八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > dh.theglasskey >



小说: dh.theglasskey 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Opal told me you were a schoolmate of hers;〃 he said as he took her hand。 He turned from her to face Rusty and Jeff。 〃'Lo; boys;〃 he said carelessly。 〃I was hoping I'd see you some time soon。〃
 Rusty said nothing。
 Jeff's face became an ugly mask of grinning delight。 〃Me and you both;〃 he said heartily; 〃now that my knuckles are all healed up again。 What do you guess it is that makes me get such a hell of a big kick out of slugging you?〃
 Shad O'Rory gently addressed the apish man without turning to look at him: 〃You talk too much with your mouth; Jeff。 Maybe if you didn't you'd still have your own teeth。〃
 Mrs。 Mathews spoke to Opal in an undertone。 Opal shook her head and sat down on the stool by the fire again。
 Mathews; indicating a wooden chair at the other end of the fireplace; said nervously: 〃Sit down; Mr。 Beaumont; and dry your feet andand get warm。〃
 〃Thanks。〃 Ned Beaumont pulled the chair out more directly in the fire's glow and sat down。
 Shad O'Rory was lighting a cigarette。 When he had finished he took it from between his lips and asked: 〃How are you feeling; Ned?〃
 〃Pretty good; Shad。〃
 〃That's fine。〃 O'Rory turned his head a little to speak to the two men on the bench: 〃You boys can go back to town tomorrow。〃 He turned back to Ned Beaumont; explaining blandly: 〃We were playing safe as long as we didn't know for sure you weren't going to die; but we don't mind standing an assault…rap。〃
 Ned Beaumont nodded。 〃The chances are I won't go to the trouble of appearing against you; anyhow; on that; but don't forget our friend Jeff's wanted for West's murder。〃 His voice was light; but into his eyes; fixed on the log burning in the fireplace; came a brief evil glint。 There was nothing in his eyes but mockery when he moved them to the left to focus on Mathews。 〃Though of course I might so I could make trouble for Mathews for helping you hide out。〃
 Mathews said hastily: 〃I didn't; Mr。 Beaumont。 I didn't even know they were here until we came up today and I was as surprised as〃 He broke off; his face panicky; and addressed Shad O'Rory; whining: 〃You know you are wele。 You know that; but the point I'm trying to make〃his face was illuminated by a sudden glad smile〃is that by helping you without knowing it I didn't do anything I could be held legally responsible for。〃
 O'Rory said softly: 〃Yes; you helped me without knowing it。〃 His notable clear blue…grey eyes looked without interest at the newspaper…publisher。
 Mathews's smile lost its gladness; flickered out entirely。 He fidgeted with fingers at his necktie and presently evaded O'Rory's gaze。
 Mrs。 Mathews spoke to Ned Beaumont; sweetly: 〃Everybody's been so dull this evening。 It was simply ghastly until you came。〃
 He looked at her curiously。 Her dark eyes were bright; soft; inviting。 Under his appraising look she lowered her head a little and pursed her lips a little; coquettishly。 Her lips were thin; too dark with rouge; but beautiful in form。 He smiled at her and; rising; went over to her。
 Opal Madvig stared at the floor before her。 Mathews; O'Rory; and the two men on the bench watched Ned Beaumont and Mathews's wife。
 He asked; 〃What makes them so dull?〃 and sat down on the floor in front of her; cross…legged; not facing her directly; his back to the fire; leaning on a hand on the floor behind him; his face turned up to one side towards her。
 〃I'm sure I don't know;〃 she said; pouting。 〃I thought it was going to be fun when Hal asked me if I wanted to e up here with him and Opal。 And then; when we got here; we found these〃 she paused a momentsaid; 〃friends of Hal's;〃 with poorly concealed dubietyand went on: 〃here and everybody's been sitting around hinting at some secret they've all got between them that I don't know anything about and it's been unbearably stupid。 Opal's been as bad as the rest。 She〃
 Her husband said; 〃Now; Eloise;〃 in an ineffectually authoritative tone and; when she raised her eyes to meet his; got more embarrassment than authority in his gaze。
 〃I don't care;〃 she told him petulantly。 〃It's true and Opal is as bad as the rest of you。 Why; you and she haven't even talked about whatever business it was you were ing up here to discuss in the first place。 Don't think I'd've stayed here this long if it hadn't been for the storm。 I wouldn't。〃
 Opal Madvig's face had flushed; but she did not raise her eyes。
 Eloise Mathews bent her head down towards Ned Beaumont again and the petulance in her face became playful。 〃That's what you've got to make up for;〃 she assured him; 〃and that and not because you're beautiful is why I was so glad to see you。〃
 He frowned at her in mock indignation
 She frowned at him。 Her frown was genuine。 〃Did your car really break down?〃 she demanded; 〃or did you e here to see them on the same dull business that's making them so stupidly mysterious? You did。 You're another one of them。〃
 He laughed。 He asked: 〃It wouldn't make any difference why I came if I changed my mind after seeing you; would it?〃
 〃Nooo〃…she was suspicious〃but I'd have to be awfully sure you had changed it。〃
 〃And anyway;〃 he promised lightly; 〃I won't be mysterious about anything。 Haven't you really got an idea of what they're all eating their hearts out about?〃
 〃Not the least;〃 she replied spitefully; 〃except that I'm pretty sure it must be something very stupid and probably political。〃
 He put his free hand up and patted one of hers。 〃Smart girl; right on both counts。〃 He turned his head to look at O'Rory and Mathews。 When his eyes came back to hers they were shiny with merriment。 〃Want me to tell you about it?〃
 〃First;〃 he said; 〃Opal thinks her father murdered Taylor Henry。〃
 Opal Madvig made a horrible strangling noise in her throat and sprang up from the footstool。 She put the back of one hand over her mouth。 Her eyes were open so wide the whites showed all around the irises and they were glassy and dreadful。
 Rusty lurched to his feet; his face florid with anger; but Jeff; leering; caught the boy's arm。 〃Let him alone;〃 he rasped good…naturedly。 〃He's all right。〃 The boy stood straining against the apish man's grip on his arm; but did not try to free himself。
 Eloise Mathews sat frozen in her chair; staring without prehension at Opal。
 Mathews was trembling; a shrunken grey…faced sick man whose lower lip and lower eyelids sagged。
 Shad O'Rory was sitting forward in his chair; finely modeled long face pale and hard; eyes like blue…grey ice; hands gripping chair…arms; feet flat on the floor。
 〃Second;〃 Ned Beaumont said; his poise nowise disturbed by the agitation of the others; 〃she〃
 〃Ned; don't!〃 Opal Madvig cried。
 He screwed himself around on the floor then to look up at her。
 She had taken her hand from her mouth。 Her hands were knotted together against her chest。 Her stricken eyes; her whole haggard face; begged mercy of him。
 He studied her gravely awhile。 Through window and wall came the sound of rain dashing against the building in wild gusts and between gusts the bustling of the near…by river。 His eyes; studying her; were cool; deliberate。 Presently he spoke to her in a voice kind enough but aloof: 〃Isn't that why you're here?〃
 〃Please don't;〃 she said hoarsely。
 He moved his lips in a thin smile that his eyes had nothing to do with and asked: 〃Nobody's supposed to go around talking about it except you and your father's other enemies?〃
 She put her handsfists…down at her sides; raised her face angrily; and said in a hard ringing voice: 〃He did murder Taylor。〃
 Ned Beaumont leaned back against his hand again and looked up at Eloise Mathews。 〃That's what I was telling you;〃 he drawled。 〃Thinking that; she went to your husband after she saw the junk he printed this morning。 Of course he didn't think Paul had done any killing: he's just in a tough spotwith his mortgages held by the State Central; which is owned by Shad's candidate for the Senateand he has to do what he's told。 What she〃
 Mathews interrupted him。 The publisher's voice was thin and desperate。 〃Now you stop that; Beaumont。 You〃
 O'Rory interrupted Mathews。 O'Rory's voice was quiet; musical。 〃Let him talk; Mathews;〃 he said。 〃Let him say his say。〃
 〃Thanks; Shad;〃 Ned Beaumont said carelessly; not looking around; and went on: 〃She went to your husband to have him confirm her suspicion; but he couldn't give her anything that would do that unless he lied to her。 He doesn't know anything。 He's simply throwing mud wherever Shad tells him to throw it。 But here's what he can do and does。 He can print in tomorrow's paper the story about her ing in and telling him she believes her father killed her lover。 That'll be a lovely wallop。 'Opal Madvig Accuses Father of Murder; Boss's Daughter Says He Killed Senator's Son!' Can't you see that in black ink all across the front of the Observer?〃
 Eloise Mathews; her eyes large; her face white; was listening breathlessly; bending forward; her face above his。 Wind…flung rain beat walls and windows。 Rusty filled and emptied his lungs with a long sighing breath。
 Ned Beaumont put the tip of his tongue between smiling lips; withdrew it; and said: 〃That's why he brought her up here; to keep her under cover till the story breaks。 Maybe he knew Shad and the boys were here; maybe not。 It doesn't make any difference。 He's getting her off where nobody can find out what she's done till the papers are out。 I don't mean that he'd've brought her here; or would hold her here; against her will that wouldn't be very bright of him the way things stack up nowbut none of that's necessary。 She's willing to go to any lengths to ruin her father。〃
 Opal Madvig said; in a whisper; but distinctly: 〃He did kill him。〃
 Ned Beaumont sat up straight and looked at her。 He looked solemnly at her for a moment; then smiled; shook his head in a gesture of amused resignation; and leaned back on his elbows。
 Eloise Mathews was staring with dark eyes wherein wonder was predominant at her husband。 He had sat down。 His head was bowed。 His hands hid his face。
 Shad O'Rory recrossed his legs and took out a cigarette。 〃Through?〃 he asked mildly。
 Ned Beaumont's back was to O'Rory。 He did not turn to reply: 〃You'd hardly believe how through I am。〃 His voice was level; but his face was sud

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