八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > scoonts.theminotaur >



小说: scoonts.theminotaur 字数: 每页4000字

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 He had seen it ing; like something from a Greek tragedy; after that second kid augered in on a night instrument solo。 A fucking Canoe U。 grad no less! Then the third one; that kid punched out of a perfectly good airplane on a solo aero hop after be flew into the only cloud for fifty miles in any direction for ten whole seconds and got the plane into a high…speed spiral and panicked。 But he stood there in the CO's office afterwards and said he was sorry! The fourth one; that shithead…Judy had personally given him a down once already…one clear; cloudless day that spastic bastard failed to get the nose up to the horizon on a pullout from a simulated strafing run and panicked in; smearing himself and his airplane across a half mile of cow pasture。 The manding officer is always responsible。 And so it had been; like a judgment from the Doomsday book。
 Next year。 With twenty…two in。 That would give him 55 percent of his base pay; and if one or two of these little deals he was working with hungry contractors came through; he would do all right。 Not rich; but okay。 He paid for the beer and left two quarters for a tip。 His car was parked just fifty feet down the street; but as he walked toward it; the car in front backed right into it!
 The driver got out and walked back to examine the damage。
 〃Awww; shit!〃 Smoke Judy exclaimed when he saw the broken grille; the smashed headlight and the bowed…out fender。 〃Get your goddamn driver's license yesterday?〃
 〃Jesus; mister; I am sorry! My foot just slipped off the brake。 Don't know how it happened。〃
 〃Awww; damn。 The second time this year somebody has smacked it when it was parked。 Look at this fender; will'ya? Those Japs must make these things out of recycled beer cans。 Look how this thing's sprung! And this headlight socket!〃
 The other driver turned from examining his own bent fender and smashed taillight and surveyed Judy's damage。 He was chunky; fifty or so; flecks of gray in his hair。 〃Don't worry。 I got insurance。 They'll fix it good as new。 But honest; I am really sorry。〃
 〃I suppose。〃 Smoke Judy shook his head。
 〃Maybe we'd better exchange information。〃
 〃Yeah。〃 Judy unlocked his car and fished the registration and insurance certificate from the glove box while the other driver rooted in his。
 〃Maybe we should go inside and do this;〃 the chunky man suggested。 〃Can I buy you a beer?〃
 〃Why not。〃 Smoke turned and led the way back into the bar he had just e out of。 〃My name's Judy。 Smoke Judy。〃
 〃Sorry we had to meet like this。 I'm Harlan Albright。〃
 Dodgers kept his opinions to himself at dinner Sunday evening; partially because he was too busy with his food to waste effort on small talk; and partially because he could not have gotten a word in edgewise against Caplinger's verbal flow。 There were just the four of them around a table in an empty dining room…empty because the officers' club was usually closed on Sunday evening and Secretary Caplinger declined to go off…base to eat…Dodgers; Caplinger; Senator Duquesne; and Jake Grafton。 Caplinger discussed the budget deficit。 Third World debt; global pollution; and the illegal drug industry with a depth of knowledge and insight that amazed Jake and even quieted the senator; who was the only person at the table who tried to participate in the conversation。 It was obvious that Royce Caplinger not only had read widely but had thought deeply about all these issues。 Less obvious but equally impressive was the way he wove the strands of these mega…issues into one whole cloth。
 After the steward placed a coffeepot in the center of the table and departed; closing the door behind him; Caplinger eyed Jake speculatively。 〃Well; Captain; it seems to me that now would be a good time to sound you out。〃
 〃I'm just an 0…6; Mr。 Secretary。 All I see are the elephant's feet。〃
 Caplinger poured himself a cup of coffee and used a spoon to stir in cream。 He surveyed Samuel Dodgers as if seeing him this evening for the first time。 〃Good of you to share your Sabbath with us; Doctor。 We're looking forward to seeing your handiwork tomorrow。〃
 Dodgers wiped his mouth and tossed his napkin beside his plate。 〃Tomorrow。〃 He nodded at everyone except Grafton and departed。
 When the door had firmly closed behind the inventor; Caplinger remarked; 〃Senator; what will happen on the Hill if it bees mon gossip that the father of Athena is a fascist churl?〃
 〃You'll be in trouble。 That man couldn't sell water in Death Valley on the Fourth of July。〃
 〃My thought exactly。 We'll have to make sure he stays out of sight and sound。 Little difficult to do in America; but not impossible。〃 He grinned。 When he did his face twisted。 It didn't look like he made the effort very often。 〃So how do the elephant's feet look; Captain?〃
 Jake Grafton reached for the coffeepot。 〃I confess; sir; that I'm baffled。 Seems to me that these new weapons systems under development; with the sole exception of Athena; are going to be too expensive for the nation ever to afford enough of them to do any good。〃
 All traces of the smile disappeared from Caplinger's face。 〃Go on。〃
 〃As the cost goes up; the quantity goes down。 And every technical breakthrough seems to double or triple the cost。 If anything; Athena will be the exception that proves the rule。 Athena should be a fairly cheap system; all things considered; but it'll be the only one。〃
 〃And。。。〃 prompted the Secretary of Defense。
 〃Well; if our goal is to maintain forces which deny the Soviets any confidence in a favorable oute in any probable nuclear war scenario; we seem to have reached the treadmill。 We can't maintain forces if we can't afford them。〃
 〃You made a rather large assumption。〃
 〃So what is our goal?〃
 〃The general public regards nuclear war as unwinnable。 That's the universal popular wisdom; and like anything that almost everyone believes; it's wrong。 The Soviets have invested heavily in hardened bunkers for the top leadership。 They've built underground cities for the munist elite。 Somebody over there thinks they can win! Now their idea of victory and ours are two very different things; but as long as they think they can win; the likelihood of a nuclear war increases。 Nuclear war bees more likely to happen。〃
 Caplinger glanced at the senator; then turned his attention back to Jake。 He seemed to be weighing his words。 〃Our goal;〃 he finally said; 〃is to prevent nuclear war。 To do that we must make them think they can't win。〃
 〃So you are saying that any method of denying the Russians confidence in a favorable oute…however they define favorable…is acceptable?〃
 Caplinger tugged at his lower lip。 His eyes were unfocused。 Jake thought he seemed to be turning it over in his mind yet again; examining it for flaws; looking。。。 Slowly the chin dipped; then rose again。 〃We need。。。〃 His gaze rose to the ceiling and went slowly around it。 〃We need。。。 we need forces that can survive the initial strike and respond in a flexible manner; forces that are controllable; programmable; selective。 It can't be all or nothing; Captain。 It can't be just one exchange of broadsides。 If all we have is that one broadside; we just lost。〃
 〃Explain;〃 prompted Senator Duquesne…
 〃We'll never shoot our broadside。 That's the dirty little secret that they know and we know and we will never admit。 No man elected President of the United States in the nuclear age would order every ICBM fired; every Trident missile launched; every nuclear weapon in our arsenal detonated on the Soviets。 Not even if the Soviets make a massive first strike at us。 To massively retaliate would mean the end of life on the planet Earth。 No rational man would do it。〃 Caplinger shrugged。 〃That's the flaw in Mutual Assured Destruction。 No sane man would ever push the button。〃
 Royce Caplinger sipped his coffee; now cold; and made a face…
 〃We must deny the munists the ability to ever e out of those bunkers。 We need the ability to hit pinpoint; mobile targets on a selective; as…needed basis。 That's the mission of the F…l 17 and the B…2。 If we can achieve that; there will never be a first strike。 There will never be a nuclear war。〃
 Caplinger pushed his chair back away from the table。 〃Life will continue on this planet until pollution ruins the atmosphere and sewage makes the seas a barren; watery desert。 Then life on this fragile little pebble orbiting this modest star will e to the end that the Creator must nave intended when he made man。 Watching our Japanese televisions; listening to our pact laser disks; wearing our designer clothes; we'll all starve。〃
 He rose abruptly and made for the door。 Jake Grafton also got to his feet。 When the door closed behind Caplinger; Jake shook the senator's hand and wished him good night。
 〃He's a great man;〃 the senator said; trying to read Jake's thoughts。
 〃But he is not sanguine。 The political give…and…take…it depresses him。〃
 〃Yes;〃 Jake Grafton said; and nodded his farewell。 Suddenly he too needed to be alone。
 On Monday morning Jake put Secretary Caplinger; Senator Duquesne; and their aides on a plane to Fallen with Helmut Fritsche and Harold Dodgers。 He had decided to stay at China Lake and supervise the good doctor。
 Sam Dodgers was in a foul mood; muttering darkly about money and conspiracies。 Jake managed to keep his mouth shut。 When the Athena device was ready and installed in the A…6; he helped strap Rita Moravia and Toad Tarkington into the cockpit。 Toad was whistling some tune Jake didn't recognize。
 〃No birds today。 Okay?〃
 〃Whatever you say; boss。〃 Toad was in high spirits。 Higher than usual。 He must be screwing Moravia; Jake decided; trying to catch some hint between them。 The pilot was all business。
 〃Work the long distances today。 Start at thirty miles and let Fritsche call you closer when he has the info he wants。 Just keep the radar he's using on your left side。〃
 〃Sure; CAG。 We understand。〃 He resumed his whistling as Jake helped him latch his Koch fittings。
 〃You know who whistles in the navy; Toad?〃
 〃No; sir;〃
 〃Bosun's mates and damn fools。〃
 Toad grinned。 〃I'm in that second category; sir。 Enjoy your day with Dr。 Dodgers。〃
 Jake punched him on the shoulder and climbed down the boarding ladder。
 As the Intruder taxied out;

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