八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > jefflong.yearzero >



小说: jefflong.yearzero 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Keeping them safe。〃
 〃Safe from what?〃
 She turned her eyes away。 〃We're looking for immunity;〃 she said。 〃So far we've found some who survived an earlier form of the virus。 They're partially immune to this modern outbreak。 They can still get infected。 But the symptoms don't manifest in them so quickly。 We've done puter simulations。 They might live another three years before the pathogen kills them。〃
 〃And you have twenty…three of them here?〃 said Nathan Lee。 He couldn't get over the technology。
 〃What about the other fifteen hundred?〃
 Her green eyes peered at him from between her cap and mask。 She didn't answer him。 〃We have a Neandertal;〃 she said。 〃Totally immune。〃
 〃You cloned a Neandertal!〃
 〃That wasn't for medical research。 It was before Corfu。 Anyway; she's proved the species barrier。 Subspecies; to be exact。〃
 〃What does that mean?〃
 〃For some reason; the girl's naturally resistant。 It could be the chemical barriers in her skin or respiratory tract or something in her GI tract。 We don't know。 Her resistanace doesn't transfer to us; though。 We know that much。 She's a dead end。〃
 Neandertals! Clones from two thousand years ago! This place was a marvel。
 〃What am I supposed to be doing?〃 he said。
 〃It's time to take the next step;〃 she said。 〃I want you to take a step backward。 A step away。〃
 〃Away from what?〃
 〃You're an anthropologist。 They're a tribe; of sorts。〃
 〃You want me to study them?〃 That sounded simple enough。 He was an archaeologist; not an ethnographer。 But why spoil a free meal? Simplicity ruled。 Los Alamos was supposed to be a stop on the map。 Once he got Ochs to sing; he meant to vanish; no ties; no debts; no regrets。
 〃No contact;〃 Miranda answered。 〃There are cameras in their cells。 Just watch and listen。 Eavesdrop on their thoughts。〃
 The clone shouted out。 It sounded like〃Rebekah〃。 He was calling for a woman; his wife; perhaps; or daughter。 Calling to her from the other side of death。 Did he think she would join him?
 The cry shook Nathan Lee。 The voice closed away。 They took the man from the room; off to some lab。 In the quiet that followed; a swimming pool net dipped from above; scooping out parts of the fetal sac。
 〃You want me to make human beings out of your animals;〃 he said。
 〃You don't approve of what we're doing?〃 she said。
 〃Does that change anything?〃
 She was looking at him。 〃No one's sure how much they actually remember;〃 she said。 Probably not all that much。 Their previous life has never been our purpose here。 But they cry。 They shout out。 Maybe you can give them a little solace。〃
 〃Solace;〃 he said。
 〃We created them。〃
 〃Do they know that?〃
 〃That's beside the point。 It doesn't matter if they have no idea who we are。 You can't just disown your own children。〃 She was solemn; as if he were somehow part of her redemption。
 The Bones Speak
 Nathan Lee entered their world of monsters。
 For a week; he did not go down into the so…called Orphanage; their warren of cells in sub…basement Five。 Instead he took up residence in the Necro Archives; the human tissues room。 It had lapsed into a sloppy grab bag of specimens。 He set about organizing the samples; in part to organize his thoughts; but mostly to acquaint himself with the bones in preparation for their living flesh。 There were teeth; dried muscle; withered organs in jars; baggies and vials; skulls; fingernails; and long bones numbered with magic marker or red fingernail polish。 One of the twenty…three men had been made from silver; so to speak; from a Herod…headed coin speckled with blood flakes。
 At last; after six days; Nathan Lee felt ready。 He took the elevator down to the Orphanage。 Captain Enote led him through the long; silent hallway; and it looked like a death row for robots; all shiny and metal。 There were twenty quarantine cells on the right; and twenty on the left。 The plex had been built by a contractor whose specialty was super…prisons。 Nathan Lee paused by an empty cell; and went in; wanting the feel one more time。
 〃Familiar?〃 the Captain asked him from the doorway。
 〃They never did anything like this to you in Kathmandu;〃 Nathan Lee said。
 There was no life in here; not even an insect。 Everything was metal or indestructible plastic。 Each cell held a bed; a toilet; and a sink。 There was a shower nozzle in the high ceiling; a drain in the floor; and surveillance cameras mounted behind bubbles。 Micron screens filtered the air that vented in and out of their rooms。 They lived in a sterile state。
 Moving on; he peeked through some of the Plexiglas slots at eyelevel; and the prisoners were mostly dozing。 They had paper blankets; and no clothes。 Once a day the shower nozzle sprayed them with soap and disinfectant。 〃They can't see out;〃 said the Captain。 〃But they know we're here。 Did Miranda mention; no contact。 Observation only。〃
 Ten times。 〃Got it;〃 said Nathan Lee。
 On their way to the monitor room; the Captain pointed at door number One at the very end。 〃You don't bother with that one;〃 he said。 〃Ever。〃
 The monitor room lit dark and cool。 Two guards sat in chairs that could slide back and forth on roller wheels along the banks of screens。 Nathan Lee did a quick count。 There were eighty screens; two for each cell。 Only the screens of the occupied cells were glowing。 The Captain went to the pair of screens for Cell One; and turned them off。 He introduced Nathan Lee to the guards。
 〃Mr。 Swift wants to get to know the boys;〃 he said。 〃He's cleared to e in here and watch the screens。 He can listen on the headphones。 You can talk to him。 Share the files。〃 The Captain pointed at the screens for Cell One。 〃She stays out of it。 Clear?〃
 〃Yes sir;〃 they said。
 One of the guards got a chair for Nathan Lee; and made room at the end of the long counter for his yellow notepad。 〃You want some bean?〃 he asked; and poured the coffee in a chipped mug。
 As he was leaving; the Captain said; 〃how long did you spend in that Asia jail?〃
 It was deliberate。 The two guards' ears pricked up。 Now they knew a convict was sharing the booth with them; which was fair enough。 〃Seventeen months;〃 said Nathan Lee。
 〃Don't go try to bust anybody out;〃 said the Captain。
 〃No contact;〃 recited Nathan Lee。
 〃Let's see where you get here;〃 said the Captain; and he left。
 Nathan Lee strolled along the bank of monitors; orienting himself。 He matched them up to his notes; man by man。 On paper; each was a tooth; skull; or bit of wood。 On the screen; they were not much more; just bits of humanity worn out by their short lives。 Many bore livid surgical scars; which surprised him。 What kinds of things had been done to them in South Sector? They acted less like prisoners than patients in a cancer ward。 If they moved; it was only slowly。 You felt their pain。
 〃Oh yeah;〃 said one of the guards。 〃South Sector's hell on them。〃
 〃What about him?〃 Nathan Lee asked。 The clone was more scar than skin。 He was missing part of an ear。 His face looked like a badly sewn baseball。
 〃The fugitive;〃 answered the second guard。 〃He got loose last winter。 He hit the razor wire; tangled in it; and just kept fighting。 He tore himself free and made it halfway to the Rio Grande。 The trackers said it was like following a paint bucket with a hole in it。 He just about bled out and froze to death; they say。 Finally found him in some cave dwellings down one of the canyons。 After that he got rated high risk。 None of the researchers wanted to work him no more。 So Miranda added him to the collection。〃
 〃How long have they been here?〃
 〃Miranda salvaged the first of them five months ago。〃
 Each clone had an identification number tattooed on the back of their neck and at the base of their spine。 The tradition of naming lab animals; whether they were slugs or chimpanzees; was as old as research。 The guards had their own nicknames for the clones: Cueball for a bald fellow; Rutabaga and Cabbage for two catatonic men; Stiff for a clone with priapism; Yessir for the clone with a nervous tic; Johnny Angel for the blue…eyed handsome one。
 〃Do they talk?〃
 〃Hoot; howl; mumble; scream。 One used to sing。 He quit。〃
 〃Can I see their files?〃
 〃Help yourself。〃 A guard pointed at the file cabinets。
 Instead of biographies; each had lab reports; much of it classified and blacked out。 That was inauspicious。 Miranda was right; labs within the Lab treated one another as enemies。 On the brink of destruction; the scientists were at cross purposes with their own survival; hiding their work。 And yet their experiments and secrets were written on the flesh of their subjects。 Some of the clones had survived four or five labs before being delivered back into their maker's care。 Not one had his own real name。 Not one displayed a life before this life。
 Nathan Lee laid their files in front of their respective screens。 Those were now; what was then? He wanted to start from scratch; to erase their numbers; to reach back through the artifact two thousand years。
 It was slow; frustrating work。 He spent hours waiting for a movement or word on any screen。 Their daily cycles were synched around food and the daily soaking。 They wanted to dream away their captivity。 Nathan Lee understood their torpor。 He had done the same until his prison revealed itself as a palace。 Restoring the past; he had restored himself。
 The guards were interested in his work only because they were bored。 When they weren't too busy playing guitar with a rubber band or making paper clip chains; they might record events while Nathan Lee was gone。 An event could be anything: a mumble; a scream。。。and then; on the third day; a name。
 〃There;〃 said Nathan Lee; replaying the tape。 He jacked the volume up。 〃Do you hear it now?〃 He didn't speak the name。 He wanted to draw the guards into his discovery。 He was going to need their help with the observing。 But to them; the clones were a bare step up from vegetation。 He had to convert them somehow。 His father had taught him there was no other way to climb a big mountain。 They had to find the spirit themselves。
 〃Isaiah?〃 One of the guards frowned。
 〃Did he really say Isaiah?〃 whispered his partner。 His name badge read Joe。 〃Like in the Book?〃
 〃Yes;〃 said Nathan Lee

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