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 Harry and Bill invited him to dinner at their hotel。 Over dinner they all planned to spend the following Sunday together。 Then the conversation turned to the big Naval turbine engines; on which the Petty Officer was an expert。
The Christmas Horse

 The phrase 'health depends on strength' was picked up once more by the listening…posts towards the end of November。 The puters lucked on and the Iranscript was on M's desk within twenty…four hours。
 Again it was Bassam Baradj and Abou Hamarik who spoke。
 'Surely you don't think this naval man。 Bond; will be any threat to an operation as plex as ours?' Baradj said。
 'I like to be sure of my enemies。' Hamarik's voice was almost a whisper。 'Bond isn't merely a simple officer of the Royal Navy: not that (here are any simple Royal Naval officers。 This man has a curious and impressive record; and my informants tell me he is to be drafted to the ship as a special liaison officer。〃
 〃Head of a select bodyguard section?'
 'And you thought he was enough of a threat to warrant removing; even in the midst of something vital to the final plan?〃
 'I saw it as a military opportunity。 The chance was there。 It failed。'
 There was a long pause; then Baradj spoke again。 'Well; Abou; I trust the other part of our Operation Lose goes well and will not be promised。 Apart from the general political aims of the Brotherhood; I have a great deal of hard currency tied up。 I've never disguised the fact that there are financial issues here。 While I believe ardently in 'he Brotherhood; and see it as the only way a new and more just world; can be established; I am also concerned with creating a financial buffer for myself; and; of course; the Brotherhood which would be nothing without my support。 Pray the next segment of the plan goes without any hitches。'
 'This ing weekend will see the pletion of that phase。 We have our man neatly sewn up。 You need not be concerned
 about that part。 All will go well。'
 'And the Bond fellow?'
 'Maybe it would be a good idea to remove him from the scene。 He was formerly a member of the British Secret Intelligence Service; at one time a skilled assassin until the British had no more stomach for such things。 But he is experienced; a good leader; and a man to be reckoned with。 He will; doubtless; have people under his mand guarding the trio who will be aboard Birdsnest Two。'
 'If we get rid of him before the event?' Baradj paused; '。〃。〃we dispose of him。 will they bring in someone of his quality as a replacement?'
 'They will replace him;' Hamarik sounded a shade diffident。 'But not with u man of like calibre。 Bond is; shall we say; unique。〃
 Once more there was one of those long pauses; when the listening devices picked up stray noises: a goatherd or shepherd on the slopes below; people; probably servants or bodyguards; arguing。
 'They have their feast of Christmas next month;' Baradj sounded suddenly hard; and threatening。 'Find out where this man is to spend Christmas。 I'll give him to the Cat。 That will lessen our chances of failure。'
 M; in his office overlooking Regent's Park; watched Bill Tanner reading the transcript。 Tanner was a quick reader; but M was impatient; drumming his fingers on the leather skivers inlaid in his desk top。
 'Well?' he asked sharply when his Chief of Staff had finished。
 'They're too well informed;' Tanner spoke decisively。 'It's bee uncontrollable。 I think you should advise a rethink。 Call the whole thing off。〃
 M grunted。 'Mmm。 But; Chief of Staff; can you see our advice being taken? Knowing what's involved; there are risks in trying to have the thing called off。'
 It was Bill Tanner's turn to grunl as he moved to his favourite place; by the window; looking down into the Park below。 'I understand the problem; sir。 But if the worst happens 。 。 。'
 'Our best chance is to stop it happening at all。 Keep Bond in play。 You heard what Baradj said about Christmas。 Why don't we flush 'em out? Make 'em vulnerable by letting them show
 their hand。'
 'You mean use Bond as a tethered goat?'
 'More a stalking…horse。 Tanner。 Have to ask him first; of course。 Yes; set up a meeting; and make sure it's absolutely one hundred per cent sterile。 Got me?'
 'I understand; sir。'
 'The Cat;' M was almost musing to himself。 'BAST; the three…headed monster riding on a viper。 The heads of a man; a snake and a oil。 The Cat; Tanner。'
 'Saphii Boudai; yes?'
 'What's on file?'
 'Precious little; sir。 We know she was PLO at one time。 There is a possibility that she spent a few years as a penetration agent within Mossad。 but they're either too coy。 or lied loo tightly into their own vengeance plans to release any photographs。 Boudai。 we know; is around twenty…nine; or thirty years of age; we also know she is attractive and an expert in many things clandestine。 But we have no photographs and no real description 。'
 M gave another grunt。 'They have Bond well assessed。 His weak point has always been women。 He's going to have to be briefed fully。 Try and get more information on the Boudai woman; even if you have to lean on your Mossad contacts。 They're a touchy lot。 I know; but do your best … and set up that meeting with more (han usual care。'
 Tanner nodded and left the office looking grim and determined。
 The Harrier conversion eourse at Yeovilton had bee even more demanding; bach day Bond flew; and each day they stretched him to new limits … not just on thi; bombing range but also in the role of fighter pilot。
 First in the simulator; then later in the more dangerous environment of reality; he practised dog…fight techniques … sometimes with other aircraft flown by instructors; or hiscoursemates。
 in one day he would go through the high…speed; stomaeh churning manoeuvres like the High G Yo Yo。 Flip Yo Yo; Low G Yo Yo; and the old; tried and true Immelmann。 modified for jet aircraft so thai you changed direction by rolling the aero plane; not at the top of a loop; as in the classic Immelmann turn; but as you shot up in a vertical climb。
 There was also the manoeuvre unique to the Harrier… thrust Vectored In Forward Flight; or VIFFasil iskrmwn; The Harrier has the ability to rise vertically; or move sideways from its normal flight path。 This was a technique thought to be absolutely revolutionary in air bat; but the conversion course pilots; having learned how to perform the V1FF; were put in the true picture by a veteran pilot of the Falklands campaign。
 'The Press made a big deal oul of VIFFing。' the pilot told them in a closed lecture。 'But I don't think any of us used it。 I've seen articles and drawings in magazines showing Harriers allowing an enemy aircraft to position himself for an attack directly behind their six; then whizzing upwards and blasting the attacker as he overshot。' The pilot; a young Lieutenant…mander gave a rueful smile。 〃You just don't let anyone calmly place himself at six o'clock; it's just too bloody dangerous。 Also the VIFF slows you down … that's its one great use。 Personally; I'd only use it to alter the position of my nose so that I could get a good shot at my opponent。 Forget about heroic leaps upwards; and letting enemy aircraft overshoot you。 If there's someone on your six; he'll probably get you whatever you do…unless he fires a missile a long way out of range; These days aerial bat is still mainly Battle of Britain stuff at speed; and at a longer separation。 Rely on your radar and lock…on。 A well…placed heat…seeker fired from even the outer limits of range will do the job… on him。 or vow。'
 So; they added VIFFing to their stockpile of manoeuvres; knowing its limits; just as they all began to feel out their own limits。 Bond knew he had not operated under such stress for a long time; and was particularly concerned about Clover Penning…ton。 who; instead of being put off by his own cold…shouldering; appeared to have bee more and more interested。 She would wail for him; lingering in the ante…room; or seek him out at meals; showing an unusual concern for his well…being; but careful not to overstep the mark。
 That spectacular Wren three…ringer's really got the hots for you;' the US Navy pilot remarked one day at lunch。
 'Really?〃 Bond gave him a surprised look。 'Well; if she has。 I suggest that someone tells her to take a cold shower。'
 'Know what you mean; Captain。 After a day chasing around the sky in these birds。 I doubt if I could put on a performance; even tor the most desirable two…legged bird。 These Harriers sap it all out of you。'
 True。〃 Bond said with a tight smile as he rose and left the table。
 A couple of days later he received a posi card picturing the Martyrs' Memorial in Oxford。 He did not recognise the writing; but presumed it had been done by one of the cleared secretaries back at the Regent's Park office。 It was neat; short; and to the point。
 pleted twenty…two pages of notes on bear…baiting in the sixteenth century; visited Blenheim Palace to take a look at the archives which kept me busy over the weekend。 Hope to see you soon。 Love as ever。 Judith。
 Anyone with mon sense could have deciphered it。 Judith was the code for crash meeting。 The lext told Bond exactly when and where: The Bear Hotel。 Woodsiock; near Oxford。 Room twenty…two at eight o'clock on Sunday night … the room number was exact; the time was 16。00 hours plus four。 Either something was up。 or … as the course was nearing pletion … plans had been altered。
 The Bear Hotel; Woodstock。 lies in the main square of that crowded little town which stands a few minutes' walk from the grounds leading to Blenheim Palace; that gorgeous gift to the First Duke of Marlborough from a grateful sovereign。 The Palace was designed by Vanbrugh and the magnificent grounds landscaped by Capability Brown。 The main Palace doors contain a replica of the intricate locks which once graced the main gates of the city of Warsaw; and these days people travel to see it in its historic context; for one of the great leaders of the twentieth century; Winston Churchill; was not only born in the Palace; but also lies buried in nearby Biadon。 Bond had often e here; driving from London on a Saturday; spending the day walking in the grounds; simply enjoying the breathtaking views。 He remembered one Saturday in Octo

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