八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > cp.creaturesofforever >



小说: cp.creaturesofforever 字数: 每页4000字

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。 He is an excellent shot。 In the blink of an eye I see an arrow fly toward my head。 Ducking; I realize that even though it will miss me; it will strike one of the girls。 I am reluctant to show too many of my powers; but I have no choice。 As the arrow flies by; I reach up and grab it and then break it over my knee。
  The fourth soldier is worried。
  〃I am going to release the women;〃 I say to him; staring。 〃They will ride back the way they have e。〃
  The soldier just nods。
  There are keys to the cage tied to the belt of the soldier who has my knife in his forehead。 I relieve him of these and open the cage; marveling at the intricacy of the lock。 The craftsmanship is far beyond anything I have seen before。 But the keys work fine and a moment later the women are free。 I give the reins to the one who assisted me; and throw the cloak from a dead soldier over her。
  〃Ride fast from here;〃 I say catching her eye。 〃Do not speak to anyone about me。〃
  She nods。 I step from the cart as she turns it around。 In seconds the women in the cart are out of sight。 Slowly I walk toward the remaining soldier; who has moved aside to let the women pass。 I admire his courage; that he has not tried to bolt。 But he is still a kidnapper; and I am thirsty。 The soldier draws his sword as I approach but I shake my head。
  〃You are going to die;〃 I say。 〃It is better not to resist。〃
  He swings at my head; misses。 Stepping forward; I grab the hand that holds his sword and look up into his frightened eyes。 〃Who sent you to capture those women?〃 I ask。 〃Was it Landulf?〃
  He shakes his head。 〃No。〃
  〃Who then?〃
  He refuses to answer me; even though I press him with my eyes。 He continues to shake his head; and I am puzzled。 I finally pull him from his horse and throw his sword aside。 Drawing his face near; I let him feel the warmth of my breath。
  〃What is he like?〃 I ask。
  The man is resolute。 〃He is my lord and my master。〃
  〃Is he evil?〃
  He sneers。 〃You are evil!〃
  I have to laugh。 〃I suppose I am…to you。〃
  He dies; in my arms; from blood loss。 Afterward; I feel refreshed; ready for more action。 The bodies I hide in the bushes beside the path。 The blood; even; I cover over with mud。 I wash and dress like a young boy again; my hair under my cap。 Then I walk toward the castle and boldly knock at the iron gate that guards the entrance in the wall。 A host of soldiers answer and I am stern with them。
  〃I am here to see Landulf of Capua;〃 I say in a powerful voice。 〃Bring me to him。〃
  They lead me through the courtyard filled with soldiers and smoke to the castle door。 A servant es; and then another。 They all seem fairly normal; although I obviously make them nervous。 Finally the woman of the house arrives; Landulf s wife; Lady Cia。 A striking woman; she wears a high…necked; tight…sleeved; long tunic belted at the waist。 Many jewels adorn her hair and elegant fingers。 Her hair is black and worn up and her eyes are dark。 She is not Mediterranean but English。 Her smile is weling; yet it doesn't reach her eyes。 She is exceedingly thin; and holds herself under rigid control。 I cannot say I warm to her; but she is anything but threatening。 Certainly she does not seem afraid of me。 I have left my long knife with the bodies of the soldiers。
  Lady Cia invites me in without many questions。 I don't ask why a man who used to be an archbishop now has a wife。 Since the pope doesn't want him; I think; he may have decided to enjoy good pany。
  〃It is seldom we get visitors from Greece;〃 she says; when I explain where I have just e from。 〃But that is not your home; is it; Sita?〃
  Removing my cap; I shake out my blond hair。 〃No。 Like you; I am from England。〃
  She is pleased。 〃You are perceptive。 But surely you are not traveling through the country by yourself?〃
  I act sad。 〃No。 I was with my uncle。 But there was an accident on the road; and he was killed。〃
  She touches her heart 〃I am so sorry。 What was the accident?〃
  〃His horse threw him。 His neck broke。〃
  She shakes her head and leads me deeper into the castle。 〃You poor dear。 You must be devastated。 Let us give you food; shelter。〃
  〃Thank you。〃
  The castle is magnificent; and although my eyes strain to detect anything odd; the only unusual thing I see is an excess of wealth; even for a Sicilian aerie manded by a duke。 Landulf has sculptures from all along the Mediterranean。 The marble on his floor is inlaid with gold; and the plaster ceilings are warmed by wooden beams。 Everything is tasteful; not an offense to the eye。 I pliment Cia on her home。
  〃My husband prides himself on his collections。〃 She points to a marble statue from ancient Greece。 〃Since you were just in that part of the world; I am sure you would appreciate our hero。〃
  I approach the statue; touch it; think of Dante; and pray he is all right。 Perseus holds the head of the Medusa in one upraised hand; a sword in the other。 His head is slightly bowed; his great exploit has not made him proud。 But the face of the Gorgon is a horror; even in death she finds no peace。 A feeling of disquiet sweeps over me; but I push it away。 I have seen this statue before; of course I have。 Lady Cia stands by my side。
  〃Can I have a servant show you to your room?〃 she asks。 〃You can rest and wash。 Then perhaps you can join us for supper。〃
  〃You and Lord Landulf?〃
  She does not flinch at the name。 〃Yes。 We would both enjoy the pany。〃 She snaps a finger and a chubby maid appears。 〃Marie will show you to your room。〃
  I grasp her hands。 They are cold; although the castle is warm; with fires burning in most corners。 She trembles at my touch but I steady her with my strength。 Staring deep into her eyes; I notice nothing supernatural。
  〃You are most kind;〃 I say。
  Marie leads me up three flights of stairs before we e to my quarters。 Along the way we pass a window covered with iron bars; and I see that night has firmly arrived。 Marie is dressed in a long black tunic over a white chemise。 With a rosary around her neck; she could have been a nun。 A few of Landulf s walls are covered with frescoes; paintings done directly on fresh plaster。 Most of these have a spiritual theme。 He seems to have an obsession with the Old Testament。 The God that looks over his household is often angry。
  Marie opens a door onto a small room。 There is linen on the straw mattress and a bowl of water。 Marie lights a row of candles and asks if I need anything else。
  〃No thank you;〃 I say。
  She leaves and I am alone。 Washing my hands in the water provided; I am at a loss to explain why I keep looking around for a faucet with running water。 Then I remember there are such niceties; in other places。 The water is cold but seems fresh。 I drink some and it rinses away the blood in my mouth。 I do not understand how the soldier was able to resist my questions。
  A short time later I am at Lord Landulf's supper table。 An old spear is fastened to the wall。 It is this spear that the room seems to be designed around。 From the massive stone fireplace logs crack and shoot showers of sparks out into the room as I am introduced to Lord Landulf by Lady Cia。
  〃This is the young woman I told you about;〃 she says。 〃She came to our door not more than an hour ago; seeking asylum。 Her traveling panion; her uncle; has just been killed on the road。 Sita; this is the duke and my husband; Lord Landulf。〃
  He is not a tall man and looks frail; which surprises me; after all the gruesome stories I have heard of him。 Yet his delicateness is not necessarily a sign of weakness。 He appears to be physically agile; and I suspect he is an acplished swordsman。 He wears a neatly trimmed black mustache and a pointed graying beard。 He has oily smooth skin; and is dressed impeccably in a dark red silk chemise with long; tight sleeves; black hose; and a red and gold embroidery tunic; which es down past his knees。 His hands; like those of his wife; are decorated with many uncut gems and pearls。 A ruby on his left middle finger is the largest I have ever seen。 His voice; when he speaks is cultured; educated and refined。 His large dark eyes are warm but shrewd。 He clicks his soft; heelless leather shoes together and bows in my direction。  〃Lady Sita;〃 he says。 〃It is a pleasure。〃
  I offer my hand。 〃The pleasure is mine; Lord Landulf。〃
  He kisses my middle finger; and glances up at me。 〃Surprise visitors are always the most enchanting。〃
  〃Hidden castles are always the most exciting;〃 I say with a smile。
  We sit down to a vegetable soup。 Lady Cia leads us in a brief prayer。 There are only us three at the table; we have four servants waiting on us。 The soup is finished when Landulf inquires about my travels。 Considering the expansion of the Arab World; it is impossible to talk for more than a few minutes without the subject turning to the invading Moslems。 At this Landulf's mood turns foul。
  〃Six of those heathen ships tried to land on a beach not five miles from here;〃 he says bitterly。 〃They came in on a wave of fog; but my scouts were wary; We were able to set fire to their sails before they reached land。 All their people were lost in the tides。〃
  His remark stuns me。 〃You fight the Moslems here?〃 I ask。
  〃Of course;〃 he says; and there is a gleam in his eye as he studies me。 〃Have you heard different?〃
  I lower my head。 〃No; my lord。〃
  〃e;〃 he says with force; 〃We are sharing food。 Why have secrets between friends? You have obviously traveled far and wide with your uncle。 You know more of Greece than I do。 What have you heard of my relationship with the Moslems?〃
  I hesitate; then decide I may as well dive in。 〃The word is that you are in league with them。〃
  He does not lose his temper as I fear。 But the air chills。 〃It is only in Rome they would speak such lies;〃 he says。
  〃I have been in Rome;〃 I say。 〃Not three months ago。〃
  〃Oh dear;〃 Lady Cia mutters anxiously。 〃We did not know you had been exposed to such matters。〃
  Landulf raises his hand; 〃It doesn't matter; in the short time I have known Sita; it is obvious to me she is not taken in by every story shared by every frustrated priest and nun。〃
  〃That is true; my lord;〃 I say。

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