八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > dr. faustus >


dr. faustus-第11部分

小说: dr. faustus 字数: 每页4000字

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ALL。 Faustus; farewell。

     'Exeunt SCHOLARS。'

MEPHIST。 Ay; Faustus; now thou hast no hope of heaven;

Therefore despair; think only upon hell;

For that must be thy mansion; there to dwell。

FAUSTUS。 O thou bewitching fiend; 'twas thy temptation

Hath robb'd me of eternal happiness!

MEPHIST。 I do confess it; Faustus; and rejoice:

'Twas I that; when thou wert i'the way to heaven;

Damm'd up thy passage; when thou took'st the book

To view the Scriptures; then I turn'd the leaves;

And led thine eye。

What; weep'st thou? 'tis too late; despair!  Farewell:

Fools that will laugh on earth must weep in hell。


     Enter GOOD ANGEL and EVIL ANGEL at several doors。

GOOD ANGEL。 0 Faustus; if thou hadst given ear to me;

Innumerable joys had follow'd thee!

But thou didst love the world。

EVIL ANGEL。 Gave ear to me;

And now must taste hell…pains perpetually。

GOOD ANGEL。 O; what will all thy riches; pleasures; pomps;

Avail thee now?

EVIL ANGEL。 Nothing; but vex thee more;

To want in hell; that had on earth such store。

GOOD ANGEL。 0; thou hast lost celestial happiness;

Pleasures unspeakable; bliss without end

Hadst thou affected sweet divinity;

Hell or the devil had had no power on thee:

Hadst thou kept on that way; Faustus; behold;

     'Music; while a throne descends。'

In what resplendent glory thou hadst sit

In yonder throne; like those bright…shining saints;

And triumph'd over hell!  That hast thou lost;

And now; poor soul; must thy good angel leave thee:

The jaws of hell are open to receive thee。

     'Exit。  The throne ascends。'

EVIL ANGEL。 Now; Faustus; let thine eyes with horror stare

     'Hell is discovered。'

Into that vast perpetual torture…house:

There are the Furies tossing damned souls

On burning forks; there bodies boil in lead;

There are live quarters broiling on the coals;

That ne'er can die; this ever…burning chair

Is for o'er…tortur'd souls to rest them in;

These that are fed with sops of flaming fire;

Were gluttons; and lov'd only delicates;

And laugh'd to see the poor starve at their gates:

But yet all these are nothing; thou shalt see

Ten thousand tortures that more horrid be。

FAUSTUS。 O; I have seen enough to torture me!

EVIL ANGEL。 Nay; thou must feel them; taste the smart of all:

He that loves pleasure must for pleasure fall:

And so I leave thee; Faustus; till anon;

Then wilt thou tumble in confusion。

     'Exit。  Hell disappears。The clock strikes eleven。'

FAUSTUS。 O Faustus;

Now hast thou but one bare hour to live;

And then thou must be damn'd perpetually!

Stand still; you ever…moving spheres of heaven;

That time may cease; and midnight never come;

Fair Nature's eye; rise; rise again; and make

Perpetual day; or let this hour be but

A year; a month; a week; a natural day;

That Faustus may repent and save his soul!

O lente; lente currite; noctis equi!

The stars move still; time runs; the clock will strike;

The devil will come; and Faustus must be damn'd。

O; I'll leap up to heaven!Who pulls me down?

See; where Christ's blood streams in the firmament!

One drop of blood will save me:  O my Christ!

Rend not my heart for naming of my Christ;

Yet will I call on him:  O; spare me; Lucifer!

Where is it now? 'tis gone:

And; see; a threatening arm; an angry brow!

Mountains and hills; come; come; and fall on me;

And hide me from the heavy wrath of heaven!


Then will I headlong run into the earth:

Gape; earth!  O; no; it will not harbour me!

You stars that reign'd at my nativity;

Whose influence hath allotted death and hell;

Now draw up Faustus; like a foggy mist;

Into the entrails of yon labouring cloud's';

That; when you vomit forth into the air;

My limbs may issue from your smoky mouths;

But let my soul mount and ascend to heaven!

     'The clock strikes the half…hour。'

O; half the hour is past! 'twill all be past anon。

O; if my soul must suffer for my sin;

Impose some end to my incessant pain;

Let Faustus live in hell a thousand years;

A hundred thousand; and at last be sav'd!

No end is limited to damned souls。

Why wert thou not a creature wanting soul?

Or why is this immortal that thou hast?

O; Pythagoras' metempsychosis; were that true;

This soul should fly from me; and I be chang'd

Into some brutish beast! all beasts are happy;

For; when they die;

Their souls are soon dissolv'd in elements;

But mine must live still to be plagu'd in hell。

Curs'd be the parents that engender'd me!

No; Faustus; curse thyself; curse Lucifer

That hath depriv'd thee of the joys of heaven。

     'The clock strikes twelve。'

It strikes; it strikes!  Now; body; turn to air;

Or Lucifer will bear thee quick to hell!

O soul; be chang'd into small water…drops;

And fall into the ocean; ne'er be found!

     Thunder。  Enter DEVILS。

O; mercy; heaven! look not so fierce on me!

Adders and serpents; let me breathe a while!

Ugly hell; gape not! come not; Lucifer!

I'll burn my books!O Mephistophilis!

     'Exeunt DEVILS with FAUSTUS。'

     Enter SCHOLARS。

FIRST SCHOLAR。 Come; gentlemen; let us go visit Faustus;

For such a dreadful night was never seen;

Since first the world's creation did begin;

Such fearful shrieks and cries were never heard:

Pray heaven the doctor have escap'd the danger。


O; help us; heaven! see; here are Faustus' limbs;

All torn asunder by the hand of death!


The devils whom Faustus serv'd have torn him thus;

For; twixt the hours of twelve and one; methought;

I heard him shriek and call aloud for help;

At which self time the house seem'd all on fire

With dreadful horror of these damned fiends。

SECOND SCHOLAR。 Well; gentlemen; though Faustus' end be such

As every Christian heart laments to think on;

Yet; for he was a scholar once admir'd

For wondrous knowledge in our German schools;

We'll give his mangled limbs due burial;

And all the students; cloth'd in mourning black;

Shall wait upon his heavy funeral。


     Enter CHORUS。

CHORUS。 Cut is the branch that might have grown full straight;

And burned is Apollo's laurel…bough;

That sometime grew within this learned man。

Faustus is gone:  regard his hellish fall;

Whose fiendful fortune may exhort the wise;

Only to wonder at unlawful things;

Whose deepness doth entice such forward wits

To practise more than heavenly power permits。


Terminat hora diem; terminat auctor opus。

 Carthagens' So 4tos 1616; 1624; (and compare 4to 1604;

p。 79)。2to 1631 〃Carthagen。〃


 her' Old eds。 〃his。〃

 of' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631; 〃and。〃

 upon' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624 1631 〃on the。〃

 thousand' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631; 〃diuers。〃

 them' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631; 〃men。〃

 legatur' Old eds。 〃legatus。〃

 petty' I may notice that 4to 1604 has 〃pretty;〃 which is

perhaps the right reading。

 &c。' So 4tos 1624; 1631。Not in 4to 1616。

 circles; scenes; letters; and characters' So 4to 1604 (see

note 噰; p。 80)。The later 4tos 〃circles; letters; characters。〃


 gain' So 4tos 1624; 1631 (and so 4to 1604)。2to 1616 〃get。〃

 these' See note ? p。 80。


 enterprise' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631; 〃enterprises。〃

 make swift Rhine circle fair' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631;

〃WITH swift Rhine circle ALL。〃

 silk' Old eds。 〃skill。〃

 blest' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631; 〃wise。〃

 Swarm' So 4tos 1624; 1631。2to 1616 〃Sworne。〃

 to' So 4to 1616。Not in 4tos 1624; 1631。

 have' So 4tos 1624; 1631。2to 1616 〃has。〃

 shall they' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631; 〃they shall。〃

 huge' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631; 〃whole。〃

 stuffs' So 4tos 1624; 1631。2to 1616 〃stuff'd。〃

 renowm'd' So 4to 1616 (See note ||; p。 11)。2tos 1624;

1631; 〃renown'd。〃


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