八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > douglashill.galacticwarlord >



小说: douglashill.galacticwarlord 字数: 每页4000字

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 And both men were holding weapons; ready in their hands。
 Keill identified the guns at a glance; and with some distaste。 Janglers; they were called … stubby pistols with ugly; flared;
 bell…shaped muzzles。 They discharged a field that set up interference with the human nervous system … which caused; at the very least; indescribable pain。 The guns were a sadist's weapon; outlawed on many worlds; and never; as Keill well knew; carried by legionaries。
 He stood calmly where he was; making no motion towards his own weapon; while the other two took a tentative step towards him。 The one in the Legion spacesuit lifted a gloved hand to his helmet; touching the switch that activated the man…to…man municator。
 'That you; Jiker?' The voice within Keill's helmet was metallic; distorted by the municator。
 Keill felt relieved。 Of course there were two men on Creffa wearing full legionary uniform。; which obviously included spacesuits。 This one; seeing Keill's suit; naturally thought he was looking at his fellow impostor。
 Keill flicked his own helmet switch。 'Yeah; it's me;' he said gruffly; knowing his voice would be just as distorted in the other man's ears。
 But to his surprise the other raised his gun menacingly。
 'The hell it is;' said the voice in Keill's helmet。 'I'm Jiker。'
 Keill's hand flashed; and his gun leaped from his belt。 But the other man had only to press the firing stud on the jangler。 And pure; raging agony reached out and grasped Keill's body like a monstrous fist。
 Dimly he heard himself cry out; dimly he felt himself twisting; jerking; beginning to fall。
 Then he heard and felt nothing at all。
 Chapter eleven
 Keill awoke to the clamour of his own name being shouted; over and over。
 No; not shouted; he realized。 It was Glr's mental call; as penetrating as a cry of fear。
 'Stop it' he thought; raising one hand to his head; which was throbbing dully。 'I'm here。'
 Relief flooded into his mind from Glr's。 What happened? Where are you?
 Keill's probing fingers found a raised and tender bump on his head; and the slight roughness of dried blood。 'I must have bounced my head around in my helmet when I fell。 As for where I am。。。'
 He looked around。 He was lying on a hard bunk in a small; metal…walled cubicle … which he recognized as the usual cramped sleeping quarters for men in a space…dome。 The air smelled stale and musty; but was breathable … and he was his normal weight; which meant that some form of artificial gravity was operating in the dome。 His spacesuit had been stripped off him and flung untidily in one corner … though his energy gun; predictably; was not with it。
 'I'm inside the dome; and I'm in one piece。' He swung up to a sitting position; ignoring the headache。 One thing about the janglers; he thought to himself … for all the pain they caused; it stopped instantly when the weapon was deactivated。 Though there could sometimes be serious after…effects。。。
 What now? Glr asked。
 'You stay there; and stay quiet awhile。 The door is probably guarded; and I'm going to。。。'
 Whatever it was; he was not able to do it。 The door swung open; and two men entered。 Both were carrying guns; and they separated as they entered; moving to either side of Keill and keeping their weapons trained on him; all very professionally。
 One of them; holding a jangler; was thin; wiry; with a long jaw and small; glittering eyes。 The other was heavy…set and swarthy; with a nose that seemed to have been broken many times。 And he had Keill's own beam…gun in his hand。
 Both were wearing legionary uniforms。
 'Y've e round; have y' ?' the thin one said。 'Thought y' might've cracked y'r skull。' He grinned; a mouthful of small; yellow teeth。 'Nice trick; that; wasn't it ? Askin' y' if y' was me ? Ol' Rish here; he would've answered different; wouldn't y'; Rish?'
 The heavy…set man grunted; never taking his eyes from Keill。 So the thin one was Jiker; the one who had shot Keill。 And; yes; it had been a good trick。 But Keill remained silent; studying the two men; judging their abilities; doubting if he would have much of a chance to move against two guns; but poised and ready if even the edge of a chance offered itself。
 'Nothin' t' say t' y'r brother legionaries ?' Jiker went on。 His laugh was high…pitched and ugly。
 'Where did you get the uniforms ?' Keill asked; his voice as expressionless as his face。
 'Took 'em off a ship that just came floatin' by;' Jiker grinned。 'Boys wearin' 'em didn't have use for 'em; not any more。'
 'Where was that ?' Keill asked。
 'Just off good ol' Moros;' Jiker said; snickering。 'You remember Moros; don't y'; boy?'
 'Why were you there?' Much could be learned from talkative men; Keill knew; if they could be kept talking。
 Jiker seemed all too ready to chatter。 'We like it there; don't we; Rish ? Quietest place y' ever saw … real peaceful now。 Like the boss said; when we did the last sweep 。。。'
 The voice from the doorway was deep; resonant; musical;
 seeming effortlessly to fill the room。 Jiker's thin mouth snapped shut; and he paled slightly beneath his spacer's sunburn as he glanced towards the door。
 The bare…chested man who was entering the cubicle had to stoop; and to turn his vast shoulders sideways; to pass through the doorway。 Here was the leader of the original three false legionaries … the half…naked giant who had gazed at Keill; and laughed; that frustrating day on the spaceport of Saltrenius。
 He was smiling now; unpleasantly。 'Jiker; one of these days I think I will send you for a walk outside without a suit; and see if you can talk in vacuum。'
 The threat seemed all the more vicious for having been made in that easy; melodious voice。 Then the giant turned to inspect Keill … who countered with an inspection of his own。
 The enormous; smoothly muscled bulk of the man was belied by the lightness of his step; the control of his movements。 Here was no lumbering man…mountain; Keill saw; but a man who was as athletic and co…ordinated as he was powerful。 Which made him all the more formidable。
 Probably from one of the altered worlds; Keill surmised。 The hairlessness; the bronze skin were indications。 But there was something else。。。
 He remembered the words of the newsman back on Saltrenius; which seemed so long ago。 About the strange markings round the throat and belly of the giant。 The marks were plainly visible to Keill … looking very much like raised; narrow ridges of scar tissue; evenly and pletely encircling the powerful neck and abdomen。 Then Keill looked again; and his skin crawled。
 The ridges seemed to be moving。 Writhing; swelling slightly。 As if serpentine things with lives of their own were curled round the giant's body; just beneath the skin。
 The giant's malicious smile widened as he surveyed Keill。 'So we have finally caught one; have we ?' His chuckle resounded in the narrow room。 'And; I believe; the very one who was hurrying to make our acquaintance on Saltrenius。 What took you so long to pay us a visit; legionary ?'
 Keill said nothing; watching the giant impassively。
 'Taking refuge in silence; I see。 Very well … we shall go through the formalities。 Your name and rank?'
 'Keill Randor; Group Leader of the fourth Strike Group of the 41st Legion。' Keill's voice was flat and cold。
 'Of the planet Moros;' said the giant。 'Is that not how the ritual went on ?'
 Keill let the question pass。 'Gloating is a pastime of small minds。 Do you have a name; gloater ?'
 The giant's smile faded for an instant; then returned。 'Ah; the legendary fighting spirit of the Legions is not quelled。 Yes; Keill Randor; you may know my name … for the short while that you have left to know anything。 I am the Lord Thr'un of Irruq…hoa。'
 Keill raised a sardonic eyebrow。 He had never heard of a planet called Irruq…hoa; but then there were many planets he had never heard of。 He did know that aristocratic titles were mon in many human societies through the galaxy。 But it was an odd distinction for the leader of a gang like this to bear。
 'Why is a lord of Irruq…hoa sitting on a moon of Saltrenius pretending to be a legionary ?'
 The giant's laughter boomed。 'On my world; we have a species of water creature that is hardly more than a large stomach; with filters。 It sits quietly across the current of the stream; and other creatures swim blindly in; to be eaten。 I have been waiting here to eat you; legionary。'
 'On my planet;' Keill replied coldly; 'there was a poisonous reptile that had the ability to disguise itself as other; less vicious creatures。 We always killed them; whenever we discovered one。'
 'I am the reptile in disguise; am I?' laughed Thr'un。 'And you would like to kill me; I am sure。' He stepped forward; looming over Keill; the eerie markings jutting and squirming
 beneath his skin。 'It would be interesting to let you try; Randor。 I have often wondered how the famous fighting skills of the Legions would measure up to those of the 。。。 to mine。'
 Keill had not missed the broken sentence。 'To those of the what?'
 Thr'un smiled。 'So many questions。 But it is I who have questions that are to be answered。' He moved back; folding his huge arms。 'First answer me this; Randor。 How many other legionaries have survived ?'
 Keill nodded thoughtfully。 'So I am the first; as you said; to fall into your trap。 I doubt if the others will be so careless。'
 'What others ?' the giant hissed。 'Where ?'
 Letting his eyes shift away from Thr'un; Keill assumed an expression of dismay; as if he had said more than he intended。 'Perhaps there are no others。 I。。。 I don't know。'
 'You will tell me!' Thr'un bellowed。
 Keill bent his head and stared steadfastly at the floor; giving a perfect portrayal of a man determined not to give away a secret。
 The giant snorted; and gestured at Jiker and Rish。 'Bring him along;' he ordered。 'You may tie him down and jangle him a little until he feels more conversational。'
 Thr'un turned and went abruptly out; and Keill raised his head to confront the muzzles of the guns in the other men's hands; and the unholy gleam of pleasure in their eyes。
 They guided him into a corridor that ran outside the cubicle; both men staying well behind him and staying on opposite sides of the corrid

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