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小说: scoonts.theminotaur 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Good luck;〃 Albright said; and then rose and walked toward the entrance; leaving Judy holding the disk and staring after him。 When Albright was through the door; the gunman on Smoke's left followed him。
 Judy lowered his head to the table。
 〃Mister;〃 he heard someone saying。 〃Mister; you're going to have to leave。 Please; mister;〃 urged the hard; insistent voice; 〃you can't stay here。〃
 〃Senator Duquesne has a copy of your service record。〃
 〃What? How'd he get that?〃
 mander Rob Knight shrugged。 〃God only knows; and he won't tell。 What's in your service record that would do him any good?〃
 〃I don't know;〃 Jake Grafton said。
 〃He may not use any part of it。 Probably won't。 But he told some colleague's aide; figuring you'd hear about it and get worried。〃
 〃What a guy。〃
 〃This is major…league hardball; Grafton。 And he's got that crackpot Samuel Dodgers scheduled to testify before you get on the stand; after SECDEF and Dunedin finish。〃
 〃He's playing Russian roulette。 Dodgers is a genius with the personality of a warthog。〃
 〃His strategy; apparently; is to get the A…12 defeated。 The story I hear from a couple aides is that Athena is such a revolutionary new technology; it needs to be produced and evaluated before the navy buys any stealth airplanes…i。e。; neither prototype will be purchased。 Then Consolidated can participate in another petition for a more conventional design that makes full use of Athena's capabilities。 The argument is that a more conventional airplane that uses Athena exclusively for stealth protection will save the government several billions。〃
 〃Is he going to try this out on Caplinger?〃
 〃Nope。 He's going to let Caplinger and Dunedin testify; then wring the juice out of Dodgers and dump it all in your lap in the hope you'll blow it。〃
 〃Has he got the votes?〃
 〃Not yet。 There are enough fence sitters so that the issue is very much up in the air。 We had the A…12 sold to the Senate and the House mittees until Athena came along; but with the headlines lately…and the budget deficit…any way they can save money looks better and better。〃
 Jake knew the headlines Knight was referring to。 The Soviets under Mikhail Gorbachev had renounced world domination; and the aftershocks were being felt in capitals around the world。 Gorbachev was well on his way to being the most popular and overexposed human on the planet; eclipsing rock stars; athletes; and; in some places; even God。 The Cold War was over; according to some mentators and politicians with their own agendas。 True or not; the perception of great change taking place in the 〃evil empire〃 had profound consequences for the foreign and domestic policy of every Western democracy; and none more so than the United States。
 The two officers spent the morning going over the cost projections of the A…12; which were based on an optimum purchase schedule。 Any proposal that kept the A…6 in service for more years than already planned would also have to include the escalating costs of maintaining and repairing this aging airframe。 These costs were also calculated。 Finally; any new proposal for another design would incur huge upfront costs; as the A…12 program had; and to kill the A…12 now would mean all the money spent to date would be wasted。
 After lunch Knight; an officer from the Office of Legislative Affairs; and Jake's staff gathered in the conference room and pretended to be a congressional panel。 They spent the afternoon grilling him。 By five o'clock he was drained and hoarse。
 Callie was reading Amy a bedtime story when the telephone rang。 The girl leaped for the phone; then held it out to Jake。 〃Captain Grafton。〃
 〃This is Luis Camacho。 Do you have a Robert E。 Tarkington working for you?〃
 〃What's he done now?〃 Tarkington had been on the mock panel this afternoon and had done a terrible job。 His heart had obviously not been in it
 〃Well; he's not at home; for one thing。 His car is sitting outside an apartment building in Momingside and we think he's in it。 It's the building that mander Judy lives in。 He's right smack…dab in the middle of our surveillance。〃
 〃So run him off。〃
 〃Well; that might produce sticky plications。 I understand he has reason to bear Judy a grudge concerning his wife's injuries a couple months ago。 He might be armed。 If so; be might be arrested on a concealed weapons charge; which I suppose wouldn't do his navy career much good。〃
 〃It wouldn't。 What if I ran him off?〃
 〃Would you? Here's the address。〃 Camacho gave it; said goodbye; then hung up。
 Came looked at Jake with raised eyebrows。 〃Would you ladies like to go for a ride before bedtime? Maybe get some frozen yogurt?〃
 After five minutes of furious activity; the females were ready。 Jake drove through the heart of monumental Washington and ended up on the Suitland Parkway。 Callie gave him directions with the aid of a map。 They got lost once but eventually found the right street。
 Although it was after 9 P。M。; it had been totally dark less than half an hour。 Heat still rose from the streets and children still ran through yards。 Here and there stickball games were being conducted under streetlights。 〃This is the best time of the day;〃 Jake told Callie as they sat at a stoplight listening to pop music pouring from the open windows of a car full of teenagers。
 Six blocks later Callie said; 〃That's the building; I think; up there on the left。〃
 〃Keep your eyes peeled for Toad;〃 Jake advised Amy。 〃He's sitting in one of these cars。〃
 〃Why?〃 Amy asked。
 〃You'll have to ask him。 Now look。〃
 His car was parked a half block beyond the apartment building。 Only the top of his head was visible as Jake drove by with Amy squealing and pointing。 Jake turned around again and this time double…parked just past his car。 With the engine running and the transmission in park; he got out and walked back。
 Toad's window was down。 He stared blankly up at Jake's face。
 〃We're going out for a frozen yogurt。 Wanta e?〃
 〃How'd you…〃
 〃Lock your car and climb in with us。〃
 〃Jesus; CAG; I…〃
 Jake opened the driver's door and held it。 〃e on。 That's an order。〃
 Toad rolled up the windows and locked the car。 〃You can ride in back。〃 Toad obediently slipped in beside Amy。 She greeted him like a long…lost friend。 〃How's Rita?〃 she demanded。
 〃Doing okay;〃 Toad said。 〃And how are you; Mrs。 Grafton?〃
 〃Just fine。 Toad。 What kind of frozen yogurt do you like?〃
 〃Any kind;〃 Tarkington said; still bewildered…
 〃Why were you parked out here?〃 Amy asked; hanging her arms around Toad's neck。 〃You don't live here; do you?〃
 〃Waiting on a man。 He hasn't shown up。〃
 〃Oh!〃 Amy thought about it。 〃When can we see Rita?〃
 〃Anytime you want。〃
 〃Well; it's only nine o'clock;〃 Jake said to Callie。 〃No school tomorrow for you aristocrats。 What say we drive over to Bethesda and see if Rita's still awake? That okay with you。 Toad?〃
 〃Sure; Captain; sure。〃
 They stopped at a mall near the beltway entrance and bought cones of frozen yogurt。 Everyone got one。 As Amy skipped back toward the car and the adults followed; Toad asked Jake。 〃How'd you know where I was?〃
 〃FBI called me。 They don't want you there。〃
 The younger man bristled。 〃It's a public street。 And I didn't see them lurking around waiting on anybody。〃
 〃Oh; they're there。 They saw you; got your license number; ran the plate and called me。 They really didn't want to arrest you on a felony weapons charge。〃
 Toad's shoulders sagged。
 〃You must get on with your life;〃 Callie said gently; 〃yours and Rita's; for you are part of her。〃
 〃Let's go see her。〃 Jake suggested; and led the way toward the car。
 Tarkington rode silently as Amy chattered between licks on her cone。 He put his tongue in motion in the hospital reception room after the woman at the desk said; 〃It's after visiting hours; Lieutenant。〃
 〃I know; but I'm her husband。 These are my folks; just in from the Coast。 We'll be quiet and not stay long。〃 Toad winked at her and gave her his most sincere lying smile。
 〃I don't suppose a short visit after hours will do any real harm。 For such close relatives。〃
 〃Toad;〃 Amy asked in the elevator; 〃why did you tell that lady a lie?〃
 〃I didn't really lie;〃 Toad explained。 〃See; I winked at her and she knew you weren't my relatives; that I was just giving her a good reason to bend the rules a tiny bit。 If I tell you a story about fairies and frogs and passionate princesses; you know it isn't true and so it isn't a lie; is it? It's a story。〃
 〃Well。。。〃 Amy said as she scrunched up her brows and tried to follow Toad's logic。
 〃I knew you'd understand; sis;〃 Toad said as the elevator door opened。 He led them off and along the corridor toward Rita's room。
 Rita was asleep when they tiptoed into the room。 〃Maybe we should let her sleep;〃 Callie suggested。
 Toad bent over and whispered her name。 Her eyes fluttered。 Then he kissed her cheek。 〃You've got pany; dearest〃
 〃Oh; Callie! Amy! Captain Grafton。 What a pleasant surprise。 How nice of you to e by。〃
 〃Toad brought us;〃 Amy said。 〃He lied to the lady downstairs。 Said we were his family。〃 She winked hugely while Callie rolled her eyes。
 Thirty minutes later Jake insisted they had to go。 He led his family down the corridor while Toad said a private goodbye to Rita。 Amy was tiring and talking too loud; so Callie tried to hush her; which made her whine。 Jake picked her up and carried her。
 In the car Callie chided Toad。 〃You sitting in that car in Momingside while your in…laws are at your house。 You should be ashamed。〃
 〃When Rita gets out of the hospital; you must bring her over to the beach some weekend。〃
 〃Sure。 You bet; Mrs。 Grafton。 I will。〃
 Back in Momingside; Jake double…parked across the street and walked with Toad over to his car。 Jake waited until Tarkington had the car unlocked; then said; 〃You have a beautiful wife; a good job; and all of life before you。 Don't fuck it up by sitting here waiting to kill a man。〃
 〃You saw what he did to Rita。〃
 〃Yeah。 And if you get lucky and get a bullet into him; the stuff that will happen to you afterwards will hurt her a lot worse than the airplane crash did。 You'll be the one who twisted the knife。 Don't do that to her。〃
 〃Yessir。〃 Toad shook J

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