八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > johngardner.winloseordie >



小说: johngardner.winloseordie 字数: 每页4000字

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is persuasion were taughi to regard their personal weapon as their child: and that was not just terrorism according to the top people's espionage novelist。 It was for real。
 He looked around the Crew Room and finally found a G…suit and helmet which were roughly his size。 Two…fifty in the afternoon。 From the bulkhead door he could still see the Leading Wren; and behind her the Sea Harriers; the first of the four aircraft right on the ski…ramp; with one machine behind it; and a pair of others parked abreast。 They were all obviously ready and armed; for the ribbons hung from the Sidewinders; slung under the wings。
 Standing to one side of the bulkhead; his hack to the deck。 Bond put up the visor of his helmet and whistled loudly。
 There was movement from the deck; so the Leading Wren had heard and been alerted。 He whistled; shrilly again; and heard the answerhig footsteps as she crossed towards the Crew Room door。 The footsteps stopped; and he could imagine that she was standing; uncertain; the H & К tucked into her hip and the safety off。
 When she came; she moved quickly and was inside the Crew Room almost before Bond was ready for her。 The only piece of luck that came his way was the fact that she moved to the right first; which is normal in right…handed people; and exactly why Bond had staked himself to the left; from her viewpoint on the main deck。
 His arm went around her neck。 This was one of those times when it did not pay to be squeamish; or to even think about what he was doing。 He only wished that it had been the psycho; Deeley。
She dropped the machine pistol; trying to claw at his arms; but Bond had already done the damage。 Left arm around the neck from behind; push in hard; reach over and grasp the left biceps with the right hand; so that his right forearm went across her forehead。 Now the pressure: fast; very hard; and lethal。 He heard the neck go; and felt her weight in sudden death。 Then  he grabbed at the H & К and ran out onto the deck; slipping ihe H & К to Safe; ducking under the wings of the aircraft until he reached (he one on the ski…ramp。 He went right around the aircraft; checking all control surfaces were free; nipping (he warning ribbons from the Sidewinders; and pulling the caps off the front of the Aden gun pods。
 The generator was in place; plugged in。 He paused for a second; undecided。 He could leave it in and be certain that he could start the engine first lime; or unplug and hope to hell there was enough charge on board。 If he took the first option; there was danger in the iake…off; with the generator cable still attached。 He took the second way and unplugged the cord; then ran around the aircraft; climbing into the cockpit。 As he lowered himself into the seat he imagined he could hear the sound of another aircraft。 He clipped the straps on and hauled down so that he was tighily secured。 He lowered the canopy; and pressed ihe ignition; going through the рге…take…off drill in his head。
 As he pressed the ignition; so there was a huge roar。 Flame speared up from somewhere behind him。 and he could hear the heavy thump of 30mm shells hitting parked aircraft and the deck around him。
 As the engine fired; so (he shape crossed directly over him。 A Sea Harrier; very low。 almosl hugging the sea as it did a tighl turn; pulling a lot of G; to circle and e in again。
 In at the Kill

He did not really know if this was a full; co…ordinated attack on Invincible; but; in the last seconds; logic told him exactly what it was … the fireworks promised by BAST if the 15。00 hours deadline was not met。
 Take…off check: brakes on; flaps OUT; ASI 'bug' to lift…off speed。 As always; the aircraft was alive; trembling to the idling of the Rolls…Royce turbofan。
 Nozzle lever set to short take…off position at the 50〃 stop mark; throttle to fifty…five per cent RPM; brakes off; throttle banged into fully open; and there it was; the giant hand pressing at his chest and face。
 The Sea Harrier snarled off the ramp。 Gear 'Up'… ASI 'bug' flashing and beeping: nozzles to horizontal flight; flaps to IN。 The HUD showing the climbing angle; right on 60°; and a speed of f》40 knots。
 Bond broke left; standing on one wing as he pulled a seven G turn; the nose dropping slightly; then ing up with a twitch of the rudder。 One thousand feet; and to his right he saw Invincible; the aircraft and helicopters on her deck ablaze。 Gas tanks going up to produce spectacular blooms of fire; and the other aircraft; low; almost down to the water; then putting her nose up and pulling into a hard; left turn。
 Bond reached the outer edge of the turn; flipped the aircraft into a right…hand break; harder this time; his left foot pushing down on the rudder to keep level; then back on the stick to gain height as a bleep started to pulse loud in his headphones; and the trace on the radar showing another aircraft locking on behind him … behind and above。
He pulled back on the stick; put the nose towards the sky; and heard the rasping noise that warned a missile had been released。 His mind grabbed at the recent past; and the missile fired at him near the bombing range close to the Isle of Man。 That could have only been an AIM…9J Sidewinder。 As close as this; a superior A1M…9L Sidewinder would have followed him to impact。
 He punched out three Hares; set his own HUD to air…to…air weapons; and flung the aircraft onto its back; easing up on the stick and feeling the red…out as the horizon disappeared below him and the sea came rushing up to meet him as he took the Harrier through an inverted roll。
 The rasping beep disappeared; and the horizon came up again。 The flares had done their job。 but he could not see the other Harrier and he was down to 2。000 feet again。
 Turning in a wide full 360°。 Bond searched sky and sea with his eyes; flicking to and fro between the view from his cockpit to the radar screen。 In the far distance Invincible'^ deck was still littered with burning aircraft; and he thought he caught sight of a yellow fire bulldozer being handled in an attempt to clear the deck of the ravished hulks of 'planes and helicopters。 Then he caught the flash; on the radar; far away; thirty or so miles out to sea。 The flashing dot began to wink and he adjusted his course; losing height and slamming the throttles to full power。 trying to lock on io the other Sea Harrier; obviously intent on making its getaway; and evading chase。
 He was pushing The Harrier to its outer limits of speed; making a shallow dive towards the sea and keeping his course level with the flashing cursor on the radar screen。 Without any conscious thought he knew who he was up against: knew it was (he Sea Harrier which had gone missing on ihe day he had nearly had a missile up his six。 The pilot could only be the Spaniard; though; at this moment; with (he sea flashing below him and his eyes flicking between instruments and the horizon; he could not have named him。
 In seconds。 Bond realised he was; in fact; gaining on the other Harrier which was about twenty miles ahead of him now。 He armed one of the Sidewinders; waiting for the lock…on signal; for he might soon be in range。 Then the blinking cursor vanished。
There was a slight time…lag before Bond realised the other pilot had probably pulled up to gain height; rolled over and was high above him now。 heading back towards him。 He lifted the nose; allowing the radar to search the air; and; sure enough; the second Harrier was above and closing。
 He put the aircraft into a gentle climb; all his senses jangling and ready for the rasp or the beep which would tell him the Spaniard had released a second missile the moment he came within range … the pilot's name returned to his memory without any conscious thought … Pantano。
 Fifteen miles; and the aircraft were closing at a bined speed of around 1。200 knots。 Seconds later; the marker on the HUD began to pulse and the beep in his ears told him he had locked on。
 Bond released the Sidewinder; and saw the flashing cursor break to his left。 The rasp came into his own ears; and he knew they had both fired missiles at the same momenl。
 He punched out four flares and turned left; climbing。 Seconds later there was an explosion behind at about a mile。 Pantano's missile had gone for the flares。 Then; without warning Bond's aircraft shuddered and cracked as 30mm shells ripped into the fuselage behind him。
 He stood the Harrier on its left wing; then reversed to the right。 Pantano had Viffed。 slightly above him and at a range of around 1。000 feel。 Bond armed another Sidewinder; heard the lock…on signal; and pressed the button。 As he did so; another withering hail of 30mm shells ripped across his left wing and the Harrier juddered again; wallowed; then seemed to leap forward towards the great blossom of fire as the Sidewinder caught Pantano's Harrier。
 It was like a slow…motion film。 One minute the aircraft was there; firing a deadly swarm from its Aden guns; then the white flash filled Bond's vision and he saw the 'plane break into a dozen pieces。
 He overshot the destroyed Harrier; and saw only one plete wing; twirling and fluttering down like a deformed autumn leaf。 He reduced speed and turned; 10 set course for the coast; and as he did so。 his Harrier grumbled; juddering and shaking。 He fought the controls; realising that he had no true stability。 The shells from the Aden guns had probably ripped away pan of his elevators; and a section of tailplane。
Altitude 10;000 feet and falling。 The Harrier was in a gentle descent and Bond could just about hold her nose at a five…to… ten…degree angle。 He was between twenty and thirty miles from the coast and losing height rapidly; hauling back continuously on the stick to stop the nose from dropping and the entire aircraft hurtling into a dive from which he could never recover。
 The engine sounded as though someone had poured a ton of sand into it。 and he had switched on the auto…signal which would allow the base af Rota to (rack him in。 He was down to 3。000 feel before he saw the coast in the distance; and by then the whole Harrier was shaking and clanking around him as though it was about to break up at any minute。 The sink…rate was being faster; and Bond knew there was only one thing left。 He would have to p

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