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Men of the profoundest learning; of the sublimest genius; and

of the purest integrity; after devoting their lives to the research;

finally differed in their ideas upon many great points; both of

doctrine and discipline。  The main question; it was admitted on

all hands; most intimately concerned the highest interests of

man; both temporal and eternal。  Can we wonder that men who

felt their happiness here and their hopes of hereafter; their

worldly welfare and the kingdom of heaven at stake; should

sometimes attach an importance beyond their intrinsic weight

to collateral points of controversy; connected with the all…

involving object of the Reformation?  The changes in the forms

and principles of religious worship were introduced and

regulated in England by the hand of public authority。  But that

hand had not been uniform or steady in its operations。  During

the persecutions inflicted in the interval of Popish restoration

under the reign of Mary; upon all who favored the

Reformation; many of the most zealous reformers had been

compelled to fly their country。  While residing on the continent

of Europe; they had adopted the principles of the most

complete and rigorous reformation; as taught and established

by Calvin。  On returning afterward to their native country; they

were dissatisfied with the partial reformation; at which; as they

conceived; the English establishment had rested; and claiming

the privilege of private conscience; upon which alone any

departure from the Church of Rome could be justified; they

insisted upon the right of adhering to the system of their own

preference; and; of course; upon that of non…conformity to the

establishment prescribed by the royal authority。  The only

means used to convince them of error and reclaim them from

dissent was force; and force served but to confirm the

opposition it was meant to suppress。  By driving the founders

of the Plymouth Colony into exile; it constrained them to

absolute separation irreconcilable。  Viewing their religious

liberties here; as held only by sufferance; yet bound to them by

all the ties of conviction; and by all their sufferings for them;

could they forbear to look upon every dissenter among

themselves with a jealous eye?  Within two years after their

landing; they beheld a rival settlement attempted in their

immediate neighborhood; and not long after; the laws of self…

preservation compelled them to break up a nest of revellers;

who boasted of protection from the mother country; and who

had recurred to the easy but pernicious resource of feeding

their wanton idleness; by furnishing the savages with the

means; the skill; and the instruments of European destruction。 

Toleration; in that instance; would have been self…murder; and

many other examples might be alleged; in which their necessary

measures of self…defence have been exaggerated into cruelty;

and their most indispensable precautions distorted into

persecution。  Yet shall we not pretend that they were exempt

from the common laws of mortality; or entirely free from all

the errors of their age。  Their zeal might sometimes be too

ardent; but it was always sincere。  At this day; religious

indulgence is one of our clearest duties; because it is one of our

undisputed rights。  While we rejoice that the principles of

genuine Christianity have so far triumphed over the prejudices

of a former generation; let us fervently hope for the day when

it will prove equally victorious over the malignant passions of

our own。

In thus calling your attention to some of the peculiar features

in the principles; the character; and the history of our

forefathers; it is as wide from my design; as I know it would be

from your approbation; to adorn their memory with a chaplet

plucked from the domain of others。 The occasion and the day

are more peculiarly devoted to them; and let it never be

dishonored with a contracted and exclusive spirit。  Our

affections as citizens embrace the whole extent of the Union;

and the names of Raleigh; Smith; Winthrop; Calvert; Penn and

Oglethorpe excite in our minds recollections equally pleasing

and gratitude equally fervent with those of Carver and

Bradford。  Two centuries have not yet elapsed since the first

European foot touched the soil which now constitutes the

American Union。  Two centuries more and our numbers must

exceed those of Europe itself。  The destinies of their empire; as

they appear in prospect before us; disdain the powers of human

calculation。  Yet; as the original founder of the Roman State is

said once to have lifted upon his shoulders the fame and

fortunes of all his posterity; so let us never forget that the glory

and greatness of all our descendants is in our hands。  Preserve

in all their purity; refine; if possible; from all their alloy; those

virtues which we this day commemorate as the ornament of

our forefathers。  Adhere to them with inflexible resolution; as

to the horns of the altar; instil them with unwearied

perseverance into the minds of your children; bind your souls

and theirs to the national Union as the chords of life are

centred in the heart; and you shall soar with rapid and steady

wing to the summit of human glory。  Nearly a century ago; one

of those rare minds to whom it is given to discern future

greatness in its seminal principles; upon contemplating the

situation of this continent; pronounced; in a vein of poetic

inspiration; 〃Westward the star of empire takes its way。〃  Let

us unite in ardent supplication to the Founder of nations and

the Builder of worlds; that what then was prophecy may

continue unfolding into historythat the dearest hopes of the

human race may not be extinguished in disappointment; and

that the last may prove the noblest empire of time。


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