八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > johngardner.winloseordie >



小说: johngardner.winloseordie 字数: 每页4000字

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 The buildings were quite long; brick structures; set as though some designer had just thrown six models at random inside the perimeter fencing。 They were single storey and。 while there were windows down each side。 Bond had noted that the interior rooms had no windows at ail。 the natural light flowing only into corridors。 Tn both the living…quarters and hospital ihere had been notices in several languages manding people not to talk in the corridors。 The conclusion was obvious。 The inner rooms were shielded against all types of sound…stealing。
As they crossed the pound; he tried to identify the various uses of the buildings。 One for staff; one for senior staff; the hospital; one sprouting every kind of antenna known to man。 therefore the munications centre; a possible guest suite (the one in which he was quartered) and。 at the furthest point from the entrance; the executive offices。
 It sounded about right… as Julian was leading him towards this last building。 Julian。 Bond thought; was not such a stupid idiot as he had first appeared。
 The manding Officer had a large room tucked neatly in the centre of a nest of other rooms within the executive offices。 Julian tapped at the door and a voice; distinctly American; possibly southern; called 'Okay…' The voice was as slow and smooth as molasses。
 'Captain James Bond。 Royal Navy; sir〃Julian brayed。 Bond painted a smile on his face and found himself alone in the room with the door closed and Julian left on the outside。
 There were no potted plants here; and no soothing paintings。 Two maps covered one large wall…one of the local Italian area; and another of Europe。 The second was highly detailed and contained a lot of military symbols。 The remaining pictures were very United States gung…ho。 Blackhawk and Chinook helicopters figured largely; and the Chinooks had bat…ready troops pouring out of the doors; while mortar bombs burst nearby。
 'e on in。 Captain Bond。 Pleased to have you here。' As he came around the desk; the CO looked as though he had stepped straight out of a glossy ad from some very smart magazine which sold clothes in the megadollar bracket。 The beige suit had the look of a genuine Battistoni。 which you cannot buy on army pay。 and certainly not on what you get from any of ihe Intelligence Services; the shirt was identifiably Jermyn Street irregular; the silk lie was probably made up specially; maybe by Gucci。 in the stripes of some United States Army Regiment。 The shoes needed no second…guessing: hand…stitched Gucci。 No guessing; one hundred out of a possible fifty。
 The man inside the clothes was short; sleek; balding; and。 as they say in the sub…titles; some tough hombre; even though he was surrounded by a hint of Hermes cologne。 'Real good to see you。 Captain。 Sorry about your trouble earlier today。 Not exactly the way to spend the holiday season; but I guess in our business we work; even a few hours; on Christmas Day。 I once heard some author say he did that; but maybe he was exaggeratin〃。 Anyways; wele to Northanger。'
'Northanger'。'' Bond repeated; his tone suggesting disbelief。
 'That's what the secret guidebooks call us。 Name's Toby Lellenberg by the way。' In spite of his stature it was like shaking hands with a gorilla。 'Sit down; Captain; we have a coupla things to talk about。'
 Bond sat。 The chair had been converted from an FI4 pilot's sent; and he had to admit it was fortable。 'What kind of things; Mr 。。。 er 。。。〃
 'No rank。 Langley don't really like rank。 Just call me Toby。 Anyway; this is one of those sideways career offers … Officer manding Northanger。 All I do is sit on my butt; shiver in winter; sweat in summer and view the passing spies。 You; Captain; are one of our VIP passing spies。'
 'I really need some evidence of that; Toby。 People can get burned by being identified as passing spies;'
'No problem。 I call you James; by the way?〃
'Why not?〃
 Toby went behind his desk and tackled a large; solid steel filing cabinet which appeared to require three keys and two digital touch…pads to open it。 Fora moment of sheer hellishness。 Bond had the urge to sing 'I did but see a passing spy' to the tune of 'There was a lady sweet and kind。' He managed to tjuell the urge。 The whole set…up in this place was so interesting; and unlikely; that it helped to soothe any pain that might still be raging in his emotions。
 'There you go。 Both versions。 Cipher and the en Hair I punched out on my own little gizmo in that safe。'
 He took the two proffered sheets and saw the double…check failsafe on the original cipher。 It was; undoubtedly; straight from M。 The failsafe was unfakeable。 The text read …
 'Happy about that; James?' The smooth little IBM〃 was smiling。
'You obviously have the facilities for a debrief。'
 〃I don't get the best men in the business; but we do have a representative team here。 yes。 One of your own guys: fella called Draycott; know him?'
'Heard of but not known。〃
 'Well; out to grass; tike the two guys we got from Langley。 One of them's called Mac … built like a fire…plug … and the other one's just known as Waller。 Walter knows where all the bodies're buried and won't tell a soul。 Guess that's why they've sent him here。 When you get a posting to Northanger don't expect to see any further active duty。 Backwater。 But you'll get a good debrief。〃
'Fine; as long as Julian's not involved。'
 'Ha!〃 Toby put a brown hand on the corner of his desk; raised his head and barked out a one…note iaugh of derision。 'Julian Tomato。 Ha!' He pronounced it 'Tom…ay…toe' like any other red…blooded American; so the play on words did not really work。 'That Julian。 Y'know he couldn't pour piss outa a boot; even if th'instructions was written on the heel。 You fancy some chow; James'。' We're havin〃 a full old…fashioned Christmas dinner tonight。 Turkey V all the trimmin's。 plum pudding; the entire works。'
 'Sounds fun。' He looked at his watch。 'But first I should make a call。'
'Yeah?' Was the suspicion imagined?
'Change of contact code for the day。 It's past time。'
 'Of course it is。 Sure; use the 'phone here。' He pointed to one of five different coloured telephones on his desk。 'You want me I〃 leave?'
'Oh; I don't think that's necessary。' Bond was already dialling。
 This time London picked up on the fourth ring。 'Predator。' said Bond。 'Day three。'
 'Catclaw;' the voice said from the distant line。 'Repeat。 Cat…claw。'
 'Acknowledge。' Bond was about to put down the receiver when the distant voice asked。 'Is everything smooth?'
'They tell me it is。'
'Acknowledge;' and the line went dead。 So they were still being clever。 But this time the code was very much tied to the situation。 Dante's lines once more went through his head …
Front and centre here。 Grizzly and Hellkin 。 。 。 You too。 Deaddog。 。 。 Curly heard; lake charge of a squad of ten。 Take Grafler and Dragontooth along with you。 Pigfusk。 Catclaw; Cramper and Crazyred。
 'You want an okay from me?' Toby was adjusting his tie in a wall…mirror overprinted with the cover of Time magazine; so that you got on thai coveted cover every time you looked。
'Be mighty civil of you; Toby。〃
Lellenberg gave him a tittle leer; 'You bein' funny; son?'
'Good。' he grinned。 'My money today's on Catclaw。〃
 'And you'd be right。' Bond laughed; and they lefl the office together;
 The party was held in a large room which was obviously used as the officers' canteen in the senior ranks' hut。 They had it decorated with the kind of stuff you picked up for a smalli fortune at stores in the US with names like Christmas To Bo or Xmas is Us。 It all looked lovely and unreal。 Magnificent angels held unknown wind instruments to their lips as they shimmered on trees dripping snow; piles of gifts were heaped under the largest。 and most magical tree which had 'Victorian' trimmings hanging from it; and electric lights that looked like real candles with moving flames;
 Clover Pennington was the only woman present and; when she saw Bond; she detached herself from a handful of young officers and came over to him。 She wore a tight little black number that had probably e from Marks and Spencer but looked quite good among the suits。
 'Forgive me; sir。' she said; kissing him; a little hard and on the lips; 'It's allowed。' She pointed above him at the dangling mistletoe。
 'You're going to do sterling service tonight; First Officer Pennington。' Bond smiled but did not unbend。
'Catclaw;' she said quietly。
'Correct。 Catctaw。〃
 'They've put me next to you at dinner; sir。 Hope you don't mind。'
'As long as we don't talk shop。'
 She nodded; bit her lip。 and。 together they moved into the crowd。
 During the meal; he did not do much talking。 In his time。 James Bond had learned around four hundred ways of killing: four hundred and three if you counted gun; knife and strangling rope。 He was also an fait with the art of paper…tripping …supplying oneself with necessary documents to survive in a foreign country。 Now。 he figured out what he could recall of the number of ways he could fake a death。 Die。 yet not die; at home or abroad。 Privately or in full; plain sight。 They added up to around a score; though he was in two minds whether he now knew the twenty…first way of doing it。 Or was it still wishful thinking?
 The dinner was excellent; and Bond watched his intake of alcohol; though others did not。 Julian Farsee was well away; while one or two of the other staff became rowdy。 One couple of heavy; battered men even had a row which almost led to a full…scale fight until Toby Lellenberg stepped in; his slow drawl taking on a whiplash quality。
 'Just like Christmas at home。' Bond said; unsmiling; to Clover。 'You staying here long; by the way?'
'I leave on thirty…first to get the Wren draft ready。'
'Back to RNAS Yeovilton?'
 She nodded。 '1 thought this was a no…shop evening。' Then; quite suddenly; 'Can't we make it up。 sir? Sort of start again 。 。 。 James? Please。'
 'Maybe; when it's all over。 Not yet though。 Not until you…know…wh

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