八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > johngardner.winloseordie >



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r was really a disguised 'funny'。 The Duty munications Officer certainly did。 you could tell by his eyes; and the quick flick of his head when Bond showed him his authority for using the Intelligence puter which had a direct satellite link with GCHQ; Cheltenham。
 They exchanged code words; and a few heads were raised as the munications Officer took him across the busy room (o the little sealed…off area; opening the door and following him in to boot up the big Cray puter。 Once done; the DCO tactfully left him alone。
 The beast's screen shimmered green; and Bond typed in the first set of digits that would wake up the lads in Cheltenham。
STATE AUTHORITY the puter asked him in large black
Bond typed in MERRY…GO…ROUND。
GIVE BACK…UP flashed on to the puter。
26980。〃8 Bond typed。
NOW filRDSNEST TWO he told it。
WHAT OPS? it asked。
 Bond methodically typed in the list recalled from Ed Morgan's last words on earth;
 In a matter of seconds; the machine began to throw dossiers at him on the screen。 One at a time they came; and he could scroll up and down them; reading the official lives of all those Morgan had requested。 He went through six dossiers and selected the *OK' on each when he had finished。 
The response came up; fast and flashing …
He waited。 Then …
 The name had rung a bell。 Yes; he recalled the pyjamad figure as he hurried towards the heads with Clover。 Clover had sharply told her to get back into her cabin。
 So; he would now see Clover and Nikki。 Then; last of all; the non…existent Leading Wren Sarah Deeiey。 There was no way he could report anything to his superior officer。
 Bond went back to his cabin and sent a message out that he required to see First Officer Pennington WRNS。 Immediately。
 Will you Join the Dance
He had sent for coffee; and now sat sipping the strong; black brew。 Across the desk。 Clover Pennington; looking nervous; picked up her cup … white; no sugar。
 'Clover; the situation is quite simple。 The guards were off for about ten minutes。 I know that。 Then one of them; with you in tow; came banging at my door just after twenty…five past one。 So; in those ten minutes two things happened。 First Ed Morgan left the cabin he was sharing with two other American bodyguards and went to the Wrens' heads。 We don't know why。 Maybe he had a date。 Maybe he wanted to be somewhere he was unlikely to be disturbed; the Wrens' heads was the most likely place he could be alone。' The second choice; Bond knew; was the most probable truth。
 'While he was there; someone came in behind him and slit his throat。 Quickly; quietly; and very efficiently。 It could have been one of his buddies; or one of the Russians; even Moggy Camm。 one of Admiral Sir Geoffrey Gould's Flag Lieueys。 On the other hand; it could have been the Russian lady 。 。 。'
'Nikki the Rat?' she said it with no 'race of humour。
 'Nikki。 yes。 Or; First Officer Pennington。 it could have been you; or one of your girls。 We still have to discuss the question of how Morgan's body was found。 You said it was one of your Wrens。 Which one?'
 'Leading Wren Deeley。' Her hand shook; lifting the cup。 So much so lhat she had to put her other hand up to steady it。
 'Okay。 Clover。 We both know whose side you're on。 because you came storming into the villa on Ischia。 having almost had me killed 。 。 。'
She suddenly appeared to steady herself。 'I saved your life as it happens。 We blew the BAST girl to hell and gone。 You were there。 We triggered that explosion before you could get close。 It was; as they say; a button job。'
 'Right; Clover。 After spending time with me at Northanger you went back io Yeovilton and collected your girls。 Girls you'd already worked with。'
 'Then how do you explain Leading Wren Deeley? The girl who found friend Morgan's body?'
 She took another sip of coffee; then said; 'James; I just can't explain her。 Those last few weeks at Yeovilton were spent going through all the drills with the girls … all the stuff we would have to do for Stewards' Meeting。 I came back from Northanger and one of my Leading Wrens had gone sick。 They had simply put Deeley in her place。 I had a bit of a row with the Executive Officer about it。 I also had to go through the training with Deeley on her own。 Thank God; she's smart and a quick study; as they say in the theatre。〃
 Bond looked into her eyes。 They were steady and nothing stirred or moved within them。 'You baby…sat me in Ischia with a team; right?'
'You know it's right。〃
'And you're still watching my back here; in Invincible?
'Part of my orders; yes。 It isn't easy; James。〃
 He let the pause hang between them for almost a minute。 Tve checked you out。 Clover。 You appear to be absolutely clean。'
'What d'you mean? Checked me out?'
 'I've been onto our records in London with a list of names。 You e out clean; and you've done all the courses for my particular service。〃
 'Of course I have。 Damn it。 I've been in the Royal Navy for six years。〃
Then why didn't you run a check on Deeley?'
'I didn't think it 。 。〃
 Bond hit the desk with the flat of his palm; 'Who do you think was responsible for Ed Morgan's death?'
 She gave a long sigh; 'Nikki the Rat。 She arrived in the heads very conveniently; just after Deeley found the body。〃
'Don't be naive。 Clover。 You saw the state of those heads; they were awash with blood。 We made one hell of a mess in the corridors just getting the body looked at and moved。 Footprints all over the place。 When we arrived … you; me and the marine … there was one set of smudged footprints leading out。 Deeley; you say; found the body; followed quickly by Nikki Ratnikov。 Deeley actually went into the heads; yes?〃
'Yes。' A very small voice。
 'Nikki stood outside the bulkhead and screamed her head off; right?1
She nodded。
 'Then Deeley came out。 In a state? You haven't told me any of this; yet。 But I'm presuming it。 Am 1 right?'
 She took a long sip of coffee。 'The screaming woke me。 After all。 my cabin's almost opposite the heads。'
'I came out and there was Nikki screaming 。 。 。'
'Standing just outside the bulkhead?'
'And Deeley was inside; with her feet paddling in blood?'
 A quick; almost reluctant; nod。 'She was in a state。 Just standing there looking at the body and the blood。 Frozen there。 I thought she'd have hysterics。 She could have caught them quite easily from the Russian; who was making one hell of a din/
 'The marine guard came running。 He said something about reporting to you。〃
 'Which he did; with you on his heels。 You got to me a couple of minutes after him。 What happened in that couple of minutes?'
'Nikki faded away; sobbing her heart out;'
'And you told Deeley to e out?'
'Yes。' Again the little nod。
 'You saw she was dripping blood all over the place from her feet?'
 Ч told her to wait a minute and got a towel from my cabin。 She wiped off her feet and I told her to get back to her cabin。 I said I'd talk to her later。'
'And have you?'
 'Yes; I've seen her。 She seems to be in shock。 There are three other girls in her cabin; they're helping to calm her down。 Actually I got the doc to give her something。 Sedative。'
 'You realise that; unless the killer got out very quickly; Deetey's your main suspect? One set of smudged; bloody footprints; which ended suddenly along the passage; when we got there。 De…elcy's。 we presume; with her feet wiped off with your towel。 What was she wearing?'
 'A robe。 Towelling robe; most of the girls find those convenient。'
'Carrying anything?'
 〃Then there's another problem。 We haven't recovered the murder weapon。 Somewhere; someone's got a very sharp knife。 And there's the other matter of you not having Deeley security cleared when they gave her to you at Yeovilton。〃
 'She was Grade 3 cleared。 On her documents。 She's been working on classified stuff at Reel HQ。 Northwood。'
'It actually says that?1
'You want to see it?'
'Later。 It's all a forgery anyway。'
'What 。 。 。?'
 He didn't let her finish。 'Leading Wren Sarah Deeley does not exist。 Clover。'
'What d'you 。 。 。'
 Again he stopped her; by pleting the question。 'What do I mean? I mean what 1 say。 No Leading Wren Deeley exists in your branch of the service。 I've had it from London。 She's a plant; and I suspect that Ed Morgan knew it。 or; at least suspected it。 He had other suspicions as well。'
'This is crazy!'
 'No。 you've made a terrible mistake。 Clover。 You were in charge。 You should have personally seen to it that all security clearances matched up and were for real。'
 〃Oh; my God。' There was no denying the shock in her voice and on her face。 'What do we do。 James?'
'You mean what do / do? I'll tell you。' He spoke for ten minutes; saying that he would feel safer if she was out of the way。 Til arrange a marine guard and have you kept somewhere out of sight。 It'll make mailers easier。 Then I want to talk to the Captain。 After that; I'll see Nikki Ratnikov。 1 want an independent identification of the Deeley girl。 Then I'll question her; and she'll probably be taken into custody and held until it's all over and we're in Gib。 I'm not going to bother my people as yet。 More secure to do it directly from Gib。 Okay?1
'Whatever you say; James。〃
 As he rose; so she came towards him; one hand reaching out and grasping his sleeve。 〃James; my career's at risk。 I've played everything by the book; even saved your life from that wretched girl who。 I'm certain; was going to see you dead before Christmas Day was out。 You owe me 。 。 。'
 'And you。 Clover; owe me now。 I'll do whatever I can for you。'
She came closer; her young body thrusting against his。
 Bond pulled away; holding her ai arm's length。 'Later; Clover。 When it's all over we'll talk。 Just wait。' He went to the cabin door; opened it a

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