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alfred tennyson-第13部分

小说: alfred tennyson 字数: 每页4000字

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of the mad scenes; the passion of the love lyrics。

These merits have ceased to be disputed; but; though a loyal
Tennysonian; I have never quite been able to reconcile myself to Maud
as a whole。  The hero is an unwholesome young man; and not of an
original kind。  He is un beau tenebreux of 1830。  I suppose it has
been observed that he is merely The Master of Ravenswood in modern
costume; and without Lady Ashton。  Her part is taken by Maud's
brother。  The situations of the hero and of the Master (whose
acquaintance Thackeray never renewed after he lost his hat in the
Kelpie Flow) are nearly identical。  The families and fathers of both
have been ruined by 〃the gray old wolf;〃 and by Sir William Ashton;
representing the house of Stair。  Both heroes live dawdling on; hard
by their lost ancestral homes。  Both fall in love with the daughters
of the enemies of their houses。  The loves of both are baffled; and
end in tragedy。  Both are concerned in a duel; though the Master; on
his way to the ground; 〃stables his steed in the Kelpie Flow;〃 and
the wooer in Maud shoots Lucy Ashton's brother;I mean the brother
of Maud;though duelling in England was out of date。  Then comes an
interval of madness; and he recovers amid the patriotic emotions of
the ill…fated Crimean expedition。  Both lovers are gloomy; though the
Master has better cause; for the Tennysonian hero is more comfortably
provided for than Edgar with his 〃man and maid;〃 his Caleb and Mysie。
Finally; both The Bride of Lammermoor; which affected Tennyson so
potently in boyhood

(〃A merry merry bridal;
A merry merry day〃);

and Maud; excel in passages rather than as wholes。

The hero of Maud; with his clandestine wooing of a girl of sixteen;
has this apology; that the match had been; as it were; predestined;
and desired by the mother of the lady。  Still; the brother did not
ill to be angry; and the peevishness of the hero against the brother
and the parvenu lord and rival strikes a jarring note。  In England;
at least; the general sentiment is opposed to this moody;
introspective kind of young man; of whom Tennyson is not to be
supposed to approve。  We do not feel certain that his man and maid
were 〃ever ready to slander and steal。〃  That seems to be part of his
jaundiced way of looking at everything and everybody。  He has even a
bad word for the 〃man…god〃 of modern days; …

〃The man of science himself is fonder of glory; and vain;
An eye well…practised in nature; a spirit bounded and poor。〃

Rien n'est sacre for this cynic; who thinks himself a Stoic。  Thus
Maud was made to be unpopular with the author's countrymen; who
conceived a prejudice against Maud's lover; described by Tennyson as
〃a morbid poetic soul; 。 。 。 an egotist with the makings of a cynic。〃
That he is 〃raised to sanity〃 (still in Tennyson's words) 〃by a pure
and holy love which elevates his whole nature;〃 the world failed to
perceive; especially as the sanity was only a brief lucid interval;
tempered by hanging about the garden to meet a girl of sixteen;
unknown to her relations。  Tennyson added that 〃different phases of
passion in one person take the place of different characters;〃 to
which critics replied that they wanted different characters; if only
by way of relief; and did not care for any of the phases of passion。
The learned Monsieur Janet has maintained that love is a disease like
another; and that nobody falls in love when in perfect health of mind
and body。  This theory seems open to exception; but the hero of Maud
is unhealthy enough。  At best and last; he only helps to give a
martial force a 〃send…off〃:…

〃I stood on a giant deck and mixed my breath
With a loyal people shouting a battle…cry。〃

He did not go out as a volunteer; and probably the Crimean winters
brought him back to his original estate of cynical gloomand very

The reconciliation with Life is not like the reconciliation of In
Memoriam。  The poem took its rise in old lines; and most beautiful
lines; which Tennyson had contributed in 1837 to a miscellany:…

〃O that 'twere possible;
   After long grief and pain;
To find the arms of my true love
   Round me once again。〃

Thence the poet; working back to find the origin of the situation;
encountered the ideas and the persons of Maud。

I have tried to state the sources; in the general mind; of the
general dislike of Maud。  The public; 〃driving at practice;〃
disapproved of the 〃criticism of life〃 in the poem; confused the
suffering narrator with the author; and neglected the poetry。  〃No
modern poem;〃 said Jowett; 〃contains more lines that ring in the ears
of men。  I do not know any verse out of Shakespeare in which the
ecstacy of love soars to such a height。〃  With these comments we may
agree; yet may fail to follow Jowett when he says; 〃No poem since
Shakespeare seems to show equal power of the same kind; or equal
knowledge of human nature。〃  Shakespeare could not in a narrative
poem have preferred the varying passions of one character to the
characters of many persons。

Tennyson was 〃nettled at first;〃 his son says; 〃by these captious
remarks of the 'indolent reviewers;' but afterwards he would take no
notice of them except to speak of them in a half…pitiful; half…
humorous; half…mournful manner。〃  The besetting sin and error of the
critics was; of course; to confound Tennyson's hero with himself; as
if we confused Dickens with Pip。

Like Aurora Leigh; Lucile; and other works; Maud is under the
disadvantage of being; practically; a novel of modern life in verse。
Criticised as a tale of modern life (and it was criticised in that
character); it could not be very highly esteemed。  But the essence of
Maud; of course; lies in the poetical vehicle。  Nobody can cavil at
the impressiveness of the opening stanzas …

〃I hate the dreadful hollow behind the little wood〃;

with the keynotes of colour and of desolation struck; the lips of the
hollow 〃dabbled with blood…red heath;〃 the 〃red…ribb'd ledges;〃 and
〃the flying gold of the ruin'd woodlands〃; and the contrast in the
picture of the child Maud …

〃Maud the delight of the village; the ringing joy of the Hall。〃

The poem abounds in lines which live in the memory; as in the vernal
description …

〃A million emeralds break from the ruby…budded lime〃;

and the voice heard in the garden singing

〃A passionate ballad gallant and gay;〃

as Lovelace's Althea; and the lines on the far…off waving of a white
hand; 〃betwixt the cloud and the moon。〃  The lyric of

〃Birds in the high Hall…garden
   When twilight was falling;
Maud; Maud; Maud; Maud;
   They were crying and calling;〃

was a favourite of the poet。

〃What birds were these?〃 he is said to have asked a lady suddenly;
when reading to a silent company。

〃Nightingales;〃 suggested a listener; who did not probably remember
any other fowl that is vocal in the dusk。

〃No; they were rooks;〃 answered the poet。

〃Come into the Garden; Maud;〃 is as fine a love…song as Tennyson ever
wrote; with a triumphant ring; and a soaring exultant note。  Then the
poem drops from its height; like a lark shot high in heaven; tragedy
comes; and remorse; and the beautiful interlude of the

   〃lovely shell;
Small and pure as a pearl。〃

Then follows the exquisite

〃O that 'twere possible;〃

and the dull consciousness of the poem of madness; with its dumb
gnawing confusion of pain and wandering memory; the hero being
finally left; in the author's words; 〃sane but shattered。〃

Tennyson's letters of the time show that the critics succeeded in
wounding him:  it was not a difficult thing to do。  Maud was
threatened with a broadside from 〃that pompholygous; broad…blown
Apollodorus; the gifted X。〃  People who have read Aytoun's diverting
Firmilian; where Apollodorus plays his part; and who remember 〃gifted
Gilfillan〃 in Waverley; know who the gifted X。 was。  But X。 was no
great authority south of Tay。

Despite the almost unanimous condemnation by public critics; the
success of Maud enabled Tennyson to buy Farringford; so he must have
been better appreciated and understood by the world than by the

In February 1850 Tennyson returned to his old Arthurian themes; 〃the
only big thing not done;〃 for Milton had merely glanced at Arthur;
Dryden did not

〃Raise the Table Round again;〃

and Blackmore has never been reckoned adequate。  Vivien was first
composed as Merlin and Nimue; and then Geraint and Enid was adapted
from the Mabinogion; the Welsh collection of Marchen and legends;
things of widely different ages; now rather Celtic; or Brythonic; now
amplifications made under the influence of mediaeval French romance。
Enid was finished in Wales in August; and Tennyson learned Welsh
enough to be able to read the Mabinogion; which is much more of Welsh
than many Arthurian critics possess。  The two first Idylls were
privately printed in the summer of 1857; being very rare and much
desired of collectors in this embryonic shape。  In July Guinevere was
begun; in the middle; with Arthur's valedictory address to his erring
consort。  In autumn Tennyson visited the late Duke of Argyll at
Inveraray:  he was much attached to the Dukeunlike Professor
Huxley。  Their love of nature; the Duke being as keen…eyed as the
poet was short…sighted; was one tie of union。  The Indian Mutiny; or
at least the death of Havelock; was the occasion of lines which the
author was too wise to include in any of his volumes:  the poem on
Lucknow was of later composition。

Guinevere was completed in March 1858; and Tennyson met Mr Swinburne;
then very young。  〃What I particularly admired in him was that he did
not press upon me any verses of his own。〃  Tennyson would have found
more to admire if he had pressed for a sight of the verses。  Neither
he nor Mr Matthew Arnold was very encouraging to young poets:  they
had no sons in Apollo; like Ben Jonson。  But both were kept in a
perpetual state of apprehension by the army of versifiers who send
volumes by post; to whom that can only be said what Tennyson did say
to one of them; 〃As an amusement to yourself and your friends; the
writing it〃 (verse) 〃is all very well。〃  It is the fr

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