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小说: cyclops 字数: 每页4000字

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    〃What's their connection with the Cyclops?〃 Pitt inquired。
    〃The Pittsburgh was in Rio de Janeiro when the murder occurred。 When Captain Worley reached port; he was instructed to transport DeVoe and four other prisoners in the Cyclops' brig to the United States。〃
    〃And they were on board at the end。〃
    ‘ Yes。'
    〃No other pictures of the crew?〃
    〃They are probably available in family albums and other private sources; but this is all I have in my library。〃
    〃Tell me about the events leading to the disappearance。〃
    〃Verbal or print?〃
    〃Can you print it out and talk at the same time?〃
    〃Sorry; I can only perform such functions in sequence。 Which do you prefer first?〃
    〃Very well。 One moment while I assemble the data。〃
    Pitt was beginning to feel drowsy。 It had been a long day。 He used the pause to dial Yaeger and ask for a cup of coffee。
    〃How are you and Hope getting along?〃
    〃I'm almost beginning to think she's real;〃 Pitt answered。
    〃Just so long you don't start fantasizing about her nonexistent body。〃
    〃I'm not at that stage yet。〃
    〃To know her is to love her。〃
    〃How are you doing on LeBaron?〃
    〃What I was afraid of;〃 said Yaeger。 〃He pretty much buried his past。 No insight; only statistics up to the time he became the Wall Street whiz。〃
    〃Anything interesting?〃
    〃Not really。 He came from a fairly affluent family。 His father owned a chain of hardware stores。 I get the idea Raymond and his father didn't get along。 There's no mention of his family in any newspaper biographies after he became the financial whiz。〃
    〃Did you find out how he made his first big bucks?〃
    〃That area is pretty vague。 He and a partner by the name of Kronberg had a marine salvage pany in the middle nineteen…fifties。 Seems they scratched along for a few years and then went broke。 Two years later; Raymond launched his publication。〃
    〃The Prosperteer。〃
    〃Is there any mention of where his backing came from?〃
    〃None;〃 replied Yaeger。 〃By the way; Jessie is his second wife。 His first was named Hillary。 She died a few years ago。 Nothing on her at all。〃
    〃Keep hunting。〃
    Pitt hung up as Hope said; 〃I'm ready with the data on the ill…fated final voyage of the Cyclops。〃
    〃Let's hear it。〃
    〃She put to sea from Rio de Janeiro on 16 February 1918; bound for Baltimore; Maryland。 On board were her regular crew of 15 officers and 231 men; 57 men from the cruiser Pittsburgh; who were being rotated to the Norfolk Naval Base for reassignment; the 5 prisoners including DeVoe; and the American consul general at Rio; Alfred L。 Morean Gottschalk; who was returning to Washington。 Her cargo was 11;000 tons of manganese ore。
    〃After a brief call at the port of Bahia to pick up mail; the ship made an unscheduled stop on 4 March; when she entered Carlisle Bay on the island of Barbados and dropped anchor。 Here; Worley took on extra coal and provisions; which he claimed were necessary to continue the voyage to Baltimore; but was later considered to be quite excessive。 After the ship was lost at sea; the American consul in Barbados reported a number of suspicious rumors regarding Worley's unusual action; strange events on board; and a possible mutiny。 The last anyone saw of the Cyclops and the men on board was 4 March 1918; when she steamed away from Barbados。〃
    〃There was no further contact?〃 asked Pitt。
    〃Twenty…four hours later; a lumber freighter called the Crogan Castle reported her bow crushed by an immense freak wave。 Her radio signals for assistance were answered by the Cyclops。 The final words from the collier were her call number and the message; ‘We are fifty miles due south of you and ing at full steam。' 〃

    〃Nothing else?〃
    〃That was it。〃
    〃Did the Crogan Castle give her position?〃
    〃Yes; it was reported as latitude twenty…three degrees; thirty minutes north by longitude seventy…nine degrees; twenty…one minutes west; which put her about twenty miles southeast from a bank of shallow reefs called the Anguilla Cays。〃
    〃Was the Crogan Castle lost also?〃
    〃No; the records say she limped into Havana。〃
    〃Any wreckage of the Cyclops turn up?〃
    〃An extensive search by the Navy found nothing。〃
    Pitt hesitated as Yaeger entered the viewing room; set a cup of coffee by the console; and silently retreated。 He took a few sips and asked Hope to reshow the photo of the Cyclops。 The ship materialized on the monitor's screen and he stared at it thoughtfully。
    He picked up the phone; punched a number; and waited。 A digital clock on the console read 11:55; but the voice that answered sounded bright and cheerful。
    〃Dirk!〃 boomed Dr。 Raphael O'Meara。 〃What the hell is going down? You caught me at a good time。 I just came home this morning from a dig in Costa Rica。〃
    〃Find another truckload of potsherds?〃
    〃Only the richest cache of pre…Columbian art discovered to date。 Amazing pieces; some dating back to three hundred B。C。〃
    〃Too bad you can't keep them。〃
    〃All my finds go to the Museo Nacional de Costa Rica。〃
    〃You're a generous man; Raphael。〃
    〃I don't donate them; Dirk。 The governments where my finds are made preserve the artifacts as part of their national heritage。 But why bore an old waterlogged relic like you。 To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?〃
    〃I need your expertise on a piece of treasure。〃
    〃You know; of course;〃 O'Meara said; his tone edged with a touch of seriousness; 〃treasure is an unspeakable word to a respected archeologist。〃
    〃We all carry an albatross;〃 said Pitt。 〃Can you meet me for a drink?〃
    〃Now? Do you realize what time it is?〃
    〃I happen to know you're a night owl。 Make it easy on yourself。 Someplace close to your house。〃
    〃How about the Old Angler's Inn on MacArthur Boulevard? Say in half an hour。〃
    〃Sounds good。〃
    〃Can you tell me what treasure you're interested in?〃
    〃The one everyone dreams about。〃
    〃Oh? And which one is that?〃
    〃Tell you when I see you。〃
    Pitt hung up and gazed at the Cyclops。 There was an eerie loneliness about her。 He could not help wondering what secrets she took with her to a watery grave。
    〃Can I provide any further data?〃 asked Hope; interrupting his morbid reverie。 〃Or do you wish to terminate?〃
    〃I think we can call it quits;〃 he replied。 〃Thank you; Hope。 I wish I could give you a big kiss。〃
    〃I am grateful for the pliment; Dirk。 But I am not physiologically capable of receiving a kiss。〃
    〃You're still a sweetheart in my book。〃
    〃e up and use me anytime。〃
    Pitt laughed。 〃Goodnight; Hope。〃
    〃Goodnight; Dirk。〃
    If only she was real; he thought with a dreamy sigh。


    〃Jack Daniel's neat;〃 Raphael O'Meara said cheerfully。 〃Make that a double。 Best medicine I know to clear the brain of jungle rot。〃
    〃How long were you in Costa Rica?〃 asked Pitt。
    〃Three months。 Rained the whole time。〃
    〃Bombay gin on the rocks with a twist;〃 Pitt said to the barmaid。
    〃So you're joining the greedy ranks of the sea scavengers;〃 O'Meara said; the words emanating through a thick Gabby Hayes beard that hid his face from the nose down。 〃Dirk Pitt a treasure hunter。 I never thought I'd see the day。〃
    〃My interest is purely academic。〃
    〃Sure; that's what they all say。 Take my advice and forget it。 More loot has been poured into underwater treasure hunts than was ever found。 I can count on one hand the number of lucky discoveries that paid a profit in the last eighty years。 The adventure; excitement; and riches; nothing but hype and all myth。〃
    〃I agree。〃
    O'Meara's barbed…wire eyebrows narrowed。 〃So what is it you want to know?〃
    〃You familiar with Raymond LeBaron?〃
    〃Old rich and reckless Raymond; the financial genius who publishes the Prosperteer?〃
    〃The same。 He disappeared a couple of weeks ago on a blimp flight near the Bahamas。〃
    〃How could anybody disappear in a blimp?〃
    〃Somehow he managed。 You must have heard or read something about it。〃
    O'Meara shook his head。 〃I haven't watched TV or seen a newspaper in ninety days。〃
    The drinks were brought; and Pitt briefly explained the strange circumstances surrounding the mystery。 The crowd was beginning to thin and they had the bar mostly to themselves。
    〃And you think LeBaron was flying around in an old gas bag looking for a shipwreck loaded to the gills with the mother lode。〃
    〃According to his wife; Jessie。〃
    〃What ship?〃
    〃The Cyclops。〃
    〃I know about the Cyclops。 A Navy collier that vanished seventy…one years ago。 I don't recall any report of riches on board。〃
    〃Apparently LeBaron thought so。〃
    〃What sort of treasure?〃
    〃The El Dorado。〃
    〃You've got to be kidding。〃
    〃I'm only repeating what I was told。〃
    O'Meara went quiet for a long moment; his eyes taking on a faraway look。 〃El hombre dorado;〃 he said at last。 〃Spanish for the golden man or the gilded one。 The legend some call it a curse has fired imaginations for four hundred and fifty years。〃
    〃Is there any truth to it?〃 asked Pitt。
    〃Every legend is based on fact; but like all the others before and since; this one has been distorted and embellished into a fairy tale。 El Dorado has inspired the longest continuing treasure hunt on record。 Thousands of men have died searching for a glimpse of it。〃
    〃Tell me how the tale originated。〃
    Another Jack Daniel's and Bombay gin arrived。 Pitt laughed as O'Meara downed the water chaser first。 Then the archeologist made himself fortable and stared into another time。
    〃The Spanish conquistadores were the first to hear of a gilded man who ruled an incredibly wealthy kingdom somewhere in the mountainous jungles east of the Andes。 Rumors described him as living in a secluded city built of gold with streets paved in emeralds and guarded by a fierce army of beautiful Amazons。 Made Oz sound like a slum。 Extremely overvalued; of course。 But in reality there were a number of El Dorados a long line of kings who worshiped a demon god who lived in Lake Guatavita; Colombia。 When a new monarch took mand of the tribal empire; his body was painted with resinous gum

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