八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > p&c.thunderhead >



小说: p&c.thunderhead 字数: 每页4000字

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 Something in Beiyoodzin's expression stopped her from continuing。 〃The man who watched your horses;〃 he said。 〃He is dead。〃 
 〃Dead? Oh no; no; not Roscoe 。 。 。〃 She turned her head away。 
 〃I found his body by the river。 The skinwalkers got him。 Now we must go。〃 
 He freed himself and began to turn away; gesturing for her to follow。 But she put a restraining hand on his arm。 
 〃I killed one of them up in the city;〃 she said。 〃But there's another one。 He's wounded; but I think he's still alive。〃 
 Beiyoodzin nodded。 〃I know;〃 he said simply。 〃That is why we must leave at once。〃 
 〃But how?〃 
 〃I know a secret trail。 The one the skinwalkers themselves use to get in and out of the valley。 It is extremely difficult。 But we must get you and your friend away from this place。〃 
 Beiyoodzin began moving rapidly and noiselessly through the dappled shadows; out of camp and back toward the overhanging cliff face。 Using the darkness of the rock wall for cover; they made their way past the rockfall to the far end of the canyon; where the swollen river tumbled into the narrower slot canyon; disappearing in a violent waterfall。 The sound of water was much louder here; and the entire mouth of the canyon was covered in the usual pall of mist。 Without pausing; Beiyoodzin stepped through the curtain of spray and disappeared。 Hesitating just a moment; Nora followed。 
 She found herself on a small; sloping ledge of rock。 The trail; chiseled into the rock; started directly behind the curtain of spray and went down; a few feet above the roaring cataract。 Here in the narrow canyon; the reflected moonlight was dim; and Nora moved across the slippery; moss…covered rock with care。 A false step; she knew; would send her over the edge: into the rushing waters; the narrow labyrinth of stone; and certain death。 
 After a few moments; the trail flattened out onto a ledge。 Billows of cold mist rose from the tumbling water; encircling her like a cloak。 Here; the constant presence of moisture had created a bizarre microclimate of mosses; hanging flowers; and dense greenery。 Moving to one side; Beiyoodzin parted a veil of lush ferns; and in the gloom beyond Nora could just make out Smithback; sitting; arms clasped around himself; waiting。 
 〃Bill!〃 she cried; as he rose in astonishment; joy sweeping over his face。 
 〃Oh my God;〃 he said。 〃Nora。 I thought you were dead。〃 Embracing her weakly; he kissed her; then kissed her again。 
 〃How are you?〃 she asked; touching the ugly welt on the side of his forehead。 
 〃I ought to thank Sloane。 That sleep did me wonders。〃 But his weak voice; and the ragged cough that followed; belied his words。 〃Where is she? Where are the others?〃 
 〃We must keep moving;〃 Beiyoodzin said urgently。 
 He pointed ahead; and Nora followed his gesture。 She could make out the dim narrow trail leading upward along the canyon face; zigzagging through the clefts and pinnacles of rock; squirreling up crevasses。 In the pale light of the moon; it looked terrifying: an insubstantial; spectral path; intended for ghosts; not humans。 
 〃I'll go first;〃 whispered Beiyoodzin to Nora。 〃Then Bill。 And then you。〃 
 He looked at her for a moment; searchingly。 Then he turned and began to climb; keeping his weight toward the wall of the canyon; moving up the slope with surprising nimbleness for one so old。 Smithback grasped a handhold; and; trembling; pulled himself up behind。 Nora followed。 
 They made their way slowly and painfully up the precipitous trail; careful to avoid the slippery moss and algae that clung to the ledges underfoot。 The roar of the waterfall echoed up from below; a heavy vibration that churned the air。 Nora could see that Smithback was barely able to pull himself up; each step required all his strength。 
 Terrifying minutes later; they were out of the microclimate。 The slot canyon was narrowing; and the resulting loss of moonlight made progress even more difficult。 Some distance ahead; at the limit of vision; Nora could see the trail make a sharp switchback and disappear around a corner。 At the bend; a small parapet of rock led out over the roaring cataract below。 
 〃How are you doing?〃 she asked Smithback。 
 He didn't answer at first。 Then he gasped; coughed; and gave a thumbs up。 
 Suddenly; Beiyoodzin stopped short; raising a warning hand over his shoulder。 
 〃What is it?〃 Nora asked as she stopped; renewed fear sending her heart hammering。 
 Then she; too; caught the sweet scent of morning glories on the freshening breeze。 Wordlessly; she looked at Beiyoodzin。 
 〃What is it?〃 Smithback said。 
 〃He's following us up the trail;〃 Beiyoodzin said。 The years suddenly seemed to show on his drawn face。 Without another word; he resumed his climb。 
 They followed him as quickly as they could up the precipitous cliff face。 Nora bit her lip against the pain of her wounded leg。 〃Faster;〃 Beiyoodzin urged。 
 〃He can't go any…〃 Nora began。 Then she stopped short。 
 Ahead of them; at the sharp bend in the trail; a shape had appeared: a clot of black against the dimly shining rockface。 The heavy pelt steamed; and the fringe of fur along its bottom edge was caked in blood。 It took a shambling step toward them; then stopped。 Sick with fear and horror; Nora could hear the rasping breath being sucked in through the blood…soaked mask。 Through the dimness; she thought she could make out red pinpricks of eyes; glowing with anger; pain; and malice。 
 Unexpectedly; Beiyoodzin moved forward。 Reaching the outcropping of rock before the switchback; he stepped out onto it carefully。 The skinwalker watched him; motionless。 Digging into his clothing; Beiyoodzin drew out his medicine bag; tugged it open; and reached inside。 Never taking his eyes from the skinwalker; he sprinkled a small; almost invisible; line of pollen and cornmeal onto the narrow ledge between them; chanting softly。 
 As Nora watched in silent dread; the skinwalker took a step forward; toward the line of pollen。 Beiyoodzin spoke a word: 〃Kishlinchi。〃 
 The skinwalker stopped; listening。 Beiyoodzin shook his head in sorrow。 〃Please; no more;〃 he said。 〃Let it end here。〃 
 Still the skinwalker waited。 Now; Beiyoodzin held an eagle feather outstretched before him。 〃You think evil has made you strong。 But instead it has made you weak。 Weak and ugly。 Evil is the very absence of strength。 I am asking you to be strong now; and end all this。 This is the only way to save your life; because evil always burns itself up in the end。〃 
 With a growl of anger; the skinwalker unsheathed an obsidian knife。 It took a step forward; breaking the line of pollen; and raised the knife; standing within striking distance of Beiyoodzin's heart。 
 〃If you will not e back with me; then I beg you to stay here; in this place;〃 Beiyoodzin said quickly; his voice cracking。 〃If evil is your choice; then stay with evil。 Take the city; if you must。〃 He nodded in Nora's direction。 〃Take these outsiders; if nothing else will satisfy your blood lust。 But leave the people; leave the village; alone。〃 
 〃What are you saying?〃 Smithback cried in outraged surprise。 But neither the skinwalker nor Beiyoodzin seemed to hear。 Now; the old man reached deeper into his clothes and pulled out another buckskin bag: much older; worn almost to a paper thinness; its edges trimmed in silver and turquoise。 Nora stared from Beiyoodzin to the medicine bag and back again; feelings of anger; fear; and betrayal mixing within her。 Stealthily; she placed a hand on Smithback's elbow; urging him to move slowly back down the trail; away from the confrontation。 
 〃You know what this is;〃 Beiyoodzin said。 〃This bag holds the Mirage Stone of the Fathers。 The most treasured artifact of the Nankoweap People。 Once; you treasured it; too。 I offer it to you as earnest of my promise。 Stay here; trouble our village no more。〃 
 Slowly; reverently; he opened the bag; then held it forward; his outstretched hands trembling; whether from fear or age Nora could not tell。 
 The skinwalker hesitated。 
 〃Take it;〃 Beiyoodzin whispered。 The matted figure moved forward and reached for it; leaning outward。 
 Suddenly; with lightning speed; Beiyoodzin thrust the open bag toward the skinwalker。 
 A heavy cloud of dust erupted from within; flying up into the figure's mask; spraying in long gray lines across the bloody pelt。 The skinwalker roared in surprise and outrage; twisting around; tugging violently at the mask; growing more and more off balance。 With the agility of a cat; Beiyoodzin leaped from the outcropping of rock back onto the trail。 The skinwalker kicked frantically; teetering a moment at the edge of the precipice。 Then it went over with a howl of fury。 Nora watched the plunge into the violet; moon…drenched shadows: matted pelt flapping crazily; limbs scrabbling at the air; mask pulling free as the blood…curdling cry meshed with the roar of the flood beneath。 And then; suddenly; it was gone。 
 There was a moment of stasis。 Beiyoodzin looked at Nora and Smithback; and nodded grimly。 
 Painfully; Nora helped Smithback up the trail toward Beiyoodzin。 He stood at the switchback; looking down into the abyss。 
 〃I'm sorry to have scared you like that;〃 he said quietly; 〃but sometimes; the only defense left us is to play the coyote; the trickster。〃 
 Still looking downward; he reached out and took Nora's hand in his。 The old man's grasp was as cool; light; and dry as a leaf。 
 〃And so much death;〃 he murmured。 〃So much death。 But at least the evil has burned itself out。〃 
 Then he looked up at her; and Nora saw kindness and passion; as well as an infinite sadness; in his eyes。 
 For a moment; there was silence between them。 Then Beiyoodzin spoke。 
 〃When you are ready;〃 he said; in a small; clear voice; 〃let me take you to your father。〃 
 Moving at a steady; easy pace; the four riders made their way up the canyon known as Raingod Gulch。 John Beiyoodzin; atop a magnificent buckskin; led the way。 Nora Kelly followed; riding abreast of her brother; Skip。 The massive form of Teddy Bear padded alongside; his back almost grazing the bellies of the horses as he weaved in and out beneath them。 Bill Smithback brought up the rear; his unruly hair imprisoned beneath a suede cowboy hat。 T

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