八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > douglashill.galacticwarlord >



小说: douglashill.galacticwarlord 字数: 每页4000字

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 Doubts ? Keill felt again the chill that had swept over him in that desperate moment of realization when; facing Thr'un; he had learned that the whole fearful story of the Warlord was true beyond all doubt。
 'Only one;' he said grimly。 'That if I meet any more members of this Deathwing; I doubt if I'll survive the encounter。'
 Glr's bright eyes shone with amusement as she relayed the message。 Talis is sure you will; now that you know more about what to expect。 He is very pleased at being right about his assessment of your survival potential。
 'Fine;' Keill muttered。 'Tell him we're all very pleased here; too。'
 He also hopes you will now confirm; Glr went on; that you will act as the Overseers' emissary。 To go on their behalf to worlds that are threatened by the Warlord … and to do what you can to oppose the threat。
 Keill knew what his answer was; yet he hesitated。 On their behalf? But he was still a legionary; if alone … and he had a job to do; an unspoken promise to keep; to the dead of Moros。 He did not delude himself that the defeat of Thr'un was anything but a first; small step in keeping that promise。 Somewhere the real enemy; the real destroyer; still lived; still strove to spread his deadly infection of violence and murder。
 'Tell Talis;' he said slowly; 'that it is as much my fight as his … or more。 Tell him that I will work with the Overseers; but not for them。 I will accept advice and assistance; but not orders。 Tell him that wherever I go; I will do what I can and what I must … but my way; without interference。'
 Talis understands the conditions; and agrees。
 'And do you e along as well ?'
 Of course; Glr laughed。 You would certainly never survive without me。
 Keill lay back in the slingseat。 In his mind's eye an image formed … an image that always lurked on the edge of his imagination; that would probably always continue to lurk there。 The image of the planet Moros as he last saw it … bathed in a glowing haze of lethal radiation; in which everything and everyone that Keill had loved had met their deaths。
 And beyond that image; another; newer one。 Like a black shadow across his inner vision。 The dark mystery of the Warlord … and the shadow of the Deathwing。
 The Overseers are waiting for your confirmation; Glr broke in。
 'Tell the Overseers;' Keill said; 'confirmed。 Absolutely confirmed。'


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