八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > myth.conceptions >



小说: myth.conceptions 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Okay;〃 I nodded。 〃Aahz; can you give 'em a quick briefing?〃
 I was trying to drop the load in Aahz's lap; but he joined the conversation as smoothly as if we had rehearsed it this way。
 〃There are a couple of things we need specific information on;〃 he said solemnly。 〃First; we need a battlefield; small with scattered cover。 Gus; you check that out。 You know what we're going to need。 Brockhurst; see what details you can bring back on the three nearest encampments。〃
 Both scouts nodded briskly。
 〃And both of you; stay out of sight;〃 Aahz warned。 〃The information's no good to us if you don't e back。〃
 〃C'mon; Aahz;〃 Gus admonished。 〃What have they got that can put a dent in the old rock?〃
 He demonstrated by smashing his forearm into a sapling。 The tree went down; apparently without affecting the gargoyle's arm in the slightest。
 〃I don't know;〃 Aahz admitted。 〃And I don't want to know; yet。 You're one of our surprise weapons。 No point in giving the enemy an advance warning。 Get my meaning?〃
 〃Got it; Aahz;〃 Gus nodded; and lumbered off。
 〃Be back in a bit;〃 Brockhurst said with a wave of his hand; heading off in the opposite direction。
 〃Now that we've got a minute;〃 I murmured to Aahz as I returned Brockhurst's wave; 〃would you mind telling me what our final plan is? I don't even know what the preliminary plans were。〃
 〃That's easy;〃 Aahz replied。 〃We don't have one 。 。 。 yet。〃
 〃Well; when are we going to form one?〃 I asked with forced patience。
 〃Probably on the battlefield;〃 Aahz yawned。 〃Until then it's pointless。 There're too many variables until then。〃
 〃Wouldn't it be a good idea to have at least a general idea as to what we're going to do before we wander out on the battlefield?〃 I insisted。 〃It would do a lot for my peace of mind。〃
 〃Oh; I've already got a general idea as to what we'll be doing;〃 Aahz admitted。
 〃Isn't he sweet?〃 Tanda grimaced。 〃Would you mind sharing it with us; Aahz? We've got a stake in this; too。〃
 〃Well;〃 he began lazily; 〃the name of the game is delay and demoralize。 The way I figure it; we aren't going to overpower them。 We haven't got enough going for us to even try that。〃
 I bit back a sarcastic observation and let him continue。
 〃Delay and demoralize we should be able to do; though;〃 Aahz smiled。 〃Right off the bat; we've got two big weapons going for us in that kind of a fight。〃
 〃Ajax and Gus;〃 I supplied helpfully。
 〃Fear and bureaucracy;〃 Aahz corrected。
 〃How's that again?〃 Tanda frowned。
 〃Tanda; my girl;〃 Aahz smiled; 〃you've been spoiled by your skylarking through the dimensions。 You've forgotten how the man on the street thinks。 The average person in any dimension doesn't know the first thing about magik; particularly about its limitations。 If the kid here tells 'em he can make the sun stop or trees grow upside down; they'll believe him。 Particularly if he's got a few strange characters parading around as proof of his power; and I think you'll have to admit; the crew he's got backing him this time around is pretty strange。〃
 〃What's bureaucracy?〃 I asked; finally getting a word in edgewise。
 〃Red tape 。 。 。 the system;〃 Aahz informed me。
 〃The organization to get things done that keeps things from getting done。 In this case; it's called the chain…of…mand。 An army the size of the one we're facing has to function like a well…oiled machine or it starts tripping over its own feet。 I'm betting if we toss a couple of handfuls of sand into its gears; they'll spend more time fighting each other than chasing us。〃
 This was one of the first times Aahz had actually clarified something he said。 I wished he hadn't。 I was more confused than I had been before。
 〃Um 。 。 。 how are we going to do all this?〃 I asked。
 〃We'll be able to tell better after you've had your first war council;〃 Aahz shrugged。
 〃Aren't we having it now?〃
 〃I meant with the enemy;〃 Aahz scowled。 〃Sometime in the near future; you're going to have to sit down with one of their officers and decide how this war's going to be fought。〃
 〃Me?〃 I blinked。
 〃You are the leader of the defenses; remember?〃 Aahz grinned at me。
 〃It's part of the job; handsome;〃 Tanda confirmed。
 〃Wait a minute;〃 I interrupted。 〃It just came to me。 I think I have a better idea。〃
 〃This I've got to hear;〃 Aahz grinned。
 〃Shut up; Aahz;〃 Tanda ordered; poking him in the ribs。 〃Whatcha got; handsome?〃
 〃We've got a couple of trained Assassins on our side; don't we?〃 I observed。 〃Why don't we just put 'em to work? If enough officers suddenly turn up dead; odds are the army will fall apart。 Right?〃
 〃It won't work; kid;〃 Aahz announced bluntly。
 〃Why not?〃
 〃We can bend the rules; but we can't break 'em;〃 Aahz explained。 〃Wars are fought between the troops。 Killing off the officers without engaging their troops goes against tradition。 I doubt if your own force would stand still for it。 Old… troopers like Ajax would have no part of a scheme like that。〃
 〃He's right;〃 Tanda confirmed。 〃Assassins take contracts on individuals in personal feuds; but not against the general staff of an army。〃
 〃But it would be so easy;〃 I insisted。
 〃Look at it this way; kid;〃 Aahz put in。 〃If you could do it; they could do it。 The way things are now; you're exempt from Assassins。 Would you really want to change that?〃
 〃What do I say in a war council?〃 I asked。
 〃I'll brief you on that when the time es;〃 Aahz reassured me。 〃Right now we have other things to plan。〃
 〃Such as what?〃 Tanda asked。
 〃Such as what to do about those signal towers;〃 Aahz retorted; jerking his head at one of the distant structures。
 〃We probably won't have time to break their code; so the next best thing is to disrupt their signals somehow。 Now; you said you picked up some special effects items back at the Bazaar。 Have you got anything we could use on the signal towers?〃
 〃I'm not sure;〃 Tanda frowned thoughtfully。 〃I wish you had said something about that before I went shopping。〃
 〃What about Ajax?〃 I suggested。
 〃What about him?〃 Aahz countered。
 〃How close would he have to be to the towers to disrupt things with his archery?〃
 〃I don't know;〃 Aahz shrugged。 〃Why don't you ask him。〃
 Eager to follow up on my own suggestion; I squatted down next to the dozing bowman。
 〃Urn 。 。 。 Ajax;〃 I called softly。
 〃Whatcha need; youngster?〃 the old man asked; ing instantly awake。
 〃Do you see those signal towers?〃 I asked; pointing at the distant structures。
 Ajax rose to his feet and squinted in the indicated direction。 〃Sure can;〃 he nodded。
 〃We 。 。 。 um 。 。 。 I was wondering;〃 I explained; 〃can you use your bow to disrupt their signals?〃
 In response; Ajax drew an arrow from beneath his cloak; cocked it; and let fly before I could stop him。
 The shaft disappeared in the direction of the nearest tower。 With sinking heart; I strained my eyes trying to track its flight。
 There was a man standing on the tower's platform; his standard leaning against the railing beside him。 Suddenly; his standard toppled over; apparently breaking off a handspan from its crosspiece。 The man bent and retrieved the bottom portion of the pole; staring with apparent confusion at the broken end。
 〃Any other targets?〃 Ajax asked。
 He was leaning casually on his bow; his back to the tower。 He hadn't even bothered watching to see if his missile struck its mark。
 〃Um 。 。 。 not just now; Ajax;〃 I assured him。 〃Go back to sleep。〃
 〃Fine by me; sonny;〃 Ajax smiled; resettling himself。 〃There'll be plenty of targets tomorrow。〃
 〃How do you figure that?〃 I asked。
 〃According to that signal I just cut down;〃 he grinned; 〃the army's fixin' to move out tomorrow。〃
 〃You can read the signals?〃 I blinked。
 〃Sure;〃 Ajax nodded。 〃There're only about eight different codes armies use; and I know 'em all。 It's part of my trade。〃
 〃And they're moving out tomorrow?〃 I pressed。
 〃That's what I said。〃 The bowman scowled。 〃What's the matter; are you deaf?〃
 〃No;〃 I assured him hastily。 〃It just changes our plans is all。 Go back to sleep。〃
 Returning to our little conference; I found Aahz and Tanda engrossed in a conversation with Brockhurst。
 〃Bad news; kid;〃 Aahz informed me。 〃Brockhurst here says the army's going to move out tomorrow。〃
 〃I know;〃 I said。 〃I just found out from Ajax。 Can you read the signal flags too; Brockhurst?〃
 〃Naw;〃 the Imp admitted。 〃But the Gremlin can。〃
 〃What Gremlin?〃 Aahz bared his teeth。
 〃He was here a minute ago;〃 Brockhurst scowled; looking around。
 〃Well; handsome;〃 Tanda sighed; eyeing me; 〃I think we just ran out of planning time。 Better call your dragon。 I think we're going to need all the help we can get tomorrow。〃
 Gleep had wandered off shortly after our arrival; though we could still hear him occasionally as he poked about in the underbrush。
 〃You go get the dragon; Tanda;〃 Aahz ordered。
 〃Though it escapes me how he's supposed to be any help。 The ‘boss' here and I have to discuss his war council tomorrow。〃
 Any confidence I might have built up listening to Aahz's grand plan earlier fled me。 Tanda was right。 We had run out of time。
 Chapter Seventeen
 〃Diplomacy is the delicate weapon of the civilized warrior。〃
 …HUN; A。T。
 We waited patiently for our war council。 The two of us; Aahz and me。 Against an army。
 This was; of course; Aahz's idea。 Left to my own devices; I wouldn't be caught dead in this position。
 Trying to ignore that unfortunate choice of words; I cleared my throat and spoke to Aahz out of the corner of my mouth。
 〃Yeah; kid?〃
 〃How long are we going to stand here?〃
 〃Until they notice us and do something about it。〃
 Terrific。 Either we'd rot where we stood; or someone would shoot us full of arrows。
 We were standing about twenty yards from one of the encampments; with nothing between us and them but meadow。 We could see clearly the bustle of activity within the encampment and; in theory; there was nothing keeping them from seeing us。 This is why we were standing where we were; to draw attention to ourselves。 Unfortunately; so far no one had noticed。
 It had been decided that Aahz and I would work alone on this first sortie to hide the true strength of our force。 It occurred to me that it also hid the true weak

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