life of robert browning(罗伯特·布朗宁传)-第41部分
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1850 in Rome '1'; 〃Two in the Campagna〃 '1'; 1851; they visit England
'1'; description of Browning '1'; winter 1851…2 in Paris with Robert
Browning; senior '1'; Browning writes Prefatory Essay to Moxon's edition
of Shelley's Letters '1'; midsummer; Baths of Lucca '1'; in Florence '1';
〃In a Balcony〃 '1'; winter in Rome; 1853…4 '1'; the work written there '1';
〃Ben Karshook's Wisdom〃 '1'; 〃Men and Women〃 published '1';
Kenyon's death; and legacies to the Brownings '1'; poems written between
1855…64 '1'; July 1858; Brownings go to Normandy '1'; 〃Legend of
Pornic〃; 〃Gold Hair〃 '1'; autumn of 1859 in Sienna '1'; winter 1860…61 in
Rome '1'; death of Mrs。 Browning; June 1861 '1'; 〃Prospice〃 '1'; 1866;
Browning loses his father; Miss Sarianna resides with Browning '1'; his
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Life of Robert Browning
ways of life '1'; first collected edition of his works; 1868 '1'; first part of
〃The Ring and the Book〃 published '1'; 〃Herve Riel〃 '1'; Tauchnitz
edition; 1872 '1'; 〃Bishop Blougram〃 '1'; 〃Selections〃 '1'; 〃La Saisiaz〃;
1877 '1'; 〃The Two Poets of Croisic〃 '1'; later works '1'; 〃Prince
Hohenstiel…Schwangau〃; 〃Red Cotton Nightcap Country〃 '2'; 〃Fifine at
the Fair〃 '3'; 〃Jocoseria〃 '1'; 1881; Browning Society established '1'; his
latter years '1'; revisits Asolo '1'; Palazzo Rezzonico '1'; religious belief
'1'; death; December 12th; 1889 '2'; funeral '1'; to be estimated by a new
definition '1'; as poet; rather than as thinker '1'; his love of life '1'; his;
like Bossuet's; a Hebrew genius fecundated by Christianity '1'; his artistic
relations to Death and Sex '1'; where; in standpoint; he differs from
Tennyson '1'; as to quality of his MASS of work '1'; intellectually
exploited '1'; his difficulties; and their attraction to many '1'; his attitude
to the future; influence; and significance '1'; summary of his life…work '1'。
Browning; Robert Wiedemann Barrett '5' Browning; Robert (senior) '8'
Browning; Sarianna (Mrs。) '4' Browning; Sarianna (Miss) '3' Browning
Society; the '2' Browning; William Shergold '1' Byron '1' 〃By the
Fireside〃 '1'
〃Caliban upon Setebos〃 '3' Camberwell '7' Carlyle; Thomas '6' Casa
Guidi '6' 〃Cavalier Tunes〃 '1' 〃Childe Roland〃 '2' Chopin '1' 〃Christmas
Eve and Easter Day〃 '2' 〃Cleon〃 '1' Coleridge '1' 〃Colombe's Birthday〃
'1' 〃The Confessional〃 '1' 〃Confessions〃 '1' Contemporaries; literary and
artistic; of Browning '1' Conway; Moncure '2' 〃Cristina〃 '1' 〃Cristina and
Manaldeschi〃 '1' Cunningham; Allan '2'
Dante '4' Death; Browning on '3' 〃Death of Harold〃 '1' 〃A Death in
the Desert〃 '2' Defoe '1' 〃De Gustibus〃 '3' Dickens; Charles '2' 〃Dis
Aliter Visum〃 '2' Domett; Alfred (Waring) '1' Dramas;
Browning's '1' 〃Dramatic Idyls〃 '2' 〃Dramatic Romances〃 '2' 〃Dramatis
Personae〃 '3' Dulwich Wood '4'
〃Earth's Immortalities〃 '1' 〃Echetlos〃 '1' Epics; series of
monodramatic '1' Equator of Browning's genius; the '1' 〃Evelyn Hope〃
〃A Face〃 '1' Faucit; Miss Helen '1' 〃Ferishtah's Fancies〃 '1' 〃Fifine at
the Fair〃 '4' Flaubert; Gustave '1' 〃Flight of the Duchess〃 '2' 〃The
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Life of Robert Browning
Flower's Name〃 '2' Flower o' the Vine '1' Flower; Miss Sarah (afterwards
Adams) '2' 〃A Forgiveness〃 '1' Form; Artistic '1' Forster; John '3' Fox;
Mrs。 Bridell… '1' Fox; Rev。 William Johnson '6' 〃Fra Lippo Lippi〃 '3'
Furnivall; Dr。 '2' Future; Browning and the '1'
Goethe '4' 〃Gold Hair〃 '2' Gordon; General '1' Gosse; E。 W。 '1' 〃A
Grammarian's Funeral〃 '2' 〃The Guardian Angel〃 '2'
〃Halburt and Hob〃 '1' Hawthorne; Nathaniel '2' 〃Heap Cassia〃; etc。
'1' Heine '2' 〃The Heretic's Tragedy〃 '1' 〃Herve Riel〃 '2'
Hillard; G。 S。 '1' 〃Holy Cross Day〃 '1' 〃Home Thoughts from Abroad〃 '4'
〃Home Thoughts from the Sea〃 '3' Hood; Thomas '1' Horne; R。 H。 '6'
Houghton; Lord '1' 〃How they brought the Good News〃; etc。 '3' Hugo;
Victor '2'
〃Imperante Augusto〃 '1' 〃In a Balcony〃 '5' 〃In a Gondola〃 '1'
〃Inapprehensiveness〃 '1' 〃In a Year〃 '1' 〃The Inn Album〃 '5' 〃Instans
Tyrannus〃 '1' 〃The Italian in England〃 '1' Italian Art; Music; etc。
Influence of; on Browning '1' Italy; first visit to '1' 〃Ivan Ivanovitch〃 '2'
〃Ixion〃 '1'
Jameson; Mrs。 '1' 〃James Lee's Wife〃 '3' Jerrold; Douglas '1'
〃Jocoseria〃 '3' 〃Johannes Agricola〃 '1' Joubert '1'
〃Karshish; Epistle to〃 '2' Keats '6' Kenyon; John '3' 〃King Victor and
King Charles〃 '2'
〃The Lady and the Painter〃 '1' Lamartine on Bossuet '1' Landor;
Walter Savage '2' 〃La Saisiaz〃 '2' 〃The Last Ride Together〃 '1' Le
Croisic '1' Lehmann's; Rudolf; portrait of Browning '2' ‘Leit…Motif';
Browning's '1' Letter to a Girl Friend '1' 〃Life in a Love〃 '1' 〃A Light
Woman〃 '1' 〃A Likeness〃 '1' 〃The Lost Leader〃 '2' 〃Love among the
Ruins〃 '3' 〃Love in a Life〃 '1' 〃A Lover's Quarrel〃 '1' Lowell; James
Russell '1' 〃Luria〃 '3'
Macpherson; Mrs。 '1' Macready '1' 〃Magical Nature〃 '1' Manner;
Browning's '1' Marlowe '1' 〃Mary Wollstonecraft and Fuseli〃 '1' 〃Master
Hugues of Saxe…Gotha〃 '2' 〃May and Death〃 '1' Mazzini '1' 〃Meeting at
Night〃 '2' 〃Memorabilia〃 '2' 〃Men and Women〃 '8' Meredith; George '4'
Meynell; Wilfrid '1' Montaigne '1' Mortimer '1' Motive; Browning's
fundamental poetic '1' Mill; John Stuart '1' Milsand; J。 '1' Milton '4'
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Life of Robert Browning
〃Misconceptions〃 '1' Mitford; Mary '1' 〃Muleykeh〃 '1'
Murray; Alma '1' Music of Browning's verse '1' 〃My Last Duchess〃 '1'
〃My Star〃 '1'
〃Narses〃 '1' 〃Natural Magic〃 '1' Nature; Browning's observation of '1'
Nettleship; J。 '2' 〃Never the Time and the Place〃 '2' Newman; Cardinal '1'
‘New Spirit of the Age' '1' Normandy; the Brownings in '1' 〃Now〃 '1'
〃Numpholeptos〃 '1'
Obscurity; Browning's '2' 〃Old Pictures in Florence〃 '1' 〃O Lyric
Love〃 '3' 〃One Way of Love〃 '1' 〃One Word More〃 '2' Optimism;
Browning's '1' (and see Summary) Orion; new star in '1' Orr; Mrs。
Sutherland '4' Orthodoxy; Browning's '1' 〃Over the seas our galleys
went〃 '1'
〃Pacchiarotto〃 '5' Palazzo Rezzonico '1' 〃Pan and Luna〃 '1'
〃Paracelsus〃 '6' Paris; the Brownings in '1' 〃Parleyings〃 '1' 〃Parting at
Morning〃 '1' Pater; Walter '1' 〃Pauline〃 '9' 〃A Pearl〃 '1' 〃Pheidippides〃
'1' 〃Pictor Ignotus〃 '1' 〃Pied Piper of Hamelin〃 '3' 〃Pippa Passes〃 '9'
Pisa '1' 〃Pisgah Sights〃 '1' Plato '1' Poe; Edgar Allan '1' Poems; Early '5'
〃Poetical Works〃 '1' 〃Poetics〃 '1' Pompilia '2' 〃The Pope〃 '1'
〃Popularity〃 '1' 〃Porphyria〃 '2' Portraits of Browning '3' 〃A Pretty
Woman〃 '1' Primary importance; Browning's '1' 〃Prince Hohenstiel…
Schwangau〃 '3' Profundity; Browning's '1' 〃Prospice〃 '3'
Rabbi Ben Ezra '2' Rawdon Brown; Sonnet to '1' 〃Red Cotton
Nightcap Country〃 '2' Religious Opinions '1+' 〃Rephan〃 '1' 〃The Return
of the Druses〃 '3' 〃Reverie〃 '3' Richmond '1' 〃The Ring and the Book〃
'8' Romance; Browning and '1' Rome; the Brownings in '2' Roscoe; W。 C。
'1' 〃Rosny〃 '1' Rossetti; Dante Gabriel '3' 〃The Round of Day〃 '1'
Ruskin; J。 '2' Russia; Visit to '1'
Sainte…Beuve '2' 〃Saul〃 '3' Schiller '1' School; Peckham '2'
Schopenhauer '2' Shortcomings; Browning's artistic '1' Science;
Browning and '1' Scott; David '1' Scott; Sir W。 '1' 〃Serenade at the Villa〃
'1' Sex; Browning's artistic relation to '1' Shakespeare '8' Shelley '11'
Shelley Letters; the '1' 〃Sibrandus Schafnaburgensis〃 '2' Skelton; John '1'
〃Sludge the Medium〃 '2' Songs 〃Nay but you〃 '1'; 〃Round us the wild
creatures〃 '1'; 〃Once I saw〃 '1'; 〃Man I am〃 '1'; 〃You groped your way〃
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Life of Robert Browning
'1'; 〃Wish me no wish unspoken〃 '1'。 Sonnets; Browning's '1' 〃Sonnets
from the Portuguese〃 '2' 〃Sordello〃 '12' Soul; Browning and the '1' 〃A
Soul's Tragedy〃 '3' 〃Speculative〃 '1' Spiritual influence; Browning's '1'
〃The Statue and the Bust〃 '1' 〃St。 Martin's Summer〃 '1' Story; W。 W。 '3'
〃Strafford〃 '5' Summary of Criticism '1' Swinburne; A。 C。 '1'
Talfourd '2' Tauchnitz edition '1' Taylor; Bayard '1' Tennyson; Lord
'6' 〃There's a woman like a dew…drop〃 '3' Thinker; Browning as '1'
〃Through the Metidja to Abd…el…Kadr〃 '1' 〃A Toccata of Galuppi's〃 '2'
〃Tokay〃 '1' 〃The Tomb at St。 Praxed's〃 '2' 〃Too Late〃 '1' 〃Touch him
ne'er so lightly〃 '1' Tour…de…force; Poetry and '1' Transcripts from Life '1'
Traill; H。 D。 '1' 〃Two in the Campagna〃 '3' 〃Two Poets of Croisic〃 '2'