八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > amc.masterharperofpern >



小说: amc.masterharperofpern 字数: 每页4000字

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   The Hold was teeming with quiet people; talking in the corridors or in small groups in the hall as Robinton descended the front stairs。
   Trestle tables had been set up and were loaded with plates of bread and bowls of fruit and slices of meat which had been rolled up for easy eating。 He spotted Master Gennell talking to other Masters; flown in from their Halls to attend to the sad duty of succession。
   Gennell saw him and waved for him to join them。
   As Robinton obediently wove his way through the assembly; he looked about for Fax; or at least Faroguy and whichever son had acpanied him。 He assumed the Lord Holders must be convening somewhere else; but he did spot Farevene standing in the entrance hall; looking around uneasily。 Then Naprila came up to the young Holder and Robinton had reached the Masters。
   Gennell introduced him to the Masters surrounding him: Smith; Weaver; Fishman; Farmer and Miner。 He already knew MasterHealer Ginia; and she nodded soberly in greeting。 More Masters would assemble for the Council meeting; these were but the first arrivals。
   〃Give us your account of what happened last night; Robinton;〃 the MasterHarper said; and Robinton did; pleased that his wits had been aided by the klah and the bath so that he was able to make his report concise。
   〃Dreadful thing!〃
   〃Terrible tragedy to lose both a Lord Holder and the Weyrleader。〃 〃And at such a time … right after a Hatching!〃 〃Who will take over at the Weyr?〃 They all looked at Robinton。
   〃I believe that will be decided in the traditional way when the queen mates again;〃 the young harper replied。
   〃But the Weyr can't be without leadership for several turns;〃 the MasterFishman protested。
   〃There are older riders: C'vrel; C'rob and M'ridin;〃 Robinton said。 〃They were taking charge last night。〃
   〃It's not as if there were Threadfall to worry about;〃 the MasterMiner said。
   The MasterWeaver snorted。 〃All too true; not that that S'loner wasn't drumming up alarms。 Didn't take any serious notice of that; I can tell you。〃
   Robinton forbore to speak up in such pany; but he did notice that all the other Masters but his own seemed in agreement on that point。
   〃Jora is a young woman;〃 the MasterFarmer went on。 〃I wouldn't be concerned with Weyr management if Carola were still alive。 She knew what was what。〃
   〃Weyr management;〃 Master Gennell pointed out politely; 〃is the concern of the Weyr。 Not ours。 I presented my condolences to the bronze rider who conveyed us。〃
   Robinton nodded。 〃That was F'lon; a son of S'loner。〃
   〃It was?〃 Ginia exclaimed in surprise。 〃Amazing。 I don't think we need worry about the Weyr if that is the standard of rider presently handling its affairs。〃
   Robinton told himself he must remember to tell F'lon that he had one admirer among the Masters。
   Just then; Raid approached and greeted them all with weary courtesy; thanking them for ing so quickly。 〃I've had seats for the entire Council placed in the small dining room; if you'd like to proceed;〃 he said。 〃Robinton; will you show them the way?〃
   〃Are we all present and accounted for then?〃 the MasterWeaver asked; glancing about the crowded room。
   〃The last have arrived and are prepared to proceed;〃 Raid said; bowing and moving off towards the refreshments; where Maizella was pouring wine assisted by Cording。 Hayon was standing near by; looking dolefully into his glass; Rasa and Anta beyond him。
   Robinton duly led the Masters to the small dining room; which was just about large enough to acmodate the numbers。
   〃Wait here; Rob; in case we need to send for someone;〃 Gennell said; pausing as the rest of the Craftmasters filed in。
   Robinton nodded。 Send for whom? There were no other Weyrleaders who traditionally officiated at such a meeting。
   〃It's started?〃 a familiar voice asked with a touch of amused malice。
   Robinton turned his head slowly to regard Fax and gave him a cool look。
   〃I believe so;〃 he said in a flat; unequivocal tone。
   〃You're harper here; are you; Robinton?〃 〃Yes。〃
   Fax regarded him steadily; amusement still keen。 〃And no corpse to lay to rest; either。 Convenient; that。〃
   Robinton refused to rise to the bait and looked straight ahead; hoping Fax would go away。 〃I'll leave you to your duty; then;〃 Fax said。 Swivelling on one heel; he made a leisurely return to the Hall。
   Raid was confirmed within the hour; and then Robinton was sent to find out if any of the dragonriders he had named were present in the Hold。 The Council begged the favour of a few words with any of the bronze riders。 Robinton wondered as he went in search if he should send someone to wake F'lon。 But he found M'ridin; C'vrel; C'gan and C'rob in the courtyard; as well as the girl he had seen speaking to the Weyrleader。
   〃Manora here;〃 C'rob said; indicating the girl; 〃says that the Weyrleader was unwell at dinner。 She overheard Maidir asking to be conveyed home; and S'loner said he'd do it because he wanted an excuse to leave。 He'd been having pains in his arm rather more often than he admitted; even to Tinamon。〃
   She looked both uneasy and dignified; her eyes were still red from tears。 But she nodded; confirming what C'rob reported。
   Robinton escorted them all to the Lord Holders。 Fax sauntered along in their wake; smiling enigmatically when Robinton firmly closed the door in his face。
   When the Lord Holders concluded their interview with Manora and the bronze riders; most of them left the small dining room for the refreshments available in the hall。 But; of the group who remained; Robinton saw Lord Faroguy and was startled by the change in the man。 He looked almost bloodless with fatigue; as if he had little energy and substance; barely responding to whatever Lord Melongel; of Tillek Hold; was saying to him。
   Then Farevene bustled down the hall; carrying a tray of food and drink。 Giving Robinton a nod of recognition; he hurried up to his father and Lord Melongel。 Melongel took the nearest glass of wine and passed it to Faroguy; then watched anxiously as the older man sipped and smiled in appreciation of the courtesy。
   〃There may be need for another Council soon; Harper;〃 Fax mented; appearing at Robinton's elbow。 〃Mark my words。〃
   Robinton made no reply; managing to keep his expression bland though he seethed inwardly at Fax's pretentiousness。 He could not help but worry about Faroguy; though it irritated him to give any weight to something Fax might say … especially since both Melongel and Farevene seemed so concerned over the High Reaches Lord Holder。
   There was little a harper could do; Robinton realized philosophically; but he'd have a word with Farevene if the opportunity arose。
   Then what Farevene was saying to his father reached his ears。
   〃MasterHealer Ginia would be glad to give you a consultation; father; as soon as you feel able。〃
   〃It won't do any harm;〃 Melongel agreed heartily。
   〃Very well;〃 Faroguy said with a heavy sigh and a flick of his pale hands where they rested on the arm of the chair He managed a weak smile。 〃I'd rather another Council was not called sooner than necessary。 And on my account。〃 He took another drink of the wine; then looked at the glass。 〃Benden wine is; I fear; superior; Melongel。〃
   〃Just give us the time Benden has had with viticulture and you'll see a parison in our favour;〃 Melongel replied with a hint of challenge。
   The journeyman turned at the touch of his arm to see C'vrel standing there; frowning。
   〃Simanith is on the heights; but I can't find F'lon anywhere。〃
   〃He's asleep in my quarters。 He was reeling with fatigue;〃 Robinton replied。
   〃Yes; well; we all are。 But I'd rather you either kept him in your rooms or woke him now。 Fax is wandering around; and I have a good suspicion … confirmed by Farevene in there … that he's probably looking for F'lon。〃 C'vrel shifted his weight anxiously。
   〃There's no doubt in my mind that F'lon would start trouble。 We've had enough。〃
   〃I'd agree to that。〃
   C'vrel gave a short bark。 〃S'loner sent F'lon out on quite a few unwise〃 … he lifted one thick black eyebrow … 〃errands which; quite frankly; were not conducted to the Weyr's advantage。 I; for one; did not condone some of S'loner's methods or aims。 Candidly; but it's almost as much a relief to us〃 … the flick of his hand was meant to indicate the other older bronze riders … 〃that S'loner's no longer leader as it is to the Council。 So do us all a favour; Harper; and keep F'lon out of Fax's way。 I'll take the High Reaches party back myself。 I didn't know; in fact; that F'lon had been to that Hold today。 M'ridin was to make that transfen〃
   Robinton nodded。 Odd: F'lon had wished Robinton to think he didn't know Fax; and yet the young rider had seemed almost eager for a confrontation with the holder。 It was fortunate indeed that exhaustion had intervened。
   As he made his way to the front staircase; Robinton stopped by Hayon。 〃I'll be in my quarters if I'm needed。 I've been advised to keep F'lon and Fax separated。〃
   〃Oh; F'lon's in your rooms?〃 Hayon heaved a sigh of relief。
   〃We've all been wondering。 Especially that Fax。 I don't like that man。〃
   〃Perceptive of you; Hayon。〃
   〃I'll cover for you。 There're enough harpers here; as well as Master Gennell。〃
   Robinton wished he could have been in two places at once; but it was far more important for him to keep F'lon asleep until the Council had departed。 He wondered just what had transpired between the two。 F'lon was known to be a clever fighter。。。 but no rider should put his life … and that of his dragon … in jeopardy。
   Which was why it had been irresponsible of S'loner to fly when he was unwell。 Robinton knew that a man's heart could stop from one second to another。 Chendith would have known in that instant that his rider had died; and the presence of a passenger would not have deterred the dragon from suicide。 And the grievously tragic death of Lord Maidin。
   F'lon was asleep; sprawled out on the bed。 Carefully; Robinton laid a blanket over him lest a chill wake him prematurely。 The s

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