八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > johngardner.winloseordie >



小说: johngardner.winloseordie 字数: 每页4000字

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 Sir John Walmsley gave a tiny sigh and nudged James Bond。 who stood beside him。 'I think Captain Bond should give you a little rundown;' he said; his voice thai of a desperate man。 'He is in plete control of your security; so he; as it were; carries the can。'
 'Oh yes?' Bond thought before he spoke。 'I think Sir John's explained it very clearly。' He kept his voice deliberately low; and slow enough for the translator to do his work for Chairman Gorbachev。 This morning; one of the main turbines which drive this ship; had a serious malfunction。 One man; a Petty Officer; was killed and there was no further damage。 The turbine has been inspected and; so far。 there are no signs of sabotage。 One thing is clear; (hough … we should not attempt to make Gibraltar without getting the turbine running again。 Also; because the other turbines were produced at the same (ime as the one which blew; it is essential that they have a plete overhaul。 This will take several days。' He paused to let all this sink in。 and Mrs Thaicher showed slight annoyance; looking at him as if to say; 'Gel on with it; man。'
 'There is a US Naval Base; near Cadiz; and within a few hours' sailing time Trom here; but there are problems about this place 。 。 。'
'You're talking about Rota?' the PM asked。
 'Precisely; Prime Minister。 Until a few years ago Rota was a base for US ships。 In particular for the nuclear submarine fleets。 However; this was discontinued at the request of (he Spanish Government。 Now it is solely used ior Spanish ships; though the United States use it as an airfield … to support the US Navy; as a staging post for US personnel returning home; or going to other NATO bases in Europe。 It is also; I am told; used for more sensilive matters。'
 'So what are you telling us。 Captain Bond?' President Bush asked; a little sharply。
 'Permission has been given for Invincible to put into Rota。 In fact it has now been included in the exercise in which we are supposed to be engaged。 Landsea '89。 A new turbine is being flown out。 in several sections; and a special team of engineers are ing in from Rolls…Royce。 The problem there is that we shall he called upon to allow more civilians on board 。 。 。'
 〃Can they not wait for the four days; which; I must remind you。 Captain Bond; are shrinking fast?' The Prime Minister was getting more irritated and Bond already knew that it was unlikely they would budge her from her avowed intention of spending the full four days with President Bush and Secretary Gorbachev。
'There is one other problem。〃 Bond continued。 〃Yes; I expect the engineers can be kept at bay; bul / am concerned for your safety。 While we cannot prove the gas…turbine accident was an act of sabotage; we have had two incidents since we menced Landsea '89。 Both; we suspect; are connected to a little…known terrorist group called BAST。 One took place before you joined us … (hat concerned murder; and the resultant discovery that one of the Wren detachment on board was not what she seemed。 She was a very definite penetration agent; we think linked to BAST。 Also; this morning; one of your protectors。 Chairman Gorbachev; was killed while we were trying to arrest a second man we think is also a BAST penetration。'
 The Russian leader spoke a few words to the interpreter who said。 'Mr Gorbachev is already aware that Nikola Ratnikov has given her life for his persona! protection。 She is to be posthumously awarded the highest honour the Soviet Union can give to a brave soldier/
 Bond acknowledged the statement; then continued。 '! have also been threatened by BAST。 Over Christmas 1 was personally attacked; and my car was bombed on the island of Ischia。 This was definitely a BAST operation; which seems to indicate thai the whole of Stewards' Meeting is known to them。
 'Our only option is to limp into Rota tonight… and gei you all off the ship; under cover of darkness。 The USNB at Rota has agreed to take people off but; as yet。 they do not; of course; know who you are。'
 'Then that will take up a little time。 Captain Bond;' Mrs Thatchcr said frostily。 '1 would suggest that you get on with moving us into Rota; and arranging for us to fly back to our respective countries under ihe utmosi secrecy。'
 'Thank you。 Prime Minister。 That's what we see as the most viable course 。 。 。〃
 But the PM had not finished。 'This will; of course; not be possible to acplish in the next four days。 We started our talks this morning。 We will leave; secretly from Rota; in four days。 I am sure we'll all be quite safe in your hands。 Thank you。 Sir John; thank you。 Captain Bond。 Now we must really get on with our work。'
'It's like trying to argue with an Exocet;' Sir John Walmsley said angrily once they were outside。 'So be it。 We make for Rota。 The rest of the Task Force will have to stay outside the harbour; as a defensive wall; while we。 Bond; will just have to make the best of it。 How's the fellow who got shot this morning?'
 'He'll be okay; bul we can't even think of questioning him yet。'
 'e up to the bridge with me。' The Rear…Admiral had already set off at a brisk pace。' When'll you be able to interrogate the man?'
 'Probably sometime tomorrow。 I have an armed guard on him … round the clock。〃
 'You going to leave him to the tender mercies of the inquisitor you had flown in from Gib?'
 Bond sighed。 〃As il happens。 1 was going to have him relieved because I didn't think him suitable for the Deeley girl。 He's got a paranoid personality; and jumps at every shadow。 He's not the most pleasant interrogator I've met。 and he sees plots behind every uniform and every bulkhead; though I think he might just be the type to deal with this joker。〃
 〃Your province。 Bond。 Your province。 You must do as you see n't。' They had reached the bridge。 'Oh。 merciful heavens。 look what we have here!' Walmsley exploded。 Outside the weather had closed in; with low cloud and driving rain。
 'It'll take me until tonight to get into Rota。 Maybe late tonight。 You get on with what you have to do。 Bond; anti I'll try and make it in the shortest possible lime。 The Task Force will have to close up; and that's not going to be easy in the circumstances。 We'll talk later。 Right?'
 'Aye…Aye; sir。' Bond went below; found the sick bay and spoke to Surgeon mander Grant。
 'He's weak and unconscious。' the doctor told him; 'though one of the Flag Lieutenants guarding Mrs Т came down and shot off some photographs to send to London for identification。 ;; The marines will keep an eye on him; and; I assure you that; unless he's subject to a miracle; there's no way he can get out of here。 Lost too much blood。'
 Next; Bond summoned Donald Speaker to his cabin。 The man showed no sign of relaxing his near…paranoid unpleasant stance and arrived late; without knocking at the door。
 'Sit down。' Bond knew he sounded like a headmaster who had summoned a recalcitrant boy to his study。
'What is it now? More shadv business?〃
important。 You have to get back to the ship。 Even now; terrible things could be happening。 We have people watching but we don't really know what they're going to do。 Or how they'll do it。 You were followed; by the way 。 。 。'
'Followed here?'
 'No; after the bomb。 To the place they had set up on the mainland。 We managed to get our first good photograph of Bassam Baradj; who we think is the 〃Viper〃 of BAST。 The leader; who is going to do something pretty terrible to those three important people you have on your ship。' She pushed a photograph across the table。 It was the man he had known as Toby Lellenberg; the manding Officer of Northangcr。
That's Baradj?'
 'Well; if all that was phoney; why in heaven's name didn't anyone do something about it? Why didn't you get me out? e to that you could have scuppered Baradj at the same time。 Why; Beatrice?'
 She gave him a wan smile。 'Why; indeed? I tried; James。 I tried very hard。 To me it seemed the obvious thing to do。'
Then why didn't you 。 。 。?'
 'M overruled it。 You were monitored very carefully。 The whole Northanger set…up was kept under close surveillance; but M said we were to let them play it out。 His argument was fairly sound。 He wanted to use the information regarding your hijacking; and; e to that; the hijacking of ail the Northanger staff; as a lever。'
'What kind of a lever?'
 'He thought the Prime Minister; the US President; and Gorby would abort the whole thing if they smelled danger。 He … M; that is … laid it all out to the PM; went through the dangers; and the diffieulties we might have with security。 But 。 。 。'
'But she wouldn't listen。' Bond supplied。
 Bentrice nodded。 'She waved aside everything。 Even called the US President while M was there。 Their argument was that this was urgent; important; and couldn't be rescheduled。 I rather gather that she just waved aside the danger; and the others followed her; like sheep。〃
That all figures。 Do we know where Baradj is now?'
 ?We're not sure。 Maybe on Gibraltar。 Maybe even nearer。 Now you know 'his; you have to get back。 You also have to get Mrs Thatcher。 the President of the United States; and Mr Gorbachev off the ship in time。 Off and away from it。'
An expletive suddenly burst out of Bond's mouth。
?What?' Beatrice asked。
'If you're not the 〃Cat〃; then 。 。 。'
 'Of course。 Did you not realise that before? It's one of the reasons you have to get back。 If we pinpoint Baradj。 then I'll be near him。 Look for me near Baradj。' She had risen and pressed a button set in the wall。 Mike Carter appeared in the doorway。 'Time to go?' he asked; almost gratefully。
Ч have told him all we know; Mike。〃
〃Your boat didn't wait for you。' Carter looked at Bond。
 'No。 No。 I have a code sequence with Walmsley。 Are you in touch with the ship?'
'Sure。 No speech; just the electronics。'
 'Okay; send this … Songbird requests boat to e aboard。 You should receive a response with the words Tawny Owl in it。 If they don't send Tawny Owl。 then I guess we're in for a shooting match。'
 He rose; and she came around the table to him。 For the first time。 Bond noticed that she was wearing the gold and diamond clasp; shaped likeascu/и/л。 that he had given her for Christmas。 He held her close; and kissed her hair; then her lips。 'If you're going to be near Baradj; you take care; Beatrice; my darling。'

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