八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > ah.thefinaldiagnosis >



小说: ah.thefinaldiagnosis 字数: 每页4000字

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 The old man paused。 He gave the impression that his thoughts were far away。 〃I'm glad I didn't make a mistake;〃 he said slowly; 〃about that anyway。〃
 He picked up a topcoat and moved to the door。 He seemed about to go; then turned back。 Almost diffidently he asked; 〃Do you mind if I give you some advice?〃
 Coleman shook his head。 〃Please do。〃
 〃You're young;〃 Pearson said。 〃You're full of spice and vinegar…that's good。 You know your stuff too。 You're up to date…you know things that I never did; never will now。 Take my advice and try to keep it that way。 It'll be tough to do; make no mistake about it。〃 He waved toward the desk he had just vacated。 〃You'll sit ha that chair and the phone will ring; and it'll be the administrator…talking about budgets。 Next minute one of the lab staff will want to quit; and you'll have to smooth that out。 And the doctors will e in; and they'll want this bit of information and that。〃 The old man smiled thinly。 〃Then you'll get the salesman…the man with the unbreakable test tube and the burner that never goes out。 And when you're through seeing him there'll be another and another and another。 Until at the end of a day you'll wonder what happened to it and what you've acplished; what you've achieved。〃
 Pearson stopped and Coleman waited。 He sensed that in his words the old pathologist was reliving a part of his own past。 He went on; 〃That's the way the next day can go; and the next; and the one after that。 Until you find a year has slipped by; and another; and another。 And while you're doing all this you'll send other people on courses to hear about the new things in medicine…because you can't take time out to go yourself。 And you'll quit investigation and research; and because you work so hard; you'll be tired at night; and you won't feel like reading textbooks。 And then suddenly; one day; you'll find everything you knew is out of date。 That's when it's too late to change。〃
 Emotion…charged; the voice faltered。 Pearson put a hand on Coleman's arm。 He said imploringly; 〃Listen to an old man who's been through it all; who made the mistake of falling behind。 Don't let it happen to you! Lock yourself in a closet if you have to! Get away from the phone and the files and paper; and read and learn and listen and keep up to date! Then they can never touch you; never say; 'He's finished; all washed up; he belongs to yesterday。' Because you'll know as much as they do…and more。 Because you'll have experience to go with it 。 。 。〃
 The voice trailed off and Pearson turned away。
 〃I shall try to remember;〃 Coleman said。 He added gently; 〃I'll e with you to the door。〃
 They climbed the stairs from Pathology; and on the hospital's main floor the bustle of early…evening activity was just beginning。 A nurse passed them hurriedly; she carried a diet tray; her starched uniform swishing。 They moved aside to let a wheel chair by; in it was a middle…aged man; one leg in a cast; holding a pair of crutches like oars withdrawn into a boat。 A trio of student nurses went past laughing。 A Women's Auxiliary worker propelled a cart with magazines。 A man clutching a bouquet of flowers headed for the elevators。 Somewhere out of sight a child was crying。 It was the hospital world: a living organism; a mirror of the greater world outside。
 Pearson was looking around him。 Coleman thought: Thirty…two years; and he's seeing it all; perhaps for the last time。 He wondered: How will it be when my own time es? Shall I remember this moment thirty years from now? Will I understand it better then?
 On the public…address system a voice announced; 〃Dr。 David Coleman。 Dr。 Coleman to the surgical floor。〃
 〃It's started;〃 Pearson said。 〃It'll be a frozen section…you'd better go。〃 He held out his hand。 〃Good luck。〃
 Coleman found it hard to speak。 〃Thank you;〃 he said。
 The old man nodded and turned away。
 〃Good night; Dr。 Pearson。〃 It was one of the senior nurses。
 〃Good night;〃 Pearson said。 Then; on the way out; he stopped under a 〃No Smoking〃 sign to light a cigar。


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