八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > myth.conceptions >



小说: myth.conceptions 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃He's kinda busy right now;〃 Aahz yawned。 〃Anything I can help you with?〃
 The leader reddened slightly。
 〃I am the mander of this sector!〃 he barked。 〃I demand to see Skeeve; mander of the defense; not his lacky!〃
 I dropped one of the bags of flash powder on the ground at my feet。
 〃If you insist;〃 Aahz growled; 〃I'll get him。 But he won't be happy。〃
 〃I'm not here to make him happy;〃 the leader shouted。 〃Now be off with you。〃
 〃That won't be necessary;〃 Aahz leered。 〃He's a magician。 He hears and sees what his servants hear and see。 He'll be along。〃
 That was my cue。 I let drop the sheet of invisibility and simultaneously ignited the bag of flash powder。
 The results were spectacular。
 The soldiers; with the exception of the leader; fell back several steps。 To them; it looked as if I had suddenly appeared from thin air; materializing in a cloud of red smoke。
 For me; the effect was less impressive: As the bag of flash powder went off; it was made apparent to me that watching a cloud of smoke from a distance was markedly different from standing at ground zero。
 As I was enveloped in the scarlet billows; my feeling was not of elated triumph but rather a nearly overwhelming desire to cough and sneeze。
 My efforts to suppress my reactions caused me to contort my features to the point where I must have borne more than a faint resemblance to Gus。
 〃Steady; Master!〃 Aahz cautioned。
 〃Aahz。 Ah!〃 I gasped。
 〃Do not let your anger overe your reason;〃 my mentor continued hastily。 〃They don't know the powers they trifle with。〃
 〃I 。 。 。 I did not wish to be disturbed;〃 I managed at last; regaining my breath as the smoke dissipated。
 The leader of the group had held his ground through the entire proceedings; though he looked a bit paler and less sure of himself than when he had been dealing with just Aahz。
 〃We 。 。 。 um 。 。 。 apologize for bothering you;〃 he began uncertainly。 〃But there are certain matters requiring your immediate attention 。 。 。 specifically the war we are currently engaged in。〃
 I eyed him carefully。 He seemed to be of a different cut than Claude had been。
 〃I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage; sir;〃 I said cagily。 〃You seem to know me; but I don't recall having met you before。〃
 〃We have not met before;〃 the officer replied grimly。 〃If we had; be assured one of us would not be here currently。 I know you by reputation; specifically for your recent efforts to resist the advance of our army。 For myself; I am Antonio; mander of the right wing of the left flank of the Empire's army。 These are my officers。〃
 He indicated the soldiers behind him with a vague wave of his hand。 The men responded by drawing themselves more erect and thrusting out their chins arrogantly。
 I acknowledged them with a slight nod。
 〃Where is Claude?〃 I asked casually。 〃I was under the impression he was an officer of this sector。〃
 〃You are correct;〃 Antonio smirked。 〃He was。 He is currently being detained until he can be properly court…martialed 。 。 。 for inpetence!〃
 〃Inpetence?〃 I echoed。 〃e now; sir。 Aren't you being a little harsh? While Claude may have overstepped his abilities a bit; I wouldn't say he's inpetent。 I mean; after all; he was dealing with supernatural powers; if you know what I mean。〃
 As I spoke; I wiggled my fingers dramatically at Aahz and removed his disguise。
 The jaws of the attending officers dropped; ruining their arrogant jut。 Then Aahz grinned at them; and their mouths clicked shut in unison as they swallowed hard。
 Antonio was unimpressed。
 〃Yes; yes;〃 he said briskly; waving a hand as if at an annoying fly。 〃We have had reports; many reports; as to your rapport with demons。 Claude's inpetence is in his disastrous underestimation of the forces opposing him。 Be assured; I will not be guilty of the same error。〃
 〃Don't count on it; Tony;〃 Aahz leered。 〃We demons can be a pretty tricky lot。
 The officer ignored him。
 〃However; we are not here for idle pleasantries;〃 he said; fixing me with a stern gaze。 〃I believe we have a dispute to settle concerning right of passage
 over this particular piece of terrain。〃
 〃We have a dispute concerning your right of passage over the kingdom of Possiltum;〃 I corrected。
 〃Yes; yes;〃 Antonio yawned。 〃Of course; if you want to stop us from gaining Possiltum; you had best stop us here。〃
 〃That's about how we had it figured;〃 Aahz agreed。
 〃Not to belabor the point; Antonio;〃 I smiled; 〃but I believe we do have you stopped。〃
 〃Temporarily;〃 the officer smiled。 〃I expect that situation to change shortly 。 。 。 shall we say; a few hours after dawn? Tomorrow?〃
 〃We'll be here;〃 Aahz nodded。
 〃Just a moment;〃 I interrupted。 〃Antonio; you strike me as being a sporting man。 Would you like to make our encounter tomorrow a little more interesting? Say; with a little side wager?〃
 〃Such as what?〃 the officer scowled。
 〃If you lose tomorrow;〃 I said carefully; 〃will you admit Claude's defeat had nothing to do with inpetence and drop the charges against him?〃
 Antonio thought for a moment; then nodded。
 〃Done;〃 he said。 〃Normally I would fear what the reaction of my superiors would be; but I am confident of my victory。 There are things even a demon cannot stand against。〃
 〃Such as?〃 Aahz drawled。
 〃You will see;〃 the officer smiled。 〃Tomorrow。〃
 With that;; he spun on his heel and marched off; his officers trailing behind him。
 〃What do you think; Aahz?〃 I murmured。
 〃Think?〃 my mentor scowled。 〃I think you're going soft; kid。 First Brockhurst; now Claude。 What is this ‘be kind to enemies' kick you're on?〃
 〃I meant about tomorrow;〃 I clarified quickly。
 〃I dunno; kid;〃 Aahz admitted。 〃He sounded too confident for fort。 I wish I knew what he's got up his sleeve that's supposed to stop demons。〃
 〃Well;〃 I sighed; 〃I guess we'll see tomorrow。〃
 Chapter Twenty…One
 〃It takes a giant to fight a giant。〃
 OUR pensiveness was still with us the next day。
 Our opponents were definitely up to something; but we couldn't tell exactly what it was。 Tanda and Brockhurst had headed out on a scouting trip during the night and had brought back puzzling news。 The Empire's soldiers had brought up some kind of heavy equipment; but it was hidden from sight by a huge box。 All our scouts could say for sure was that whatever the secret weapon was; it was big and it was heavy。
 Gus offered to fly over the box to take a quick peek inside; but we vetoed the idea。 With the box constantly in the center of a mass of soldiers; there was no way the gargoyle could carry out his mission unobserved。 Even if he used the invisibility sheet; the army was so far flung that someone would see him。 So far we had kept the gargoyle's presence on our team as a secret; and we preferred to keep it that way。 Even if we disguised him as Aahz or myself; it would betray the fact that someone in our party was able to fly。 As Aahz pointed out; it looked as if this campaign would be rough enough without giving the opposition advance warning of the extent of our abilities。
 This was all tactically sound and irrefutably logical。 Nonetheless; it did nothing to reassure me as Aahz and I stood waiting for Antonio to make his opening gambit。
 〃Relax; kid;〃 Aahz murmured。 〃You look nervous。〃
 〃I am nervous;〃 I snapped back。 〃We're standing out here waiting to fight; and we don't know who or what we're supposed to be fighting。 You'll forgive me if that makes me a trifle edgy。〃
 I was aware I was being unnecessarily harsh on my mentor。 Ajax and Gus were standing by; and Brockhurst and Tanda were watching for any new developments。 The only team member unaccounted for this morning was the Gremlin; but I thought it wisest not to bring this to Aahz's attention。 I assumed our elusive blue friend was off somewhere with Gleep; as my pet was also missing。
 Everything that could have been done in preparation had been done。 However; I still felt uneasy。
 〃Look at it this way; kid;〃 Aahz tried again。 〃At least we know what we aren't up against。〃
 What we weren't dealing with was soldiers。 Though a large number of them were gathered in the near vicinity; there seemed to be no effort being made to organize or arm them for battle。 As the appointed time drew near; it became more and more apparent that they were to be spectators only in the uping fray。
 〃I think I'd rather deal with soldiers;〃 I said glumly。
 〃Heads up; kid;〃 Aahz retorted; nudging me with his elbow。 〃Whatever's going to happen is about to。
 I knew what he meant; which bothered me。 There was no time to ponder it; however。 Antonio had just put in his appearance。
 He strolled around one corner of the mammoth box deep in conversation with a suspicious…looking character in a hooded cloak。 He shot a glance in our direction; smiled; and waved merrily。
 We didn't wave back。
 〃I don't like the looks of this; kid;〃 Aahz growled。
 I didn't either; but there wasn't much we could do except wait。 Antonio finished his conversation with the stranger and stepped back; folding his arms across his chest。 The stranger waved some of the onlooking soldiers aside; then stepped back himself。 Drawing himself up; he began weaving his hands back and forth in a puzzling manner。 Then the wind carried the sound to me and I realized he was chanting。
 〃Aahz!〃 I gasped。 〃They've got their own magician。〃
 〃I know;〃 Aahz grinned back。 〃But from what I can hear he's bluffing them the same way you bluffed the court back at Possiltum。 He probably doesn't have any more powers than I do。〃
 No sooner had my mentor made his observation than the side of the huge box which was facing us slowly lowered itself to the ground。 Revealed inside the massive container was a dragon。
 The box had been big; better than thirty feet long and twenty feet high; but from the look of the dragon he must have been cramped for space inside。
 He was big! I mean; really big!
 Now I've never kidded myself about Gleep's size。 Though his ten…foot length might look trig here on Klah; I had seen dragons on Deva that made him look small。 The dragon currently facing us; however; dwarfed everything I had seen before。
 He was an iridescent bluish…green his entire length; which was far more serpentine than I was accustom

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