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小说: cacb.thefarkingdoms 字数: 每页4000字

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 Evocators to have an Antero in their power。〃
 〃I have no money; Leego;〃 I said; weary。 〃You and Melina have taken it all。〃
 〃Your father will provide; young sir;〃 Leego laughed。 〃He wouldn't want his little darling in the hands of the Evocators。〃
 〃Then you might as well kill me;〃 I answered。 〃For I will not ask my father for even a tenth of a coin。 And if he tries to give it to me just the same; I shall refuse it。〃
 〃Oh; I don't think it would work out quite that way;〃 Leego said。 'I know men。 Especially rich men。 Still。。。 profit is not necessarily my motive in this。 For I despise you and your kind; Amalric Antero。 You and your soft; spoiled ways。 Thinking you're better than other men; just because you were born in a fine bed。〃 His blade slashed across my chest。 My jerkin and shirt fell away; baring tender flesh。 〃Killing would be so much more pleasurable;〃 he said; drawing his blade across that flesh。 I felt blood streaming down。 〃A nice; slow death。 Then I'll cut off your face and that red hair。 Your cock and balls; as well。 No one will even know it is you。〃
 My temper got the better of me again。 I spat in his face。 He reeled back; a great gob of spit hanging on the spider totem。 Then he shrieked and leaped forward; his knifed plunging at my breast Before he could strike; the dark figure by the alley bounded to us and knocked Leego aside with a powerful blow。
 〃Begone; jackals;〃 the man thundered; and I saw a long sweeping flash of steel as he drew his sword。
 One of my captors released his hold; and I bent; dropping to my knees。 One man sailed over my head。 The other jumped away and grabbed for steel。 He slashed at my rescuer; who parried the blade with ease; then struck back to spill the man's guts in the muck。 I scrabbled for my rapier in the filth and came up with it just as a man thrust at me。 I ducked under his guard and skewered him through the throat。 Then I was up on my feet; shoulder to shoulder with my rescuer; as our enemies re…formed and came at us。 There was no sound but the clash of steel; harsh breathing; and gasps of effort。 Leego leaped up; urging his men on。 For a moment; we were almost overwhelmed。 Then my new friend drew a long knife and charged; sword and dagger cutting this way and that。 Someone got behind him; but I speared that man through the back; and I heard me whistle of lungs emptying。 Suddenly the men were running; bowling Leego over in their panic to escape my demon rescuer。 I started after them; but my friend stuck out his foot; and I tumbled face forward into the mud。
 By the time I rose the man had Leego pinned to the ground with a heavy boot across his throat。 I plucked fire beads from my pocket; held them high; and whispered the enchantment that brought them to life。
 〃Bring them closer; lad;〃 the man said。 〃I need some light on my work。〃
 I could see him clearly now。 He was a soldier; I noted; an officer。 He was quite tall; heavily muscled and darkly handsome; with a jagged scar above his beard marring those good looks。 His teeth glittered as brightly as his sword。
 〃Please; sir;〃 Leego begged; 〃there's only a small misunderstanding。 I'm sure I can make it right〃 He squealed as my friend trod harder against his windpipe。
 〃What's his name?〃 the soldier asked。
 〃Leego;〃 I answered。 〃He's a Procurer。〃
 The man took this in; then leaned over my nemesis。 〃Look closely at my face; Leego;〃 he said。 〃I want you to remember it well。〃 Leego gurgled and nodded。 〃My name is Janos Greycloak; you whore's son;〃 the man went on。 〃Captain Greycloak; to be more precise。 I overheard your conversation with this gentleman; so I am witness to your threats。〃
 〃No harm meant;〃 Leego croaked。 〃It was only business; kind Captain。〃
 〃Well; if business includes blackmail;〃 Janos said; 〃then let me warn you: If you accuse this man; I shall stand with him and humbug your every charge。 If murder is your true intent; let me make myself clear。 If anything happens to him; I shall find you; Leego; and you will beg for something so merciful as murder。〃
 〃I shall not harm him; good sir;〃 Leego shrieked。 〃I promise by all that is holy。〃
 〃Don't blaspheme;〃 Captain Greycloak said。 He stepped back as if to let Leego rise。 He sheathed his sword。 As Leego came to his elbows; that boot crushed down again。 The captain pinched Leego's ear between two strong fingers。 Leego howled。 〃To make absolutely sure we have a bargain;〃 the captain said; 〃I shall take something of yours。〃
 His knife slashed and Leego screamed。 Captain Greycloak held Leego's ear in his hand; blood dripping across the spider face。 The captain shook it; scattering more blood like rain。 〃If this young gentleman has trouble with you in the future;〃 he said; 〃I shall give this stump to an old warty witch I know。 She specializes in particularly odious curses。 Do you understand my meaning?〃
 〃Yes; my lord;〃 Leego whined。
 〃Out of our sight; then;〃 the captain said。
 Leego fled down the street without looking behind him。 When he was gone; the captain looked at the lump of bloody flesh in his hand。 He laughed; hurled it away; and wiped his fingers with odd fastidiousness on his breeches。 〃As if I had coin for witches;〃 he said。
 〃Captain Greycloak;〃 I said; 〃I shall always be at your service for this night's work。〃
 〃I'm glad to hear that;〃 he said; 〃for I have suddenly developed a powerful thirst。〃 He clapped me on the shoulder and led me back to the tavern。 〃You would do me a great honor; gentle sir; if you would address me as a Mend。 And my friends…an unfortunate few; I fear…call me Janos。〃
 〃Then Janos; it is; sir;〃 I said with fervor。 〃And you must call me Amalric。 What's more; if I have any buttons left to trade with the tavern keeper; I will buy a river of brandy to bless this friendship。〃 Light…headed with relief; I trooped into the inn to make the rat…faced tavernkeep a richer man。
 Soon; we had finished one goblet of brandy and were well into a second。 I had been musing on the fact that I had just sent one man to his death; and most likely the one I'd lung…stabbed would not live out the night; yet I felt neither guilt nor shame; unlike the ballads pretend。 Thinking further on the brawl outside; honesty shamed me into confessing aloud I did not consider myself worthy of rescue。
 〃The argument;〃 I said; 〃was over a dishonorable act on my part。 I did not deserve your interference。〃
 〃Don't be so hasty in flailing yourself; my friend;〃 Janos answered。 〃I know quite a little of men like Leego; and I strongly doubt at any moment in your dealings you ever had the upper hand。〃
 〃I was a fool;〃 I said。 It felt cleansing to say those words aloud。
 Janos nodded。 〃I suspect you were;〃 he said。 〃It usually happens when a man thinks with his cock instead of his brain。〃 He laughed。 〃However; I did overhear one thing that intrigues me。 Something about a love potion。 Applied to his prize whore。〃 His eyes sparkled with what I thought was amused interest。 Later I learned that his interest in these matters was far from casual。
 I blushed。 〃I fear what you heard is true。 It was a terrible sin I mitted; and I regret it deeply。〃
 〃Oh; don't be a prudish fellow。 What's there to regret? The doxy and Leego got their money's worth out of you; I'll warrant。〃
 I made a plete and full confession; starting with the moment Melina and I first met and ending with my flight from her bedchamber。 Janos was a remarkably easy confessor。 He was sympathetic without being syrupy。 He interrupted only to ask a detail…one that always seemed to bolster my side…or make a jest to lighten my spirits。 It was like talking to a much older brother; although I realized he couldn't be much more than five years my senior。 When I was done he poured the last of the brandy; then turned the bottle up to signal it would be our last。
 〃In my unworthy opinion; Amalric;〃 he said; 〃this is a tale that began sadly and ended happily。 You learned a lesson most of us don't e to until a late age; if ever。 Forget the woman。 Forget your imagined humiliations。 I assure you it will make a wonderful story to tell your sons when you are an old man。 At least tonight; you acquitted yourself well。 So be done with it。〃
 I thanked him; although I was not convinced my sins could so easily be washed away。
 Janos raised his goblet in a toast。 'To the new Amalric Antero。 May his future adventures be half as sweet。〃 Our goblets chinked together; and we drank。 As we lowered our glasses I caught Janos eyeing me thoughtfully across the table。 〃I think my own fortunes changed this night; Amalric;〃 he said; quite sincerely。 〃For did I not meet a redheaded man? And is that not one of the luckiest signs the seers can find in their crystals?〃
 〃For your sake;〃 I said; 〃I hope so。 It is not so lucky for its possessor; I fear。〃
 Janos laughed; that rich boom of a laugh I spoke of before。 〃Now that is a riddle worthy of the greatest Evocator;〃 he said。 〃Much more so than how many demons can gambol on the head of a pin。 If the Omen portends well; does that mean the Omen will also end well?〃
 Even writing from this distance; with all the events that have passed since we first met; I still do not know the answer to that riddle。 I doubt I will until the night the Dark Seeker es to carry off my soul。
 My spirits lifted as I pondered his riddle。 At long last; a friend with wit。 Then; defeated; I shook my head。 〃Even if it were not late;〃 I said; 〃I doubt I could unravel your puzzle。 Indeed; it is a riddle whose answer may be as impossible to divine as 。。。〃 I searched for parisons; and one popped up like a light。 〃As finding the Far Kingdoms。〃 I laughed; but I laughed alone。 Janos was staring at me; excitement in his eyes。 〃What is it?〃 I asked。 〃Why did you say that?〃 he asked。 I was confused。 〃You mean 。。。 about the Far Kingdoms?〃 〃Yes。〃 His voice was abrupt; prodding。 〃I 。。。 really can't say。 Except it was on my mind just before Leego's thugs arrived。〃
 Janos peered closer; and I suddenly felt rather stupid。 〃It's that kind of silliness on my brain that's kept me from my responsibilities;〃 I said; a bit hot。 〃Forgive my babbling。〃
 〃If you knew me〃 Janos said; 〃you would realize when it es to aimless chatter; there is no man the master of Janos Greycloak。〃 I laughed as he drew me toward the

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