they got

him his situation again。  An account of this; also; was published;

and the town was drowned in happy tears over the re…restoration

of the poor beast and struggling victim of the fatal bowl。 

A grand temperance revival was got up; and after some rousing

speeches had been made the chairman said; impressively:  〃We are

not about to call for signers; and I think there is a spectacle

in store for you which not many in this house will be able to view

with dry eyes。〃  There was an eloquent pause; and then George Benton;

escorted by a red…sashed detachment of the Ladies of the Refuge;

stepped forward upon the platform and signed the pledge。  The air

was rent with applause; and everybody cried for joy。  Everybody wrung

the hand of the new convert when the meeting was over; his salary

was enlarged next day; he was the talk of the town; and its hero。 

An account of it was published。

George Benton fell; regularly; every three months; but was faithfully

rescued and wrought with; every time; and good situations were

found for him。  Finally; he was taken around the country lecturing;

as a reformed drunkard; and he had great houses and did an immense

amount of good。

He was so popular at home; and so trustedduring his sober intervals

that he was enabled to use the name of a principal citizen; and get

a large sum of money at the bank。  A mighty pressure was brought

to bear to save him from the consequences of his forgery; and it

was partially successfulhe was 〃sent up〃 for only two years。 

When; at the end of a year; the tireless efforts of the benevolent

were crowned with success; and he emerged from the penitentiary

with a pardon in his pocket; the Prisoner's Friend Society met him

at the door with a situation and a comfortable salary; and all

the other benevolent people came forward and gave him advice;

encouragement and help。  Edward Mills had once applied to the Prisoner's

Friend Society for a situation; when in dire need; but the question;

〃Have you been a prisoner?〃 made brief work of his case。

While all these things were goin

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