八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > myth.conceptions >



小说: myth.conceptions 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Thought I heard you tell Pinko here you were looking for a force to take on an army;〃 he pronounced; jerking a thumb at Brockhurst。
 〃The name's Brockhurst; not Pinko!〃 the Imp snarled。
 〃All right; Bratwurst;〃 the old man nodded。 〃No need to get your dander up。〃
 〃That's Brockhurst!〃
 〃You heard right;〃 I interrupted again; hoping the old man would go away as soon as his curiosity was satisfied。
 〃Good!〃 the man declared。 〃Count me in! Me and Blackie haven't been in a good fight for a long time。〃
 〃How long is that in centuries?〃 Brockhurst sneered。
 〃Watch your mouth; Bratwurst!〃 the old man warned。 〃We may be old; but we can still teach you a thing or two about winnin' wars。〃
 〃Who's Blackie?〃 I asked; cutting off Brockhurst's reply。
 In reply; the old man drew himself erect 。 。 。 well; nearly erect; and patted his walking staff。
 〃This is Blackie!〃 he announced proudly。 〃The finest bow ever to e from Archiah; and that takes in a lot of fine bows!〃
 I realized with a start that the walking staff was a bow; unstrung; with its bowstring wrapped around it。 It was unlike any bow I had ever seen; lumpy and uneven; but polished to a sheen that seemed to glimmer with a life all its own。
 〃Wait a minute!〃 Brockhurst was suddenly attentive。 〃Did you say you e from Archiah?〃
 〃That I did;〃 the old man grinned。 〃Ajax's the name; fighting's my game。 Ain't seen a war yet that could lay old Ajax low; and I've seen a lot of 'em。〃
 〃Um 。 。 。 could you excuse us for just a minute; sir?〃 Brockhurst smiled apologetically。
 〃Sure; son;〃 Ajax nodded。 〃Take your time。〃
 I couldn't understand the Imp's sudden change in attitude; but he seemed quite intense as he jerked his head at me; so I leaned close to hear what he had to say。
 〃Hire him; boss!〃 he hissed in my ear。
 〃What?〃 I gasped; not believing I had heard him right。
 〃I said hire him!〃 the Imp repeated。 〃I may not have much to offer you; but I can give you advice。 Right now; my advice is to hire him。〃
 〃But he's…〃
 〃He's from Archiah!〃 Brockhurst interrupted。 〃Boss; that dimension invented archery。 You don't find many genuine Archers of any age for hire。 If you've really got a war on your hands; hire him。 He could tip the balance for us。〃
 〃If he's that good;〃 I whispered back; 〃can we afford him?〃
 〃One gold piece will be adequate;〃 Ajax smiled toothily; adding his head to our conference。 〃I accept your offer。〃
 〃Excellent!〃 Brockhurst beamed。
 〃Wait a minute;〃 I shrieked desperately; 〃I have a partner that…〃
 〃I know; I know;〃 Ajax sighed; holding up a restraining hand。 〃I heard when you told Bratwurst here。〃
 〃That's Brockhurst;〃 the Imp growled; but he did it smiling。
 〃If your partner can't find help; then we're hired!〃 the old man laughed; shaking his head。 〃It's a mite strange; but these are strange times。〃
 〃You can say that again;〃 I muttered。
 I was beginning to think I had spoken too loud in my conversation with Brockhurst。
 〃One thing you should know; though; youngster;〃 Ajax murmured confidentially。 〃I'm bein' followed。〃
 〃By who?〃 I asked。
 〃Don't rightly know;〃 he admitted。 〃Haven't figured it out yet。 It's the little blue fella in the corner behind me。〃
 I craned my neck to look at the indicated corner。 It was empty。
 〃What fella? I mean; fellow;〃 I corrected myself。
 Ajax whipped his head around with a speed that belied his frail appearance。
 〃Dang it;〃 he cursed。 〃He did it again。 I'm telling you; youngster; that's why I can't figure what he's after!〃
 〃Ah 。 。 。 sure; Ajax;〃 I said soothingly。 〃You'll catch him next time。〃
 Terrific。 An Imp with no powers; and now an old Archer who sees things。
 My thoughts were interrupted by a gentle tap on my shoulder。 I turned to find the gargoyle looming over me。
 〃Your order's ready; sir;〃 he said through his perma…smile。
 〃My order?〃
 〃Yes; if you'll step this way。〃
 〃There must be some mistake;〃 I began; 〃I didn't。 。 。〃
 The gargoyle was already gone; lumbering back to his counter。 I considered ignoring him。 Then I considered his size and countenance; and decided I should straighten out this misunderstanding in a polite fashion。
 〃Excuse me;〃 I told my charges。 〃I'll be right back。〃
 〃Don't worry about us; boss;〃 Brockhurst waved。
 I wasn't reassured。
 I managed to make my way to the counter without banging my sword against anything or anyone; a feat that raised my spirits for the first time that afternoon。 Thus bolstered; I approached the gargoyle。
 〃I 。 。 。 um 。 。 。 I don't recall ordering anything;〃 I stated politely。
 〃Don't blame you; either;〃 the gargoyle growled through his smile。 〃Beats me how anyone or anything can eat the slop they serve here。〃
 〃That was just to get you away from those two;〃 the gargoyle shrugged。 〃You see; I'm shy。〃
 〃Shy about what?〃
 〃About asking you for a job; of course!〃
 I decided I would definitely have to keep my voice down in the future。 My quiet conversation with Brockhurst seemed to have attracted the attention of half the Bazaar。
 〃Look 。 。 。 um。 。 。〃
 〃Gus!〃 the gargoyle supplied。
 〃Yes; well; ah; Gus; I'm really not hiring…〃
 〃I know。 Your partner is;〃 Gus interrupted。 〃But you're here and he isn't; so I figured I'd make our pitch to you before the second team roster is pletely filled。〃
 〃Oh!〃 I said; not knowing what else to say。
 〃The way I see it;〃 the gargoyle continued; 〃we could do you a lot of good。 You're a Klahd; aren't you?〃
 〃I'm from Klah;〃 I acknowledged stiffly。
 〃Well; if my memory serves me correctly; warfare in that dimension isn't too far advanced technologically。〃
 〃We have crossbows and catapults;〃 I informed him。 〃At least the other side does。〃
 〃That's what I said;〃 Gus agreed。 〃Primitive。 To stop that force; all you need is air support and a little firepower。 We can supply both; and we'll work cheap; both of us for one gold piece。〃
 Now I was sure I had underestimated the market value of gold pieces。 Still; the price was tempting。
 〃I dunno; Gus;〃 I said cagily。 〃Ajax there is supposed to be a pretty good Archer。〃
 〃Archers;〃 the gargoyle snorted。 ‘…‘I'm talking about real firepower。 The kind my partner can give you。〃
 〃Who is your partner?〃 I asked。 〃He isn't short and blue by any chance; is he?〃
 〃Naw;〃 Gus replied; pointing to the far corner。 〃That's the Gremlin。 He came in with the Archer。〃
 〃A Gremlin?〃 I said; following his finger。
 Sure enough; perched on a chair in the corner was a small; elfish character。 Mischievous eyes danced in his soft blue face as he nodded to me in silent recognition。 Reflexively; I smiled and nodded back。 Apparently I owed Ajax an apology。
 〃I thought Gremlins didn't exist;〃 I mented casually to Gus。
 〃A lot of folks think that;〃 the gargoyle agreed。 〃But you can see for yourself; they're real。〃
 I wasn't sure。 In the split second I had taken my eyes off the Gremlin to speak with Gus; he had vanished without a trace。 I was tempted to go looking for him; but Gus was talking again。
 〃Just a second and I'll introduce you to my partner;〃 he was saying。 〃He's here somewhere。〃
 As he spoke; the gargoyle began rummaging about his own body; feeling his armpits and peering into the wrinkles on his skin。
 I watched curiously; until my attention was arrested by a small lizard that had crawled out of one of the gargoyle's wing folds and was now regarding me fixedly from Gus's right shoulder。 It was only about three inches long; but glowed with a brilliant orange hue。 There were blotchy red patterns which seemed to crawl about the lizard's skin with a life of their own。 The overall effect was startlingly beautiful。
 〃Is that your lizard?〃 I asked。
 〃There he is!〃 Gus crowed triumphantly; snatching the reptile from his shoulder and cupping it in his hands。 〃Meet Berfert。 He's the partner I was telling you about。〃
 〃Hello; Berfert;〃 I smiled; extending a finger to stroke him。
 The gargoyle reacted violently; jerking the lizard back out of my reach。
 〃Careful; there;〃 he warned。 〃That's a good way to lose a finger。〃
 〃I wasn't going to hurt him;〃 I explained。
 〃No; he was about to hurt you!〃 Gus countered。 〃Berfert's a salamander; a walking firebomb。 We get along because I'm one of the few beings around that won't burn to a crisp when I touch him。〃
 〃Oh;〃 I said with sudden understanding。 〃So when you said ‘firepower'…〃
 〃I meant firepower;〃 Gus finished。 〃Berfert cleans 'em out on the ground; and I work 'em over from the air。 Well; what do you say? Have we got a deal?〃
 〃I'll 。 。 。 um 。 。 。 have to talk it over with my partner;〃 I countered。
 〃Fine;〃 Gus beamed。 〃I'll start packing。〃
 He was gone before I could stop him。
 I sagged against the counter; wishing fervently for Aahz's return。 As if in answer to my thoughts; my mentor burst through the door; following closely by Tanda。
 My greeting died in my throat when I saw his scowl。 Aahz was not in a good mood。
 〃I thought I told you to wait outside;〃 he bellowed at me。
 〃Calm down; Aahz;〃 Tanda soothed。 〃I thought he'd be more fortable waiting in here。 Besides; there's no reason to get upset。 We're here and he's here。 Nothing has gone wrong。〃
 〃You haven't been dealing with any Deveels?〃 Aahz asked suspiciously。
 〃I haven't even talked with any;〃 I protested。
 〃Good!〃 he retorted; slightly mollified。 〃There's hope for you yet; kid。〃
 〃I told you he could stay out of trouble;〃 Tanda smiled triumphantly。 〃Isn't that right; handsome?〃
 Try as I might; I couldn't bring myself to answer her。
 Chapter Fifteen
 〃I'll worry about it tomorrow。〃
 〃Um 。 。 。 are the mercenaries waiting outside?〃 I asked finally。
 〃You didn't answer her question; kid;〃 Aahz observed; peering at me with renewed suspicion。
 〃Don't strain your neck looking for your troops; handsome;〃 Tanda advised me。 〃There weren't any。 It seems our mighty negotiator has met his match。〃
 〃Those bandits!〃 Aahz exploded。 〃Do you have any idea what it would cost us if I had agreed to pay their bar bill as part of the contract? If that's a nonprofit group; I want to audit their books。〃
 My hopes for salvation sank like a rock。
 〃You didn't hire them?〃 I asked。
 〃No; I didn't;〃 Aahz scowled。 〃And that moves us back to 

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