八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > sidneysheldon.astrangerinthemirror >



小说: sidneysheldon.astrangerinthemirror 字数: 每页4000字

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m? Listen to this … it's great。 They won't let the mother in! She has to sneak in to the back of the church to watch her own kid getting married。 There won't be a dry eye in the audience。。。。 Well; that's it。 What do you think?〃 
 Sam had guessed wrong。 Stella Dallas。 He glanced at the agent; who averted his eyes and studied the tips of his expensive shoes in embarrassment。 
 〃It's great;〃 Sam said。 〃It's exactly the kind of picture the studio's looking for。〃 Sam turned to the agent。 〃Call Business Affairs and work out a deal with them; Peter。 I'll tell them to expect your call。〃 
 The agent nodded。 
 〃Tell them they're gonna have to pay a stiff price for this one; or I'll take it to Wamer Brothers;〃 Dallas Burke said。 〃I'm giving you first crack at it because we're friends。〃 
 〃I appreciate that;〃 Sam said。 He watched as the two men left the office。 Strictly speaking; Sam knew he had no right to spend the pany's money on a sentimental gesture like this。 But the motionpicture industry owed something to men like Dallas Burke; for without him and his kind there would have been no industry。 
 At eight o'clock the following morning; Sam Winters drove up under the portico of the Beverly Hills Hotel。 A few minutes later; he was threading his way across the Polo Lounge; nodding to friends; acquaintances and petitors。 More deals were made in this room over breakfast; lunch and cocktails than were consummated in all the offices of all the studios bined。 
 Mel Foss looked up as Sam approached。 〃Morning; Sam。〃 
 The two men shook hands and Sam slid into the booth across from Foss。 Eight months ago Sam had hired Foss to run the television division of Pan…Pacific Studios。 Television was the new baby in the entertainment world; and it was growing with incredible rapidity。 All the studios that had once looked down on television were now involved in it。 The waitress came to take their orders; and when she had left; Sam said; 
 〃What's the good news; Mel?〃 
 Mel Foss shook his head。 〃There is no good news;〃 he said。 〃We're in trouble。〃 
 Sam waited; saying nothing。 〃We're not going to get a pickup on 〃The Raiders'。〃 
 Sam looked at him in surprise。 〃The ratings are great。 Why would the network want to cancel it? It's tough enough to get a hit show。〃 
 〃It's not the show;〃 Foss said。 〃It's Jack Nolan。〃 
 Jack Nolan was the star of 〃The Raiders〃; and he had been an instant success; both critically and with the public。 
 〃What's the matter with him?〃 Sam asked。 He hated Mel Foss's habit of forcing him to draw information from him。 
 〃Have you read this week's issue of Peek magazine?〃 
 〃I don't read it any week。 It's a garbage pail。〃 He suddenly realized what Foss was driving at。 〃They nailed Nolan!〃 
 〃In black and white;〃 Foss replied。 〃The dumb son of a bitch put on his prettiest lace dress and went out to a party。 Someone took pictures。〃 
 〃How bad is it?〃 
 〃Couldn't be worse。 I got a dozen calls from the network yesterday。 The sponsors and the network want out。 No one wants to be associated with a screaming fag。〃 
 〃Transvestite;〃 Sam said。 He had been counting heavily on presenting a strong television report at the board meeting in New York next month。 The news from Foss would put an end to that。 Losing 〃The Raiders〃 would be a blow。 Unless he could do something。 
 When Sam returned to his office; Lucille waved a sheaf of messages at him。 
 〃The emergencies are on top;〃 she said。 〃They need you  〃 
 〃Later。 Get me William Hunt at IBC。〃 Two minutes later; Sam was talking to the head of the International Broadcasting pany。 Sam had known Hunt casually for a number of years; and liked him。 Hunt had started as a bright young corporate lawyer and had worked his way to the top of the network ladder。 They seldom had any business dealings because Sam was not directly involved with television。 He wished now that he had taken the time to cultivate Hunt。 When Hunt came on the line; Sam forced himself to sound relaxed and casual。 
 〃Morning; Bill。〃 
 〃This is a pleasant surprise;〃 Hunt said。 〃It's been a long time; Sam。〃 
 〃Much too long。 That's the trouble with this business; Bill。 You never have time for the people you like。〃 
 〃Too true。〃 
 Sam made his voice sound offhand。 〃By the way; did you happen to saw that silly article in Peek?〃 
 〃You know I did。〃 Hunt sa'd quietly。 〃That's why we're canceling the show; Sam。〃 The words had a finality to them。 
 〃Bill;〃 Sam said; 〃what would you say if I told you that Jack Nolan was framed?〃 
 There was a laugh from the other end of the line。 〃I'd say you should think about being a writer。〃 
 〃I'm serious;〃 Sam said; earnestly。 〃I know Jack Nolan。 He's as straight as we are。 That photograph was taken at a costume party。 It was his girlfriend's birthday; and he put the dress on as a gag。〃 Sam could feel his palms sweating。 
 〃I can't〃 
 〃I'll tell you how much confidence I have in Jack;〃 Sam said into the phone。 〃I've just set him for the lead in Laredo; our big Western feature for next year。〃 
 There was a pause。 〃Are you serious; Sam?〃 
 〃You're damn right I am。 It's a three…million…dollar picture。 If Jack Nolan turned out to be a fag; he'd be laughed off the screen。 The exhibitors wouldn't touch it。 Would I take that kind of gamble if I didn't know what I was talking about?〃 
 〃Well。。。〃 There was hesitation in Bill Hunt's voice。 
 〃e on; Bill; you're not going to let a lousy gossip sheet like Peek destroy a good man's career。 You like the show; don't you?〃 
 〃Very much。 It's a damned good show。 But the sponsors  〃 
 〃It's your network。 You've got more sponsors than you have air time。 We've given you a hit show。 Let's not fool around with a success。〃 
 〃Has Mel Foss talked to you yet about the studio's plans for 'The Raiders' for next season?〃 
 〃I guess he was planning to surprise you;〃 Sam said。 〃Wait until you hear what he has in mind。 Guest stars; bigname Western writers; shooting on locationthe works! If 〃The Raiders' doesn't skyrocket to number one; I'm in the wrong business。〃 There was a brief hesitation。 Then Bill Hunt said; 
 〃Have Me! phone me。 Maybe we all got a little panicked here。〃 
 〃He'll call you;〃 Sam promised。 
 〃And; Sam … you understand my position。 I wasn't trying to hurt anybody。〃 
 〃Of course you weren't;〃 Sam said; generously。 〃I know you too well to think that; Bill。 That's why I felt I owed it to you to let you hear the truth。〃 
 〃I appreciate that。〃 
 〃What about lunch next week?〃 
 〃Love it。 I'll call you Monday。〃 
 They exchanged good…byes and hung up。 Sam sat there; drained。 Jack Nolan was as queer as an Indian dime。 Someone should have taken him away in a net long ago。 And Sam's whole future depended on maniacs like that。 Running a studio was like walking a high wire over Niagara Falls in a blizzard。 Anyone's crazy to do this job; Sam thought。 He picked up his private phone and dialed。 A few moments later; he was talking to Mel Foss。 
 〃 'The Raiders' stays on the air;〃 Sam said。 
 〃What?〃 There was stunned disbelief in Foss's voice。 
 〃That's right。 I want yon to have a fast talk with Jack Nolan。 Tell him if he ever steps out of line again; I'll personally ran him out of this town and back to Fire Island! I mean it。 If he gets the urge to suck something; tell him to try a banana! 〃 Sam slammed the phone down。 He leaned back in his chair; thinking。 He had forgotten to tell Foss about the format changes he had ad…libbed to Bill Hunt。 He would have to find a writer who could e up with a Western script called Laredo。 The door burst open and Lucille stood there; her face white。 
 〃Can you get right down to Stage Ten? Someone set it on fire。〃 
 〃Mrs。 Tanner; people talk about your school and the wonderful plays you put on here。 I'll bet you have no idea of the reputation this place has。〃 
 She studied him a moment。 〃I do have an idea。 That's why I have to be careful to keep out phonies。〃 
 Toby felt his face begin to redden; but he smiled boyishly and said; 〃I'll bet; a lot of them must try to crash in here。〃 
 ''Quite a few;〃 Mrs。 Tanner agreed。 She glanced at the card she held in her hand。 
 〃Toby Temple。〃 
 〃You probably haven't heard the name;'' he explained; 〃because for the last couple of years; I've been  〃 
 〃Playing repertory in England。〃 
 He nodded。 〃Right〃 
 Alice Tanner looked at him and said quietly; 〃Mr。 Temple; Americans are not permitted to play in English repertory。 British Actors Equity doesn't allow it。〃 
 Toby felt a sudden sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach。 〃You might have checked first and saved us both this embarrassment。 I'm sorry; but we only enroll professional talent here。〃 She started back toward her desk。 The interview was over。 
 〃Hold it! 〃 His voice was like a whiplash。 She turned in astonishment。 At that instant; Toby had no idea what he was going to say or do。 He only knew that his whole future was hanging in the balance。 The woman standing in front of him was the stepping…stone to everything he wanted; everything he had worked and sweated for; and he was not going to let her stop him。 
 〃You don't judge talent by rules; lady! Okayso I haven't acted。 And why? Because people like you won't give me a chance。 You see what I mean?〃 It was W。 C。 Fields's voice。 Alice Tanner opened her mouth to interrupt him; but Toby never gave her the opportunity。 He was Jimmy Cagney telling her to give the poor kid a break; and James Stewan agreeing with him; and Clark Gable saying he was dying to work with the kid and Cary Grant adding that he thought the boy was brilliant。 A host of Hollywood stars was in that con! and they were all saying funny things; things that Toby Temple had never thought of before。 The words; the kes poured out of him in a frenzy of desperation。 He was man drowning in the darkness of his own oblivion; clinging via life raft of words; and the words were all that were keep him afloat。 He was soaked in perspiration; running around the room; imitating the movement of each character who was Bring。 He was manic; totally outside of himself; forgetting here he was and what he was here for until he heard Alice Tanner saying; 
 〃Stop it! Stop it!〃 Tears of laughter were streaming down 

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