八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > johngardner.winloseordie >



小说: johngardner.winloseordie 字数: 每页4000字

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y to release their harness the moment their rubber…soled hoots struck the deck。 They were only some fifty feet away from landing when a short burst of fire from another part of the superstructure took off the legs of the man on the right。 He sagged in his harness and the wings above him tilled so that the entire glider side…slipped into his partner。
 This second man was thrown to one side; knocked unconscious; swinging out of control so thai the angle of attack of his wings increased sharply; and he smashed into the stern of the tanker。
 The initial shock and surprise were gone in less than iwo minutes。 The gunners who were left; both on deck and in the battered superstructure; were now assessing the situation。 The drills that the Master had insisted on paid off。 None of the crew of the Son of Takashani showed regard for his own safely。 Several big hang…gliders; spitting flame and death; circled the ship; looking for openings to land on the main deck while desperately trying to maintain height。 Two swooped in from starboard; knocking out another heavy machine…gun crew as they came; only to be mangled and ripped apart from fire directed from the superstructure。 Four men actually managed to land safely on the stern; seeking what cover they could abafl the superstructure; unhooking grenades from their webbing equipment。 Three more died as they rode the air down onto the port side。
 Both the gun crews for'ard on the deck were now out of action; and; with a withering fire; another pair of hang…gliders reached the deck。 The remainder were now either blasted out of the sky。 or killed by smashing into the ship's hull。 The seven who remained fought on。
 Smoke grenades gave some cover to the trio who had landed on the for'ard part of the deck; while the four men who were attacking from the stern managed; with grenade and gun; to gain a foothold in the superstructure itself。
 The fighting lasted for almost half an hour。 At the end of that bloody dawn there were several bodies of the glider…borne force strewn around the tanker; eighteen officers and men of the Son of Takashani were dead; and a further seven wounded。
 The radio officer had continued to put out a distress signal throughout the whole battle; but it was an hour later before a US Navy frigate arrived at the scene; and by then; the Japanese…being an orderly people; had tipped the bodies of the attackers overboard; washed down the deck; seen to their own dead and wounded; and reorganised the tanker so that it could continue on its way。
 The most senior officer; twenty…two year old Zenzo Yamuda; who had taken the place of the dead Master; was able to give the American frigate's captain a graphic; blow by blow account of the action。 The American officer was perturbed by the lack of evidence left by the Japanese crew; but Yamada did not appear to be worried。 'I helped one of them die;' he told the frigate's captain。
 'How?' The US officer was thirty years of age; a Lieutenant…mander called Ed Potts; and a man who appreciated order himself。
 'He was dying。 I finish him off。'
 The American nodded。 'He say anything?'
 'One word; only。'
 'He say; win。〃 The Japanese officer laughed at the thought。
 'Win; huh? Well; he didn't; did he?'
 'Man not win。 He lost; and died。' The Japanese officer laughed again; as though it was the funniest thing fie had heard in a long time。
 Later; others did not find it so amusing。


Voices from the Air
 The repercussions which sprang from the strange attack on the tanker; Son of Tukashani; were predictable。 Japan accused first Iran; then Iraq。 Both countries denied plicity。 No terrorist organisation owned up。 though the Intelligence munities of the West kept their eyes and ears open。
 Much of the traffic concerning the Japanese tanker passed across James Bond's desk in that faceless building overlooking Regent's Park where he was。 to his fruslration; chained to an administrative job。 He could not know that he would; eventually; bee deeply involved in the business;
 In these days of high…tech clecironics。 it is not unusual for people; who should know belief; to claim thai HUMINT … the gathering of intelligence by human agents in the field … is either dead; or lives only on borrowed time。 Bond had recently laughed aloud when hearing a writer of adventure stories claim that the spy novel was dead; because: These days; it's all done by satellites。'
 Certainly those electronic wizards girdling the earth can pluck photographs; and even military transmissions; from ihe air; but there was far more to it than that。 The satellite in war can give armies; navies and air forces (he edge; but in peace; when there is more time at the disposal of intelligence agencies; the back…up analysis of photographs and spoken information can only be achieved by the man or woman in the field。 Apart from that; there are often delicate covert operations which cannot be acplished by whole echelons of electronics; only by humans。
 In one area; that of FLINT; the collection of intelligence by electronic means; both the human agent; the SATS (munications Satellites); and ELINT itself were welded together as a team。 In recent years the micro bug; used so successfully to tap into telephone and other conversations; was sparingly taken into the field; usually only on close…quarter covert operations。
 Indeed; the new buzzword is ELINT。 Entire areas of towns; cities; and even the countryside can be monitored; world…wide。 No person is safe from the listeners; for eavesdropping has bee part of life; necessary because of that other horror with which all countries and peoples are forced to cohabit … terrorism; in its many faces and forms。
 Every twenty…four hours; electronic listening devices scan sensitive areas and; as they scan; so the giant memories of puters; at hundreds of installations; will strain to pick up particular trigger words and phrases。 In parts of certain cities which are considered sensitive; if you talk to your girlfriend about Semtex; or accidentally speak a code word or phrase used by known terrorists; your conversation will almost certainly be monitored until the listeners decide your idle chatter is harmless。
 Only human beings can install the small; very powerful listening stations at prescribed points; and other humans insert the key words and phrases into the puter databases。 After that; the machines take over; making decisions to transcribe conversations; pinpoint their locations; even name those who are talking by identifying voice prints。 More human beings analyse these transcripts; sometimes at leisure; more often at speed; lest the advantage is lost。
 Just over a month after the Son of Takashani incident; two men met in a villa overlooking the Mediterranean。 They were smooth…skinned; immaculately turned out。 and; to all intents and purposes; businessmen taking coffee on a vine…covered patio from which they had an uninterrupted view of spectacular beauty: cypresses; olive groves; rough grazing land for sheep and goats; the twinkling sea; and; in the distance; the baked red and white roofs of a small village。 Neither of the men could have known that a powerful receiver was hidden in that village which looked so peaceful and secluded。
 The receiver scanned an area of some fifty miles; shooting a million or so words a second; spoken in streets; bars; private houses and on telephones; through one of the SATS and on into the puters of two large listening…posts。 One of the puters picked up an entire phrase; spoken by one of Ihe two men as they drank their sweet coffee。 The phrase was; 'Health depends on strength。' It was spoken as a toast; and the puter memories metaphorically sal up and took noiice as the four words were repeated。 They had only recently been inserted into the wordscan programs。
 'Health depends on strength。' the younger; dark…haired man smiled as he lifted his cup towards his older panion … a sleek; olive…skinned fellow with broad shoulders and a distinguished grey flecking his temples。
 'WIN was a spectacular disaster。' the older man said。 There was no hint of criticism in his voice; only a trace of distaste。
 'I apologise;' his panion bowed his head slightly; 'I had greal confidence。 The training was exceptional 。 。 。'
 'And cost a small fortune 。 。 。'
 True。 But it does prove that if we are to take all of them; when they're aboard what they like to call Birdsnest Two。 we require a much more subtle approach。 Even if we had doubled; or maybe trebled the f;orce for WIN there would have been carnage。 Birdsnest Two is geared for any kind of attack。 They would have taken out our hang…gliders long before they came within 500 feet of the target。 Also it will probably have to be done in hard winter weather。'
 The older man nodded; 'Which means the atlack can really only e from within。'
 'You mean we should have people on board?' The dark…haired one sounded alarmed。
 〃Can you ihink of a better way?'
 'It's impossible。 How can you infiltrate such a service at short notice? We've less than twelve months to go。 If thai had ever been an option we'd have used it; saved a lot of time; and also a great de?al of money。'
 On the tapes that were finally studied; the listeners strained their ears through a long pause。 In the distance came the sound of an aircraft high and a long way off。 Nearer at hand; a dog barked angrily。 Then the older man spoke …
 〃Ah; my friend; so often we go for a plex solution; how would it be if we made this more simple? One man。 One man aboard Birdsnest Two would be all we need; for one man could unlock the gates; and let others in。 Or even someone in the retinue; a discontented Flag Officer; for instance。 One is all we require。 A single Trojan Horse。'
 〃Even one would be 。 。 。'
 'Difficult? No。 not if he is already there; in place。'
 'But we have nobody who 。 。 。'
 'Maybe we do have somebody already in place; and maybe even he does not yet know it。 Your people are skilled; surely they could fell who this man is; and bring pressure to bear?'
 Again a pause; plete with the barking dog。 Then …
 'promise。 Yes。 an obvious solution。'
 'So obvious that you had to waste the lives of twenty mercenaries; not to mention the finance of training and equipping them。 Now;

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