八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > a complete account of the settlement >


a complete account of the settlement-第7部分

小说: a complete account of the settlement 字数: 每页4000字

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as well as on other accounts; becoming every day more desirable; the governor resolved to make prisoners of two more of them。

'*One of the convicts; a negro; had twice eloped; with an intention of establishing himself in the society of the natives; with a wish to adopt their customs and to live with them:  but he was always repulsed by them; and compelled to return to us from hunger and wretchedness。'

Boats properly provided; under the command of lieutenant Bradley of the 'Sirius'; were accordingly dispatched on this service; and completely succeeded in trepanning and carrying off; without opposition; two fine young men; who were safely landed among us at Sydney。

Nanbaree and Abaroo welcomed them on shore; calling them immediately by their names; Baneelon (Bennelong); and Colbee。  But they seemed little disposed to receive the congratulations; or repose confidence in the assurances of their friends。  The same scenes of awkward wonder and impatient constraint; which had attended the introduction of Arabanoo; succeeded。  Baneelon we judged to be about twenty…six years old; of good stature; and stoutly made; with a bold intrepid countenance; which bespoke defiance and revenge。  Colbee was perhaps near thirty; of a less sullen aspect than his comrade; considerably shorter; and not so robustly framed; though better fitted for purposes of activity。 They had both evidently had the smallpox; indeed Colbee's face was very thickly imprinted with the marks of it。

Positive orders were issued by the governor to treat them indulgently; and guard them strictly; notwithstanding which Colbee contrived to effect his escape in about a week; with a small iron ring round his leg。 Had those appointed to watch them been a moment later; his companion would have contrived to accompany him。

But Baneelon; though haughty; knew how to temporize。  He quickly threw off all reserve; and pretended; nay; at particular moments; perhaps felt satisfaction in his new state。  Unlike poor Arabanoo; he became at once fond of our viands; and would drink the strongest liquors; not simply without reluctance; but with eager marks of delight and enjoyment。 He was the only native we ever knew who immediately shewed a fondness for spirits:  Colbee would not at first touch them。  Nor was the effect of wine or brandy upon him more perceptible than an equal quantity would have produced upon one of us; although fermented liquor was new to him。

In his eating; he was alike compliant。  When a turtle was shown to Arabanoo; he would not allow it to be a fish; and could not be induced to eat of it。 Baneelon also denied it to be a fish; but no common councilman in Europe could do more justice than he did to a very fine one; that the 'Supply' had brought from Lord Howe Island; and which was served up at the governor's table on Christmas Day。

His powers of mind were certainly far above mediocrity。  He acquired knowledge; both of our manners and language; faster than his predecessor had done。 He willingly communicated information; sang; danced; and capered; told us all the customs of his country; and all the details of his family economy。 Love and war seemed his favourite pursuits; in both of which he had suffered severely。  His head was disfigured by several scars; a spear had passed through his arm; and another through his leg。  Half of one of his thumbs was carried away; and the mark of a wound appeared on the back of his hand。 The cause and attendant circumstances of all these disasters; except one; he related to us。

〃But the wound on the back of your hand; Baneelon!  How did you get that?〃

He laughed; and owned that it was received in carrying off a lady of another tribe by force。  〃I was dragging her away。  She cried aloud; and stuck her teeth in me。〃

〃And what did you do then?〃

〃I knocked her down; and beat her till she was insensible; and covered with blood。  Then。。。〃

Whenever he recounted his battles; 〃poised his lance; and showed how fields were won〃; the most violent exclamations of rage and vengeance against his competitors in arms; those of the tribe called Cameeragal in particular; would burst from him。  And he never failed at such times to solicit the governor to accompany him; with a body of soldiers; in order that he might exterminate this hated name。

Although I call him only Baneelon; he had besides several appellations; and for a while he chose to be distinguished by that of Wolarawaree。 Again; as a mark of affection and respect to the governor; he conferred on him the name of Wolarawaree; and sometimes called him 'Beenena' (father); adopting to himself the name of governor。  This interchange we found is a constant symbol of friendship among them*。  In a word; his temper seemed pliant; and his relish of our society so great; that hardly any one judged he would attempt to quit us; were the means of escape put within his reach。  Nevertheless it was thought proper to continue a watch over him。

'*It is observable that this custom prevails as a pledge of friendship and kindness all over Asia; and has also been mentioned by Captain Cook to exist among the natives in the South Sea Islands。'


Transactions of the Colony; from the Beginning of the Year 1790 until the End of May following。

Our impatience of news from Europe strongly marked the commencement of the year。  We had now been two years in the country; and thirty…two months from England; in which long period no supplies; except what had been procured at the Cape of Good Hope by the 'Sirius'; had reached us。  From intelligence of our friends and connections we had been entirely cut off; no communication whatever having passed with our native country since the 13th of May 1787; the day of our departure from Portsmouth。  Famine besides was approaching with gigantic strides; and gloom and dejection overspread every countenance。 Men abandoned themselves to the most desponding reflections; and adopted the most extravagant conjectures。

Still we were on the tiptoe of expectation。  If thunder broke at a distance; or a fowling…piece of louder than ordinary report resounded in the woods; 〃a gun from a ship〃 was echoed on every side; and nothing but hurry and agitation prevailed。  For eighteen months after we had landed in the country; a party of marines used to go weekly to Botany Bay; to see whether any vessel; ignorant of our removal to Port Jackson; might be arrived there。  But a better plan was now devised; on the suggestion of captain Hunter。  A party of seamen were fixed on a high bluff; called the South…head; at the entrance of the harbour; on which a flag was ordered to be hoisted; whenever a ship might appear; which should serve as a direction to her; and as a signal of approach to us。  Every officer stepped forward to volunteer a service which promised to be so replete with beneficial consequences。  But the zeal and alacrity of captain Hunter; and our brethren of the 'Sirius'; rendered superfluous all assistance or co…operation。

Here on the summit of the hill; every morning from daylight until the sun sunk; did we sweep the horizon; in hope of seeing a sail。  At every fleeting speck which arose from the bosom of the sea; the heart bounded; and the telescope was lifted to the eye。  If a ship appeared here; we knew she must be bound to us; for on the shores of this vast ocean (the largest in the world) we were the only community which possessed the art of navigation; and languished for intercourse with civilized society。

To say that we were disappointed and shocked; would very inadequately describe our sensations。  But the misery and horror of such a situation cannot be imparted; even by those who have suffered under it。

March; 1790。  Vigorous measures were become indispensable。  The governor therefore; early in February; ordered the 'Sirius' to prepare for a voyage to China; and a farther retrenchment of our ration; we were given to understand; would take place on her sailing。

But the 'Sirius' was destined not to reach China。  Previously to her intended departure on that voyage; she was ordered; in concert with the 'Supply'; to convey Major Ross; with a large detachment of marines; and more than two hundred convicts; to Norfolk Island; it being hoped that such a division of our numbers would increase the means of subsistence; by diversified exertions。  She sailed on the 6th of March。  And on the 27th of the same month; the following order was issued from headquarters。


Counter signExample。

The expected supply of provisions not having arrived; makes it necessary to reduce the present ration。 And the commissary is directed to issue; from the 1st of April; the under…mentioned allowance; to every person in the settlement without distinction。

Four pounds of flour; two pounds and a half of salt pork; and one pound and a half of rice; per week。

On the 5th of April news was brought; that the flag on the South…head was hoisted。  Less emotion was created by the news than might be expected。 Every one coldly said to his neighbour; 〃the 'Sirius' and 'Supply' are returned from Norfolk Island。〃  To satisfy myself that the flag was really flying; I went to the observatory; and looked for it through the large astronomical telescope; when I plainly saw it。  But I was immediately convinced that it was not to announce the arrival of ships from England; for I could see nobody near the flagstaff except one solitary being; who kept strolling around; unmoved by what he saw。  I well knew how different an effect the sight of strange ships would produce。

April; 1790。  The governor; however; determined to go down the harbour; and I begged permission to accompany him。  Having turned a point about half way down; we were surprised to see a boat; which was known to belong to the 'Supply'; rowing towards us。  On nearer approach; I saw captain Ball make an extraordinary motion with his hand; which too plainly indicated that something disastrous had happened; and I could not help turning to the governor; near whom I sat; and saying; 〃Sir; prepare yourself for bad news。〃 A few minutes changed doubt into certainty; and to our unspeakable consternation we learned; that the 'Sirius' had been wrecked on Norfolk Island; on the 19th of February。  Happily; 

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