八喜电子书 > 恐怖悬拟电子书 > descartes’ reason discourse(笛卡尔的推理) >


descartes’ reason discourse(笛卡尔的推理)-第1部分

小说: descartes’ reason discourse(笛卡尔的推理) 字数: 每页4000字

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                       SEEKING TRUTH IN THE SCIENCES 





               TRUTH IN THE 


                            by Rene Descartes 


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                           SEEKING TRUTH IN THE SCIENCES 


     If this Discourse appear too long to be read at once; it may be divided 

into   six   Parts:  and;   in   the   first;   will   be   found   various   considerations 

touching   the   Sciences;   in   the   second;   the   principal   rules   of   the   Method 

which   the   Author   has   discovered;   in   the   third;   certain   of   the   rules   of 

Morals     which     he  has   deduced     from   this   Method;     in  the  fourth;   the 

reasonings by which he establishes the existence of God and of the Human 

Soul; which are the foundations of his Metaphysic; in the fifth; the order 

of the Physical questions which he has investigated; and; in particular; the 

explication     of  the   motion    of  the  heart   and   of  some    other   difficulties 

pertaining to Medicine; as also the difference between the soul of man and 

that of the brutes; and; in the last; what the Author believes to be required 

in order to greater advancement in the investigation of Nature than has yet 

been made; with the reasons that have induced him to write。 

                                      PART 1 

     Good sense is; of all things among men; the most equally distributed; 

for   every   one   thinks   himself   so   abundantly   provided   with   it;   that   those 

even who are the most difficult to satisfy in everything else; do not usually 

desire a larger measure of this quality than they already possess。                And in 

this it is not likely that all are mistaken the conviction is rather to be held 

as testifying that   the power of   judging aright and of distinguishing truth 

from error; which is properly what is called             good sense or reason; is by 

nature     equal    in  all  men;     and   that   the   diversity    of  our    opinions; 

consequently; does not arise from some being endowed with a larger share 

of reason than others; but solely from this; that we conduct our thoughts 

along different ways; and do not fix our attention on the same objects。 For 

to be possessed of a vigorous mind is not enough; the prime requisite is 

rightly to apply it。     The greatest minds; as they are capable of the highest 


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                            SEEKING TRUTH IN THE SCIENCES 

excellences; are open likewise to the greatest aberrations; and those who 

travel very slowly may yet make far greater progress; provided they keep 

always to the straight road; than those who; while they run; forsake it。 

     For myself; I have never fancied my mind to be in any respect more 

perfect than those of the generality; on the contrary; I have often wished 

that I were equal to some others in promptitude of thought; or in clearness 

and   distinctness   of imagination;  or in   fullness   and   readiness of   memory。 

And   besides   these;   I   know   of   no   other   qualities   that   contribute   to   the 

perfection of the mind; for as to the reason or sense; inasmuch as it is that 

alone which constitutes us men; and distinguishes us from the brutes; I am 

disposed to believe that it is to be found plete in each individual; and 

on this point to adopt the mon opinion of philosophers; who say that 

the difference of greater and less holds only among the accidents; and not 

among the forms or natures of individuals of the same species。 

     I   will   not   hesitate;   however;   to   avow   my   belief   that   it   has   been   my 

singular   good      fortune   to   have   very   early   in   life   fallen   in   with   certain 

tracks which have conducted me to considerations and maxims; of which I 

have formed a   method that gives me the   means;  as I think; of   gradually 

augmenting   my   knowledge;   and   of   raising   it   by   little   and   little   to   the 

highest point which the mediocrity of my talents and the brief duration of 

my life will permit me to reach。            For I have already reaped from it such 

fruits   that;   although   I   have   been   accustomed   to   think   lowly   enough   of 

myself;   and   although   when   I   look   with   the   eye   of   a   philosopher   at   the 

varied courses and pursuits of mankind at large; I find scarcely one which 

does   not   appear   in   vain   and   useless;   I   nevertheless   derive   the   highest 

satisfaction from the progress I conceive myself to have already made in 

the search after truth; and cannot help entertaining such expectations of the 

future as to believe that if; among the occupations of men as men; there is 

any one really excellent and important; it is that which I have chosen。 

     After all; it is possible I may be mistaken; and it is but a little copper 

and glass; perhaps; that I take for gold and diamonds。                  I know how very 

liable we are to delusion in what relates to ourselves; and also how much 

the judgments of our friends are to be suspected when given in our favor。 

But I shall endeavor in this discourse to describe the paths I have followed; 


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                            SEEKING TRUTH IN THE SCIENCES 

and to delineate my life as in a picture; in order that each one may also be 

able    to  judge    of  them    for   himself;    and   that   in  the  general    opinion 

entertained of them; as gathered from current report; I myself may have a 

new help towards instruction to be added to those I have been in the habit 

of employing。 

     My present design; then; is not to teach the method which each ought 

to follow for the right conduct of his reason; but solely to describe the way 

in    which    I  have    endeavored      to   conduct     my    own。     They     who    set 

themselves to give precepts must of course regard themselves as possessed 

of greater skill than those to whom they prescribe; and if they err in the 

slightest particular; they subject themselves to censure。                But as this tract 

is put forth merely as a history; or; if you will; as a tale; in which; amid 

some examples worthy of imitation; there will be found; perhaps; as many 

more which it were advisable not to follow; I hope it will prove useful to 

some without being hurtful to any; and that my openness will find some 

favor with all。 

     From   my   childhood;   I   have   been   familiar   with   letters;   and   as   I   was 

given to believe that by their help a clear and certain knowledge of all that 

is useful in life might be acquired; I was ardently desirous of instruction。 

But   as   soon   as   I   had   finished   the   entire   course  of   study;   at   the   close   of 

which   it   is   customary   to   be   admitted   into   the   order   of   the   learned;   I 

pletely      changed     my    opinion。    For    I  found    myself    involved    in  so 

many doubts and errors; that I was convinced I had advanced no farther in 

all my  attempts at   learning; than the discovery  at every  turn of   my  own 

ignorance。      And yet I was studying in one of the most celebrated schools 

in Europe; in which I thought there must be learned men;                     if such were 

anywhere to be found。          I had been taught all that others learned there; and 

not contented with the sciences actually taught us; I had; in addition; read 

all the books that had fallen into my hands; treating of such branches as 

are   esteemed   the   most   curious   and   rare。     I   knew   the   judgment   which 

others had formed of me; and I did not find that I was considered inferior 

to my fellows; although there were among them some who were already 

marked   out   to   fill   the   places   of   our   instructors。 And;   in   fine;   our   age 

appeared   to   me   as   flourishing;   and   as   fertile   in   powerful   minds   as   any 


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                            SEEKING TRUTH IN THE SCIENCES 

preceding one。        I was thus led to take the liberty of judging of all other 

men by myself; and of concluding that there was no science in existence 

that was of such a nature as I had previously been given to believe。 

     I still continued; however; to hold in esteem the studies of the schools。 

I   was    aware    that  the   languages     taught    in  them    are  necessary     to  the 

understanding of the writings of the ancients; that the grace of fable stirs 

the mind; that the memorable deeds of history elevate it; and; if read with 

discretion;  aid   in   forming   the   judgment;   that   the   perusal   of   all   excellent 

books is;      as it were; to interview with the noblest men of past ages; who 

have written them; and even a studied interview; in which are discovered 

to us only their choicest thoughts; that eloquence has inparable force 

and   beauty;   that   poesy   has   its   ravishing   graces   and   delights;   that   in   the 

mathematics there are many refined discoveries eminently suited to gratify 

the inquisitive; as well as further all the arts an lessen the labour of man; 

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