八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > myth.conceptions >



小说: myth.conceptions 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Strange that you should say that; magician;〃 he observed stonily。 〃Grimble's advice was to invest the money elsewhere than in the army; specifically in a magician。〃
 It suddenly became clear why we had been received by the guards and the general with something less than open…armed camaraderie。 Not only were they getting us instead of reinforcements; our presence was a slap at their abilities。
 〃Okay; General;〃 Aahz acknowledged。 〃All that's water under the drawbridge。 What are we up against?〃
 The general glanced back and forth between me and Aahz; apparently surprised that I was allowing my apprentice to take the lead in the briefing。 When I failed to rebuke Aahz for his forwardness; the general shrugged and moved to a piece of parchment hanging on the wall。
 〃I believe the situation is shown clearly by this…〃 he began。
 〃What's that?〃 Aahz interrupted。
 The general started to respond sharply; then caught himself。 〃This;〃 he said evenly; 〃is a map of the kingdom you are supposed to defend。 It's called Possiltum。〃
 〃Yes; of course;〃 I nodded。 〃Continue。〃
 〃This line here to the north of our border represents the advancing army you are to deal with。〃
 〃Too bad you couldn't get it to scale;〃 Aahz mented。 〃The way you have it there; the enemy's front is longer than your border。〃
 The general bared his teeth。
 〃The drawing is to scale;〃 he said pointedly。 〃Perhaps now you will realize the magnitude of the task before you。〃
 My mind balked at accepting his statement。
 〃Really; General;〃 I chided。 〃Surely you're overstating the case。 There aren't enough fighting men in any kingdom to form a front that long。〃
 〃Magician;〃 the general's voice was menacing; 〃I did not reach my current rank by overstating military situations。 The army you are facing is one of the mightiest forces the world has ever seen。 It is the striking arm of a rapidly growing empire situated far to the north。 They have been advancing for three years now; absorbing smaller kingdoms and crushing any resistance offered。 All able…bodied men of conquered lands are conscripted for military service; swelling their ranks to the size you see indicated on the map。 The only reason they are not advancing faster is that in addition to limitless numbers of men; they possess massive war machines which; though effective; are slow to transport。〃
 〃Now tell us the bad news;〃 Aahz mented dryly。
 The general took him seriously。
 〃The bad news;〃 he growled; 〃is that their leader is a strategist without peer。 He rose to power trouncing forces triple the size of his own numbers; and now that he has a massive army at his mand; he is virtually unbeatable。〃
 〃I'm beginning to see why the king put his money into a magician;〃 my mentor observed。 〃It doesn't look like you could have assembled a force large enough to stop them。〃
 〃That wasn't my plan!〃 the general bristled。 〃While we may not have been able to crush the enemy; we could have made them pay dearly enough for crossing our border that they might have turned aside for weaker lands easier to conquer。〃
 〃You know; Badaxe;〃 Aahz said thoughtfully; 〃that's not a bad plan。 Working together we might still pull it off。 How many men can you give us for support?〃
 〃None;〃 the general said firmly。
 1 blinked。
 〃Excuse me; General;〃 I pressed。 〃For a moment there; I thought you said…〃
 〃None;〃 he repeated。 〃I will not assign a single soldier of mine to support your campaign。〃
 〃That's insane!〃 Aahz exploded。 〃How do you expect us to stop an army like that with just magik?〃
 〃I don't;〃 the general smiled。
 〃But if we fail;〃 I pointed out; 〃Possiltum falls。〃
 〃That is correct;〃 Badaxe replied calmly。
 〃Allow me to clarify my position;〃 he interrupted。 〃In my estimation; there is more at stake here than one kingdom。 If you succeed in your mission; it will establish that magik is more effective than military force in defending a kingdom。 Eventually; that could lead to all armies being disbanded in preference to hiring magicians。 I will have no part in establishing a precedent such as that。 If you want to show that magicians are superior to armies; you will have to do it with magik alone。 The military will not lift a finger to assist you。〃
 As he spoke; he took the jug of wine from Aahz's unresisting fingers; a sign in itself that Aahz was as stunned by the general's words as I was。
 〃My feelings on this subject are very strong; gentlemen;〃 Badaxe continued; pouring himself some wine。 〃So strong; in fact; I am willing to sacrifice myself and my kingdom to prove the point。 What is more; I would strongly suggest that you do the same。〃
 He paused; regarding us with those glittering eyes。
 〃Because I tell you here and now; should you emerge victorious from the impending battle; you will not live to collect your reward。 The king may rule the court; but word of what happens in the kingdom es to him through my soldiers; and those soldiers will be posted along your return path to the palace; with orders to bring back word of your accidental demise; even if they have to arrange it。 Do I make myself clear?〃
 Chapter Eight
 〃Anything worth doing; is worth doing for a profit。〃
 With a massive effort of self…control; I contained myself not only after we had left the general's quarters; but until we were out of earshot of the honor guard。 When I finally spoke; I managed to keep the telltale note of hysteria out of my voice; which would have betrayed my true feelings。
 〃Like you said; Aahz;〃 I mented casually; 〃there are armies and there are armies。 Right?〃
 Aahz wasn't fooled for a minute。
 〃Hysterics won't get us anywhere; kid;〃 he observed。 〃What we need is sound thinking。〃
 〃Excuse me;〃 I said pointedly; 〃but isn't ‘sound thinking' what got us into the mess in the first place?〃
 〃Okay; okay!〃 Aahz grimaced。 〃I'll admit I made a few oversights when I originally appraised the situation。〃
 〃A few oversights?〃 I echoed incredulously。 〃Aahz; this ‘cushy job' you set me up for doesn't bear even the vaguest resemblance to what you described when you sold me on the idea。〃
 〃I know; kid;〃 Aahz sighed。 〃I definitely owe you an apology。 This sounds like it's actually going to be work。〃
 〃Work!〃 I shrieked; losing control slightly。 〃It's going to be suicide。〃
 Aahz shook his head sadly。
 〃There you go overreacting again。 It doesn't have to be suicide。 We've got a choice; you know。〃
 〃Sure;〃 I retorted sarcastically。 〃We can get killed by the invaders or we can get killed by Badaxe's boys。 How silly of me not to have realized it。 For a moment there I was getting worried。〃
 〃Our choice;〃 Aahz corrected sternly; 〃is to go through with this lame…brained mission; or to take the money and run。〃
 A ray of hope broke through the dismal gloom that had burdened my mind。
 〃Aahz;〃 I said in genuine awe; 〃you're a genius。 C'mon; let's get going。〃
 〃Get going where?〃 Aahz asked。
 〃Back to the inn; of course;〃 I replied。 〃The sooner the better。〃
 〃That wasn't one of our options;〃 my mentor sneered。
 〃But you said…〃
 〃I said ‘take the money and run' not just ‘run;' '' he corrected。 〃We aren't going anywhere until we've seen Grimble。〃
 〃But Aahz…〃
 〃 ‘But Aahz' nothing;〃 he interrupted fiercely。 〃This little jaunt has cost us a bundle。 We're going to at least make it break even; if not show a small profit。〃
 〃It hasn't cost us anything;〃 I said bluntly。
 〃It cost us travel time and time away from your studies;〃 Aahz countered。 〃That's worth something。〃
 〃Besides;〃 he continued loftily; 〃there are more important issues at stake here。〃
 〃Like what?〃 I pressed。
 〃Well 。 。 。 like; um 。 。 。〃
 〃There you are; gentlemen!〃
 We turned to find Grimble approaching us rapidly from behind。
 〃I was hoping to catch you after the briefing;〃 the chancellor continued; joining us。 〃Do you mind if I watch with you? '1 know you'll be eager to start off on your campaign; but there are certain matters we must discuss before you leave。〃
 〃Like our wages;〃 Aahz supplied firmly。
 Grimble's smile froze。
 〃Oh! Yes; of course。 First; however; there are other things to deal with。 I trust the general supplied you with the necessary information for your mission。〃
 〃Down to the last gruesome detail;〃 I confirmed。
 〃Good; good;〃 the chancellor chortled; his enthusiasm undimmed by my sarcasm。 〃I have every confidence you'll be able to deal with the riffraff from the North。 I'll have you know you were my personal choice even before the interviews。 In fact; I was the one responsible for sending you the invitation in the first place。〃
 〃We'll remember that;〃 Aahz smiled; his eyes …narrowing 'dangerously。
 A thought occurred to me。
 〃Say 。 。 。 um; Lord Chancellor;〃 I 'said casually; 〃how did you happen to hear of us in the first place?〃
 〃Why do you ask?〃 Grimble countered。
 〃No special reason;〃 I assured him。 〃But as the interview proved so fruitful; I would like to send a token of my gratitude to that person who spoke so highly of me to you。〃
 It was a pretty flimsy story; but the chancellor seemed to accept it。
 〃Well 。 。 。 um; actually it was a wench;〃 he admitted。 〃Rather ely; but I don't recall her name just offhand。 She may have dyed her hair since you met her。 It was green at the time we 。 。 。 er 。 。 。 met。 Do you know her?〃
 Indeed I did。 There was only one woman who knew of Aahz and me; much less our whereabouts。 Then again; there was only one woman I knew who fit the description of being voluptuous with green hair。 Tanda!
 I opened my mouth to acknowledge my recognition; when Aahz dug a warning elbow into my rib。
 〃Glah!〃 I said intelligently。
 〃How's that again?〃 Grimble inquired。
 〃I 。 。 。 um; I can't place the person; just offhand;〃 I lied。 〃But you know how absentminded we magicians are。〃
 〃Of course;〃 the chancellor smiled; for some reason relieved。
 〃Now that that's settled;〃 Aahz interrupted; 〃I believe you mentioned something about our wages。〃
 Grimble scowled for a moment; then broke into a good…natured grin。
 〃I can see why Master Skeeve leaves his business dealings to you; Aahz;〃 he conceded。
 〃Flattery's nice;〃 Aahz observed; 〃but you can't spend it。 The subject was our wages。〃
 〃You must realize we are a

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