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 They did not; especially when Cassini announced that his spell indicated that we had left signs 。。。 signs that would leave a trail back to the Rift for our enemies。 No matter that the Rift leaders had said this could not happen。 Panic set in…within a day they had gathered supplies; packed the animals; gone up the stairs and out of the Rift; heading west。
 〃I cursed them;〃 Deoce said。 〃But I am not an Evocator。 I asked Dawnhope to curse; too; but she said her people could not。 That would kill the big spell; and they would be as naked as we were; out in that waste。〃
 〃P'raps th' bastards'll die in the desert;〃 Maeen growled。 〃Or be eaten by th' pit creatures。〃
 〃No。〃 It was Janos。 He had e back and appeared to be quite under control。 〃No; that will not happen。 I have my own prediction。 Anyone fleeing the Far Kingdoms has little to fear; beyond the normal treacheries of this land。 Somehow I feel Cassini will make it all the way to Orissa。〃
 〃Then we shall deal with him there;〃 I said grimly。
 〃If we are able。 But that is not of great concern;〃 Janos said; and I saw his eyes shining like they did when he first told me of his grand dream。 I knew his meaning。 We had failed; true。 But this was only the first time。 There would be another; and another; and yet another if needed。 I extended my hand; and Janos clasped it。
 We would return; by the gods…and the Far Kingdoms would be ours。
 The Second Voyage
 Heroes and Liars
 WE SPED INTO Orissa's main harbor two months later; a stiff; late morning breeze at our backs。 Despite the hour; there was no one around to admire L'ur's skillful handling of the Kittiwake Two as he came about in a feisty wind and brought us to dock。 I scanned the riverfront for familiar faces; but there was only a derelict or two to return my gaze; and an old fisherman repairing a net。
 〃I see you have only slightly exaggerated the grandeur of Orissa; Amalric my love;〃 Deoce said dryly。 〃The teeming harbor; the broad avenues; the hustle bustle of the marketplace。〃 She glanced about the empty riverfront again; then turned to Janos。 〃Tell me; Janos; is it always this crowded; or did I only arrive on a particularly busy day?〃 Janos shook his head; as puzzled as I。
 〃I don't understand;〃 I said。 〃Normally we'd barely be able to hear one another over the babble。〃
 Deoce laughed。 'There he goes again; trying to turn the head of the pretty barbarian girl。〃 She deepened her voice to mock a man's。 〃Yes; my dear; I am a great man in my own country。 A rich man。 With a fine villa and many servants。 Now; if you'll only tarry in my tent a moment or two longer 。。。〃 She pinched me for the frown I wore on my brow。 〃There; there。 Even if you are poor; I'll love you just the same。〃
 〃Believe me; Deoce;〃 Janos said; enjoying her joke; 〃our friend is not poor。 Take my word for it。〃
 〃Oh; I will; Janos。 I will;〃 Deoce said。 〃But in future; please spare me descriptions of…she flung out her hand to take in the empty riverfront… 〃teeming harbors。〃
 I leaped from the ship and strode over to the old fisherman。 〃Where is everyone; grandfather?〃 I asked。
 He peered up with rheumy eyes; his gnarled fingers tying knots in the net as he considered me; my costume; and my two panions。 〃You're in bad luck if you're set on unloadin' today;〃 he said; nodding at the Kittiwake Two。 〃Fact; you'da been in bad luck yesterday; and the day afore yesterday; and the day afore that as well。〃 He shook his head at our imagined misfortune; loving every moment of it。 〃And mark my words; tomorrow it'll be just the same。 Maybe after that; things'll be back t' normal。 Although there's lots of folks bound to be in line ahead of ya。 Lots of 'em。〃
 〃We'll be fine; grandfather;〃 I said; 〃although I thank you for your concern。 I only want to know what has happened? Where did everyone go?〃
 〃You look Orissan;〃 the old man said; 〃so I guess you musta been away a long time if you don't know。〃 He eyed Deoce; letting his beady gaze linger a moment。 〃She ain't Orissan;〃 he said。 His gaze jerked away just as Deoce's temper began to boil; and came to the coin I held out。 He whisked it away and resumed his knot tying。 〃Thankee for that;〃 he said。 〃I got a powerful thirst that needs tendin'。 Now; for your question; young lord。 'N my answer。 There's big doin's。 Been big doin's; four; maybe five days; now。 Most folks've got sick heads from all the celebratin'。 Only reason I ain't got a sick head; is I run outa coin。 Drank my purse flat empty; I did。〃
 〃And what are these big doings in celebration of; my friend?〃 Janos asked。
 〃You boys musta been gone for a spell;〃 the old man said。 〃Didn'tcha know we went and found the Far Kingdoms?〃
 I exchanged glances with Janos and Deoce。 〃That is amazing news;〃 I said。
 The old man wheezed laughter。 〃Not by half; it ain't;〃 he said。 〃Why; us Orissans're on top all the way now; for sure。 And the Lycanthians'll be swallowin' our wake。 'Course; we didn't actually set foot in 'em; but it's close as dammit; I tell you。 Close as dammit。〃
 〃And who is the hero who came so close?〃 I asked; barely keeping an edge out of my tone。
 〃A young Evocator;〃 the old man said; 〃Fella wasn't worth much before; I hear tell。 But he sure is worth somethin' in folks' eyes now。 His name's Cassini。 Maybe you heard of him?〃
 〃Yes。 I have;〃 was my only reply。
 〃Well; Cassini is probably the biggest hero Orissa's ever had;〃 the old man continued。 〃He got back a few months ago。 The powers that be kept a lid on it for a while; till they'd heard the whole story。 But it weren't no use。 Whole city was buzzin' with it。 I mean; we all thought the Far Kingdoms was just a suckling's story; right? But now we know it's true。 Pretty soon we're gonna go back; and we'll be shakin' hands with the folks in the Far Kingdoms。 Then there won't be nothin' to stop us。 Yessir; there's glory days ahead for Orissa。 And I'm just glad I lived long enough to see it。 From here on out; we're all gonna be rollin' in gold and pleasures。〃
 The old man grinned; displaying blue gums。 〃Anyway; they decided to make a big announcement。 Which they done。 And the Evocators and Magistrates declared a whole week of feastin'。 Which we're almost at the end of right now。 This aft'noon; in fact; every citizen who ain't too drunk's supposed to get together at the Great Amphitheater。 Cassini's gonna get some big honors。 Plus; he's probably gonna get to lead the next expedition。 Which they're settin' up right now。 And they're gonna go at it right; this time。 No little stuff; with just a coupla soldiers。 But a big force。 And I tell ya; nothin'll stand in our way。 Yessir; it's a proud time to be an Orissan。〃
 Sudden urgency hammered at my temples。 〃We had better hurry to my father's house;〃 I said to Janos and Deoce。 They did not question me; but as we started away the old man called; 〃Who might you be; young lord? Give me a name to toast when I cash your kind gift at the tavern。〃
 I whirled back; the game playing done。 〃I am Amalric Emilie Antero。 At your service。〃
 The old man looked at me; gaping。 Then he hooted。 〃Amalric Antero。 That's a good un。 But I wouldn't try it on anybody else; young lord。 Because the Far Kingdoms was his Finding。 'Cept; old Amalric never made it back。 He and the rest are deader'n fish stink。 Cassini seen 'em get it。〃
 It was no surprise that Cassini had declared us dead。 He'd already tested his lies on Sergeant Maeen and Captain L'ur; and he'd had many weeks to rehearse before he arrived in Orissa。 On our own journey home; I'd agonized over my family's reaction to his grim news。 Worry had put wings on our feet。 Loyalty had also aided our speedy return; for L'ur had given Cassini's tale as little credence as Sergeant Maeen。 When Cassini showed up; he agreed to carry the Evocator to Redond…but no farther。 There the good captain had waited; keeping the bargain I'd struck on the Pepper Coast。
 〃It didn't ring true the likes of Cassini would be the only one to make it;〃 he'd said。 〃I told him; I'll stick by young Antero; sir。 And Cap'n Greycloak。' Cassini didn't like it; but there weren't much he could do; seein' how he needed me to get him a berth on a fast ship to Orissa。〃
 Now; as I rushed to my father's villa; all my hatred for Cassini came to a boil。 The hatred proved well…founded: I discovered my father lingering near death; and my sister; Rali; was in a torment when she saw me; fearing the shock of even good news would push him to the other side。 She went in to prepare him for my resurrection; and in a while she returned to lead me to his room。 I was shocked at the sight of him lying weak and ghastly in his bed。 His frame had shrunk to that of an old man's; and his flesh was waxen and hung loose from those frail bones。 But his eyes; set deep in that death mask; were alive with delight when he saw me。 〃Thank Te…Date; you are safe;〃 he gasped。 I was so overe; I flung myself to my knees and nearly wept。 〃Do not cry; Amalric;〃 my father forted。 〃An hour ago I felt the Dark Seeker's presence。 I was tempted to let him carry me away; instead; I drove him off。 But if I had not…〃 He put a shaky hand on my head。 〃…I would never know this happiness。〃
 He coaxed me up and patted the bed beside him。 I saw color returning to those pale cheeks。 〃e; tell me your adventures; son;〃 he said。 〃Did you find the Far Kingdoms?〃
 〃No;〃 I said。 〃But I saw the black…fisted mountains。 And I saw passage to the other side。〃
 〃I knew it;〃 my father said。 〃All those years I dreamed。 Now I know those dreams were more than a fool's delight。〃
 I sat with him for a short time; giving him a brief account of our adventures。 But of them all; he was most delighted by the news that I had returned with my future wife。 He gripped my hand。 〃No matter what lies ahead; Amalric;〃 he said; 〃treasure her above all things。 And you will die a happy man。〃 His grip relaxed; his eyes closed; and for a moment I feared he might have died。 But I saw the smile on his face and a gentle fluttering of his beard。 He was asleep。 I crept out of the room to join the others。
 My sister was torn between fury at Cassini and joy at our safe return。 〃The bastard's stolen all the credit;〃 she was saying as I entered。 〃It is you who is the hero; Janos Greycloak。 You; and my brothe

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