八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > myth.conceptions >



小说: myth.conceptions 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃So he might get killed。 So what? He's accepted that risk in every war he's fought in。 I'd rather order him into a fight knowing for certain he'd be killed than condemn him to a living death as a washed…up has…been。 This way; he has a chance; and as his employer; I feel I owe him that chance。〃
 I paused for breath。 They were looking at me again; hanging on my next words。
 〃One more thing;〃 I snarled。 〃I don't want to hear any more talk about him being useless。 That old man still handles a bow better than anyone I've ever seen。 If I can't find a way to use him effectively; then it's my fault as a tactician; not his! I've got my shortings; but I'm not going to blame them on Ajax any more than I'd blame them on any of you。〃
 Silence reigned again; but I didn't care。 I had; spoken my piece; and felt no pulsion to blather on aimlessly just to fill the void。
 〃Well; boss〃 …Brockhurst cleared his throat getting to his feet…〃I think I'll turn in now。〃
 〃Me; too;〃 echoed Gus; also rising。
 〃Just one thing。〃 The Imp paused and met my gaze squarely。 〃For the record; it's a real pleasure working for you。〃
 The gargoyle nodded his agreement; and the two of them faded into the brush。
 There was a soft kiss on my cheek; but by the time I turned my head; Tanda had disappeared。
 〃You know; kid;〃 Aahz said; 〃you're going to make a pretty good leader someday。〃
 〃Thanks; Aahz;〃 I blinked。
 〃。 。 。 if you live that long;〃 my mentor concluded。
 We sat side by side in silence for a while longer。 Gleep had apparently dozed off; for he was snoring softly as I continued petting him。
 〃If it isn't prying;〃 Aahz asked finally; 〃what is this master plan you have for tomorrow that's built around Ajax?〃
 I sighed and closed my eyes。
 〃I haven't got one;〃 I admitted。 〃I was kind of hoping you'd have a few ideas。〃
 〃I was afraid you were going to say that;〃 Aahz grumbled。
 Chapter Nineteen
 〃What if they gave a war and only one side came…〃
 〃Wake up; kid!〃
 I returned to consciousness as I was being forcefully propelled sideways along the forest floor; presumably assisted by the ready toe of my mentor。
 After I had slid to a stop; I exerted most of my energy and raised my head。
 〃Aahz;〃 I announced solemnly; 〃as leader of this team; I have reached another decision。 In the future; I want Tanda to wake me up。〃
 〃Not a chance;〃 Aahz leered。 〃She's off scouting our right flank。 It's me or the dragon。〃
 Great choice。 I suddenly realized how bright it was。
 〃Hey!〃 I blinked。 〃How late is it?〃
 〃Figure we've got about a minute before things start popping;〃 Aahz said casually。
 〃How long?〃 I gasped。
 Aahz's brow furrowed for a moment as he reflected on his words。 Klahdish units of time still gave him a bit of trouble。
 〃An hour!〃 he smiled triumphantly。 〃That's it。 An hour。〃
 〃That's better;〃 I sighed; sinking back to a horizontal position。
 〃On your feet; kid!〃 Aahz ordered。 〃We let you sleep as late as we could; but now you're needed to review the troops。〃
 〃Have you briefed everybody?〃 I yawned; sitting up。 〃Is the plan clear?〃
 〃As clear as it's going to be; all things considered;〃 Aahz shrugged。
 〃Okay;〃 I responded; rolling to my feet。 〃Let's go。 You can fill me in on any new developments along the way。〃
 Aahz and I had been up most of the night formulating today's plan; and I found I was actually eager to see it implemented。
 〃You should be thankful you aren't on the other side;〃 Aahz chortled as we moved to join the others。 〃Old Claude's been making the most of the time we gave him。〃
 〃Keeping them busy; is he?〃 I smiled。
 〃Since sunup;〃 Aahz confirmed smugly。 〃Drilling; sharpening swords; never a dull moment in the Empire's army; that's for sure。〃
 I wasn't sure I shared Aahz's enthusiasm for the enemy's spending lots of time sharpening their swords。 Fortunately; I was spared the disfort of replying as Gus lumbered up to us。
 〃You just missed Brockhurst's report;〃 he informed us。 〃Still nothing on the left flank。〃
 〃Wouldn't we be able to tell from their signals if they were moving up additional support?〃 I asked。
 〃If you believe their signals;〃 Aahz countered。 〃It wouldn't be the first time an army figured out the enemy had broken their code and started sending misleading messages。〃
 〃Oh;〃 I said wisely。
 〃Speaking of signals;〃 Aahz said with a grin; 〃you know the messages they were sending yesterday? The ones that went ‘encountered minor resistance'?〃
 〃I remember;〃 I nodded。
 〃Well; it seems Claude has decided he needs to up the ante if he's going to get a promotion out of this。 Overnight we've bee ‘armed opposition 。 。 。 must be subdued forcefully!' Neat; huh?〃
 I swallowed hard。
 〃Does that mean they'll be moving in reinforcements? '/'I asked; trying to sound casual。
 〃Not a chance; kid。〃 Aahz winked。 〃Claude there has turned down every offer of assistance that came down the line。 He keeps insisting he can handle it with the pany he's manding。〃
 〃I'd say he's got his neck way; way out;〃 Gus mented。
 〃。 。 。 and we're just the ones to chop it off for him;〃 Aahz finished。
 〃Where's Ajax?〃 I asked; changing the subject。
 〃Down at the forest line picking out his firing point;〃 Gus replied。 〃Don't worry; boss。 He's awake。〃
 Actually; that wasn't my worry concerning Ajax at all。 In my mind's eye; I could still see his angry stance when I called him a coward the night before。
 〃Mornin'; youngster;〃 the bowman hailed; emerging from the bush。 〃Think I got us a place all picked out。〃
 〃Hi; Ajax;〃 I replied。 〃Say 。 。 。 um 。 。 。 when you get a minute; I'd like to talk to you about last night。〃
 〃Think nothin' of it;〃 Ajax assured me with a grin。 〃I've plum fergot about it already。〃
 There was a glint in his eye that contradicted his words; but if he was willing to pretend nothing had happened; I'd go along with it for now。
 〃I hate to interrupt;〃 Aahz interrupted; 〃but I think friend Claude's just about ready to make his move。〃
 Sure enough; the distant encampment was lining up in a marching formation。 The hand…drawn wagons were packed and aligned; with the escort troops arrayed to the front and sides。 The signal tower; despite its appearance; was apparently also portable and was being pushed along at the rear of the formation by several sweating soldiers。
 〃Late!〃 Ajax sneered。 〃I tell ya; youngster; armies are the same in any dimension。〃
 〃Okay; kid;〃 Aahz said briskly。 〃Do your stuff。 It's about time we got into position。〃
 I nodded and closed my eyes for concentration。 With a few strokes of my mental paintbrush; I altered Gus's features until the gargoyle was the mirror image of myself。
 〃Pretty good;〃 Ajax mented critically; looking from Gus to me and back again。
 I repeated the process; returning Aahz to his 〃dubious character〃 disguise。
 〃Well; we're off;〃 Aahz waved。 〃Confusion to the enemy!〃
 Today's plan called for Gus substituting for me。 The logic was that should anything go wrong; his stone flesh would not only keep him from harm; but also serve as a shield to defend Aahz。
 Somehow it didn't seem right to me; to remain behind in relative safety while sending someone else to take my risks for me。 It occurred to me that perhaps I had called the wrong person 〃coward〃 last night when speaking with Ajax。
 The bowman seemed to accept the arrangement without question; however。
 〃Follow me; youngster;〃 he cackled。 〃I don't want to miss any of this!〃
 With that; he turned and plunged into the brush; leaving me little choice but to trail along behind。
 Fortunately; Ajax's chosen vantage point wasn't far。 Old or not; I found he set a wicked pace。
 Stringing his bow; he crouched and waited; chuckling softly in anticipation。
 Settling in beside him; I took a moment to check the energy lines; the invisible streams of energy magicians draw their power from。 There were two strong lines nearby; one air; one ground; which was good。 While Aahz had taught me how to store the energies internally; with the amount of action scheduled for the day; I wanted all the power I could get。
 We could see Aahz and Gus striding with great dignity toward the selected bat point。 The opposing force watched them in frozen silence as they took their places。
 For a moment; everyone stood in tableau。
 Then Claude turned to his force and barked out an order。 Immediately a half dozen archers broke from the formation and fanned out on either side of the wagons。 Moving with slow deliberation; they each drew and cocked an arrow; then leveled the bows at the two figures blocking the pany's progress。
 I concentrated my energies。
 Claude shouted something at our rades。 They remained motionless。
 I concentrated。
 The bowmen loosed their missiles。 Gus threw up one hand dramatically。
 The arrows stopped in mid…air and fell to the ground。
 The bowmen looked at each other in amazement。 Claude barked another order at them。 They shakily drew and fired another barrage。
 This one was more ragged than the first; but I managed to stop it as well。
 〃Nice work; youngster;〃 Ajax exclaimed gleefully。 〃That's got 'em going。〃
 Sure enough; the neat ranks of soldiers were rippling as the men muttered back and forth among themselves。 Claude noted it; too; and ordered his bowmen back into the ranks。
 Round one to us!
 My elation was short…lived; though。 The soldiers were drawing their swords now。 The two groups assigned to guarding the sides of the wagon pivoted forward; forming two wings ready to engulf our teammates。 As further evidence of Claude's nervousness; he even had the troops assigned to pulling the wagons leave their posts and move up to reinforce the center of his line。
 That's what we were waiting for。
 〃Now; Ajax!〃 I hissed。 〃Arch 'em high。〃
 〃I remember; youngster;〃 the archer grinned。 〃I'm ready when you are。〃
 I waited until he raised his bow; then concentrated an intense beam of energy at a point a few inches in front of his bow。
 It was like the candle…lighting exercise; and it worked as well now as it had when we had tried it last night。
 As each shaft sped from Ajax's bow; it burst into flames and continued on its flight。
 Again and again with incredible speed the bowman sent his missiles hissing through my 

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