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The appearance gnashed its teeth and laughed; but it took from a large pocket…book the receipt; and handed it to Steenie。 'There is your receipt; ye pitiful cur; and for the money; my dog…whelp of a son may go look for it in the Cat's Cradle。'
My gudesire uttered mony thanks; and was about to retire when Sir Robert roared aloud; 'Stop; though; thou sack…doudling son of a whore! I am not done with thee。 HERE we do nothing for nothing; and you must return on this very day twelvemonth; to pay your master the homage that you owe me for my protection。'
My father's tongue was loosed of a suddenty; and he said aloud; 'I refer mysell to God's pleasure; and not to yours。'
He had no sooner uttered the word than all was dark around him; and he sank on the earth with such a sudden shock; that he lost both breath and sense。
How lang Steenie lay there; he could not tell; but when he came to himsell; he was lying in the auld kirkyard of Redgauntlet parochine just at the door of the family aisle; and the scutcheon of the auld knight; Sir Robert; hanging over his head。 There was a deep morning fog on grass and gravestane around him; and his horse was feeding quietly beside the minister's twa cows。 Steenie would have thought the whole was a dream; but he had the receipt in his hand; fairly written and signed by the auld laird; only the last letters of his name were a little disorderly; written like one seized with sudden pain。
Sorely troubled in his mind; he left that dreary place; rode through the mist to Redgauntlet Castle; and with much ado he got speech of the laird。
'Well; you dyvour bankrupt;' was the first word; 'have you brought me my rent?'
'No;' answered my gudesire; 'I have not; but I have brought your honour Sir Robert's receipt for it。'
'Wow; sirrah? Sir Robert's receipt! You told me he had not given you one。'
'Will your honour please to see if that bit line is right?'
Sir John looked at every line; and at every letter; with much attention; and at last; at the date; which my gudesire had not observed;'FROM MY APPOINTED PLACE;〃 he read; 'THIS TWENTY…FIFTH OF NOVEMBER。''What!That is yesterday!Villain; thou must have gone to hell for this!'
'I got it from your honour's fatherwhether he be in heaven or hell; I know not;' said Steenie。
'I will delate you for a warlock to the Privy Council!' said Sir John。 'I will send you to your master; the devil; with the help of a tar…barrel and a torch!'
'I intend to delate mysell to the Presbytery;' said Steenie; 'and tell them all I have seen last night; whilk are things fitter for them to judge of than a borrel man like me。'
Sir John paused; composed himsell; and desired to hear the full history; and my gudesire told it him from point to point; as I have told it youword for word; neither more nor less;
Sir John was silent again for a long time; and at last he said; very composedly; 'Steenie; this story of yours concerns the honour of many a noble family besides mine; and if it be a leasing…making; to keep yourself out of my danger; the least you can expect is to have a redhot iron driven through your tongue; and that will be as bad as scauding your fingers wi' a redhot chanter。 But yet it may be true; Steenie; and if the money cast up I shall not know what to think of it。 But where shall we find the Cat's Cradle? There are cats enough about the old house; but I think they kitten without the ceremony of bed or cradle。'
'We were best ask Hutcheon;' said my gudesire; 'he kens a' the odd corners about as weel asanother serving…man that is now gane; and that I wad not like to name。'
Aweel; Hutcheon; when he was asked; told them; that a ruinous turret; lang disused; next to the clock…house; only accessible by a ladder; for the opening was on the outside; and far above the battlements; was called of old the Cat's Cradle。
'There will I go immediately;' said Sir John; and he took (with what purpose; Heaven kens) one of his father's pistols from the hall…table; where they had lain since the night he died; and hastened to the battlements。
It was a dangerous place to climb; for the ladder was auld and frail; and wanted ane or twa rounds。 However; up got Sir John; and entered at the turret…door; where his body stopped the only little light that was in the bit turret。 Something flees at him wi' a vengeance; maist dang him back owerbang gaed the knight's pistol; and Hutcheon; that held the ladder; and my gudesire that stood beside him; hears a loud skelloch。 A minute after; Sir John flings the body of the jackanape down to them; and cries that the siller is fund; and that they should come up and help him。 And there was the bag of siller sure aneugh; and mony orra thing besides; that had been missing for mony a day。 And Sir John; when he had riped the turret weel; led my gudesire into the dining…parlour; and took him by the hand and spoke kindly to him; and said he was sorry he should have doubted his word and that he would hereafter be a good master to him to make amends。
'And now; Steenie;' said Sir John; 'although this vision of yours tend; on the whole; to my father's credit; as an honest man; that he should; even after his death; desire to see justice done to a poor man like you; yet you are sensible that ill…dispositioned men might make bad constructions upon it; concerning his soul's health。 So; I think; we had better lay the haill dirdum on that ill…deedie creature; Major Weir; and say naething about your dream in the wood of Pitmurkie。 You had taken ower muckle brandy to be very certain about onything; and; Steenie; this receipt' (his hand shook while he held it out);'it's but a queer kind of document; and we will do best; I think; to put it quietly in the fire。'
'Od; but for as queer as it is; it's a' the voucher I have for my rent;' said my gudesire; who was afraid; it may be; of losing the benefit of Sir Robert's discharge。
'I will bear the contents to your credit in the rental…book; and give you a discharge under my own hand;' said Sir John; 'and that on the spot。 And; Steenie; if you can hold your tongue about this matter; you shall sit; from this term downward; at an easier rent。'
'Mony thanks to your honour;' said Steenie; who saw easily in what corner the wind was; 'doubtless I will be comformable to all your honour's commands; only I would willingly speak wi' some powerful minister on the subject; for I do not like the sort of sommons of appointment whilk your honour's father'
'Do not call the phantom my father!' said Sir John; interrupting him。
'Weel; then; the thing that was so like him;' said my gudesire; 'he spoke of my coming back to see him this time twelvemonth; and it's a weight on my conscience。'
'Aweel; then;' said Sir John; 'if you be so much distressed in mind; you may speak to our minister of the parish; he is a douce man; regards the honour of our family; and the mair that he may look for some patronage from me。'
Wi' that; my father readily agreed that the receipt should be burnt; and the laird threw it into the chimney with his ain hand。 Burn it would not for them; though; but away it flew up the lum; wi' a lang train of sparks at its tail; and a hissing noise like a squib。
My gudesire gaed down to the Manse; and the minister; when he had heard the story; said it was his real opinion that though my gudesire had gaen very far in tampering with dangerous matters; yet; as he had refused the devil's arles (for such was the offer of meat and drink) and had refused to do homage by piping at his bidding; he hoped; that if he held a circumspect walk hereafter; Satan could take little advantage by what was come and gane。 And; indeed; my gudesire; of his ain accord; lang foreswore baith the pipes and the brandyit was not even till the year was out; and the fatal day past; that he would so much as take the fiddle; or drink usquebaugh or tippeny。
Sir John made up his story about the jackanape as he liked himsell; and some believe till this day there was no more in the matter than the filching nature of the brute。 Indeed; ye'll no hinder some to threap that it was nane o' the auld Enemy that Dougal and my gudesire saw in the laird's room; but only that wanchancy creature; the major; capering on the coffin; and that; as to the blawing on the laird's whistle that was heard after he was dead; the filthy brute could do that as weel as the laird himsell; if no better。 But Heaven kens the truth; whilk first came out by the minister's wife; after Sir John and her ain gudeman were baith in the moulds。 And then my gudesire; wha was failed in his limbs; but not in his judgement or memoryat least nothing to speak ofwas obliged to tell the real narrative to his friends; for the credit of his good name。 He might else have been charged for a warlock。 'See Note 3。'
The shades of evening were growing thicker around us as my conductor finished his long narrative with this moral'Ye see; birkie; it is nae chancy thing to tak a stranger traveller for a guide; when you are in an uncouth land。'
'I should not have made that inference;' said I。 'Your grandfather's adventure was fortunate for himself; whom it saved from ruin and distress; and fortunate for his landlord also; whom it prevented from committing a gross act of injustice。'
'Aye; but they had baith to sup the sauce o't sooner or later;' said Wandering Willie'what was fristed wasna forgiven。 Sir John died before he was much over three…score; and it was just like of a moment's illness。 And for my gudesire; though he departed in fullness of life; yet there was my father; a yauld man of forty…five; fell down betwixt the stilts of his pleugh; and rase never again; and left nae bairn but me; a puir sightless; fatherless; motherless creature; could neither work nor want。 Things gaed weel aneugh at first; for Sir Redwald Redgauntlet; the only son of Sir John; and the oye of auld Sir Robert; and; waes me! the last of the honourable house; took the farm aff our hands; and brought me into his household to have care of me。 He liked music; and I had the best teachers baith England and Scotland could gie me。 Mony a merry year was I wi' him; but waes me! he gaed out with other pretty men in the Forty…fiveI'll say nae mair about itMy head never settled weel s