八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > myth.conceptions >



小说: myth.conceptions 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃From the beginning;〃 Aahz instructed。
 〃From the beginning。〃 Tanda pursed her lips thoughtfully。 〃Well; I picked him up in a singles bar 。 。 。 he's married; but I didn't know that till later。〃
 〃What's a singles bar?〃 I interrupted。
 〃Shut up; kid;〃 Aahz snarled。
 〃Well; it wasn't actually a singles bar;〃 Tanda corrected。 〃It was more of ? tavern。 I should have known he was married。 I mean; nobody that young is that bald unless he's got a wife at home。〃
 〃Skip the philosophy;〃 Aahz moaned。 〃Just tell us the story; huh?〃
 Tanda cocked an eyebrow at him。
 〃You know; Aahz;〃 she accused; 〃for someone as long…winded as you are when it es to telling stories; you're awfully impatient when it es to listening to someone else。〃
 〃She's right; you know;〃 I mented。
 〃Enough!〃 Aahz bellowed。 〃The story!〃
 〃Well; one of the things Grimble mentioned while he was trying to impress me with how important his job was; was that he was trying to find a court magician。 He said he had convinced the king to hire one; but now he couldn't find one and was going to end up looking like an idiot。〃
 〃And when he mentioned idiots;〃 I supplied; 〃naturally you thought of us。〃
 〃Now; don't be that way;〃 Tanda scolded。 〃I thought it was a good way to help out a couple of friends。 I knew you two were hanging out in this neck of the woods 。 。 。 and everybody knows what a cushy job being a court magician is。〃
 〃What did I tell you; kid;〃 Aahz mented。
 〃We must be talking about different jobs;〃 I retorted。
 〃Hey;〃 Tanda interrupted; laying a soft hand on my arm。 〃When I gave him your names; I didn't know about the invading army。 Honest!〃
 My anger melted away at her touch。 Right then; she could have told me she had sold my head as a centerpiece and I would have forgiven her。
 〃Well 。 。 。〃 I began; but she persisted; which was fine by me。
 〃As soon as I found out what the real story was; I knew I had gotten you into a tight spot;〃 she said with soft sincerity。 〃Like I said; I would have waited at Possiltum; but I was afraid what with your disguises and all; that you'd recognize me before I spotted you。 If you gave me the kind of greeting I've grown to expect; it could have really queered the deal。 Grimble's a jealous twit; and if he thought we were more than nodding acquaintances; he would have held back whatever support he might normally give。〃
 〃Big deal;〃 Aahz grumbled。 〃Five whole gold pieces。〃
 〃That much?〃 Tanda sounded honestly surprised。 〃Which arm did you break?〃
 〃Aahz always gets us the best possible deal;〃 I said proudly。 〃At least; monetarily。〃
 〃Well;〃 Tanda concluded; 〃at least I won't dig into your war funds。 When I found out the mess I had gotten you into; I decided I'd work this one for free。 Since I got you into it; the least I can do is help get you out。〃
 〃That's terrific;〃 I exclaimed。
 〃It sure is!〃 Aahz agreed。
 Something in his voice annoyed me。
 〃I meant that she was helping us;〃 I snarled。 〃Not that she was doing it for free。〃
 〃That's what I meant; too; apprentice;〃 Aahz glowered back。 〃But unlike some; I know what I'm talking about!〃
 〃Boys; boys;〃 Tanda said; separating us with her hands。 〃We're on the same side。 Remember?〃
 〃Gleep!〃 said the dragon; siding with Tanda。
 As I have said; Gleep's breath is powerful enough to stop any conversation; and it was several minutes before the air cleared enough for us to continue。
 〃Before we were so rudely interrupted;〃 Tanda gasped at last; 〃you were starting to say something; Aahz。 Have you got a plan?〃
 〃Now I do;〃 Aahz smiled; chucking her under the chin。 〃And believe me; doing it without you would have been rough。〃
 That had an anxious sound to it: Tanda's main calling; at least the only one mentionable in polite pany; was Assassin。
 〃C'mon; Aahz;〃 I chided。 〃Tanda's good; but she's not good enough to take on a whole army。〃
 〃Don't bet on it; handsome;〃 she corrected; winking at me。
 I blushed but continued with my argument。
 〃I still say the job's too big for one person; or three people for that matter;〃 I insisted。
 〃You're right; kid;〃 Aahz said solemnly。
 〃We just can't 。 。 。 what did you say; Aahz?〃
 〃I said you were right;〃 Aahz repeated。
 〃I thought so;〃 I marveled。 〃I just wanted to hear it again。〃
 〃You'd hear it more often if you were right more often;〃 Aahz pointed out。
 〃C'mon; Aahz;〃 Tanda interrupted。 〃What's the plan?〃
 〃Like the kid says;〃 Aahz said loftily; 〃we need more help。 We need an army of our own。〃
 〃But Aahz;〃 I reminded him; 〃Badaxe said…〃
 〃Who said anything about Badaxe?〃 Aahz replied innocently。 〃We're supposed to win this war with magik; aren't we? Well; fine。 With Tanda on our team; we've got a couple of extra skills to draw on。 Remember?〃
 I remembered。 I remembered Aahz saying he wasn't worried about Tanda leaving with Isstvan because she could travel the dimensions by herself if things got rough。 The light began to dawn。
 〃You mean。 。 。〃
 〃That's right; kid;〃 Aahz smiled。 〃We're going back to Deva。 We're going to recruit a little invasionary force of our own!〃
 Chapter Twelve
 〃This is no game for old men! Send in the boys
 I don't know how Tanda transported us from Klah to Deva。 If I did; we wouldn't have needed her。 All I know is that at the appropriate time she menced to chant and shift her shoulders (a fascinating process in itself); and we were there。
 〃There;〃 in this case; was at the Bazaar at Deva。 That phrase alone; however; does not begin to describe our new surroundings as they came into focus。
 A long time ago; the dimension of Deva had undergone an economic collapse。 To survive; the Deveels (who I once knew as devils) used their ability to travel the dimensions and bee merchants。 Through the process of natural selection; the most successful Deveels were not the best fighters; but the best traders。 Now; after countless generations of this process; the Deveels were acknowledged as the best merchants in all the dimensions。 They were also acknowledged as being the shrewdest; coldest; most profit…hungry cheats ever to e down the pike。
 The Bazaar at Deva was their showcase。 It was an all…day; all…night; year…round fair where the Deveels met to haggle with each other over the wares fetched back from the various dimensions。 Though it was originally established and maintained by Deveels; it was not unusual to find travelers from many dimensions shopping the endless rows of displays and booths。 The rule of thumb was; 〃If it's to be found anywhere; you'll find it at the Bazaar at Deva。〃
 I had been here once before with Aahz。 At the time; we were searching for a surprise weapon to use against Isstvan。 What we ended up with was Gleep and Tanda! 。 。 。 Distractions abound at the Bazaar。
 I mention this in part to explain why; as unusual as our foursome must have appeared; no one paid us the slightest attention as we stood watching the kaleidoscope of activity whirling about us。
 Gleep pressed against me for reassurance; momentarily taken aback at the sudden change of surroundings。 I ignored him。 My first visit to this place had been far too brief for my satisfaction。 As such; I was rubbernecking madly; trying to see as much as possible as fast as possible。
 Tanda was more businesslike。
 〃Now that we're here; Aahz;〃 she drawled; 〃do you know where we're going?〃
 〃No;〃 Aahz admitted。 〃But I'll find out right now。〃
 Without further warning; he casually reached out and grabbed the arm of the nearest passerby; a short; ugly fellow with tusks。 Spinning his chosen victim around; Aahz bent to scowl in his face。
 〃You!〃 he snarled。 〃Do you like to fight?〃
 For a moment my heart stopped。 All we needed now was to get into a brawl。
 Fortunately; instead of producing a weapon; the tusker gave ground a step and eyed our party suspiciously。
 〃Not with a Pervert backed by a dragon; I don't;〃 he retorted cautiously。
 〃Good!〃 Aahz smiled。 〃Then if you wanted to hire someone to do your fighting for you; where would you go?〃
 〃To the Bazaar at Deva;〃 the tusker shrugged。
 〃I know that!〃 Aahz snarled。 〃But where at the Bazaar?〃
 〃Oh;〃 the tusker exclaimed with sudden understanding。 〃About twenty rows in that direction; then turn right for another thirty or so。 That's where the mercenaries hang out。〃
 〃Twenty; then up thirty;〃 Aahz repeated carefully。 〃Thanks。〃
 〃A finder's fee would be appreciated more than any thanks;〃 the tusker smiled; extending a palm。
 〃You're right!〃 Aahz agreed; and turned his back on our benefactor。
 The tusker hesitated for a moment; then shrugged and continued on his way。 I could have told him that Perverts in general and Aahz specifically are not noted for their generosity。 〃We go twenty rows that way; then up thirty;〃 Aahz informed us。
 〃Yeah; we heard;〃 Tanda grimaced。 〃Why didn't you just ask him flat out?〃
 〃My way is quicker;〃 Aahz replied smugly。
 〃Is it?〃 I asked skeptically。
 〃Look kid;〃 Aahz scowled。 〃Do you want to lead us through this zoo?〃
 〃Well。 。 。〃 I hesitated。
 〃Then shut up and let me do it; okay?〃
 Actually; I was more than willing to let Aahz lead the way to wherever it was we were going。 For one thing; it kept him busy navigating a path through the crowd。 For another; it left me with next to nothing to do except marvel at the sights of the Bazaar as I followed along in his wake。
 Try as I might; though; there was just too much for one set of eyes to see。
 In one booth; two Deveels argued with an elephant…headed being over a skull; at least; I think it was a skull。 In another; a Deveel was putting on a demonstration for a mixed group of shoppers; summoning clouds of floating green bubbles from a tiny wooden box。
 At one point; our path was all but blocked by a booth selling rings which shot bolts of lightning。 Between the salesman's demonstrations and the customers trying out their purchases; the way was virtually impassable。
 Aahz and Tanda never broke stride; however; confidently maintaining their pace as they walked through the thick of the bolts。 Miraculously; they passed through unscathed。
 Gritting my teeth; I seized one of Gleep's ears and followed in their footsteps。 Again; the bolts of energy failed to find us。 Apparently no Deveel would bring inj

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