八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > johngardner.winloseordie >



小说: johngardner.winloseordie 字数: 每页4000字

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e broke up; I was handed over to Mama; who was a lush。'
'You're preiiy luscious yourself。'
 'Thai's not funny;' she bridled。 'Have you ever had lo live with a lush? It just isn'i amusing。〃
 〃I apologise Ms da Ricci。' There was no side…stepping her anger。
 'Okay; I'm touchy about it。 I read modern languages; and took the Foreign Office examination 。 。 。'
'And failed。'
 〃Don't tell me: a man es around and says that perhaps they can offer you a job within the Foreign Office; and before you know it; you're mixed up with all the paraphernalia of espionage。'
 She nodded; 〃'More or less; but they wanted me for languages。 I took another degree in puter sciences and found myself in Santa's Grotto〃
 Bond nodded。 In the basement; below the underground parking al that building overlooking Regent's Park; there was a great sterile puter room they all called Santa's Grolto。 With the advent of the microchip the old Regislry had been relegated to a smaller area and people were constantly transferring the paperwork onto a series of giant databases。 Rumour had it that all the work would not be pleted from past files until the year 2009; or thereabouts; as the crow flies。 Then they remembered you had languages;' he fillet! in。
〃Partly。 I got sinus trouble from the air…conditioning。'
'Better than a touch of Legionnaires' Disease。'
'I asked for a transfer to the real world。'
 'No such thing in our business。 We're Т S Eliot's 〃Hollow Men〃; we are also rust…stained dinosaurs。 Our day has e; and gone。 I give us a decade more。 After that; well we could be sitting in front of puter terminals all day and most of the night。 It's known as 。the invasion of the killer tomatoes syndrome。'
 She nodded gravely。 'Yes; the days of the Great Game are numbered。'
 〃The years are numbered。 We're not down to days yet。 But; Beatrice Maria da Ricci; which is a classy sort of name anyway; how did a nice girl like you end up in a sordid bullet…catcher's job like this?'
 She leaned over him; her face a few inches from his。 'Because I am very good at it; and part of my job; James Bond; is to keep you relaxed and happy。'
 Their mouths met。 Not simply lips brushing; or doing all the things graphically described in romantic novels or those historical things known in the trade as 'bodice rippers'。 This was real mouth…to…mouth resuscitation of other emotions。 After a minute their bodies and hands also moved; and five minutes later Beatrice said; with a husky dryness that matched the delightful smell of her; 'Would you like to lie down with me。 Mr Bond?'
'You're a pleasure to work for; Ms da Ricci。'
'I hope so。'
'Do I get a raise in salary?'
'I think you already got one; Mr Bond。'
 They barely made it to the bedroom。 Outside; the sun had e up。 Franco was working on the main gates; fitting a new lock and the electronic sensors that would scream an alarm should anyone tamper with them again。 In the rear bedroom of the Villa Capricciani there were low moans and little screams
of joy。
 In a room high in the main grey; fortress…like villa; the other hood called Umberto stood back in the shadows and scanned the garden and the rocky skyline above them。 If anything were going to happen; it would probably e from that direction and not the main gates。 A frontal attack had proved dangerous。 He wondered if his new boss; the girl who was very much in charge; and whom he had met for the first time a couple of days ago; was vulnerable to a frontal attack。 He guessed she was …but not from the hired help。
Far away; in Plymouth; three men had spent the night indulging in the sins of the flesh。 They had drunk a great deal; and one of them had been with a tall black girl who had done things to; and for him; that had; until now; only been fantasies。
'It's time for the deadline。' Harry said to tht: Petty Officer
they called Blackie。
〃Time to sell your soul and save all of us;' added Bill。
 'Oh。 Gawd。' Blackie had been pulling off the evil day; stalling for time and knowing time was a modity he had run out of long ago。 It was Christmas Eve and he had the rail…ticket in his pocket to return to the wife and kids for two weeks' leave。
'It's serious。' Bill's face was set; engraved with concern。
 'It was serious when we first told you; Now we're all in a mess 。 。 。'
'I know; I know 。 。 。'
 'All debts settled and one hundred thousand pictures of Her Majesty just for you。 Blackie。'
'Yeah。 I just 。 。 。'
'Look; Blackie;〃 Bill had wrapped his large strong fingers around the Petty Officer's wrist; making the man wince with pain。 〃Look; it's not as though you were being asked to steal anything。 These people need a few hours; that's all。'
 'Iknow 。 。 。'he paused; his bleary eyes movingslowly around the room。 'I know; and 1 ain't got no option; have I?'
'Not really。' Harry was quiet; soft…spoken and persuasive。
The Petty Officer nodded; 'Okay。 I'll do it。'
That's a solemn promise?' from Bill。
'On my mother's grave。'
 'They'll give you lime; place and the equipment before you leave。 If it happens; you'll get the money and the slate's wiped clean。 If you chickenout。 。 。 well。 I wouldn't fancy your chances。 Harry and me? Well; we can always do a runner。 Tough; but we could do it … just。 You have nowhere to hide; Blackie; and they'd e looking; fast as a swarm of hornets and a lot more painful。'
 〃I said I'd do it。' The Petty Officer was very convincing。 But; then; he was not lying。 As far as he was concerned; all other options had run out。
A 9mm Browning automatic pistol is not the easiest thing to conceal about your person。 This is why the 'close protection' experts advise smaller; lighter weapons which will do just the same job。 Beatrice carried her pistol in a shoulder…bag; Bond used the shoulder…holster; adjusted so that the pistol lay directly behind his left shoulder blade。
 Franco and Umberto。 who had both stayed well out of sight; were left to look after matters while Bond and Beatrice went off into Forio on their shopping expedition。 On this Saturday the little town; with its narrow streets and limited parking facilities; stricily controlled by the local polizia; was crowded with people doing their last odds and ends of Christmas shopping。
They found a place to park legally and Beatrice; who had made a list of food and other good things that would allow them a pleasant; somewhat gluttonous day。 led the way to the nearest market where she shuffled Bond from aisle to aisle; knowing instinctively where the various items were to be found。 They filled one large wire trolley; with a mind of its own。 in a matter of twenty minutes and Bond noticed; to his pleasure; that Beatrice hardly looked at the shelves at all。 She would murmur where he should go next; and reel off the list of required items;
but her eyes were alertly stabbing around the crowded market; and she kept one hand inside her shoulder…bag。
 Bond felt ihat he had found the pleat pro in Ms Beatrice Maria da Ricci; Everything she did adhered to best security practice; and she appeared to have eyes in the back of her head。 At one point; while facing away from him。 she murmured; 'No; James。 Not the Belgian ones。 Take the French; they're a few lire more; but one hundred per cent better。' Or; again; in similar circumstances; 'The boitles; not the tins。 Once you open a tin you have to use the whole lot。 The bottles will seal again。'
 They even bought a small tree and some gaudy baubles。 'A Christmas to remember。' She smiled at him; the black eyes inviting him to return immediately to the delights of the morning。 It was the one time during the expedition that she actually looked at Bond。
 They loaded their purchases into ihe car。 and Bond insisted on going on his own to make a secret transaction。 She did not like it; but agreed to stand guard in front of the shop … a jeweller's in which he bought an exquisite gold clasp; shaped like a scutum … the old oblong or oval shield used by the early Roman army … with a large diamond centre; and an edging of smaller diamonds。 It cost a ransom; but they took Amex and he would pay for it with his private money。 The little jeweller smiled a lot and gift…wrapped the piece with exaggerated care。 It was only when he was back on the street again that Bond realised it had been a long time since he had bought such an extravagant gift for a woman: particularly one he had known for less than twenty…four hours。 Could it really happen like this? he wondered。 Women had e easily to him。 but his own expertise; and the exigencies of his service life; had usually held him back from any deep involvement。 Had he really broken the rule of years?
 He drove; with Beatrice giving instructions。 They finally reached an intersection where the traffic was blocked; held at bay or waved on by a tall; unhappy…looking police…officer。
 Beatrice had her pistol on her lap。 hand wound round the butt; her eyes moving everywhere at once; darting constantly to the vanity mirror on the sun…visor which she had pulled down。
Slowly the traffic crept towards the white stop…marker until it was the little Fiat's turn。 Bond had his eyes on the cop; waiting for the quick hand…signal that would wave him on。 when suddenly he sensed other eyes on him to the right and direclly ahead; He moved and saw。 with a sense of shock; a girl turn away quickly and start to walk ai speed with her back to him。 But he recognised her in thai one fast glance; and the movemenl of her body; as she stepped along the pavement。
 There was a parping of motor horns; and Beatrice testily snapped。 'He's waving you on。 James。 For heaven's sake; move。'
 He slid the clutch out and negotiated the turn; the traffic cop making a gesture with his eyes and head which indicated that this driver ought not to be allowed on the road at all。
 He drove back to the Villa Capricciani with a troubled mind; wondering what in heaven's name First Officer Clover Pcnning…ton; of the RNAS Yeovilton was doing on Ischia: particularly what she was doing in the town of Forio; not five miles from where he was staying。

All the Other Demons

For a few seconds; James Bond wondered if it was guilt gnawing
at his conscience。 He had certainly shown; at the least; a sexual attraction to Clover; but this had gone cold when she proved to be

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