八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > myth.conceptions >



小说: myth.conceptions 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Just keep thinking that; kid。〃 He grinned。 〃It'll help you sleep nights。〃
 〃C'mon; Aahz!〃 I whined。 〃You're supposed to be my teacher。 If there's something I'm missing; you've got to tell me。 Otherwise I won't learn。〃
 〃Very well; apprentice。〃 Aahz smiled; evilly emphasizing the word。 〃There are a few things you've overlooked。〃
 〃Such as?〃 I asked; writhing under his smile。
 〃Such as Gus; Ajax; and Brockhurst; who you just sent back to Deva without instructions。〃
 〃Instructions?〃 I blinked。
 〃Tanda we don't have to worry about; but the other three…〃
 〃Wait a minute; Aahz;〃 I interrupted before he got too far from the subject。 〃What instructions?〃
 〃Instructions not to talk about our little skirmish here;〃 Aahz clarified absently。 〃Tanda will know enough to keep her mouth shut; but the others won't。〃
 〃You think they'll talk?〃
 〃Is a frog's behind watertight?〃 Aahz retorted。
 〃What's a frog?〃 I countered。
 〃Money in their pockets; fresh from a successful campaign against overwhelming odds 。 。 。 of course they'll talk!〃 Aahz thundered。 〃They'll talk their fool heads off to anyone who'll listen。 What's more; they'll embellish it a little more with each telling until it sounds like they're the greatest fighters ever to spit teeth and you're the greatest tactician since Gronk!〃
 〃What's wrong with that?〃 I inquired; secretly pleased。 I didn't know who Gronk was; but what Aahz was saying had a nice ring to it。
 〃Nothing at all。〃 Aahz responded innocently。 〃Except now the word will be out as to who you are; where you are; and what you are 。 。 。 also that you're for hire and that you subcontract。 If there's any place in all the dimensions that folks will take note of information like that; it's the Bazaar。〃
 Regardless of what my mentor may think'; I'm not slow。 I realized in a flash the implications of what he was saying 。 。 。 realized them and formulated an answer。
 〃So we suddenly get a lot of strange people dropping in on us to offer jobs; or looking for work;〃 I acknowledged。 〃So what? All that means is I get a lot of practice saying ‘No。' Who knows; it might improve my status around here a little if it's known that I regularly consult with strange beings from other worlds。〃
 〃Of course;〃 Aahz mented darkly; 〃there's always the chance that someone at the Bazaar will hear that the other side is thinking of hiring you and decide to forcibly remove you from the roster。 Either that; or some young hotshot will want to make a name for himself by taking on this unbeatable magician everyone's talking about。〃
 I tried not to show how much his grim prophecy had unnerved me。 Then I realized he would probably keep heaping it on until he saw me sweat。 Consequently; I sweated 。 。 。 visibly。
 〃I hadn't thought of that; Aahz;〃 I admitted。 〃I guess I did overlook something there。〃
 〃Then again there's Grimble and Badaxe;〃 Aahz continued as if he hadn't heard me。
 〃What about Grimble and Badaxe?〃 I asked nervously。
 〃In my estimation;〃 Aahz yawned; 〃the only way those two would ever work together would be against a mon foe。 In my further estimation; the best candidate for that ‘mon foe' position is you!〃
 〃Me?〃 I asked in a very small voice。
 〃You work it out; kid;〃 my mentor shrugged。 〃Until you hit the scene there was a two…way power struggle going as to who had the king's ear。 Then you came along and not only saved the kingdom; you increased the population; expanded the borders; and added to the tax base。 That makes you the most popular and therefore the most influential person in the king's court。 Maybe I'm wrong; but I don't think Grimble and Badaxe are going to just sigh and accept that。 It's my guess they'll ‘double team' you and attack anything you say or do militarily and monetarily; and that's a tough one…two punch to counter。〃
 〃Okay。 Okay。 So there were two things I overlooked;〃 I said。 〃Except for that…〃
 〃And of course there's the people Big Julie and his men owe money to;〃 Aahz mented thoughtfully。 〃I wonder how long it will be before they start nosing around looking for an explanation as to what happened to an entire army? More important; I wonder who they'll be looking 。for by name to provide them with that explanation?〃
 〃Yeah; kid?〃
 〃Do you mind if I have a little more of that wine?〃
 〃Help yourself; kid。 There's lots。〃
 I had a hunch that was going to be the best news I would hear for a long time。

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