八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > cp.creaturesofforever >



小说: cp.creaturesofforever 字数: 每页4000字

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minated the minds and hearts of men and women throughout southern Europe。 Inviting the hordes of invading Moslems; showing them the weaknesses in the Christian world's defenses and so betraying his own race; Landulf had changed the course of history in the ninth century。 And so he had changed my life; putting a stain on it that more than ten centuries had not totally erased。 I tremble for many reasons; all of them unbearable。 Landulf had indeed touched me; I remember; kissed me even; with lips that often enjoyed raw human flesh。
  Yet I still thought I had tricked him。
  〃I will defeat you;〃 I whisper without conviction。 〃If you have anything to do with him; I will not rest until all of your kind are wiped out。 Landulf was a demon; and you use his name as if he were a hero。 Your power is a travesty。〃 I aim the matrix。 〃You will all die。〃
  Dr。 Stoon grins and lowers his hands。 〃We are not alone。〃
  I glance left and right; see nothing; hear only the desert。
  Yet I sense the truth of his words; sense a presence。
  〃Tell them to show themselves;〃 I say carefully。 〃If you want to live one second longer。〃
  〃Very well。〃 He bows his head slightly。
  Suddenly there are three figures in red robes; one on each side; another at my back。 Each carries a matrix in his or her hand; although their faces are shadowed; as are their minds。 They are humanoid but that is all I know about them。 They have me in their sights。 There seems to be no escape。 Dr。 Stoon sticks out his hand。
  〃The matrix; please;〃 he says。
  I shake my head。 〃I will vaporize myself before you will have my blood。〃
  He is amused。 〃Try。〃
  I try the weapon on him。 But it doesn't work。
  〃We neutralized it at the convention;〃 he explains。
  I throw the weapon aside。 〃You don't want me dead。〃
  〃True;〃 he says。 〃But we will kill you before we allow you to kill us。 Lay facedown on the sand。〃
  〃I hardly think so;〃 I say; and my attention goes to the figure on my right; the one whose hand shakes ever so slightly; This person…I cannot even see his eyes…but I know it is a male; weaker than the others that guard me。 Even though I cannot read his mind; I can sense the general character of it。 This is an important assignment for him; one that he has had to struggle to win。 If he pletes it successfully; captures the vampire's blood; he will receive some type of advancement。 But if he fails; he will be killed。 Indeed; he is especially fearful of Dr。 Stoon。 He wishes the doctor dead。 That is the chink in his psychic armor。 He does not care for his associates; hates them in fact; wishes they all were dead so that all the glory could be his。 My eyes fasten on his hidden face; my thoughts drill into his cranium。
  Kill them。 Burn them。 Vanquish them。
  The man's arm trembles more。
  〃It is not wise to refuse us;〃 Dr。 Stoon says。
  〃Do you still give me a chance to join you?〃 I mutter; stalling for time。 Never before have I focused so hard; called upon the depths of my will。 The strain is immense。 For even though this one is the weakest; he is still strong beyond belief。
  〃Perhaps;〃 Dr。 Stoon says。 〃Lay facedown or die。 Now。〃
  〃Die;〃 I repeat softly; to the man。 〃Die。〃
  His aim shifts slights。 The finger on the button on his matrix twitches。
  Dr。 Stoon is suddenly aware of the danger。 He whirls on the man。
  〃Kill him!〃 he screams。
  There are two bursts of red light; one from behind me; one from my left。 My victim vaporizes on an ear…piercing scream。 But I do not pause to mourn the sound。 I am already in the air; flipping backward in a curving arc; my legs going over me; carrying me over the assailant at my rear。 There is another burst of red death…the one on my left tries to shoot me out of the sky。 But already I have landed; behind the one who moments earlier stood behind me。 In a matter of microseconds I seize his matrix and break his arm。 Without speaking; I blow away the red robe on the left。 Dr。 Stoon reaches into his coat pocket but I caution him to remain still。
  〃Don't;〃 I say。
  The figure I have disarmed groans; moves。
  I shoot him and he is no more。
  Dr。 Stoon has stopped grinning。
  〃How many more of you are there?〃 I ask。
  He pauses。 〃There is just me。〃
  〃And when you die; you die?〃
  He hesitates。 〃We prefer not to surrender this form。〃
  I chuckle。 〃I do believe there is a note of fear in your voice; good doctor。 For a moment there; you know; I thought you were Landulf himself。 But Landulf was never afraid。〃
  〃Not even of you;〃 he says bitterly。
  〃Yes;〃 I say sadly; thinking of what he has told me。 〃Perhaps I was tricked。 What did he use my blood for?〃
  〃Is it not obvious?〃
  〃Only your death is obvious。 Answer my question so that death won't catch you asking。〃
  He is defiant。 〃I will not be your puppet。 We are alone for the moment; but others of my kind are ing。 And if you should slay me; their treatment of you will be that more hideous。〃
  I shake my head。 〃Nothing can be hideous to me。 Not after Landulf。〃
  He speaks arrogantly。 〃You will not escape us。〃
  〃Really? You thought I wouldn't escape you。〃
  He doesn't have an answer for that。
  I shoot him and he troubles me no more。
  I return to my Jeep and drive back toward the road。 When I reach it there is another car waiting for me; another person。 She stands by the side of the road looking up at the stars。 She hardly seems to notice my approach; and only glances over as I park and walk toward her; the matrix in my hand。
  Stacy Baxter。 She finally glances at me and smiles。
  〃Hello; Alisa;〃 she says; and the southern accent is gone。
  My finger is on the fire button。 〃What are you doing here?〃 I ask softly。
  She shrugs and gazes back up at the sky。 〃Just enjoying the night。 Isn't it beautiful?〃
  〃Yes。 Did you follow me out here?〃
  She pauses。 〃Yes。〃
  〃I see。〃 I am a moment away from killing her。 〃Do you have anything else to say; Stacy Baxter?〃
  She looks at me again; not smiling now; just watching me; very closely。 〃No; Alisa Perne;〃 she replies quietly。
  I shift unfortably。 This death does not feel right。
  〃Are you one of them?〃 I ask finally。
  She shakes her head。 〃Not me。〃
  〃Who are you?〃
  〃A friend。〃
  〃No。 I don't know you。〃 I shake the weapon。 〃Why are you here?〃
  〃To help you; if you want my help。〃
  〃What's your real name?〃
  〃Alanda;〃 she replies。 〃Sita。〃
  My heart pounds。 〃And you are another incantation of Lundulf's?〃
  Sorrow touches her face。 〃You suffered there。〃
  I bite my lip。 〃Yeah; I suffered。 But what's it to you?〃
  She lowers her head。 〃Everything you have experienced…it means a lot to me。〃
  My voice is hard。 〃Why? Because you know me from long ago?〃
  I fidget on my feet。 I want to kill her。 Logic dictates that I should。 This desert is filled with monsters。 Chances are she is one; too。 Certainly she is not normal; and knows too much about me。 Yet she does nothing to defend herself; even to plead her case; and I find it difficult to strike down the helpless。
  〃Do you know this weapon I carry?〃 I ask。
  〃I know how to use it。〃 I pause。 〃I will use it。〃
  Alanda is staring at the stars again。 〃Then use it。〃
  〃You are impossible。 I will kill you; just as I killed the others out there minutes ago。 You saw that; didn't you?〃
  I am sarcastic。 〃Why didn't you e to my aid? Friend?〃
  〃It was not allowed。〃
  〃By whom?〃 I demand。
  〃You had to refuse them。 To offer to end your life before they would take it from you。〃 She adds; 〃You did these things。〃
  〃I did nothing but kill。 Because they answered me the same way you do; with vague mumblings。〃 I pause and sweat over the trigger。 〃I think you are one of them。〃
  For the third time she looks at me; and for the first time I really see her。 Her blue eyes…they are very much like my own。 I could be staring into a mirror。 Yet it is more than a physical resemblance。 The person behind the eyes; the soul within the body; seems to reach out and touch me in a way I cannot explain。 For a moment…from this unassuming person I am threatening to destroy…I feel profoundly cherished。 Suddenly she is more than a friend to me; she is a part of me。 Sometimes when I looked at Suzama; I would feel this way。 Occasionally; gazing at the divine child; I would sense this same expansion of consciousness; as if my mind were only a portion of a much greater mind。 It is only in that moment that I realize Alanda is a spiritual being of great stature; someone who loves me more than I am able to love myself。
  The matrix slips from my fingers; lands in the sand。 A tear rolls over my cheek and joins it in the dust。 I don't know why I cry; perhaps because I am happy。 Alanda is an old friend。
  Yet I don't remember her。
  As I don't remember Landulf stealing my blood。
  〃I don't understand;〃 I whisper。
  She es to me and hugs me; stroking my face。 〃Sita;〃 she says over and over again。 〃My Sita。〃
  But I am not a child。 I am a monster。 I cannot be forted even if the space between us is suffused with the vitality of reunion。 I cannot turn to this creature that I do not know for help or solace。 In a swift move; I brush her off and step away; turning my back on her。 If she wanted; she could pick up the matrix and vaporize me。 But I know that is not her intention。 She lets me stand silently alone。 Nothing is hurried in her; I realize。 She has waited long for this encounter; and I feel I have as well。 Yet I feel exposed before her; and that is a feeling I have never enjoyed。 I have always been the master of my own destiny; and now this angelic being es to me in the night to tell me that I have been fooling myself。 Truly; she is an angel to me; a being of light from a distant world I cannot imagine。
  〃There is no need for imagination;〃 she says quietly。 〃Those worlds belong to you as much as to me。〃
  I draw in a tight breath。 〃You are telepathic then?〃
  〃Yes。 As are you。〃
  〃No。 I cannot read your mind。〃
  〃You can。 You're just afraid; Sita。〃
  〃How do you know my name?〃
  〃Because I know you。〃
  〃From when? From where?〃
  〃From before。 From the star

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