八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > tc.redrabbit >



小说: tc.redrabbit 字数: 每页4000字

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   〃You have it?〃 Sir Basil asked。
   〃Here; sir。〃 The messenger passed over the envelope。 Charleston checked the closures and; satisfied that it had not been tampered with; slit it open with his paper knife。 Then; for the first time; he saw what the
   Rabbit looked like。 Three minutes later; Alan Kingshot walked in。 C handed over the color prints。
   Kingshot took the top photo and gave it a long look。 〃So; this is our Rabbit; is it?〃
   〃Correct; Alan;〃 Sir Basil confirmed。
   〃He looks ordinary enough。 His wife; as well。 The little girl is rather cute;〃 the senior field spook thought out loud。 〃On the way to Budapest now; are they?〃
   〃Left Kiev Station five and a half hours ago。〃
   〃Fast work from Nigel。〃 Kingshot gave the faces a closer look; wondering what information lay in the brain behind the man's face; and whether or not they'd get to use it。 〃So; BEATRIX goes forward。 Do we have the bodies?〃
   〃The male from York is close enough。 We'll need to burn his face off; I'm afraid;〃 C observed distastefully。
   〃No surprise there; sir;〃 Kingshot agreed。 〃What about the other two?〃
   〃Two candidates from America。 Mother and daughter killed in a house fire in Boston; I believe。 The FBI is working on that as we speak。 We need to get this photo to them at once to make sure the bodies match up properly。〃
   〃I'll take care of that now if you wish; sir。〃
   〃Yes; Alan; please do that。〃
   The machine downstairs was a color…photo transmitter like the one used by newspapers…relatively new and; its operator told Kingshot; very easy to use。 He gave the photo only a cursory look。 Transmission to an identical machine made by Xerox and located at Langley took less than two minutes。 Kingshot took the photo back and returned to C's office。
   〃Done; sir。〃 Sir Basil waved him to a seat。
   Charleston checked his watch; giving it five minutes because CIA headquarters was a large building; and the munications people were in the basement。 Then he called Judge Arthur Moore on the secure; dedicated line。
   〃Afternoon; Basil;〃 Moore's voice said over the digitized circuit。
   〃Hello; Arthur。 You have the photo?〃
   〃Just got here。 Looks like a nice little family;〃 the DCI observed。 〃This is from the train station?〃
   〃Yes; Arthur; they are en route as we speak。 They will arrive in Budapest in about twenty…no; nineteen hours。〃
   〃Okay。 Ready at your end; Basil?〃
   〃We soon will be。 There is the matter of those unfortunate people from Boston; however。 We have the male body。 It appears on first inspection that it will serve our needs quite well。〃
   〃Okay; I'll have the FBI expedite things here;〃 Moore replied。 He'd have to get this photo to the Hoover Building ASAP。 Might as well share this grisly business with Emil; he thought。
   〃Very good; Arthur。 I shall keep you posted。〃
   〃Great; Bas。 See you。〃
   〃Excellent。〃 Charleston hung up his phone; then looked over at Kingshot。 〃Have our people prepare the body for transport to Budapest。〃
   〃Timing; sir?〃
   〃Three days should be about right;〃 Sir Basil thought out loud。
   〃Right。〃 Kingshot left the room。
   C thought for a moment and decided it was time to warn the American。 He punched another button on his phone。 This took only a minute and a half。
   〃Yes; sir;〃 Ryan said; entering his office。
   〃Your trip to Budapest; three days from today…perhaps four; but more likely three。〃
   〃Where do I leave from?〃
   〃There's a morning British Airways flight from Heathrow。 You can leave from here; or just take a taxi from Victoria Station。 You'll be acpanied on the flight by one of our people; and met in Budapest by Andy Hudson; he's our Chief of Station there。 Good man。 Runs a good little station。〃
   〃Yes; sir;〃 Ryan said; not knowing what the hell else to say in preparation for his first field mission as a spook。 Then it was time for a question。 〃What; exactly; is going to happen; sir?〃
   〃I'm not sure yet; but Andy has good connections with local smugglers。 I would expect him to arrange a crossing into Yugoslavia; and then home from there by mercial aircraft。〃
   Great。 More fucking airplanes; Ryan thought。 Couldn't we take the train? But ex…Marines weren't supposed to show fear。 〃Okay; I guess that works。〃
   〃You may speak with our Rabbit…discreetly;〃 Charleston warned。 〃And then you'll be allowed to sit in on our initial debriefing out in Somerset。 Finally; I rather expect you'll be one of the chaps to escort him back to the States; probably on U。S。 Air Force transport out of RAF Bentwaters。〃
   Better and better; Jack thought。 His hatred for flying was something he'd have to get over; and intellectually he knew that sooner or later he'd do it。 It was just that he hadn't quite gotten over it yet。 Well; at least he wouldn't be flying anywhere in a CH…46 with a fluky transmission。 He drew the line there。
   〃My total time away from home?〃 And sleeping apart from my wife; Ryan thought。
   〃Four days; perhaps as many as seven。 It depends on how things work out in Budapest;〃 C replied。 〃That is difficult to predict。〃
   None of them had ever eaten at sixty miles per hour。 The adventure for their little girl just got better and better。 Dinner was adequate。 The beef was about average for the Soviet Union; and so they could not be disappointed by it; along with potatoes and greens; and; of course; a carafe of vodka; one of the better brands; to erase the pain of travel。 They were heading into the setting sun; now in country used exclusively for farming。 Irina leaned across the table to cut the zaichik's meat for her; watching their little angel eat her dinner; like the big girl she proclaimed herself to be; along with a glass of cold milk。
   〃So; looking forward to the trip now; my dear?〃 Oleg asked his wife。
   〃Yes; especially the shopping。〃 Of course。
   Part of Oleg Ivan'ch was calm…in fact; the calmest he'd been in weeks。 It was really happening。 His treason…part of his consciousness thought of it that way…was under way。 How many of his countrymen; he wondered…indeed; how many of his coworkers at The Centre…would take the chance if they had the courage to do so? You couldn't know。 He lived in a country and worked at an office where everyone concealed their inner thoughts。 And at KGB; even the Russian custom of sanctifying especially close friendships by speaking things that could put you in prison; trusting that a true friend would never denounce you…no; a KGB officer didn't do such things。 KGB was founded on the dichotomous balance of loyalty and betrayal。 Loyalty to the state and its principles; and betrayal of any who violated them。 But since he didn't believe in those principles anymore; he had turned to treason to save his soul。
   And now the treason was under way。 If the Second Chief Directorate knew of his plans; they would have been mad to allow him on this train。 He could leave it at any intermediate stop…or just jump off the train when it slowed; approaching some preplanned point…and escape to Western hands; which could be waiting anywhere for him。 No; he was safe; at least as long as he was on this train。 And so he could be calm for now; and he'd let the days e as they would and see what happened。 He kept telling himself that he was doing the right thing; and from that knowledge came his feeling; however illusory; of personal safety。 If there were a God; surely He would protect a man on the run from evil。
   Dinner in the Ryan house was spaghetti again。 Cathy had a particularly good recipe for sauce…from her mom; who didn't have a single drop of Italian blood in her veins…and her husband loved it; especially with good Italian bread; which Cathy had found at a local bakery in downtown Chatham。 No surgery tomorrow; so they had wine with dinner。 Time to tell her。
   〃Honey; I have to travel in a few days。〃
   〃The NATO thing?〃
   〃'Fraid so; babe。 Looks like three or four days…maybe a little more。〃
   〃What's it about; can you say?〃
   〃Nope; not allowed。〃
   〃Spook business?〃
   〃Yep。〃 He was allowed to say that。
   〃What's a spook?〃 Sally asked。
   〃It's what daddy does;〃 Cathy said; without thinking。
   〃Spook; like in the Wizzerdaboz?〃 Sally went on。
   〃What?〃 her father asked。
   〃The Cowardly Lion says he believes in spooks; remember?〃 Sally pointed out。
   〃Oh; you mean the Wizard of Oz〃; It was her favorite movie so far this year。
   〃That's what I said; Daddy。〃 How could her daddy be so stupid?
   〃Well; no; Daddy isn't one of those;〃 Jack told his daughter。
   〃Then why did Mommy say so?〃 Sally persisted。 She has the makings of a good FBI agent; Jack thought at that moment。
   It was Cathy's turn。 〃Sally; Mommy was just making a joke。〃
   〃Oh。〃 Sally went back to work on her pisghetti。 Jack gave his wife a look。 They couldn't talk about his work in front of his daughter…not ever。 Kids never kept secrets for more than five minutes; did they? So; he'd learned; never say anything in front of a kid that you didn't want on the first page of The Washington Post。 Everyone on Grizedale Close thought that John Patrick Ryan worked at the U。S。 Embassy and was lucky enough to be married to a surgeon。 They didn't need to know that he was an officer of the Central Intelligence Agency。 Too much curiosity。 Too many jokes。
   〃Three or four days?〃 Cathy asked。
   〃That's what they tell me。 Maybe a little longer; but not too much; I think。〃
   〃Important?〃 Sally had gotten her inquisitive nature from her mother; Jack figured。。。 and maybe a little bit from himself。
   〃Important enough that they're throwing my ass on an airplane; yeah。〃 That actually worked。 Cathy knew of her husband's hatred for air travel。
   〃Well; you have your Valium prescription。 Want a beta…blocker; too?〃
   〃No thanks; babe; not this time。〃
   〃You know; if you got airsick; it would be easier to understand。〃 And easier to treat; she didn't have to add。
   〃Babe; you were there when my back went out; remember? I have some bad memories from flying。 Maybe when we go home; we can take the boat;〃 he added; with some hope in his voice。 But; no; it wouldn't work out that way。 It never did in the real world。
   〃Flying is fun;〃 Sally protested。 She definitely got that from her mother。
   Travel is inevitably tiring; and so the Zaitzev family was agreeably surpr

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