八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > jefflong.yearzero >



小说: jefflong.yearzero 字数: 每页4000字

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ter。 Your daughter。 Out from the storm。 Talk to me; man。〃
 Nathan Lee was numb。 Ochs had sent him to root up his own child?
 〃You're the only one who can save her;〃 coaxed the voice。 〃She needs you。〃
 〃No;〃 said Nathan Lee。
 〃Yes;〃 argued Ochs。 〃Or else you kill her。〃
 〃She's already dead。〃
 〃Dig down; Nathan Lee。 Dig into your heart。 Find the strength。 Bring me what I say。 Miranda will raise them up。〃
 〃She won't do that。〃
 〃For you; Miranda will do anything。〃
 For a moment; Nathan Lee saw the grave open and her little body lift from the dirt。 He saw her straw hat。 The outstretched bouquet。 He groaned。
 〃It's late;〃 snapped Ochs。 〃The helicopters will go without you。 After that; you're dog food。〃 He went back and forth; from threats to temptation。 〃You have the power of life over death。 There's no reason Grace has to end like this。 She was the sweetest girl。 A second chance。 You have the power。〃
 Nathan Lee's horror mounted。 How could he open her grave? How could he not?
 〃Do it;〃 snarled Ochs。
 Nathan Lee searched through the wreck of his memory。 He remembered a storm。 Grace was a baby; asleep in his arms。 The blizzard howled at the window of their Washington townhouse; and he hardly dared to breathe for fear of undoing her sleep。
 Ochs railed at him。 〃The helicopters will leave soon。 They won't wait。 They don't fly at night。 You'll be alone。〃
 Nathan Lee fought down his shout at the sky。 Who would hear? He set his hands flat on the mounded earth。 He lay down。 He put his head by the marker。 The search was over。
 Nathan Lee switched off the voice。 He cast one arm over her grave。 Later; the helmet could e off。 For now; he was just tired。 He closed his eyes。 All he wanted was to hold his baby。
 AGREAT STORM woke him。
 Nathan Lee thought he was dreaming。 It rocked him with its wind。 He opened his eyes; and it was night。 The grass and trees were thrashing around him。 Dirt and pebbles rattled against his helmet。 The crosses shuddered。
 A beam of light stabbed down from the sky; blinding him。 A figure descended through the radiance。 Buffeted by the tempest; the man walked over to him and reached down。 A rope led from his chest harness up to the helicopter。 Nathan Lee felt a hand groping at his wrist。 His radio switched on。
 〃It's time to go; Nathan Lee;〃 a voice spoke in his ears。 〃e with me。〃
 〃I'd like to stay;〃 said Nathan Lee。
 〃Nah;〃 the man said。 〃It's not your time。〃
 Nathan Lee felt like he hadn't slept in many years。 〃Who are you?〃
 〃I'm your friend。 You have lots of friends; Nathan Lee。〃
 Nathan Lee raised his helmet and peered through the man's face plate。 It was the Captain; his hair silver。 〃I flew in with you this morning。〃
 〃I didn't see you。〃
 〃Miranda thought Ochs might try something。〃
 〃I came to watch your back。〃
 〃I found my girl;〃 Nathan Lee announced。
 〃I know;〃 said the Captain。
 〃I'd like to stay for a bit longer。〃
 〃Another time。〃
 Nathan Lee took his outstretched hand。
 Together they were winched into the night。
 All the way to Los Alamos; they sat among cages on top of cages filled with human beings who were taped and still。 Every one of them was hot with virus。 Their eyes glittered in the dark cargo bay。
 Decon was more than a place or process; it was a passage between worlds。 For fourteen days you were purified here; scrubbed; bled; monitored; and locked down in sterile; solitary cells。 It was like a Biblical prescription: anyone who might have been tainted was kept outside the camp for a ritual term。
 For the deck raiders; the process was automatic。 But researchers from the bio…safety labs were sometimes closed in here; too; especially after accidents。 All it took was a needle stick; a rip in your suit; a faulty vent。 It was a frightening time。 A time of prayers。 You didn't know if your blood might suddenly test positive; in which case you would never re…enter the city again。 The term 〃decon〃 was a misnomer。 In fact; if you were contaminated; you were beyond rescue。
 During the first week Nathan Lee's sole clothing was a pair of tiny goggles for the radiation。 They fasted him with juice; electrolytes; and antibiotics for five days。 He grew weaker before he could grow stronger。 The second week; he was given paper garments; which were burned twice daily。
 Nathan Lee kept things tight。 They hollowed you out in this place; but not hollow enough。 He gave them his body; but not his mind。 For the asking; they would have slipped hallucinogenics or sedatives into his IV。 Altering reality was a way for the deck sweep troops to survive their dead time。
 But Nathan Lee feared losing his tenuous hold。 He was glad there were no windows in here; and that the walls were steel; and the corners were squared so precisely。 Everything was contained and neat。 He took it one second at a time。 He glued himself to the moment。 He began to fear the end of decon; because it meant entering the world on its own terms again。
 It went like that for two weeks。 Their doors were locked from the outside; their bodies were poisoned; and they were isolated like serial killers。 Over the ceiling inter; the medical staff apologized for each indignity and pain demanded of him。 They thanked him for drawing his own blood and injecting himself with chemicals and bioengineered poisons which were passed to him through an air lock。 They were grateful for his sanity; or at least his obedience。 Through the walls; he could hear men screaming; and understood that not all the soldiers had returned from the horrors whole。
 Through a puter console built into the wall; he had access to e…books; movies; video games; even skin flicks。 Instead he did his Buddha thing; empty mind; empty heart。 When bursts of energy overcame him; he did pushups。 The rest of the time; he lay still。 He felt suspended in light。
 A physician started up a running dialog over the wall speaker。 He knew who Nathan Lee was; but didn't offer his name。 He said he was Nathan Lee's designated psychiatrist; though Nathan Lee already had one during the daytime。 Double…teaming him; Nathan Lee decided。 They monitored more than your physical health in here。 The man's voice came like talk radio; usually deep in the night。
 He told Nathan Lee about the weather; his favorite books; and other things。 He asked about Denver。 He was fascinated by the destruction。
 〃Do you have a family?〃 asked Nathan Lee。
 〃Why do you ask?〃
 〃You should take them far away。 To the mountains or the desert;〃 said Nathan Lee。 〃Now。〃
 〃Really?〃 the psychiatrist said。 〃What about E…Day?〃 Evacuation Day。 It was everybody's idea of salvation; holing up in the salt dome。
 〃Have they finally announced a date?〃
 〃It got pushed back;〃 said the psychiatrist。 〃Extenuating circumstances。〃
 〃What happened?〃
 〃The excavators hit a water pocket。 It wasn't supposed to be there。 Water and salt; not a good bination。 They almost lost the whole place。〃 He sounded almost upbeat。 〃As it is; the two lowest levels melted out。 They're pumping out the water; slaving to save the rest。〃
 〃People must be panicked。〃
 〃No one knows。〃
 〃You do;〃 said Nathan Lee。
 〃Secrets are my business。〃
 〃Now what?〃
 〃We wait; I suppose。 There's always the Sera…III。 The silver bullet。〃
 Another secret。 〃I don't know what that is;〃 said Nathan Lee。
 〃Miranda hasn't told you?〃
 Nathan Lee frowned。 Who was this man? 〃What about Miranda?〃
 〃She's been at work on it for months。 Clone blood; essentially。 Sera loaded with antibodies。〃
 〃Miranda's found the cure?〃
 〃No。 The antibodies only work for three years。 That's the three in Sera…III。 It's not really a silver bullet。 More like slow suicide。 You have to infect yourself in order to be saved。 And then you're not saved anyway。 Three years down the road; the Grim Reaper is still waiting。〃
 〃So the sanctuary chambers are flooded; and there is no cure。 You sound fine with that;〃 said Nathan Lee。
 〃I wonder about just desserts; is all;〃 the voice said。
 〃You think we deserve to die?〃
 〃We take so much for granted;〃 the psychiatrist answered。 〃The question is do we deserve to live?〃
 Another time; they talked about the pilgrims。 The little gathering of locals that Nathan Lee had seen along the Rio Grande had been dispersed。 The military had dropped leaflets warning them to go back to their homes; and afterwards killed the valley floor with Agent Orange。 〃But they're ing back;〃 said the physician。 〃It's different this time。 They're starting to show up from faraway。 People are afraid of them。〃
 〃Why; are they dangerous?〃
 〃We don't know。〃
 〃Who are they?〃
 〃The last Americans。 A lot of them have guns。〃
 〃Everyone has guns。〃 Nathan Lee had seen it on his way across the country。 It was little more than gang warfare out there。 〃They'll use them on each other。 They're fragmented。〃
 〃Not anymore。〃
 〃Why's that?〃
 〃Have you ever looked up the word 'apocalypse'?〃 the physician riffed。 〃So many people think it's just another way of saying total destruction。〃
 Nathan Lee let him ramble。
 〃In fact there's a whole philosophy behind it; the idea of a chosen people having special knowledge and being spared the cosmic end。 The righteous will live happily ever after here on earth。〃
 〃Yes;〃 said Nathan Lee。 〃The kingdom movement。〃 Where was the man going with this?
 〃It's very appealing。 Very American。 Egalitarian。 Inclusive。 Revolutionary。 Just the sort of thing to bring the ragtag barbarians together。〃
 〃What are you talking about?〃
 〃This Jesus thing of yours。〃
 Nathan Lee sat up。 His scalp prickled。 Suddenly he realized these midnight visits had not been random。 The physician had been insinuating himself into Nathan Lee's head。 He was here for a reason。 〃Of mine?〃
 〃Please;〃 said the physician。 〃You unleashed it。 Without him; they'd still just be scattered across the wilds。 Now they've found a center。〃
 〃Do you mean the clone?〃 That was still going on?
 〃But he's not Jesus Christ。〃
 〃He is now。〃
 〃That's crazy。 He's a counterfeit。〃
 〃Tell him that。〃
 〃I did。 I tried。〃 What had been going on in his absence?
 〃I thought you might try to disown him。〃
 〃He's not mine;〃 said Nathan Lee。
 〃But you helped create him。 The clones w

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