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of the nationality; so far as the means required for the purpose
surpass the powers of the present generation; belong to the last
No expenditure of the present generation is so decidedly and
specially profitable to future generations as that for the
improvement of the means of transport; especially because such
undertakings as a rule; besides increasing the powers of production
of future generations; do also in a constantly increasing ratio not
merely pay interest on the cost in the course of time; but also
yield dividends。 The present generation is; therefore; not merely
entitled to throw on to future generations the capital outlay of
these works and fair interest on it (as long as they do not yield
sufficient income); but further acts unjustly towards itself and to
the true fundamental principles of national economy; if it takes
the burden or even any considerable part of it on its own
If in our consideration of the subject of the continuity of
national industry we revert to the main branches which constitute
it; we may perceive; that while this continuity has an important
influence on agriculture; yet that interruptions to it; in the case
of that industry; are much less decided and much less injurious
when they occur; also that their evil consequences can be much more
easily and quickly made good than in the case of manufactures。
However great may be any damage or interruption to agriculture;
the actual personal requirements and consumption of the
agriculturist; the general diffusion of the skill and knowledge
required for agriculture; and the simplicity of its operations and
of the implements which it requires; suffice to prevent it from
coming entirely to an end。
Even after devastations by war it quickly raises itself up
again。 Neither the enemy nor the foreign competitor can take away
the main instrument of agriculture; the land; and it needs the
oppressions of a series of generations to convert arable fields
into uncultivated waste; or to deprive the inhabitants of a country
of the capability of carrying on agriculture。
On manufactures; however; the least and briefest interruption
has a crippling effect; a longer one is fatal。 The more art and
talent that any branch of manufacture requires; the larger the
amounts of capital which are needful to carry it on; the more
completely this capital is sunk in the special branch of industry
in which it has been invested; so much the more detrimental will be
the interruption。 By it machinery and tools are reduced to the
value of old iron and fire…wood; the buildings become ruins; the
workmen and skilled artificers emigrate to other lands or seek
subsistence in agricultural employment。 Thus in a short time a
complex combination of productive powers and of property becomes
lost; which had been created only by the exertions and endeavours
of several generations。
Just as by the establishment and continuance of industry one
branch of trade originates; draws after it; supports and causes to
flourish many others; so is the ruin of one branch of industry
always the forerunner of the ruin of several others; and finally of
the chief foundations of the manufacturing power of the nation。
The conviction of the great effects produced by the steady
continuation of industry and of the irretrievable injuries caused
by its interruption; and not the clamour and egotistical demands of
manufacturers and traders for special privileges; has led to the
idea of protective duties for native industry。
In cases where the protective duty cannot help; where the
manufactories; for instance; suffer from want of export trade;
where the Government is unable to provide any remedy for its
interruption; we often see manufacturers continuing to produce at
an actual loss。 They want to avert; in expectation of better times;
the irrecoverable injury which they would suffer from a stoppage of
their works。
By free competition it is often hoped to oblige the competitor
to discontinue work which has compelled the manufacturer or
merchant to sell his products under their legitimate price and
often at an actual loss。 The object is not merely to prevent the
interruption of our own industry; but also to force others to
discontinue theirs in the hope later on of being able by better
prices to recoup the losses which have been suffered。
In any case striving after monopoly forms part of the very
nature of manufacturing industry。 This circumstance tends to
justify and not to discredit a protective policy; for this
striving; when restricted in its operation to the home market;
tends to promote cheaper prices and improvements in the art of
production; and thus increases the national prosperity; while the
same thing; in case it presses from without with overwhelming force
on the internal industry; will occasion the interruption of work
and downfall of the internal national industry。
The circumstance that there are no limits to manufacturing
production (especially since it has been so extraordinarily aided
and promoted by machinery) except the limits of the capital which
it possesses and its means of effecting sales; enables that
particular nation whose manufacturing industry has continued for a
century; which has accumulated immense capitals; extended its
commerce all over the world; dominated the money market by means of
large institutions of credit (whose operations are able to depress
the prices of fabrics and to induce merchants to export); to
declare a war of extermination against the manufacturers of all
other countries。 Under such circumstances it is quite impossible
that in other nations; 'in the natural course of things' (as Adam
Smith expresses himself); merely in consequence of their progress
in agriculture; immense manufactures and works should be
established; or that those manufactures which have originated in
consequence of the commercial interruptions caused by war should be
able; 'in the natural course of things;' to continue to maintain
themselves。 The reason for this is the same as that why a child or
a boy in wrestling with a strong man can scarcely be victorious or
even offer steady resistance。 The manufactories which constitute
the commercial and industrial supremacy (of England) have a
thousand advantages over the newly born or half…grown manufactories
of other nations。 The former; for instance; can obtain skilled and
experienced workmen in the greatest number and at the cheapest
wages; the best technical men and foremen; the most perfect and the
cheapest machinery; the greatest benefit in buying and selling
advantageously; further; the cheapest means of transport; as
respects raw materials and also in respect of transporting goods
when sold; more extended credit for the manufacturers with banks
and money institutions at the lowest rates of interest; greater
commercial experience; better tools; buildings; arrangements;
connections; such as can only be acquired and established in the
course of generations; an enormous home market; and; what is
equally good; a colonial market equally enormous。 Hence under all
circumstances the English manufacturers can feel certainty as to
the sale of large quantities of manufactured products by vigorous
efforts; and consequently possess a guarantee for the continuance
of their business and abundant means to sell on credit for years to
come in the future; if it is required to acquire the control of a
foreign market。 If we enumerate and consider these advantages one
after another; we may easily be convinced that in competition with
such a power it is simply foolish to rest our hopes on the
operation of 'the natural course of things' under free competition;
where; as in our case; workmen and technical men have in the first
place yet to be trained; where the manufacture of machinery and
proper means of transport are merely in course of erection; where
even the home market is not secured to the manufacturer not to
mention any important export market; where the credit that the
manufacturer can obtain is under the most fortunate circumstances
limited to the lowest point; where no man can be certain even for
a day that; in consequence of English commercial crises and bank
operations; masses of foreign goods may not be thrown on the home
market at prices which scarcely recoup the value of the raw
materials of which they are made; and which bring to a stand for
years the progress of our own manufacturing industries。
It would be in vain for such nations to resign themselves to a
state of perpetual subordination to the English manufacturing
supremacy; and content themselves with the modest determination to
supply it with what it may not be able to produce for itself or to
procure elsewhere。 Even by this subordination they will find no
permanent benefit。 What benefit is it to the people of the United
States; for instance; that they sacrifice the welfare of their
finest and most cultivated states; the states of free labour; and
perhaps their entire future national greatness; for the advantage
of supplying England with raw cotton? Do they thereby restrict the
endeavours of England to procure this material from other districts
of the world? In vain would the Germans be content to obtain their
requirements of manufactured g